《Chaotic Pens》GROWING


Today I tried to carry my 5 year old sister on my shoulders to school and she bluntly refused.

Astonished by this level of growth I started thinking what do we need.

Watching this little girl grow from birth till now, I realized these are the Moments that we need.

Moments to appreciate what God has made possible.

Moments that last a lifetime as memories

That's what we need.

What do we want?




Life is like a coffee and everyone is picking the most expensive cup to drink it

Every one wants the most exquisite cup to drink it

But what we all want is the coffee.

The money, the fame, the cars, they're all different cups we use to drink life

What we need is the coffee

The memories, the drama.

Just like my little sister grew from birth till now, what we needed was the memories.

When we find what we need, we will get what we want.

The question is, what do we really need?


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