《Trolls: Trollstopia The Adventures of Season 1》The Buddy System
You can do it solo
But then you'll be all by yourself
Yo! So it be more fun to share this with someone else
Together we will soar across the sky and beyond
So tune up your voice
Stand up and sing along
All different voices
Our melody's ringing
We're living in harmony
Yeah we're living in harmony
Our song is much stronger with every troll singing
We're Living in Harmony
Ruby's POV
Today is the first day of Trollstopia and Poppy has an idea. So right now me, Poppy, Branch, the girls, and the leaders are in front the citizens of Trollstopia ready to get started.
"Friends. Welcome to the very first day of Trollstopia" Poppy said pointed up at the sky and fireworks lit up the air and everyone was cheering.
"Branch, Poppy and I have found a way to match you newcomers with a Pop troll buddy" I explain to them.
"We call it The Buddy System. So grab a name from the pinata to get your assigned buddy" Branch said.
He looked up and said "Fuzzbert".
Soon Fuzzbert hit the pinata with a stick and the pinata explodes then everyone grabs a name to get their buddies. I then ran up to grab a random name and I get someone named Minuet Sonata.
Soon a yellow classical troll with light green hair comes up to me and I ask "Are you Minuet Sonata". She nods her head and says "Protector Ruby it is an honor to be your buddy" and she smiles. "It's nice to meet you too Minuet but just call me Ruby" I said.
"Of course Ruby" Minuet said with a smile. Soon Amber and Becky ran up to me while holding their papers.
"Ruby Guess What. I got partner up with Dante and Cooper" Amber says with excitement. "And I got partner up with Biggie and Val this should be kind of interesting for me" Becky says with a small smile and a shrug. I smirked at her and said "Are you upset you didn't get partner up with Lownote Jones~".
Becky looked at me shocked while her face turned red a little and she says "That's crazy w-why would I be upset". I just gave her a cocky smile and said "Just because". I then laugh along with Amber and decided to tease her as well. "What about you Amber are you upset you didn't get partner up with Synth as well" I said to her with a smug look on my face.
Now it was Amber's turn to turn red and Becky and I just laughed so hard.
"I heard the leaders got their own buddies too" I said. "Oh, yeah Delta Dawn got Queen Essence, Trollsart and King Quincy, and Trollex got partners with Barb" Becky said.
"Do you think Trollex going to be fine after the whole incident happened" Amber asked me worried. I smiled at her and I said "I'm sure they're going to be fine besides I managed to convince Trollex to give Barb a chance". Then I added "How about we just go to our buddies and get better acquainted".
"You don't have to tell me twice" Amber said and ran off so did Becky. I turned around and looked at Minuet and said "Well this will be interesting".
"Indeed" Minuet nods in agreement.
Night time 3rd POV
It was night time and Minuet and Ruby were by a small campfire she created and are roasting marshmallows along with Amber and Becky and the leaders. They were all just chatting and laughing until we hear running they look up to see Poppy and Branch running towards them.
"Oh thank goodness you girls and the leaders stayed together" Poppy said sigh of relief. Ruby looked confused and said "What are you talking about? Aren't the buddies together?".
She shook her head while panicking.
"Why aren't they together with their buddies?" Ruby, Minuet, Amber and Becky said in unsion. They looked at each other's surprise and then Amber shouted before us "JINX!".
"Aw, come on!" Becky sigh of defeat and throwing her hands in the air and cause some of the leaders to chuckle or laugh. Then Poppy looked serious and shouted to everyone "Ok. We gotta to talk everyone huddle up".
At the big mushroom
"Guys what happened the whole point of Trollstopia is that the tribes to live together remember" Poppy says to the buddies. "Well, we tried that Poppy but uh fact is we're all pretty darn different" Holly said. "Yes. Very different" Biggie said while nervously looking at Val causing Becky to cringe a little.
Earlier in Biggie's pod
Biggie is putting Mr. Dinkles in a baby crib while Becky was standing next to him. "Ready for your naptime lullaby Mr. Dinkles" Biggie says and starts singing.
🎶Twinkle twinkle glitter star🎶
Then a feedback comes and Val started singing and playing her guitar with two loud speakers.
~How I wonder what you are~
Then she send Mr. Dinkles and Biggie to crash into a wall while screaming and Becky covered her ears and stand her ground. Then Val casually says "Sweet dreams" and Becky looks at her and and says nothing while sweating nervously.
Earlier with Dante, Amber and Copper
Dante was playing with the violin while Amber watching with awe and impressed. When he was done Amber clapped said "That Was Amazing".
Dante smile and was about to say something then Cooper came in and held out two cupcakes.
"Cupcake roomies?" Cooper asked them. Dante smiled and says "Ah thank you".
"Thanks for the cupcake Cooper" Amber said while taking a bite of the cherry on top. "Anytime" Cooper says and then he pooped out of cupcake.
Dante drops the cupcakes and then dramatically gasps while Amber looks at Cooper with a sweatdrop.
Back to reality
"We all agree that new friends don't make the easiest roommates [ ]" Lownote says.
"Yeah so we went back to spending time with our old friends where we're all more comfortable" Smidge says.
Everyone nods in agreement.
"No you can't give up to that easily you barely gave yourself a chance to bond... and maybe I can help with that" Poppy said coming with an idea.
The next day
"With Friend-fall!" Poppy shouted and she and Minuet jumps off the tall mushroom while Amber and Becky stayed up top. Everyone gasp but luckily Branch used his hair as a landing pad and catched Poppy landed safely on the ground while Ruby catches Minuet. Poppy and Branch hugged and says "Bonding!".
"Who wants to try?" Poppy ask the group seeing who will go first.
"Are you ready to catch the glory that is Guy diamond" Guy diamond says.
"Bro you shine like a glow stick I could stare at you for hours" Synth said getting ready to catch him. Then Guy diamond fall while saying "Guy diamond~". Unfortunately a glowing butterfly went past Synth's face and looked at it while walking away saying "Bro you shine like a glow stick I could stare at you for hours".
Guy diamond then fell flat on his back. "Guy are you ok" Amber shouts getting to close to the edge. "Amber move back now!" Ruby shouted worried. Before Amber can question her foot slipped off the mushroom and Amber fell and screamed and everyone gasped in fear.
Amber thought she was going to hit the ground when suddenly a pair of arms caught her she opened her eyes and blushed a little to realize Synth caught her in time. "You alright Amber?" Synth asked with hint of worry.
"Yeah I'm fine thank you for catching me" Amber said with a smile. Synth blushed a little and says "Y-your welcome". They didn't know was that Trollex and Ruby shared a look while smirking knowing that Amber and Synth both got a crush on each other.
"Whatever I do stage dives higher than this with my band" Val says and then she jumps off while shouting "Rock and Roll Forever!".
Biggie successfully catches her and she does a flip and lands perfectly on the ground. "Ooh~" everyone said.
"Okay, Becky your turn" Poppy shouts.
Becky looks down takes a deep breath and then shouts "Music for Life" and jumps down. Biggie also catches her and she did an impressive flip that surprised everyone even Amber, Ruby and Lownote Jones.
Then she landed safely on the ground without a sweat and everyone looked at her surprise clapping and cheering while being impressed. Suddenly someone shouts "Incoming" then saw three Rock trolls jump down as well.
"Who are they?" Biggie and the girls asked at the same time. "My band" Val says. Then Biggie screams and they fell on him causing Becky, Ruby and Amber to cringe a little.
"Okay Dante all you have to do is trust Cooper can you do that" Poppy asked.
"Can I? It shall be a trusting for the ages". Dante and then he flies doing a flip and starts falling. Everyone gasp exciting thinking it will work out just fine. "Yes!" Poppy and Ruby said at the same time. He still falls then open his eyes and freaked out and stops falling and flys. "This is terrifying. Draw the curtains. I'm done" Dante said and flies off. "That's probably for the best I was not paying attention when you were explaining this exercise" Cooper admitted. He laughs and walks up while saying "I'm free willing it". Minuet and Ruby shared a look and then asked "Uh, want to head to my place so we can do some activities".
"Please do" Minuet said as they both started heading to Ruby's place.
Minuet and I have been doing many fun activities like arts and crafts, singing, and even scrapbooking.
"Minuet you said you play the violin, right?" I asked out of curiosity. "Yes. Of course why do you ask?" Minuet says. "I play the violin myself too" I said.
She looked at me surprised and asked "May I see your violin please Ruby?".
I smiled looked at her and said "Yeah let me just go get it" then I got up went to my room and grabbed my case and went back downstairs. I sat down and open my case and minuet was astonished by my violin.
( )
"It looks beautiful and different" Minuet said in awe and surprised.
Then she looked at and asked "Will you play a song on it". I thought for a moment and said "Yeah I think I have a song in mind". I closed my eyes took a deep breath and started playing a song I heard a long ago from my grandma.
After I was done playing I heard clapping and I turn to see Minuet clapping cheerfully. "It was beautiful and magnificent!" Minuet praised at me. I chuckled a little and said "Thanks my mom taught me how to play well my grandma taught me the songs".
"So we continue our activities, then?" I asked her. Before she can reply we heard knocking at the door and I went to go open it and saw it was Rufus the farmer troll. "Protector Ruby come quick!" Rufus exclaimed. That gets me worried and concerned then asked "Rufus is something wrong what's going on?".
"No. Something amazing will happen the puppy parade is coming. Hurry if you don't want to miss it and the other leaders are already there" Rufus says while laughing and running off.
I gasped excitedly and looked at Minuet and then we both squeal in excitement. "A PUPPY PARADE!" we both exclaim and headed towards the village to see it not before I grabbed my camera to record the whole thing.
Me and Amber and the buddies headed towards the big mushroom because Poppy called us over. While Poppy was talking I leaned over and whisper to Amber saying "What do you think she's going to show us?".
"Not a clue" Amber said. "Come on just a little closer" Poppy said. There was something small on the scrapbook but I couldn't tell what it was until Smidge reads it out loud.
"If you can read this you're safely in the trap zone."
"Now Branch!" Poppy said. Branch pulled out a small remote control pressed a button everything went dark for a few seconds until we saw a small light and heard Poppy's voice.
"Welcome to the friend forum... A place where you'll finally bond with your buddies" Poppy says serious and then happily. Soon I zoned out for a little bit and what brought me back to my reality was the sound of a buzzard. It caused me to jump back a little and Amber looked at me while snickering and I rolled my eyes.
"Ah an angry buzzard the sound of true friendship" Cooper said. "Sorry about this guys I had to be sure you wouldn't quit this time but trust me this place is full of fun bonding activities" Poppy told us. "Branch" Poppy looked at him and he pulled out the same remote control push the button and then the lights came on a disco ball with confetti and a bunch of games came out. Soon I find myself at a table with Amber, the twins, Smidge, Lownote Jones and Holly darling and we're playing cards.
I am going to admit maybe the friend forum isn't as bad as I thought and I was really excited to play cards it was my favorite game from childhood and Amber and Ruby were the ones to play cards with me all the time other than my parents and my siblings.
All of a sudden I hear someone shouted "Poppy!".
I turn around to see Poppy talking to a Pop troll through a small eye door ( ) I think his name was Rufus the farm troll.
What caught my attention was what he said next "The Puppy Parade it's begun and it's even cuter than we thought" then he laughed and closed the door.
"Did he just say Puppy parade" Smidge said getting scarily excited.
I looked at Poppy and she looks like she's freaking out about something Amber and I shared a look and got up and quickly went to Poppy to see what was going on.
"Uh, what's going on?" Branch asked.
"Poppy is there a problem what's happening?" Amber asked too. "You know how much more excited I said trolls get out at a Puppy parade" Poppy says and I'm starting to think I understand why she's freaking out.
"10 times more. So?" Branch said not getting the point. "What do you think will happen when they're stuck somewhere and can't get to that Puppy parade" Poppy said explaining what's going to happen. Branch gasped and said "We're doomed".
Everyone started getting excited and running around and cheering. Smidge and Lownote try to open the door but they fail and they fell to the ground and I ran to them to see if they were okay. "Woah! Woah! Stay calm guys!" Poppy says.
"There's no time for calm come on Synth let's show this door who's buds" Guy diamond said and he and Synth tried to open the door by combining their hairs together. Unfortunately they both passed out to the ground Amber's eyes widen and shouted "Guy! Synth!!". Then she ran over to them and gently put Synth's head on her lap to see if he was okay and looked at him worried.
Normally I would smirk at her and giggle right now but now isn't the time right now since we're in a situation. Poppy still tried to calm them down "Please this isn't helping".
"Poppy's right y'all forget unlocking it" Holly said getting ready to charge like a raging bull seeing a red flag.
What shock was that she was heading towards the door with us in the way everyone else moved out of the way but I was still in the way just couldn't move a muscle.
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