《Brother of Wind {book five: Possession}》chapter 11


The four ninja got the their feet and walked to the golden gates in front of them.

"Welcome to Cloud Kingdom. We've been expecting you." A man in a white robe walked out.

"Hah. How are we--" Jay was cut off.

"Standing on a cloud?" The man finished.

"Easy. In other Realms, there are other rules. I'm Fenwick. I've been asked to show you around." He said.

"Nice to meet you." Kai said.


"Kai, yes, we all know. You're quite popular with the other monks." Fenwick said.

"Up here, we see everything that goes on in Ninjago." He explained.

Cole stepped forwards.

"Then you know--"

"You've traveled far for the Sword of Sanctuary, a powerful weapon that can foresee your opponent's next attack. It's also the second clue to finding the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master." Fenwick said.

"Blimey. But how be you--" Zane started.

"Finishing your sentences? I know, it's rather annoying, but up here we know, let's just say...we know what's going to come next." Fenwick said.

"So, is--" Jay tried to say his own word.

"Morro here? Well, Time passes differently in different realms depending on which one you're in. For now, come." Fenwick walked up the steps and the ninja followed.

. . .

Goultar banged on the bars of his cage. Nothing happened.

"Deepstone bars." Nya chided.

"You're never getting out of here. Now tell us, what's in the tomb that's so important?" She queried.

"What do you ghosts want with my son?!" Wu shouted.

"Ghoultar never talk. Oops, Ghoultar talked. Uh, Ghoultar no talk from now on." The ghost covered his mouth.

"Oh, I'll get him talkin'." Ronin raised his Aeroblade.

"No, Ronin. We must find another way to get answers out of him." Wu stopped him. Ghoultar laughed.

"He may laugh, but the ninja have gotten to the cloud kingdom. Morro's whereabouts are unknown." Misako walked in.

"Let's just hope they can find the Sword of Sanctuary and your son before it's too late." She sighed.

"We must use our time wisely. Come, Nya, there's still training to be done." Wu called.

"As for Ghoultar, keep an eye on him, Ronin." He instructed. Ronin turned back to the caged ghost.

"Don't worry, old man. I've got him."

. . .

The ninja were lead to the main writing hall. Multiple monks saw the ninja and stared, muttering amongst themselves. Scrolls stocked the shelves, four ways to walk with a bell in the center.

"This would be Morro's dream." Cole sighed.

"I know you're familiar with a few of the realms. Cloud Kingdom is just one more of the Sixteen Realms that exist parallel to Ninjago." Fenwick explained.

"Sixteen realms?" Kai asked.

"In this realm, we strive for greater understanding and let go of distractions." The leading monk told the ninja.

"There is no television, no video games--"

"No video games? Hmph. Not impressed." Jay crossed his arms.

"It appears all any lad does here be writing." Zane said, still in his pirate voice.

"That is because here, our words matter." Fenwick said.

"You see, in Cloud Kingdom, we are the writers of destiny. It was here that it was decided that Lloyd should be the Green Ninja. And just now, that Zane should find his voice again." Fenwick raised his hand. Zane tapped his head.

"I sense my vocal pattern has returned without any repairs." Zane said with relief.

"Ugh! He doesn't talk like a pirate anymore." Jay slightly stomped his foot.


"How'd that happen?" Cole asked.

"It was written." Fenwick took a scroll and showed the letters glowing on the parchment.

"Hey, guys, he's writing about Dareth!" Jay exclaimed. The blue ninja knocked over the inkwell and it splattered onto the page. Then, Dareth's day got ruined.

"Oh, poor Dareth!" The monk writing the scroll exclaimed. Jay awkwardly laughed and shuffled back to his group.

"If you know what's going to happen next, then you can tell us how important it is for us to get the Sword of Sanctuary?" Kai suggested.

"Yes, I can. Family and friends at stake, Lloyd is inoperable due to linked wisteria, and Morro has gone to a different path." Fenwick said.

"Sadly, we cannot ensure promises, because we aren't allowed to choose sides." He sighed.

The monk leaned to the ninja.

"No one else will be willing to tell you, but Neran, that ghost always with Morro? He was never supposed to be in the Cursed Realm in the first place." Fenwick said.

The ninja all gasped.

"Not meant to be there?" Cole asked.

"What? How?" Kai asked.

"We do not know. He was pulled there by some unknown force." Fenwick said. The four boys exchanged glanced. Okay...

"Destiny there was out of our control. We're playing catch up." Fenwick said.

"Do you think we wanted you to become a ghost?" He asked Cole.

"That's preposterous!"

"Ever since Neran's displacement, the realms have been trying to correct themselves out of our control. To be honest, we don't know how this will end." Fenwick turned around.

"Then quit talking and give us the sword. We'll find the tomb, stop those ghosts, wake up the brothers and win." Kai clenched his fists.

Look, we wanted to give it to you, but first, the Master Writer wants to see you." Fenwick started to walk.

"Fine, then show us to this Master Writer." Kai said.

. . .

A radio player was blasting music in the lower deck of the bounty as Ghoultar danced to the beat.

"Ghoultar did good?" He laughed.

"Ha! With basic vocabulary? Not so much. But being big and nasty? You deserve a medal." Ronin said with his feet on the table.

Remember deal you made with Soul Archer?" Ghoultar leaned on the bars.

"Quiet, you nasty ball of gas." Ronin slammed the table, the music cutting out.

"Convincing you were back in Samurai Cave. Maybe time to make good." Ghoultar said.

"I'll make good, but not now. Don't worry, I'll keep my end of the bargain just as long as Soul Archer keeps his." Ronin slowly sat down.

It will be our little secret." Ghoultar laughed.

. . .

Fenwick guided the ninja onto a skiff. As it moved, it flew swiftly through the air.

"So this Master Writer, he'll decide if we get the sword just by looking at us?" Cole asked.

"It is an important decision, one that will not only decide the fate of Ninjago, but the fate of the Sixteen Realms." Fenwick explained, steering the skiff.

Do you know what's inside the tomb?" Kai asked.

"Inside the tomb is the realm crystal." Fenwick said.

"It's the doorway to the sixteen realms."

The scene around the skiff changed. It showed the places that the ninja have been, such as the rice feilds in Ninjago or the Underworld with the Skulkin.

"It is a bridge to greater understanding...or a gateway to ruin. When the First Spinjitzu Master created it, he knew the power to freely cross realms could never fall into the wrong hands, which is why he buried it with him in his final resting place." Fenwick said.


"A tomb protected by impossible traps that only a Master of Spinjitzu could get by with the aid of the Sword of Sanctuary."

"So... Why's Morro after it?" Cole asked.

"It is not Morro, but the ghosts who seek it." Fenwick said.

"What do you mean?" Jay asked.

"Morro has given up searching for the tomb, the ghosts, Neran, has deceived Morro into helping them find it." Fenwick said.

"Morro believes he is on the path to find his heritage, his parents."

The ninja exchanged looks. His parents. Morro never knew them, makes sense he'd wanna look for them. But, why did Neran know about that? Morro never told any of the ninja he wanted for find his parents, and they bet Morro never told Wu either...

Morro must really trust Neran.

"The Cursed Realm... When did Neran get there?" Zane asked.

"It is unknown. He has been there for a long time. And when you weren't cursed to be in that realm, staying there will have an effect on you." Fenwick said.

"Effect?" Kai asked.

"Suffocation." Fenwick replied. The scene changed to the green hues of the Cursed Realm. More importantly, the inside of it.

"You breath stripped from your lungs, unable to breathe. In Neran's case, he was suffering for long. He is unable to die because.... He was already dead."

"Because Neran was not supposed to be there, the realms allowed him to leave." The monk finished.

The ninja exchanged glances. Neran? That ghost who looked just like a kid. He went through all the pain? They couldn't imagine how it effected him.

. . .

"Pft. Okay, so, you're powers were failing 'cause you kept your emotions in." Neran finger gunned forwards. Morro and Neran were sitting in a room, coloured with yellow sun light.

"Yeah." Morro sighed.

"Haha! I told you it was stupid." Neran laughed.

"Okay, okay. I get it." Morro rested his head on his hand.

"Hey, do you know why we're waiting here?" Morro asked.

"And what's his name?"

"Fenwick." Neran said.

"Yeah, him. He said we couldn't even go in the main writing room. What's up with that?" Morro asked.

"I don't know. Really, I don't." Neran raised his hands a bit.

"What are you doing, anyways?" The wind master asked. His hair was being lightly pulled back.

"Tying your hair." Neran replied.

"Y- you can't. You don't have anything to tie it with." Morro said.

"Yeah, but... Eh, it always helps to... Try!" Neran said, happily.

Morro's neck felt cold.

"Did... Did you seriously tie my hair back? Skill...." Morro said.

"Yeah. I'm amazing! I just tied your hair back with nothing." Neran placed his hand on his hip.

"I would thank you, but I have no idea what it looks like." Morro laughed.

. . .

"What does Neran want with the realm crystal?" Zane asked.

"It is not Neran who sees the power to ruin, but his master, the Preeminent." Fenwick said.

"The Cursed Realm. He's in charge?" Kai asked.

"Not he, but she. Queen of the Cursed, an evil so vengeful, she cannot crossover by any other magical means." He said.

"But if the ghosts use the Crystal to free her, after cursing Ninjago, there will be no stopping her reign until every last Realm falls under her control."

The skiff stopped.

"We're here! Wasn't that a lovely ride?" Fenwick asked.

"Yeah, you paint a lovely picture." Kai said as he and the others stepped off.

"Now if you just wait in here, I will be back with the Master Writer in a moment." Fenwick showed the four into a building and locked the door as all the ninja were in. The boys shrugged at each other.

"Oh, look, a pinball machine! Ah, it may not be a video game, but it's the next best thing." Jay rushed up to the old game. Around the dark room, plush toys, large ones.

"Strange place to meet this Master Writer." Zane said.

"Yeah, I thought this place didn't have any distractions. Looks to me like they just shoved them all up here." Cole pointed to all the appliances around.

"Yeah!" Jay laughed, spamming the pinball machine.

"Hey, leave that stuff alone. We want to make a good first impression." Cole said.

"Oh, just one game. Whoever had this high score is going down." Jay jumped a bit.

There was a growling sound.

"That machine sounds strange." Zane said. Jay lost his streak and the game shut down. The growling sound again. "Oh, that's not the machine!" Jay shouted.

"Then what is it?" Kai asked.

The ground shook on the floating island. A large beast. Brown fur, monstrous features and some sort of... Electrical thingy in it's stomach? I dunno. It growled at the ninja.

. . .

"Excuse me?" The door opened and Fenwick stepped in. Morro sat up straight and placed his hands to his side.

"Did I catch you at a bad time?" Fenwick asked. Morro glanced at Neran.

"Uh..." The wind master untied his hair, letting it fall down.

"Noooo.... My hard work!!" Neran wined.

"It was nice just-- ssst." Morro stuttered then turned back to Fenwick.

"No, i- it's all good." Morro said. Man, he was embarrassed.

"I see. Well, I am ready to take you to the Sword of Sanctuary." The monk said. Morro nodded and walked out, Neran, disappearing once more.

The words on a young monk's scroll turned red.

"Master writer! Master writer!" He grabbed his scroll and ran to Fenwick.

"The ninja, something has happened to--" the little monk looked up.


The sage ninja fidgeted with his hands as Fenwick stood before him.

"We have more guests." Fenwick said.

"Come, the Sword of Sanctuary is this way." He walked out of the writing hall.

Morro watched him walk but turned back to the young monk.

"Are the others here?" Morro asked.

"Yes." The little monk nodded. He grabbed Morro's hand before the ninja walked away.

"Please you need to come to your senses." The little monk pleaded.

"Look him right in the eyes. Then, you'll know." He said with a straight tone, different from his distressed one before.

"Hey, Morro." Neran pulled the ninja's gi. Morro nodded at the ghost and walked on.

"Neran, did you really so end all this time looking... Just for me?" Morro asked. Neran placed his hand on the green cloth around his right arm and turned to Morro.

"You know I don't give up on you."

~ ~ 幸運 ~ ~

Heavy breathing. Lots of it. And it didn't stop. I ran. I ran fast. Down the steps. Through the village. Into the clearing in the forest.

I stopped there.

"Are you okay?" He walked up behind me.

I got startled.

"Uh..." He reached his hand out.

"Are you--"

"GO AWAY!" I yelled as I hit away his hand.

"What? Hey, wait!" He stepped forwards.

"Leave me alone!" I turned around and started to run. As I did, he got knocked to the ground with the wind.

"What the...?" He got up.

I kept running.

"Stop! Hold on!" He chased after me. Wind started to pick up. The fallen leaves flew everywhere. I didn't stop running.

He didn't stop going after me. The wind started to blow harder.

He had trouble balancing himself.

"Aah!" He yelled as he got thrown back from the wind's force. His right arm got hit as he flew back into a tree.

"AAAAAAAHHHH!!" He yelled in pain. I turned around.

I ran to him.

"I told you to stay away!" I yelled. I kneeled down to him, leaned against a tree.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He yelled.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" I suddenly shouted back.


"SO WHAT?!" I yelled back.

"WHY?! YOU KNOW YOU'RE LUCKY! YOU'RE SPECIAL!" He grabbed his right arm.

"IT'S BECAUSE I'M SPECIAL I'M RUNNING! DO YOU SEE THIS?!" I pointed around at the wind blowing hard.


He looked fed up with this. He reached out his left hand and grabbed my gi.


I got mad. In return, I grabbed his crimson scarf.


"PEOPLE CARE FOR YOU! THEY WANT YOU! THEY WANT TO HELP YOU!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me down to pin me to the ground with only his left hand. I felt pain. It was my wrist.

"So why.... Why are you running?"

I looked up. His eyes were filled with tears. I said nothing. I had no argument. He let go of me and fell over.

"Hey! Wait!" I yelled. The wind died down. I laid him down on the ground. I took out a forest green cloth and tied it around his right arm.

"You're an idiot." He said sitting back by a tree.

"...." I said nothing.

"Don't run." He picked up a stick. He untied the cloth and placed the stick on his arm. He tied the stick to his arm using the green cloth that I had given him. He placed one end in his mouth to tie it up.

"Some luck you have." I said.

"Only breaking an arm. What if I did more?" I asked.

"You wouldn't!" He shouted.

"I know you won't hurt me on purpose." He grabbed my gi with his left hand. He quickly let go.

"So, what now?" I asked. He got up.

"You." He pointed with his left hand.

"Go back to your home." He said.

"You're lucky to have that care for you."

~ ~ 幸運 ~ ~

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