《The Forgotten Four [Completed]》7


"but mom I'm-"

"Wait, where are you again?"

"Mum, I'll be home I'm 20 minutes. But are you even okay?" I asked her. We were on a phone call. She had called me all of a sudden asking for where I am and what I was doing or how long it would take for me to reach home.

"I'm okay, I'm just saying that I won't be mad if you come home a little late. You know," mom said and I was getting suspicious every passing second. But what could possibly go wrong?

"Umm o-ok.." I said hesitately.

"Bye, I love you,"

"Love you too, ma,"

And with that I hung up the call.

Today, surprisingly, Lucky didn't come to school. So therefore my day was spent pretty boring. Every day we both would spend some time together by the lunch and after school. She had really become my best friend. It was weird how deeply I could connect to her as if I knew her since long before.

Soon, I reached home. I pressed the bell and about a minute later, mom opened the door. It looked like a hurried attempt to open the door but but not really open it fully.

"You came earlier than you usually are," mom said weirdly peaking out of the door.

"Is there any problems in that, ma?" I asked and chuckled. She hadn't still opened the door fully and I was trying to peak in but she did her best to not let me do that.

"Mom, will you let me in? I'm tired," I asked and huffed. I really was tired after all of the school hours.

She chuckled and said, "yeah yeah ofcourse. It's your house sweet after all," sure, I know that.


She hesitately opened the door. I giggled at her behaviour and got in and wow.. what a view. Robbie, Rayan, Ishan and Venky sitting on MY dining table having food... Great.

I looked at mom and crossed my armed at my chest ignoring the smiles and hand waves and staring coming from my brothers. She gave me a cheeky grin and a shrug and mouthed a 'please'.

I just shook my head being disappointed and rolled my eyes. Just for the sake of my mom. Because she said she misses them. I didn't want my mom to be in the same room as them because I still thought that they were pretty dangerous. Or that's what my dad addressed me about my brothers.

So I took my headphones and put the volumes on max. They could probably hear the song outside the headphone. That's how loud it was. Sitting on the couch and scrolling down my Instagram, I tried my best to ignore them. It was just a signal to them that I'm not willing to talk to them at all so don't even try to.

I was also keeping an eye on them, making sure my mom was okay.

All of them were having their food. I could practically hear Robbie's loud laughs through the loud music. Making me eye roll every time.

Am I acting too rude? Should I join them? .... No not at all, not in a million years. I hate them..

After about 20 more minutes I saw them getting up and hug my mumma. Alright now.. she's my mom. You cannot hug her like that. I was keeping my anger in control. And yeah I was getting jealous.

I slided my headphones down my neck to hear their conversation.

"Thanks ma, the food was amazing," Ishan said.


"My pleasure," mom said happily and giggled. It was weird how she was always so happy around them.

Wonder why I get the opposite feelings around them ...

"I hope next time someone else would also like to join us," Venky said eyeing me.

No never...

"It was so nice to eat at this Dining table again," Rayan said and burped making me make a face. Disgusting.

"Yeah, I remember Aana spilling her food on the table everyday," Robbie laughed making me gasp and blush. I 'tsked' and put my headphones back on.

I heard them giggle anyway at his stupid memory.

Good days those were

Shut up stupid. I scolded myself.

They were still having conversations but I wasn't interested at all. All I did was concentrated on the music going on. And after about 10 more minutes, the main door finally opened and they left the house leaving my mom and me alone.

I turned around still seated on the couch and stared at my mom waving a 'bye' to them.Finally she closed the door and looked at me. I lifted one eyebrow. She sighed and came to sit beside me.

"So this is why you wanted me to come late?" I asked.

"Yeah.." she said hesitately, "because you wouldn't like it,"

"Ofcourse mom, I did not like what you did today," I scolded her.

"Wait, I'm you mother not you okay," she joked and chuckled.

"Mom in seriously," I said with a frown on my face. "I hope you realise that you are going against dad,"

"I know," she said carelessly. "but he won't come to know right? You won't tell him right, sweetheart?" She smiled sheepishly.

"Mom you are impossible," I chuckled. "but that doesn't mean that I'll start to talk to them, okay?" I cleared

"I never said that babe, it's on you, completely,"

"Well okay. But now your daughter is hungry too. Could you please give something's to her too?" I taunted.

She slapped my arm, "Jealous, are we?"

"Hey I'm not jealous," I defended myself.

"Yeah yeah I know," she said getting up and going into the kitchen.

"Ma, I'm serious," I said following her.

"I heard ya," she said and laughed loudly.

"MOM!" I giggled.

Hehe.. I hope you liked this chapter..

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Love ya 💓

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