《Breaking Hermione》Obliviate
Toms P.O.V
I felt like I was losing control, and I never lost control. Burning rage was festering inside me, I was going to kill Shalini. What the hell was she thinking attacking Hermione like that? Who did she think she was to embarrass me in front of the whole class- potentially the whole school?
"You, come here." I motioned for Hermione to follow me as I walked down the hall, wanting nothing more than to get her to the hospital wing and sorted out. This was goddamn embarrassing, having both my ex and Hermione embarrass me on the same day. Could shit get worse?
"Riddle?" Professor Slughorn called. I turned. Apparently the old moron had returned with a back up teacher, a shorter lady who had a hideous elf looking face.
"Sir?" I hastily arranged my features into what I hoped was a smile of reassurance. "I've made several restorative remedy's for Amortentia before so you can leave Hermione to me."
The weird elf looking teacher obviously didn't believe me, I saw her smirk skeptically before darting inside the classroom.
"I have done this many times before." I pressed.
But it wasn't that at all. I had to admit having Hermione completely powerless thrilled me in all the worst ways. I wasn't going to be giving her off to Slughorn easily. I placed a hand on her shoulder, she was so small. "She's perfectly safe with me." I lied.
"Tom my boy I don't doubt your academic skill even for a moment!" Slughorn said actually slamming a hand on my shoulder. "However.... she is a student of my class, and it I want the Headmaster to hear.... Just bring Miss Granger back into the classroom, would you?"
In my mind, all my filthy fantasies died.
I guess I would have to wait before I could get my hands on her, then.
"....I have a remedy or two that can put her right..." Slughorn said, mostly to himself than anything.
"Remedy?" Hermione peered around me grabbing hold of my arm. Her chocolate coloured doe eyes looked larger than ever, "What remedy?"
As the old Slug walked inside, I grabbed her arm and wrenched it off me.
"....never you mind Hermione, it's a special sort of drink, not really a remedy." He distracted her. I followed them, getting more irritated. I had a million other things to do right now, I didn't have time for this love potion bullshit. And it was all Shalini's fault.
"I don't think there's anything anyone can do to help Granger," Speak of the devil. Being dragged by the neck of her robes by that Elf looking teacher was Shalini, who was sporting several massive bruises from the books I threw, and did not want to miss another opportunity to hurl an insult, "She's already a whore."
"I'll deal to you later," I said, edging my voice just enough to not sound like an open threat in front of the teachers.
"Why don't you deal to her , before she, I don't know, somehow manages to fuck the entire Slytherin House?" Shalini made to lunge again at Hermione but was then captured by ropes conjured by the teacher.
I raised an eyebrow, my jaw clenching. She really just went there. I can't believe it.
"What the fuck?" Shalini screamed, trying to break free of the ropes. "What the fuck is this?"
"Don't use that vile language in this classroom." Slughorn barked.
"I'm with you on that one, Professor. That's enough out of you," The other teacher snapped, and with surprising strength dragged Shalini by the collar of her robes out of the room. We could all only just stand frozen as the aftermath of everything crashed down on us.
"Black has always been a troublesome student" Slughorn chortled, beginning to pull out the ingredients for the remedy. "Don't let it get to you both too much. Take a seat."
Hermione and old Slug continued into the class, but as I turned to leave the door locked behind me.
"Professor," I said sharply, "Why in Merlin's name would I need to stay-"
Slughorn turned, the look on his face was pure confusion. It was then I realised I really needed to start acting like I was in love with this annoying bitch Hermione.
I followed her as she walked over and sat at Slughorns own desk, thinking I might as well sit near her and play the part.
Before I could even sit down she had already leapt into her seat. I watched in mild irritation as she folded her hands so they were resting beneath her chin, just staring up at me with a dreamy, unfocused look.
I liked her better when she hated me I thought.
The sooner this shit was over the better. I sat down, intensely uncomfortable, and before I could do anything Hermione leaned over and grabbed my hand in her smaller one.
"You sat next to me!" She gushed. "Oh Merlin..."
Slughorn turned and walked away, I deemed it safe to tear my hand back.
"No one is blaming you for throwing all those books at Miss Black, Tom," Slughorn said, bustling over to a cabinet and throwing a bunch of suspicious looking ingredients into one goblet, and what looked like a laquer into another.
"Good, they shouldn't. It was self defence." I said, trying to ignore the way Hermione was drooling over me. "Shalini Black has always been....a wild card."
"Wild card" didn't exactly summarise how she would go to any extent to carry out only the darkest of my plans, nor did it give light to her indisputable reputation as the pretty Slytherin whore most guys only dreamed about sleeping with.
"Never underestimate a girl with a broken heart," Slughorn said.
I forced a smile, knowing damn well Shalini never had a heart to begin with.
"Right." I leaned back in my seat and stared at the ceiling. How long exactly was this going to take?
"Girls take love extremely seriously." Hermione informed us.
"After today's events, I dare say you're quite right." I said coolly. "It's a rather serious thing when someone throws a cauldron at you."
"Yeah," I frowned as she continued, "Shalini probably hates me because I'm in love with you. I don't blame her," Hermione slurred. "You are hot after all. Isn't every girl here after you?"
I guess it was true, ugly guys never had the whole school chasing after them. Not that I cared. Relationships with girls always hindered me in virtually every plan I tried to accomplish, the only reason I ever got with them all at all was for a moment of fun or to maintain status.
"Right," Slughorn said, bustling over to us. "One for you, Miss Granger. And one for you, Mr Riddle." Slughorn handed us each a goblet.
Hermione peered inside interestedly.
"Drink up," I encouraged blandly, "Here's to us- spending the rest of the school year together."
Hermione beamed, the expression on her face was enough to make me feel ill.
"That's so romantic."
Slughorn beamed at me. "Our Tom has always been extremely thoughtful..."
I inclined my head unwilling, realising I had to play the part of the star crossed lover perfectly. People would get suspicious if I acted too pissed off with Hermione, my supposed girlfriend. I couldn't have that.
"To the the upcoming school year!" Slughorn boomed, he raised his own goblet and downed the contents in one massive gulp. I pretended to drink mine just to get Hermione to drink.
Finally, after a few minutes she finally finished, taking occasional breaks to beam around at the both of us and to see if I especially was drinking along with her.
After a few moments, a look of complete horror crossed her face which only doubled when she saw me sitting near her.
"What's wrong?" I squeezed her hand. "Had a change of heart?"
"Ugh! Get off me!" She screamed. Tearing her hand away she bolted out of the classroom.
"Oh dear," Slughorn said, refilling his goblet with a different bottle of mead, "the after effects of that potion are always quite horrific. Never mind. Just make sure you keep an eye out for her, Tom. I'm sure your dear friend Miss Black isn't going to be making things any easier for her either. If she tries to harass Miss Granger you let me know."
I stood, intimidatingly taller than Horace and smiled down at him, "Certainly, Professor."
In my head, my plan had fully formed. Time to find Shalini.
Shalini Black P.O.V
"What happened to you, dear?" Madam Pomfrey said, dabbing at my head with a sponge. I was lying in a bed in the hospital wing, not even Jade had come in to see if I was okay. Just thinking about it all made anger coil inside my stomach.
"What happened to me?" I mocked. "Tom Riddle happened to me. Give me that." I snatched the sponge off her and threw it on the floor.
"What are you even doing with that? Because it isn't helping shit." I snapped, beginning to get really angry, "Can't you give me something that's actually going to help my head?" Everything hurt, and this bitch wasn't helping anything.
"Now, now. That's not the way to speak to our dear Matron." Said a low voice. I looked up in confusion. Tom had entered the Hospital wing. Tall as ever before, he came forward staring down at me as he approached and smirking as if the whole thing was just some big joke.
"What the hell do you want?" I exploded.
"Tom, dear." Madam Pomfrey shot me a look of utmost loathing before turning and beaming at Tom, "How are you?"
"Fine thank you, although I am regretting what I am about to do next." I rolled my eyes as Tom cast a freezing charm on the old Hag with the most subtle flick of the wrist. Good, I guess. Now she was out of the way. I eyed Tom suspiciously as he drew the curtains around my bed and the frozen form of Madam Pomfrey.
"What are you here for?" I asked him, scanning his face for any sign of remorse - there was none.
"I wanted to have a little talk to you. About what you did earlier." He walked over, and sat on the bed right next to me. Every time I saw him in person I forgot how tall he was. I always thought when he was angry it made him look more intimidating.
"I suppose I didn't end things the way I should have," He told me. He had a low, quiet sort of voice. Soothing. The voice, paired with those intense dark eyes and pained pretty boy face.... Well.
He stared into my eyes, I could see my large dark eyes within his own, wide and awestruck. I remember the first time he kissed me, the feeling was dark and thrilling like I was falling head first into an abyss.
"I just wanted to say, I was thinking earlier about what I was going to say to you. There needs to be a way we can both move on from this."
"It's hard to move on when you have to see your ex boyfriend and his new girlfriend everywhere you go, like every day." I said, staring down at my nails bitterly. "I mean, that's the main thing that gets me. You ditch me for some whore you only just met."
Tom touched my cheek, his hand was ice cold. "I enjoyed being with you." He said quietly. "You were always willing to do tasks no other girls would do. I never took that for granted. Also, you were always a spitfire in bed."
I flushed. Suddenly, my head didn't hurt as much anymore, the anger seemed to be bringing me back to my senses.
"Really?" I said icily. "Well if you liked me so much, why choose her?"
I pushed his hand away from me, but I was entirely thrown off guard when he slashed his wand through the air, immobilising me.
I tried to move my arms, but they wouldn't move. Neither would my legs. I opened my mouth to scream but Tom suddenly manoeuvred so he was on top of me, his hand over my mouth.
"Don't scream," He whispered into my ear, "Didn't you always used to like this?"
I felt tears start to form but blinked them back. I wasn't going to give this prick the satisfaction of seeing me break.
He seemed sadistically pleased about my discomfort.
"You're such a little whore, did you know that?" He started, kissing down my throat. "Do you know how annoying it is, when most of the guys I am friends with are always talking about how much they want to fuck you?"
I froze, suddenly knowing where this was going. Sensing my fear, Tom drew back, his mouth curving into a cruel smile.
"You wanted me.... and now you can have me." With one violent motion he tore the blanket off me. I was still in my school robes, completely paralysed and unable to escape.
"Don't - Tom." I gasped, swallowing down hard against the lump forming in my throat. "Just don't." It was beyond me how Tom was actually going to rape me... in the Hospital Wing.
But Tom had already gotten up and taken hold of Madam Pomfrey and had shifted her so she was facing the wall.
"We wouldn't want her to see this , would we?" He continued completely ignoring me, "I told you once before that you shouldn't provoke me. And then you go and do this."
I stiffened as he got back on the bed and started groping me, pinned beneath him there was nothing I could do. I couldn't even scream as his hand began inching up my leg because he had one hand over my mouth.
"Whatever happens next, you're not going to remember any of it, because I'm going to erase your memory. You won't even remember you were once my girlfriend, or what I'm about to do next."
I couldn't help it this time, tears started burning in my eyes. I couldn't even scream.
Tom removed his hand from my mouth.
"You deserve this." He told me. "You're disgusting. And it's about time someone did something about it."
"Please-don't." I gasped.
"Please don't what." Tom said, his voice almost bored. "Please don't.... erase my mind? Rape me? Do you think I give a fuck about what you want right now? What about what I want?"
I started hyperventilating. Tom Riddle was going to have his way with me in the Hospital Wing.... And there was nothing I could do about it.
I closed my eyes.
Hermione's P.O.V
I ran off to the Slytherin common room. I didn't care that I was going to miss my next class. All of the memories of what had just happened were all raining down on me, the humiliation burning at me like acid.
I wanted to keep running forever.
I got to the Slytherin Common Room, virtually yelling the password at the door, before throwing myself inside.
"Hermione?" Jade was the only one in the common room. "What's wrong? Is it Tom?"
"Why- why aren't you in class." I said distractedly.
"Oh, well I hate Charms and wanted to ditch." She admitted guiltily. "And actually, I could ask you the same question. What are you doing down here during class?"
Shakily I went over and sat by one of the windows, wringing my hands in my lap.
"Hey- you can talk to me." Jade smiled reassuringly, but I only felt worse. Looking at her was basically at the split image of Shalini. As selfish as I sounded, now really wasn't a good time that they were twins.
"Look- I'm fine." I lied. "I think I'm just going to lie down."
"I can help you," She said kindly. "Whatever's wrong I can-"
"Can you just leave me alone?"
Jade seemed to shrink back a little.
"Fine. I'll be out here if you want to talk, okay?"
I began to walk up the staircase to the dorm, with each footstep i remembered the events that had just happened. Shalini.... the cauldron.... Amortentia.... Slughorn..... Tom....
I walked up to the dorm, sitting at edge of my bed. My heart was racing, I was feeling worse than ever. I reached over to my bedside table and pulled out a picture from the drawer, one with Harry and Ron that Ginny had taken, and smiled to myself sadly. If only they were here. Any of them. Everything in the past was turning into a bigger disaster than before, and I just wanted it to all be over.
I closed my eyes, letting myself just fall back on the bed, the tears streaming down my face. Claiming undying love to Tom Riddle surely wasn't that bad... I mean, I was supposed to be his girlfriend, wasn't I? And Shalini... well, she was always crazy, right? What did I expect, they were all Slytherins, after all.
I rolled over onto my side, wiping my face with my hand. And that's when the door opened, revealing a small girl with long black hair.
"Jade," I snapped, "Didn't I just tell you to leave me alone?!"
"I'm not Jade." The girl said in a dry voice. I blinked. It was Shalini, her eyes were all swollen like she'd just been crying too. I watched, startled as she walked over to her bed stiffly. Something was wrong- was she hurt?
She gingerly started pulling back the covers and getting herself into bed.
"What's wrong? It's the afternoon, why are you going to bed?" I got up, slowly making my way closer. She looked really sick close up, her pale skin clammy and her long black hair was sort of hanging limp and knotted like a cheap muggle wig.
"I don't know." She hiccuped. "I can't tell you, I just don't remember. Everything hurts and I don't know why."
"Who hurt you?" I said slowly.
Shalini looked at me blankly. "I don't know."
My heart started hammering again. Tom Riddle was behind this, he had to be.
"W-was it Tom? Did Tom hurt you?"
"No." She said, a little too quickly for my liking. "It wasn't him." Throwing all my past resentment aside, I went over and sat on the bed beside her. As much as Shalini had troubled me, I think Tom really did something horrific, although what he did exactly I had no idea.
"What do you remember?" I asked gently, reaching out a tentative hand to brush her hair from her face. To my surprise, she didn't even insult me. Something was definitely wrong here.
"It was dark." She said, her voice cracking. "It all went very dark."
"What went dark?" I pressed. If Tom was behind this, I needed Shalini to tell me everything she knew.
"Was it a curse?" I said quickly. "Did Tom curse you?"
She turned to look at me, her eyes wide and blank. "I don't understand. What would Tom have to do with any of this?"
I froze. "Well, you annoyed him... during Potions. That was the last class you were in. Do you remember that?"
"No. I remember I was in the hospital wing with Madam Pomfrey. That was it." She turned to the side and let out a gasp of pain.
"What? Are you hurt?" I tore the covers off her to see faint bruises along the inside of her legs.
"I'm just going to the bathroom." She said quietly. Sliding out of bed stiffly she started to make her way to the door, walking extremely slowly, as though every step was causing her unimaginable pain.
I watched, completely horrified, as she began to open the door.
"No-!" In a sudden burst of energy I bolted to the door and slammed it shut. "Don't open it. You don't know who could be out there."
Shalini gave me such a deathly look it was as though she was really back to herself again.
"What's wrong with you? There's no one bad out there, it's just the Common Room." She laughed in an unnervingly carefree way. "Who out there do you think is going to hurt me? Move out of my way." She elbowed me aside and opened the door.
No one was out on the landing.
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
I'm Not The Hero
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