《The Forgotten Four [Completed]》22
"I'm leaving,"
I looked at everything in pure horror.
"Guys?" Venky said looking at his brothers. He had a sympathetic expression and a sad smile on his face. The others had sad expressions all over their faces, but at the same time they were disappointed. They all nodded their head and gave their eldest brother a small smile, a protective smile, a 'I've got your back' smile.
This cannot be happening. Not after all the circumstances that me and my brothers have been through, not now!
I looked at my dad, in hope of a miracle. In the hope he'll stop this. The mess that he'd made not a very long time ago.
Dad clenched his jaw. His eyes showing several expressions at once.
He took a deep breath and composed himself. "Your decision, I'm off," dad said and went upstairs into his room. I surely did not unsee the hesitation in his words.
Mum took a shaky step towards Venky. Cupping his jaw with one hand. Venky looked down at her with utter softness. Cupping her hand back. "Venky! Don't do this. I cannot bear loosing you again," she said in a trembled voice.
"Ma, you're not loosing me. You'll never loose me. I'll always be yours, always. I promise," Venky said in a low and calm voice.
My palm was sweating, which was interlocked with Robbie's. I bit my lips preventing them from trembling. My eyes had already started to get watery. I was never this desperate for someone to stay, not even when Ishan left for the first time. Then, it was one brother whilst now, it was four of my brothers.
I looked up at Robbie who was looking the the sight of an overwhelming mother-son moment with glittery eyes.
I pulled his hand down gently grabbing his attention. He looked down at me with oh so softness, it made me want them to stay even more.
"Stop this... please," I said quietly to him. He let out a huge sigh before embracing me in his huge hug, it could probably swallow me ahole.
The second my head touched the chest of his shirt, I broke down. I couldn't hold it anymore. I let it all out. I sobbed silently into his chest.
"Hey... C'mon don't cry, you're a tough girl Aana. Babe, shh.." he consoled me combing my hairs down with his fingers, but did it help? Probably no.
I shook my head into his chest "don't..." My voice was genuine and low.
I felt him hug me tighter to the point where their was no air between our two bodies. I pushed him by his sides, away from a heartwarming hug. His eyes had unshed tears in it.
"Don't..." I repeated again. Doubtful that if I say anything else, I would break down badly.
I realised that I'd everyone's attention by now. Everyone were looking at me with pity, sadness, hurt and guilt.
Venky grabbed my hand and pulled me by his side. His face not leaving that smile. I stayed quite. What was I suppose to say? When they wouldn't even listen to me.
"Hey..." Venky's voice was hoarse when he said that cupping my face with both his hands.
I sniffled..... I again sniffled..... then one more time.
Venky smiled, "stop it, you're gonna make me cry too," he said and chuckled whilst I looked at at the verge of breaking down.
"Stop it. Don't leave," I said for one more time. "it's only been one month. Dad said you all will stay for two months," I finally said without crying.
"Well.. I came here for a reason," he stated. I said nothing. Just looked him in the eye. "Which was have your trust,"
I frowned.
Was that the only reason?
"You trust me right?" His palms slid down my neck, cupping it.
I nodded.
Without hesitation. Without a doubt. Without any lack of confidence.
He pulled me closer untill my forehead and his lips made contact. His kiss lasted for a couple of seconds before he enveloped me I'm his arms.
"That's it. That's all. I won," he laughed against my hairs.
I gripped his shirt into both my fist.
"Stay..." I said and exhaled loudly against his chest closing my eyes, accepting the warming radiation coming from my eldest brother's shielding arms.
We stayed like that for a full minute before he broke the hug and held my shoulders lightly
"I promis I'll come to meet you every now and then. I promis we all will," he looked back at his little brothers.
Someone kissed the top of my head. I looked up and saw Rayan. He smiled down at me. "I promise," he said to me.
Robbie too came to my side and rubbed my arm gently, "I promise."
Ishan who was quite the whole time pulled me into a tight hug, "I promise," he mumbled against my hairs.
A Few Hours Ago
I sat on my chair. Venky and Ashton sitting on either side of me. All my brothers, my parents, Luck and Olivia were on the table too. It was the second day on the cruise. We were in the private dining room of the cruise hotel. It was almost 1:30 in the afternoon.
Soon, a women and a men came and joined us. A younger man too joining with them but looking completely quite. Venky shook his hands with both the man and the women. The women was wearing a blue low neck floral dress while the man was wearing a grey suit.
"Good morning Ms Leila, Mr Smith," Venky wished them.
"Good morning," they both wished smiling.
"Everyone," Venky said gaining everyone's attention. "this is Ms Leila the CEO and Mr Smith the head of the company I'm in a deal with their company,"
I smiled at them with everyone. Venky started to introduce everyone to them as his brother, mother, father and his daughter.
Lucky gave them a small wave before hiding her face in Robbie's arm who was sitting beside him we giggled at her cute behaviour.
"..and, his is Aana, my little sister," he looked at me and smiled which I gladly gave in return.
"Hey," I said shyly, both of them nodded smiling.
"And this is Ashton, Aana's boyfriend," he smiled at Ashton and them looked at Olivia, "and that's Ashton's little sister," I was so happy that Venky was considering Ashton and Olivia. It relieved me that he had accepted Ashton.
"You have a beautiful family Mr. Venky," Leila said
"I do," Venky said proudly.
"You have beautiful kids," Smith said looking at my mum and dad smiling.
Dad looked at the five of his kids and grinned shaking his head. "thanks.. but are complete pain in the ass from time to time," everyone on the table laughed hearing that, a little awkwardness seeking around.
The guests, Venky, Mum and dad were talking amongst each other.
Lucky, who was sitting between Robbie and Rayan, wiggling in her seat simultaneously getting fed in her mouth with a spoon by Robbie.
I smiled at her. she looked adorable in her little black dress. (a/n: Directioners, where ya at?)
Ishan was trying to get in the conversation with Venky and my parents.
"Yeah.. medical field is hell of a difficult task but worth it," I heard Smith say.
So now they were talking about Carrier fields, great.
"What field are you interested in Aana?" Leila suddenly turned to me.
Now everyone were looking at me. Something I dislike, being the centre of attention.
"Um.. I'm lately am looking in for um.. engineering," I said truthfully which was in my mind lately.
I found my brothers stiffen. My dad wide eyed and mum confused.
Did I say something wrong?
"That's great Aana," Smith broke the silence.
"Thanks," I said quietly
Dad suddenly laughed, "she's doing that because I always wanted atleast one of my kids to do engineering. She's so grateful that she's going in the path I always wanted to. She's completing my dream ya know,"
Dad's tone was taunting. Whom was he taunting to? And we never had any conversation about completing his dreams. Hell! I didn't even know he wanted his kid to do engineering.
"That's so sweet of Aana. Doing what their dad wanted to," Leila said. "I too did this career because my dad wanted me to,"
I nodded nervously.
"Well," Venky spoke for the first time. "picking up a Career should be in the hand of the kid and not of the parent," his tone was slightly stiff.
Smith and Leila went nervous when they heard Venky say his opinion. They smiled awkwardly and nodded.
"Agreed... Totally agree," Smith said but it felt like he said that because he didn't wanted to lose the deal with Venky and his company.
Dad frowned and spoke, "But if the decision the parent takes is bread on butter for the kid. Then it's not much of a big deal. Because it's for the sake of the kid itself,"
Venky interlocked his fingers on the table, "and what if the kid wants to do something else?"
"Then leave the house," dad said bluntly chucking. Now for some reason, Leila and Smith found it really funny. They had burst in a fit of laughter by now.
Where, I couldn't find anything funny because everything was tensing and confusing for me. The topic ended over there along with the lunch.
Ashton and Olivia stayed silent the whole time, awkwardly just like me. We kept sharing glances, not knowing what to do. We had to leave in the next two hours anyways from the cruise.
"Thanks for the lunch, excuse me," Ashton said leaving with Olivia.
I too stood up and muttered a, "thanks for the lunch," and left the dining room.
Ash was opening the door of his room when I stopped him.He looked and me and smiled, "what's up?"
"That was so weird," I said.
"What was weird?" He chuckled entering his room. Olivia immediately curled up in the bed covering herself in the sheets. "Oli, we've to leave in a few. Pack your bag," Ashton said
"I need a nap," she muttered from under the sheets.
I tsked, "let her be Ash, we still have time to leave," I said and Ash nodded before sitting on the edge of the bed pulling my hand making me sit on his lap.
I gasped yet laughed and punched his bicep lightly. He wrapped his arm around me and settled his chin over my shoulder.
"What were you saying again?" Ashton asked
"My brothers. They were acting weird, even papa," I said
"Hmm," he hummed. "I felt that too,"
"What could that be about?" I asked
Ashton shrugged before pushing be off of him making me stand on my feet, "go pack your bags," I playfully glared at him.
"And yeah, dad told me to bring you home after we leave from here," he said and I nodded. Ashton's dad was a gentleman. A really caring person. He worked at a office for his and his family's living.
I said as Ash told me to, and then decided to take a little nap. I put an alarm of one about hour, so that I can get up on time and leave without being a hurrying mess. After about a fifteen minute, a small figure tried to wiggle into my arms and blanket. I opened my eyes and saw Lucky trying to sleep beside me.
"Sleepy," she muttered laying her head into my neck. I hummed and cuddled my arms around his small frame.
"Nice to meet you again," uncle Garry gave me a tight hug.
"Nice to meet you too," I smiled muttering in him shoulder.
I turned to Ash, who had carried Olivia in his arms. Her legs wrapped around his waist and head buried into his neck.
"Stop with that reunion already, give me food dad," Ashton whiled making his way towards the couch. He layed Olivia on the couch ever so gently and gave a small kiss on the tip of her nose.
I smiled at them. That was really cute.
It reminded me the days when Robbie and Rayan would care for me in the same way, before they left me, left our house. But now I finally had my brothers back, and I would never trade them for the world.
"The food's ready, you may eat," Garry said. "did Olivia eat anything?"
"Yeah, she eat pasta on the way here," Ash replied
"Homemade or-?"
"My Mum had made it," I replied. The cruise had a kitchen where we could cook for ourselves.
"Great." Garry smiled before going back to arranging the table for us all.
Soon we started eating. Uncle Garry was a really good cook. He always cooked food for him family.
We talked while eating whilst I remembered that dad told me to call him once I reach Ashton's home, just so to make sure that I was safe. Protective father everyone.
"Dang!" I muttered pulling my phone out.
"Everything alright sweety?" Garry asked
"Dad told me to inform him once I've reached, I'm surely gonna get a lecture for being irresponsible," I said and dialer his number.
I dialed his number but he wasn't picking up.
"Is he not picking up?" Ash asked. I shook my head. "Call Ma then," he suggested. Right, I then called Mum.
It ringed for a few seconds before she picked the call up
"Hey mum I've re-" I stopped mid sentence when I heard yelling in the background.
"She's my daughter. She's obedient, not like you all fuckers," that sounded like dad.
"Mum? What's going on?" I asked worried.
I heard her sniffle, "your dad and your brothers are fighting over-" she was cut off by another yell.
"How many times do I have to tell you. She can't do what you want her to do. Neither do us, that is why we left! And you know that very well," that was Venky's voice, matching dad's high pitch. I'd never heard him yell before, atleast not in annoyance.
I was starting to get really worried.
Mum wasn't saying anything. She was lost in her own world it seamed. I tried to say "hello?"s But she didn't responed
Then I heard some more yells which weren't much audible through the phone. But it felt like dad and Venky were arguing.
"That's enough, you cannot disrespect my older brother like this," that sounded like Rayan.
"Then get the fuck out of here," dad's voice was powerful and arrogent.
I started the get really worried and scared.Someone placed their hand on my shoulder making me flinch.
"Woh! Hey what's wrong?" Ashton asked inching closer to me. I looked at him, wide eyed and stressed.
"Is everything alright over there? Is anyone in trouble?" Garry asked.
I recovered immediately and shook my head, "I need to go home. Now!" I almost shouted.
"Alright, calm down Aana. It's okay. I'll drive you home," Ashton said calmly rubbing my arm.
Garry stood up from his chair and got a pair of keys, "here are the keys, drive safe and call me once you've reached," he said to Ash who nodded taking the keys .
We immediately got out of his house and buckled ourselves in his dad's car.
He started the car with a look of intense tension on his face, "what did you hear?" He finally asked me.
"Dad and my brothers were fighting, I don't think physically but vocally. I'm scared, I don't want to lose my brothers again," I said in a shaky voice.
"It's okay, calm down. It's okay," he whispered to me. Driving with a safe speed.
We reached within five minutes. I stepped out first and turned to Ashton.
"You don't come in," I said to him.
He made a 'what the fuck?' face.
I tsked, "you've just got a nice image of yourself in front of my family. I don't want it to get ruined," I said knowing his bad temper. If anything got wrong, then it would become way to easy for Ashton to lose his temper, especially if it was related to me.
He sighed, "you'll be okay?" He asked and I nodded. He looked unsure yet left.
I ran towards the main door.I could still hear some yellings. I didn't bother to knock. I creaked the door open. They didn't notice me. But mum did.
She swiftly made her way towards me and grabbed my arm, "they won't stop arguing," she whispered.
I nodded looking at the scene again. Dad and Venky were face to face to each other. Venky a two inches taller then dad. Robbie and Rayan behind Venky. The trio facing their back at me and mum.
Ishan stood at a corner. Looking like a lost puppy. Scared and unhappy.
Robbie suddenly turned saw me and his eyes widened. He gave me a small smile to me before whispering something in Venky's ear.
Venky turned back to look at me. He opened his mouth to say something but dad pulled him by his forearm harshly and made him face him again.
"Talk to me young man!" Dad yelled
I felt Venky cling his fist. He let out a huff. "Your attitude is ruining everything dad, mind it." Venky said to him.
Dad clinched his jaw.
I moved away from mum and stood beside Robbie who quickly grabbed my hand in his, which impulsively made me relax a bit.
I wanted to say something but nothing left from my mouth. It felt my mouth just got dry and my head was feeling heavy. I hated the atmosphere developed.
Then I realised something, "where's Lucky?" I whispered to Robbie
"Her babysitter came to pick her up today," he answered in short.
Lucky had told me how her babysitter was an amazing lady. I sighed in relief. It wouldn't be amazing of her encountering this situation. It would scare her.
"I'm not the one ruining anything." dad shouted. "you are the one ruining things. You four are the people who had ruined everything. Barged into our life and fucking ruined everything!"
"So is this what you want?" Venky asked, his voice deep and emotionless. Dad looked confused. rage leaving his eyes the second he said that. "If that is what you want. Then that is what you'll get," Venky's words confused me.
"I'm leaving"
- In Serial9 Chapters
A-Live AI
The year is 2247. For almost two hundred years Sentient AI research has been banned. Everyone knew this, and yet no one has ever given up on finding the perfect setup for it. Restricted AI are rare, but possible to get ahold of if you have the money and the clout to get through the law for it. Especially when it deals with the military. Alfred Homis is an engineer and has spent the last three years working for the United Terran Military's Research and Exploration Department. Specifically to help build a 'shackled' AI who's prime directive was to explore potentially habitable worlds. Worlds that are far cheaper to colonize and add to the United Terran Directorate's fold than terraforming. During the AI's maiden voyage things go horribly wrong, taking Alfred Homis along for the ride. Thrown into a parallel universe where the laws of physics are just a little messed up, Alfred finds himself trapped inside the very machine he'd helped to build. Add magic, hostile fantasy creatures, and two different pantheons of 'Gods' to the mix and things get even more complicated. Oh, and an invasion between universes to boot. But that's just all in a days work though for Alfred, the AI Lord. Authors Note: Hi guys! Long time no see. And yes, I know that's all on me. But I blame life for that. Anyway, this is my new work, and I hope you guys enjoy it! The chapters are a little shorter than I'd previously posted in my other stories, but I cannot say that I have the same amount of time or energy to write them like that anymore. Sorry about that. Still, some warnings: There is cursing in this story. I am not going to edit it out. There will be sexual content later. Blood, gore and cruel depictions are all planned. If that isn't your thing, I'd suggest you turn back now. There is also my dry, and often not-so-funny sense of humor. And oh, it's all in first person gain. Haha. I just tend to write better that way. If none of that bothers you, then enjoy the read! Feel free to comment, point out mistakes, or make suggestions! Reviews are nice too, but please lay off the criticism until the story gets good and going. Thank you. Note 1: Some edits to the synopsis.
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