《The Forgotten Four [Completed]》20
Me and Lucky sat on the couch, watching TV together. She was on my lap. We were both watching peacefully.
I heard loud footsteps running down the stairs. Then someone jumped on the couch beside me. I frowned at the lack of manners of my brother Ishan had.
"Do not do that" I warned.
"Loosen up a bit lil sis," Ishan shrugged and lazily pulled his legs up on the couch sitting in a cosy position. I swear he had never even heard of manners.
I heard a fit of giggle. I looked down and smirked at Luck trying to hide her laughter. Her hands clasped over her mouth.
"You can laugh" I chuckled.
She looked up and putting her hands down, bursting out laughing
"C'mon here," Ishan picked Lucky from my lap to his, laughing "little munchkin," she giggled a little more before cuddling in Ishan's arms.
After a few minutes of silence, Ishan spoke up, "so, what did you decide? Are you gonna come tomorrow with us or not?"
"I don't know," I muttered.
"It'll be a nice little break," he added.
"I know," I said quietly.
"Does dad says no?" He guessed
"N-No," I said quickly. "he said I can go,"
"Then what's the problem?" He paused thinking, his eyes widened as if he realised something, "do you not trust us with your safety?" his eyes flashing hurt.
I looked at him frowning, "w-why would you say that?"
"Because you're always scared of us.. maybe were..." He muttered the last part shrugging.
"I don't think I'm scared of anyone," I chuckled "I just am not sure if going with you all alone would be a good idea,"
"Which means you don't trust us," he replied quickly.
"Its-its not like that," I denied.
I didn't know why I was hesitating. A part of me said that I should trust them but another said I shouldn't. Dad gave me permission to go with them last night, but I'm still confused if I should really go.
"My daughter is not going anywhere alone," came dad's voice stomping downstairs.
I cought Ishan rolled his eyes dropping his head on the couch
I raised an eyebrow. Didn't he said I can go if I want to, like a night ago? Dad came and sat one of the two sofas beside the couch.
"Me and her mother will also join her,"
"What!" Ishan yelled, but he was happy. Then we heard a small, soft whine. It was Lucky. I realised she was quite the whole time, which was because she fell asleep on Ishan's lap, cuddled up. "Sorry, baby," Ishan whispered stroking some hairs off her face
"Well.." Ishan said in a low voice. "thats great, you're so so welcomed pappa," his voice was genuine.
"Hey," Venky said also coming downstairs. A bag of suitcase in his hands
"You already getting packed?" Ishan asked.
"Yes," Venky replied as he kept the bag beside the front door, "tomorrow morning, we're leaving at 6:30am,"
"Dad's also coming," Ishan said.
Venky's eyes smiled, "you're welcomed dad,"
"I'm gonna pay for me, my wife and mg daughter," he said sternly. "the only reason I'll be coming is because my daughter wants to go and I don't trust your bastards with her,"
That was rude, very rude. If he had made this comment a two weeks ago. Then I'd smirked and made an amused dance in my head. But when things were going steady lately, I didn't felt the urge to do so.
Venky chuckled dryly, "see... I'm taking you all for a holiday. It's a small trip from me, so I'm gonna pay for all of you,"
How rich is he? Gonna pay for all of us!
"When I say a thing, you're gonna listen and not argue," dad demanded taking the remote and flickering through the channels. Avoiding everyone's looks.
"Fuck off dude!" Yelled Rayan entering from the front door, Robbie following him behind. Though he wasn't pissed as Rayan, he was laughing. Robbie and Rayan seemed to always be in their own world. No one knew what goes into their identical little brains.
"NO fucking swearing in my house!" Dad growled
"Yeah, Sorry whatever," Rayan rolled his eyes dropping himself on the bean bag. Robbie took a seat on another sofa.
"Dawddy," Lucky whined again, her eyes closed. She had her face buried in Ishan's chest
"Quite everyone, please," Venky murmured and stood up picking Lucky from Ishan's lap and cradled her in his arms. She immediately buried her face in the cork of her daddy's neck. Didn't know how she identify him as Venky. Kids do have some magical sixth sense.
"She's tired already?" Robbie asked "it's only like 12 in the afternoon,"
"She's a kid," I jumped in "and kids need naps,"
"Oh.. okay little Aana," Robbie smirked.
"Don't call her little," dad commented not taking his eyes off the TV. I giggled at that, quietly though.
Venky sat back at his place. Rubbing circles on Lucky's back softly. "Dad, so.. it is okay if I pay for you, Mumma and Aana right?" Venky's voice was soft, Not wanting his daughter to wake up.
"And why shall I let you?"dad asked now looking at Venky.
"Because... All these years, I couldn't show my respect and love for my family. So when I'm here for the two months. I wanna show it off," he said smiling.
That is when realisation hit me. Two months and I won't see them again. Two months and we would go back to our normal schedules. Not see eachother, not talking to eachother. Would I still hate them like before? Or would I soften a bit laying my guards down? Almost one month was already passed by. And I'd got a little use to towards them, especially towards Luck. She had been the best roomie ever.
"Fine," Dad huffed. Dad was always an independent person. He never had any debt from anyone. He never liked anyone pay for him. A clearly selfless person when came to spending money on the things which are important. I didn't understand why he let Venky pay. Somewhere in my mind I wanted dad to pay, but when he had accepted Venky to pay then there was no way I was asking dad to pay.
Venky smiled and nodded resting his back on the couch, patting softly on Lucky's back Lucky yawned in the most babiest way possible. It was so cute, I had an urge to eat her.
Shit! That sounded so wrong and aggressive. But it's a feeling. Scientists say that we have an urge to squeeze on the things we find cute is because our brain doesn't really understands the difference between cuteness and aggressiveness.
PS:- free information! Take it ;) lol
"All right," Venky said. "I'll be leaving now. Will be back before 8:00 tonight," he stood up, Lucky still in his arms m, asleep.
"Like I care," dad chuckled looking at TV. A giggled left mouth too.
Venky rolled his eyes, "I'm tucking Luck in the bed, make sure she eats her lunch on time,"
I hummed in response. I had started to feel the need to protect Lucky. like a mother, like a sister, like a family. I couldn't help but feel care about her.
Ishan, Robbie ans Rayan were murmuring something in themselves which I couldn't understand so I just ignored. Ishan were probably telling Robbie and Rayan that dad's also coming with them, 'cause they joined us after dad announced that he and Mum's also joining them.
"Where's Trisha?" Dad asked
"In a kitty Party right now" I replied
Mum and her school-college friends were really close. They had a kitty Party each month. Sometimes Mum used to take me to the parties, and I would be so happy. They were always so fun.
After tucking Lucky in her bed, Venky came downstairs. Dad beckoned Venky and they went into the kitchen to talk about something.
They came back and said something which made me really happy
"Ashton and his sister is also coming with us tomorrow"
"Really tasty" Jason licked his finger
"Ew dude, don't do that" Ethan slapped Jason's head upside down
"Ow, get of you bastard" Jason whimpered
I chuckled at Ashton's friends. They were my friends too. But we only talked to each other when Ash was with me or around me. Or else were were almost strangers
"Your sister excited?" I asked to Ash quietly
We were at a restaurant. Having Chinese. Jason and Ethan beside eachother. Ashton and me in front of them beside eachother.
"She's so excited. We've never really been on a cruise before" Ashton said
"Me too, it's my first time on a cruise" I admitted
"Your brother seems rich" Ashton guessed
"That's what I thought about before. We're like-" I started to count how many people were going tomorrow in my mind "10 people in total!"
Venky, Robbie, Rayan Ishan, me, Mum, dad, Lucky, Ashton and his sister Olivia
"Hm" he hummed before taking a sip of his soap.
After about a few minutes of silence, Ashton again spoke up "so you don't hate your brothers anymore?"
"Maybe" I breathed out. I wanted to hate them but for some unknown reasons I was failing to do so.
"Maybe?" He questioned "that means you don't really hate them"
"It's like so confusing" I paused sighing "can we not talk about them"
He looked at me worriedly "al-alright. You okay though?"
"Yeah I'm" I nodded smiling
Then we heard a burp "I'm done" Jason said rubbing his stomach
"Me too" Ethan joined
"Leave then" Ashton said casually
"You're mean dude!" Jason rolled his eyes stretching his arms lazily
"We've got an asshole for a friend" Ethan added
Ashton chuckled "thanks for the nice company my dear besties. Now can you please fuck off"
"Ash! That's mean" I giggled
"Thanks Aana, only you understand" Ethan thanked me
I rolled my eyes "I'm so sorry guys, I think he's high on Chinese" I joked
Jason burst out laughing "that-that was good" he was laughing really loud
A waiter came to our table and cleared his throat "sorry sir, mam, but you're disturbing other customers of our hotel"
"I'm so sorry, it won't happen again" Ethan apologized looking embarassed because of Jason.
Ethan pinched Jason's sides to stop him from laughing anymore. Jason winced and rubbed his sides cursing a little looking at Ethan.
Jason had finally stopped laughing "I think Aana should do some stand up comedy shit. It's really fun. I always laugh my ass of when I hear them"
"My palm's really itchy right now" Ashton threatened him for a slap
"Leaving alright, jeez leaving already" Jason stood up muttering
"Bye Ash, bye Aana" Ethan said. I kindly waved at them a bye. Ash just pulled out his middle finger. Both his friends rolled their eyes
"What's up with you?" I asked and chuckled
He wrapped his hand around my shoulder "nothing, I just wanted some lone time with you" I shook my head laughing. He did behaved like a stubborn kid sometimes.
By that time, both of us were finished eating. I payed for me while Ashton payed for himself. Actually, I'm just like my dad in things like this. I don't like other people paying for me, even if it's my boyfriend. I always liked to be independent. And Ashton had no problem with it as he is already proud of me for being self-dependent
"We're going on a cruise holiday for two days, we're gonna have so much fun together" I said
He looked at me as if I'm stupid "you know what... We're going there with your family. In the sense four older brother who are protective of you. One father who is overly protective. You think they'll let us stay together for more than five minutes?"
I giggled "you're right"
We got out of the restaurant and started walking on the footpath. It was 7:45am. Ash was gonna drop me home and then walk home afterwards.
We kept walking, his arm wrapped around my waist. Pulling me closer every now and then.
We saw a bench somewhere, so we involuntarily went over there taking a seat
I pulled my legs up, close to my chest while Ash pressed me against his shoulder, an arm wrapped around my waist.
We looked at eachother's eye before leaning closer and closer untill our lips touched. His lips started moving against mine. My lips moved with his in sync. I had my eyes closed all the time.
"I love you" he said in between the kiss
Ashton and I had been dating for more than a year now. Though, when we started dating, I was worried about him cheating on me. He had an image of a bad boy since the day he took admission in our school which was only two years ago. People gave me advises to breakup with him because he was a fuck boy and would break my heart one day. But Ashton proved them all wrong, he was such a grateful guy, he has always been by my side. He gained his trust from me.
I pulled out, cupped the back of his head and leaned up and gave a smoochy kiss between his brows "you mean the world to me"
He smiled, his chest contracted as he took a long breath. His forehead touched mine. Both's eyes closed, enjoying eachother's company.
Ten minutes and we were still on the bench, Just sitting and looking at the dark sky holding hands.
That is when we heard a honk, which startled the both of us
"What are you both doing here?" The man in a black Audi S5 yelled
Ash's grip tightened around my hand "who the fuck are you?" Ash yelled at the guy
The guy's face wasn't clear in the darkness. The streetlights weren't helping enough.
Both Ash and I stool up. Ashton stood infront of me as if shelding me from who ever the person was.
"Ash, can't we just ignore him?" I asked quietly
"No" alright, that was blunt
The man stepped out of the car. He had an office suite on. Then he seemed so similar. Realisation hit me when he stepped right below the street light
Ash released his hold on me and relaxed "you kinda scared me dude" Ash said and chuckled
I stayed silent.
What am I suppose to do? Why an I so awkward?
Venky's eyes flickered from both of ours. He took and deep breath and relaxed.
"Get in the car" Venky ordered going back to his driving seat
I looked at Ashton, him looked at me. Eyebrows frowned.
"C'mon" he said softly. I nodded as we both went towards the car
Ashton took the passenger seat and I sat on the backseat.
Venky started the car. silent, awkward silence filled in.
Venky pulled his phone out and gave it to Ashton "put the GPS of your house"
Ashton nodded and did as he said. He turned around to check on me. I smiled and nodded telling I was okay. He smiled back and gave the phone back to Venky
"What were you both doing over there?" Venky asked suddenly
"Just hanging out" Ashton answered simply
Venky exhaled loudly continuing driving.
Venky skipped our house and made his way straight at Ashton's house. No one uttered a word. I just kept looking out of the window. Cold breeze calming me down
The car took the breakers as Ash's house was here.
We all got out. Ashton's house was pretty much the same as ours.
"Would you like to come in?" Ash asked politely
Venky's lips formed a smile for once "some other day" Ashton nodded "you ready for tomorrow?"
"Yeah, pretty much" Ash smiled again
"Ash!" A voice yelled from one of the window
We looked up at Olivia waving at us.
Ashton waved a hi at her.
"Hi Aana, meet you tomorrow" Olivia said happily
"Yeah" I yelled back smiling
"Bye, gotta go" Ash said and shook hands with Venky
He came to me and kissed my cheek and winked "meet you tomorrow babe" he whispered
Wow, he really had the guts to say and do that in front of Venky
"You're boyfriend is really something else" Venky shook his head seeming disappointed "c'mon in now"
I nodded and sat in the passenger seat. Both of us buckled our seat belts.
He started the car, the ride was slow and comforting for some reason
By eyes cought a frame, it was at the front side of the car. It was a Polaroid picture frames. It consisted of Venky, but a little younger. A young girl which looked like the same age as his who was holding a new born. The little family were looking so happy. Venky had his arm wrapped around her waist protectively.
"That's my wife and Lucky" Venky said noticing me staring at the picture
"W-Wife?" I stuttered
This question did came to my mind earlier but I decided not to mention.
He smiled warmly, looking at the road only
"Yeah" his voice was low "she's Lucky's mother. But she happened to die of a heart stroke one night"
My eyes stayed wide open. My heart beating against my chest rapidly. "I-Im so sorry, it's so sad" my voice was soft, guilty for his huge lost.
He nodded "it's been three years now though, I'm over it. I just try not to talk about it alot"
"Yeah" my voice didn't left the softness. I was at short of words. I felt so sorry for him. I wanted to comfort him but I was too awkward to do that.
I didn't realise that I was starting at him for so long until he stopped the car and looked at me smiling
"Stop it Aana, I'm fine" he reassuring
I looked at the front car window and nodded.
"you're strong" I said to him "...always stay"
I felt Venky smile at me as he said
"As long as I have my family with me"
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