《The Forgotten Four [Completed]》6


My mind was still messed up about the past night. I couldn't get mom's words out of my mind even though I eagerly wanted to. I was against them, I could never trust them. I hated them and wanted to stand by it.

I sighed, it was early 7:00 am in the morning. I got freshen up with a shower. Then put on a white sweater and did my hairs in a pony tail.

"Mom, I'm ready," I yelled from upstairs whilst trying my shoe laces.

"alright, just a minute," she yelled back from the kitchen.

"Aana, your lunch box is ready," Mom yelled.

"okay," I yelled back and got out of my room and down the stairs.

I saw mom in the kitchen so I went towards her.

"Ma, when's pappa coming back home?" I asked.

"Five more days," she said whilst handling me my lunch box.

"Oh .. ok," I said and took my lunch box. My mother never trusted the school's canteen so she always gave me homemade food.

I kissed her cheek and went out. So my daily routine was, get out of the house and plug into my headphones and walk to school. It's just always so relaxing. So that's what I did. In about five minutes I heard a car honking. I turned back and saw a car coming towards my direction. For a second I thought it was gonna crash into me. But thankfully no, though it just stopped beside me. The windows rolled down revealing my bro-.... Ahhhh I hate to say this.

Ishan poked his head out. I was shocked to see him all of a sudden. He gave me a small smile, but I never gave him any in return. I just continued walking ignoring his smile But that wasn't it, he started to follow me. His car's wheels rolling slowly Beside me.


"Aana can we talk please," he said. I might ave missed his voice-

No shut up, you did not miss him!!!

my inner voice scolded me.

"I don't have anything to talk about," I said coldly looking only at the road.

"Aana please," he pleaded again.

"Ish, please go away," I said using his nickname unintentionally . And here we go, he had the greatest smile ever on his face.

"What? What did you say? Say that again," he said and chuckled.

Buy sadly I wasn't in the mood of chuckles and giggles. I rolled my eyes, "Ishan, can you just fuck off and leave me alone," I said harshly.


"Go away or I'll shout for help. I hope you would like not to get in a trouble," I warned him. He suddenly looked pissed as he accelerated his car. His pissed face is pretty intimidating. I sighed and continued walking my way to school. His visit just ruined my mood even more. A visit from three of my brothers within 12 hours was taking a tole on me. I just hope not to see any of them again.


"I'm bored," I said to my friend. My only friend. I'm sorry but was always bad at making friends. introvert alert.

"Let's go to the campus then," Tony suggested. Tony and I were friends for a good five months now. He was a new student. We somehow ended up being paired for a group project and that's how we became friends. And let me address you, before him, I had zero friends, like literally zero. It was different for me when Ishan was in the same school as we would go everywhere together, but he left the school too when he left our house. And that's one of the reasons why I hated him so much.


We went to the campus and sat on a bench. After about five minutes of comfortable silence,Tony's phone rang.

"Hello? Yeah. Um okay," he said and hung up. "Um.. Aana?" He said looking at me. He had a nervous smile on his face. I looked at him and smiled as I already knew what he was gonna say.

"I got a call from Harry, he said-"

"It's okay Tony, you can go," I cut him off.

He gave me a warm smile, "thanks bye" he said and side hugged me. Even if Tony was in this school for only a few months, he had more friends than I ever had. And here I am, alone as usual. The break was going to be over in 20 more minutes so I guessed I just had to spend some time alone.

Suddenly I saw a small figure sit beside me. And ... It was the same girl I saved the other day. I got really happy seeing her again.

"Hie," she said in her cute baby voice.

"Oh my god! hello," I said excitedly.

" 'M Lucky," she introduced herself. Her eyes sparkling with joy with a toothy smile on her face.

"Oh hi Lucky, you have an amazing name," I smiled at her.

She giggled and thanked me.

"And I'm Aana," I said to her. She smiled warmly. Her small frame was really cute. I loved her hairs, they were brown, just like me. I liked the accidental match. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your friends?" I asked her.

"I on't have any frienwds," she said in a sad voice.

"Oh, I can relate to you," I said and ruffled her hairs making her giggle.

"Oh yeah," she said, "my Dadda sawd he wants to tawlk to you and thank you for sawing me that day," she said.

I smiled at her incorrect pronunciation.

"Anytime," I said to her. "What's your age by the way Lucky," I asked.

"I'm thee almost four," she said, "and you?"

"I'm 16 almost 17,"

"Who's gonna pick you up? Mum or dad?" I Asked.

"I on't have a mum," she said and looked up at the sky, humming something incoherent.

"Um I'm sorry Lucky, so your daddy's gonna pick you up?"

"No, my uncle is gonna pick me up today I think," she said and started playing with her hairs.


Next few days went the same way ... Me talking to Lucky in the break time. We stared to share our lunch boxes too. She usually bought chicken sandwiches and salads. She said I can call her Luck, that's what her father call her. And yeah about her father. I never got to see him. Either he was always busy or me.

And my little angle calls me either Aama of just ma.. which is so adorable.

*. *. *

And the name is revealed.. 'Lucky'

I really find this name suitable on her and I can also use it for my story ahead.

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