《Breaking Hermione》Awful Things
A/N: this chappie is dedicated to the readers who didn't give up on this story even when I was too depressed to update. I LOVE YOU ALL. THANK U
Ferte in noctem animam meam
Illustre stellae viam meam
Aspectu illo glorior
Dum capit nox diem
Carry my soul into the night
May the stars guide my way
I glory in the sight
As darkness takes the day
Nicolas Hooper (HP7 OST)
- - - - - - - - - - -
You like attention, I find it obvious
She makes it obvious for me
She feels the tension
It's just the two of us, it's just the two of us tonight
Burn me down 'til I'm nothin' but memories
I get it, girl (I get it, girl)
I get it, girl
Burn me down 'til I'm nothin' but memories
I get it, girl (I get it, girl)
I'm not the one
Lil Peep Come Over When You're Sober, Pt. 1
I stood on the staircase looking down at Hermione and my sister feeling completely alone in the world. No one else except us three were in the common room, it was a wonder no teachers had come for us yet as we were all supposed to be in class.
My entire body was hurting. The pain was as if I got hit by a truck, it especially hurt to walk. I took the steps one by one, almost making it down to the common room door when suddenly both Hermione and Jade appeared beside me.
"Where the hell do you think you're going?"
Jade shouted in obvious distress.
"I'm going back to the hospital wing." I said rolling my eyes, it was ridiculous to even be asked this stupid question. I opened both my arms as a gesture to myself, wincing at the pain. "Look at me. Do I look well to you?"
Jade flinched, Hermione just looked sad. "We think taking you to Dumbledore is the better option here."
"Are you fucking serious." I snapped. "I understand that Dumbledore is some wise old wizard and all but he isn't Madam Pomfrey. Don't you get it? I'm in agony, here."
"Well.... Okay. Fine." She said. "You can go to the Hospital Wing, and I'll go with you. We can find Dumbledore later."
By the look on her face, I didn't have a choice. I gripped the door handle so hard my knuckles turned white. Jade looked confused for a second.
"You've got your classes. You go to them," Hermione said, her face softening a little, "And I'll take care of your sister. She'll be fine with me."
"No." I said. For some reason just the idea of it all sounded wrong in my head. "You both should go to class. I'll go by myself."
I walked out the common room door, the others came with me so we were all just standing together. Can't they just get out of the way?
I pushed past them only going about 4 steps before they'd dashed in front of me.
"Look, I'll be fine you guys." I told them, it was an effort to keep my voice level and to not shout. They were trying to help me but I was just getting extremely pissed off instead.
"We can't just let you go by yourself, what if Tom is waiting out there for you?-" Jade had the sort of wild expression one whose midlife crisis had just come, I struggled to compose myself.
"I don't need the two of you babysitting me all day, alright?" I snapped. "I know you mean well. But I can take care of myself. And Tom?" I laughed derisively. "He's not the problem here."
We were in the hallway. It was filled with hundreds of students making their way to their next class, the odd person glancing at us making a scene.
"I'll go with you Jade, and skip my next class. It really doesn't matter." But even as she was talking I noticed Hermione looked torn.
"Look, we can't stay here forever discussing this," Jade said reasonably. "How about we both just-"
"No." Someone interrupted. We all turned to the voice.
A short blond haired girl with pigtails burst out from between the sea of people, "I've been told by Professor Dumbledore you two girls are not to get involved." Several people in the hall stared at us for a brief moment, either at the bold mention of Dumbledore or just our frozen faces making us look in a trance. Ora Plum. The stupid Hufflepuff bitch.
"What?" Jade just stared at Ora like she'd grown two heads. "Why were you sent ? Out of all people, Dumbledore chose you? And what do you mean by "Us two aren't supposed to get involved?" " She exploded. "And what the hell did Dumbledore mean by that?! What else did he say?"
Ora seemed upset but I had to give her credit, she stood her ground.
"Look, I don't know why Dumbledore told me. But I just had to pass the message on."
"Hang on- Dumbledore knows what happened?!" Interrupted Hermione. She moved over to speak to Jade and Ora, their words suddenly becoming lost amongst hundreds of other students so I didn't have a slight hope catching onto what was said.
I let my eyes drift as the girls were speaking to each other. Occasionally one of them would throw a brief glance my way to make sure I was still there, but they were mainly too distracted about prodding Ora about every tiny detail Dumbledore had said to notice how I slipped into the crowd.
I managed to get halfway up the hall before I heard their voices. "Shalini?" Jade's voice cracked like a whip over the din. "SHALINI!"
I kept my head down, focusing on the Hospital wing and my own ragged breathing.
"Just keep going forward." I told myself. "You're nearly there." But I wasn't nearly there. My entire body was holding me back, my legs were hurting more than ever and my head was pounding like I had a migraine. Several people were already shoving me back and forth. It was only a matter of time before the girls found me again.
"There you are." A cold hand wrapped around my wrist and my body was tugged towards someone - a tall and brooding Tom Riddle, who was apparently walking up the hall to his next class with several of his pretty boy mates.
"Let me go Tom." I stammered, pulling back, "Let me go or-"
"Well she's quite a catch." One of the taller boys interrupted. I shot a furtive sideways glance to see Xavier Malfoy keeping pace beside us look me up and down. His silver eyes were shining bright almost predatorily and I found myself thinking of another pair of eyes I had recently seen like that which were worse. But whose were they?
"You're hot. What's your name?" He touched a stray piece of my hair as we walked and I found myself stepping closer to Tom. Wait - what was I doing?
"I know she's hot. But don't touch her, she's mine." Tom said lowly. Xavier backed off at once, still keeping close to me.
The thing with Tom was he was very hard to read, his carefully careless expression showed no hidden agenda, but his hand that enclosed firmly around my own was controlling.
"I've been waiting ever so patiently for you to evade your pathetic Dumbledore worshipping friends." He said, and as he looked down at me his black eyes flashed at the same time a sharp pain instantly went through my head like the flare of a lost memory.
"T-they're not pathetic." I said, struggling to keep pace. Malfoy and Riddle both took me beneath each arm, I was lifted off my feet sort of half held half dragged - apparently I was walking far slower than the average human. There were so many people in the hallway no one noticed, except Riddle's other tall guy mates who drew together like security guards around us.
"You're wrong." Riddle told me, holding me up with ridiculous ease. "I think they are extremely pathetic, don't you?"
At the word you that same pain flared inside my head. Tom was right. The girls were pathetic. What was I even doing wasting my time hanging around them? I blinked twice. "Yeah you're right. They are stupid. I shouldn't hang out with them." I found myself saying.
"Good girl." Tom said. The hallway was loud but his velveteen voice was the only voice that I could hear. "Shalini, when we go into class I want you to sit next to me and my friends." He said clearly. "And don't say a word to those disgusting little whores Jade and Hermione. Can you do that for me?"
We'd taken a detour to another hallway with far fewer people, the rest of Tom's friends left leaving just Tom, Xavier and me. I felt all the aid leave my lungs as they shoved me against one of the castle walls, looming above my tiny form.
"Well, can you do that for us, sweetie?" Xavier smirked down at me like it was all some kind of joke, while his hand reached back up to caress my cheek, and lower.... and-
"Y-yes." I said jerkily. "Yes I can sit with you."
"Perfect." Tom released me, I would've fallen to the ground if Xavier wasn't holding my arm.
"Come, we had better get to class before Binns throws a fit. Malfoy, leave her to me."
Slightly disappointed, Malfoy released me, Tom took me by the arm again and dragged me into class. Every eye suddenly looked up, Professor Binns looked grim.
"Riddle. Black. You are late!"
Several people looked up mainly in confusion at how Riddle was manhandling me, but the rest of the class didn't seem to find anything out of the ordinary.
Xavier stepped out from behind us, going to sit at the empty table in the far corner.
"Shalini. SHALINI!" Jade and Hermione stood, causing several people to jump.
"Sit down everyone." Barked Binns. "Honestly, you were concentrating so well before...Especially you Hermione...."
Hermione sat down looking slightly guilty but Jade remained standing.
"Tom get your hands off her." She spoke and her voice didn't shake.
"I don't think it's up to you to tell me what I can and cannot do."
Tom might have just yelled at Jade from across the room, his quiet voice ringing with all forms of danger.
"Didn't you learn from last time?"
"Ok, ok." Professor Binns floated in front of the two of us, seeming to sense the disaster that was about to happen and staring pointedly at the way Riddle was holding my arm. Tom stared at him in disgust, like this was the first time he'd seen a ghost in was the most hideous thing he'd ever seen before.
"Jade has got a point! Tom you are to remove your hands from your fellow student this very instant!"
Tom's grip left me slowly, when Professor Binns turned away he just grabbed my hand again, flashing a sadistic smile at Jade and Hermione who were now back in their seats with the most hopeless expressions on their faces.
"Shalini!" They motioned me over to them. "Sit with us! Shalini."
Tom turned to look at me, his eyes just daring me to disobey. Well, I didn't feel slightly motivated to sit next to anyone else anyway. I walked over with Tom to the far side of the packed classroom making sure to avoid eye contact with everyone and sat timidly in the seat beside him. It was weird realising that I always used to sit beside him in all of the classes we shared together, but now it so much was different.
"Did you bring your bag?" Tom asked, with the sort of tone one used talking down to a child. "You know you can't actually do the questions on the board without a book, right?"
I swallowed, looking up to see everyone on our table including Xavier staring at me like I was an idiot. "Right. I guess I just had some other things on my mind."
"Well, that's ok. We have all of our classes together today after all." Tom said, tearing a spare piece of parchment from his book and placing it in front of me. "Write down all the questions on the board and answer them to your best ability." From out of his bag, he gave me a spare quill and dipped it once into the ink in front of him with one long fingered hand. "Do you think you can do that for me?"
He held out the quill, and I, with the sudden sharp realisation that I didn't have a choice, took it at once.
"Yes." I said.
The rest of the class was talking again, their voices disguising our little conversation.
"Yes what."
Underneath the table Tom's cold hand crept up my knee.
"Yes, my Lord."
"What the fuck should we do?" Jade's huge dark eyes were filled with fear, far too much fear for one stuck in a boring History of Magic lesson.
"Hermione? You're the brains around here, what should we do?" I looked back at her, focusing on being calm for the both of us.
Dumbledore. Find Dumbledore.
"Tom's done something to her. Did you see the way she was just staring right through us? She looks like she's in a fucking trance, like she's got some kinda curse over which we don't even know-"
"Yeah." I said vacantly, trying to piece together in my head what was going on. "You stay here with your sister, I'm going to find Dumbledore."
My voice sounded more reassured than I felt, and after using a pathetic excuse it was to my great surprise that Professor Binns actually let me out of class, leaving me standing alone in the empty hall.
I started walking down two corridors before I stopped, I didn't actually know where the hell Dumbledore was- where was I even walking to?
"Ok Hermione." I muttered to myself. "Dumbledore will help you. You've got to find Dumbledore."
"YOUVE GOT TO FIND DUNDERBORE!" Yelled Peeves from above me, I nearly jumped out of my skin. "DUMBLY DOOR, THE DUNDER BORE ! A STUDENT NEEDS OLD DUMBY!"
"Damn it, Peeves!" I yelled.
Peeves cackled from above me, zooming above my head and around the corner.
"You stupid ghost!" I yelled. "That's no way to speak about a Headmaster!" I slammed a hand to my mouth, and Peeves, shooting past me again, cackled delightedly.
"Foolish girl thinks Old Dummy Bore is a headmaster! What a crackpot old loony! You're almost as bad as he is, stupid girl. Clearly looks aren't everything. DUMBLEDORE THE- oh, good day, Professor."
I froze, heart pounding.
"That is quite enough out of you, Peeves." Came the very resigned voice of Dumbledore from behind a corner. "You know you're not supposed to yell during class hours."
"I wasn't the one doing most of the yelling there, Professor. I do think your hearing is going. Might I suggest you continue down this corridor and see for yourself the real menace !"
"Professor Dumbledore." Suddenly finding my voice I called out, and surely enough the kindly yet haggard face of tall Professor Dumbledore appeared from around the corner.
"Hermione." He didn't sound surprised at all. "I was expecting you."
"Tea? I myself am quite partial to herbal tea in times such as these. I found these particular ones at a Muggle supermarket, and I have to admit they do quite the trick."
"I- well, since you offered- thank you, Headm- I mean, Professor."
Dumbledore, seeming oblivious to my error, apparated a decent sized tea cup and, after adding a tea bag poured steaming hot water into it.
"Berry Delightful" He read from the tea tag, chuckling lightly, "How pleasant are Muggles, not only labouring to create this blend but to also taking the time to add a little of their own magic to it themselves."
I smiled slightly. After seeing Dumbledore in the hallway I burst into anxious tears and it was with extreme kindness Dumbledore lead me away from the cackling Peeves to his office two floors up not only offering me a comfortable seat but fudge brownie and fruit tea.
"I won't bother asking why it is you are here of course, because I am already under the impression that I know exactly."
Lifting his own tea cup, he took a sip, his light blue eyes sort of x-raying me and leaving me without a shadow of a doubt he was correct.
"So you do know, then.... But did you see the way Shalini looks, Headmaster?" I swallowed, placing the tea cup down with shaking hands.
"She looks like she's been attacked, or put under a curse, or both. How can I defeat Tom Riddle if he's knocking off all of my friends? It seems impossible." I realised I had just called Shalini a friend, and that this was my first time saying it out loud. "This is impossible. Everything is impossible, because Tom Riddle isn't only evil but absolutely crazy."
"Nothing is impossible,"
I looked up to see Dumbledore gazing quite steadily towards me, his long hands clasped in that characteristically thoughtful gesture he was known for.
"Although I myself wasn't a witness to whatever ghastly event occurred in the Hospital Wing that sorrowful day, I am still a Professor of Magic at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," He said, turning in his seat and lifting up something in his hands. A Time Turner.
"And because I am under an oath as a teacher to place myself and my talents at this schools disposal, I now give this to you." He reached out and placed it before me.
"I-I'm confused Professor." My hands clasped the Time Turner around my neck. "I already have a Time Turner. What does this have to do with anything? Why do I need yours?"
"My dear child," Dumbledore said patiently. "Am I correct in saying you know what this is?"
From beneath his desk Dumbledore extracted something like a small glass spinning top which was whirring and whistling, and placed it before me.
"Yes, it's a Sneakoscope." I said distractedly. "And it must be wrong because-"
"Sneakoscopes are never wrong. And not only that, but until you walked into this very office did it start alerting me to traces of dark magic."
Dumbledore's sharp gaze wasn't set on me but fixed on the Time Turner around my neck. "I myself have studied Timelore in the Department of Mysteries, and I believe I am certain there is a curse on your Time Turner. Have you left it somewhere unattended? Has it been around your neck this entire time?"
"I- lost it once. Briefly. And I found Tom Riddle with it in the Common Room." I stammered, realisation crashing down around me.
Dumbledore nodded. "Well that explains it. Hand it to me then, I am more than capable of dealing to the curse Riddle placed on it. For now, since you are not in times own favour I am entrusting you my very own Time Turner."
I shakily unclasped the chain around my neck and placed the Time Turner on the table. Almost instantaneously the Sneakoscope whirrled and whistled louder than ever, jumping on the table agitatedly.
"Riddle will not notice the difference between my Time Turner and yours." Said Dumbledore knowledgeably. "But for your own sake, and for the sake of the future world, do not be so foolish with it again. Do you understand me."
"Yes, Professor." I wanted to tell him that it was in fact ripped off from around my neck but didn't bother.
"Are you sure you will be ok with that cursed Time Turner?"
"Oh, I think I can manage." Said Dumbledore lightly. "How about you try on mine for size?"
I took the new Time Turner and placed it around my neck, feeling a sudden difference- almost as though a veil had lifted off my head.
"Wow." I beamed. "I feel much lighter."
"Indeed you look it, too." Dumbledore smiled, placing a hand on the Sneakoscope and silencing it.
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