《The Forgotten Four [Completed]》4


"Bye, I'm leaving," I said to my only friend in the school. His name was Tony and we'd ended up becoming friends because of a group project that we were paired up for. He was an extrovert unlike me who was a full time embarrassing introvert. He was also very good friend who took time to spend with me and I was grateful for that.

"Alright bye," he gave me and small smile and went to the other side.

While I was walking I suddenly realized that I had to take my test paper back from prof. Harris. I groaned and turned making my way towards the staff roof. Quickly, I took the papers from the professor and started to walk back.

What caught my eyes was near the school entrance, two of our school bully were harassing a kid. The kid was looking like a four-five year old. She was crying her eyes out. Now obviously I wasn't going to let that happen in front of my eyes.

"HEY!" I shouted. The three of them looked at me. I walked towards them. "The fuck do you think you were doing?" I asked to the two tall guys.

"Get out of the way girl," one of them said smirking.

"Why? Can't find someone to fight with of your own age?" I asked and smirked back crossing my arms. The little girl squished my Jean's thigh area, that was the max height she could reach of mine.

"GET LOST!" I screamed and I swear I saw one of them flinch

"Yeah whatever," they said and walked off.

I took a sigh of relief. The little girl slowly made her way in front of me.

I smiled down at her, "are you okay?"

She slowly nodded, still scared.


"You don't need to be scared of me I'm a good girl," I said calmly which made her smile, a cute little smile. "They," I pointed a finger at the two guys who were still on sight, they were walked towards the gym area. "They are bad guys."

"thawks," she said softly.

"You are welcome," I smiled and kneed down at her height, "what are you doing here all alone anyways?"

"I was gowig to meet the pincipal because dawddy twld me to wait there today becawse he was gonna be late today," he said in her baby voice.

"Aww," I awed at her cuteness. "c'mon I'll take you to the principle office," I said to her and she gave me and big smile.

God she was so cute. The kindergarten, middle school and high-school were distributed int two huge buildings. So little kids were always found wondering off here and there. I walked with her back to the principle's office holding her tiny hand in mine. She was jumping all along the small walk. I literally got a flash back of the time when I would have to same energy as hers. I remembered playing with Rayan in the garden. Good days those were.

Omg! Shut up. You hate him. You can't miss him. Stupid me...

We reached to the office soon.

"Alright you sit here," I said and lifted her up and sat her down on the bench outside the office, "I'll leave now but if you need anything," I pointed towards the security guard outside the office, "ask him for help, okay?"

She nodded and kissed my cheek, "thanwk you,"

I was shocked when she kissed my cheeks, it felt so good. I wish I had a little sister like her.


"Alright bye," I said and happily made my way out of the building.

For some reason I was daydreaming while walking.. I mean daydreaming doesn't need any specific reason right? We just do it.

So anyways.. I bumped into someone and almost fell on the ground. But the person whom I bumped into gripped my wrist and didn't let me fall. I was grateful of him.

I squished my eyes closed but opened once I knew I was safe.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry, I bumped Into you I-" I stopped the second I saw the person's face. Vinky was the person I bumped into. I pulled my hand back from his and stepped back.

"Um.. you're welcome," he said and smiled at me.

How the heck can be act so normal? He's such so annoying! I hate him.

I gave him the meanest glare. He had a hurt written all over his face after that. I felt bad for him.

No shut up! You didn't

My inner voice scolded me.

What was he even doing in the school premises?

I just looked away and started walking straight ignoring him.

I never hated someone like that in my whole life. Why is it like this?

The little girl Aana saved

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