《The Forgotten Four [Completed]》24



After sharing a room with Aana for so long, this big room of mine seamed so boring. Didn't had anyone to play with, ya know? My nany Maya, she was busy making food for me. I had a TV and I also had my own iPad but it wasn't entertaining watching alone.

None of my uncle's were home. Dad was at work too.


I threw a pillow on the ground in frustration.


I wanted attention. I wanted someone to play with me. I wanted someone to pick me up in their arms and baby me. But....


Tears of frustration appeared into my eyes while I pouted trying not to cry. I couldn't help but let out a loud sob, then another, and they just kept on coming.

I then heard loud footsteps running in the direction of my bedroom. I was hoping for it to be dad's because I missed him so much. But ofcourse it turned out to be Maya. she was wearing a baby pink apron.

"Babyyyyy," she said loudly whilst she tried to hug me. But I pushed her away.She looked hurt but I couldn't care. I wanted daddy.

"Want dadwy," I cried between my sobs.

"Okay baby, okay. Stop crying," she started giving kisses all over my face.

"Stwp it. Want dadwy," I yelled pushing her face away.

Don't get me wrong. I loved Maya, but I loved daddy more. I needed him.

"Okay, I'll call him alright? Now shh.. don't cry," she said and I finally let her hug me.

She took her phone out from the pocket of her apron and dialed on it. "Hello?" Maya said on the phone, "sir, madam Luck is crying. She says she wants you," She took a pause as daddy talked on the other side of the phone. "Okay, I'll let her know," she said and put her phone down.

"Cwming?" I asked her with watery eyes.

She nodded. "he said he'll come in an about ten minutes," I nodded and calmed down still sniffing.

"I'll bring you water," she said making her way out of my room.

I hugged my rainbow pillow tightly. I hated loneliness. I was used to of being alone before being with Aana, papa and Mum. Living with them made me more used to of having someone by my side all the time.

Maya came with a glass of water. I took a small sip of it.

"Thawks," I muttered. "I'm sowry, I didn't mean to be a meawny,"

She smiled softly, "it's okay, you miss daddy?" I nodded.

So much.

"Would you like to watch a movie untill he comes?" I shook my head. I couldn't think of anything else but daddy.

She sighed yet nodded.

"You can go." I told her. "I'll slwep untill Dwdda comes,"

She nodded, "okay sweety, call me if you need anything,"

I gave her a one last small forced smile as she left. I sighed loudly and layed on the bed like a star fish trying to close my eyes but they just kept fluffer open. Then I pouted my cheeks like a balloon. I held my breath for a good amout of two seconds before I huffed dramatically breathing hard.


This was getting really boring.

Sometimes I would just wish for a brother or a sister who would be there to play with me all the time. Maybe a big brother or a cute little- little sister would work out.

I made a mental note to ask daddy for a new sibling. My thoughts were interrupted by someone attacking me or rather my stomach.

The tickle monster!

The tickle monster was wearing a black sweater and jeans?

I laughed and laughed and laughed with no limits.

"Did my precious baby miss me?" Dad asked me while giving me kisses all over my face.

"I missed you soww mwch," I screamed and hugged my father for my dear life.

"I'm sorry baby, now I'm here okay?"dad said and pressed me against his chest lightly.

I nodded and hugged his torso. Blocking my view from the world burying my face into his chest. Finally feeling relaxed and safe. He stood up with me and carried me somewhere. I let him.

"What do we have for lunch today?" Dad asked to someone whom I assumed as Maya.

"Curry and rice, sir." she replied.

"Alright, just serve us in a thirty minutes," dad said and got into his room his time.

"What do you want to do princess?" Dad asked me whilst sitting on the bed and putting me on his lap.

"Lwt's go mwet Aama," I suggested happily, looking forward to it too. Dad's amused smile turned into a sad one. I frowned.

Did I say something wrong?

"I don't know if she's allowed to meet us sweety," daddy said and I frowned again. I didn't understand.

It's been a whole week since we've got back to our building. I missed that two story house where I shared a room with Aana. Aana and me kept meeting in the lunch break and when the school left but that wasn't enough. It wasn't even an ounce of what I was spending with her when I lived with her.

"Don't be sad 'm princess, I'll make some way to get a hold on her," My lips formed a small pout as I stared up at my father.

He chuckled, "don't look at me like that. I'm melting sweety," he said and tickled me once making me bounce like a spring, giggling.

"Dawddy," I said catching his attention.

"Yes baby?"

"Can I hawe a brwther? Or a sistwer?" I asked in a hope of a positive response.

Daddy smiled, "so that you won't be lonely anymore?" He asked

I nodded.

"First of all, I'll make sure you won't get lonely again, and about a new sibling, I'll think about it,"

I smiled. I was satisfied. Atleast he appreciated my demand.

"Where uncle Ishan? And uncle Robbie and uncle Rayan?" I asked rubbing my hands on dad's both sides of his cheeks where there was alot of stubble grown. He did needed to shave.

"Ishan is on a cover shoot of a youtuber or something," dad made a face of 'something like that'. "Robbie and Rayan are on a summit of architects. They're all gonna be busy today," he looked down at me and pouted his bottom lip, fake frowning.


I giggled at his face and pinched his cheeks. "you powted dwddy," I squealed and stood up on his lap. Dad quickly took a hold of my waist before I could fall.

"Your turn," dad said. I quickly made a face like a maniac. Dad laughed loudly.

"I'm Home!" A loud voice of Ishan beamed into the whole appartment.

"Uncle Ishan!" I yelled looking at the door of the bedroom.

In an about five seconds the door flew open and Ishan snatched me from daddy's arms into his and swang me around in air. I giggled loudly. I loved it when he did this.

"Alright careful," I heard dad say.

Ishan finally stopped and put me on his hip

"stop third wheeling," Ishan glared at daddy. It was a playful one though. I giggled covering my mouth with my little hands.

Dad shook his head, a smile spreading on his face, "so, why'd you come so early?"

Ishan sat on the bed too, putting me on his lap, "the photoshoot got cancelled," he simply said.

Dad nodded.

"And what are you doing here?" Ishan asked dad.

"I got a call from Maya, she said Luck was crying and she missed me,"

I suddenly felt emotional and I hid my face in Ishan's shoulder. I pouted my lips out and started sobbing. It happened so sudden that dad and uncle probably didn't understand anything at all.

I felt guilty. Guilty for disturbing dad whilst he was probably in something more important than my stupid tantrums.

"Hey... What's wrong baby?" Ishan asked rubbing my back gently.

Suddenly I was picked up from Ishan's lap to dad's. I quickly buried my face into his neck and cried.

"Baby, why're you crying?" He asked calmly rubbing his thumb on the bare skin of my lower back.

"I didw't wanted to distwrb daddy. I ownly missed you," I said sobbing again.

"Why do you think you disturbed me sweety? I'll always have time for you. Nothing is more important than you darling," dad said.

The four year old mind of mine didn't quite understand what he said but it did made me calm down.

"Hey, do you want icecream?" Ishan asked suddenly.

"Chewrry on top," I muttered into dad's neck. I felt him chuckle as his Adam's apple moved too.

"Yeah, and cherry on top," Ishan repeated and chuckled.

Ishan left me and dad alone again.

"You okay sun?" Dad asked.

"I'm nwt swn, I'm dawghter," I corrected him.

"Not the son-son, the sunshine sun," he giggled rubbing him thumb on my cheek.

"I'm sun?" I asked.

Dad shook his head, "you're my universe,"

I giggled, "I lowe you,"

Dad smiled and kissed between my eyebrows, "love you too,"


Our head snapped towards the door where Ishan stood with a camera in his hands. He smirked.

"I swear I've enough photos to fill a full album of you both cuddle like this," Ishan laughed and put his camera on the table beside the door.

I frowned my eyebrows, "icecrweam?"

"It'll be delivered in an about ten minutes. The Ice-cream in our fridge is only an empty box right now,"

I giggled.

"You ate it awll," I pointed a finger at him. He surrendered his hands in air.

"Aama wowld slap your head if she was here twday," I giggled in my 100% accurate imagination.

Ishan suddenly looked at me in realisation. He frowned looking down in his lap. I looked up at daddy frowning too, "he's sad." I whispered to him. Dad nodded his head.

"It's okay Ishan. We'll find a way,"

"How Venky? Finally I though I would be able to live with my family but ofcourse that old man has to ruin it everytime," Ishan said.

I frowned.

"Papa's not an old man," I defended. I didn't know how but I knew he was talking about pappa.

"Look who's in his favour," Ishan said in a bad-bad mood.

"Ishan, look at that your attitude of yours," dad warned "— and about being with our family. We'll find a way. If we couldn't, then maybe that will be our fate,"

Ishan frowned. I pressed my head against dad's chest. Observing the situation wisely.

"You mean you're giving up?" Ishan said in disbelief.

"I'm not giving up," dad sighed. "we'll have to wait,"

"I can't wait. I miss Aana and mom way too much for that," Ishan said having a voice crack in the end.

"Hey look at me," dad leaned forward and placed a hand on Ishan's shoulder who kept quite looking at dad.

"We couldn't talk to Aana before because she was scared of us. But look at the bright side now. She trusts us, so much. She loves us and we know that. We have our little sister's trust with us now. That's a brilliant sign and a brilliant start atleast,"

Ishan nodded and sniffled, "but how cruel is he. He made her believe that we would hurt her. That's so ridiculous. He made her hate her own brothers. That's—" Ishan stopped when he heard me gasp.

"Pappa did whawt?"

"Ishan," dad's voice was a warning one. "think while you talk in front of this four year old,"

Ishan muttered a sorry.


"That's our ice-cream" Ishan smiled lightly and got up leaving in a sad mood.

"Dadda?" I asked

Dad hummed against my back.

"Uncle Ishan is swd," I said turned around and circling my legs around dad's waist.

"I know. He'll be okay,"

"He'll be okwy when he'll mwet Aama,"

Dad gave a amused smile to me, "That is so cleaver for a four year old," dad said proudly and kissed my forehead. I giggled and hid my face into the cork of his neck.

I love you dad

NOTE:- guys... If I write a horror story/book which includes siblings, then would you read it?

Tell me if you would, because I've an unpublished book and I think that you would like it. I don't think I'm gonna upload that any time soon. But absolutely sometime in the near future.

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