《The Forgotten Four [Completed]》3


you know you get that feeling? The feeling that tells you that something is off. Your instincts yells at you that something is going to happen against your favor. That's exactly what I was feeling as I walked back home from school. The uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach didn't stall. Each step was a step of hesitation. The only thing that was going in my mind was, what's my life up to this time? Like honestly I've had enough drama before.

I finally reached home, 10 Minutes late then usual. I was honestly prepared for the lecture my mother would gibe me for not being punctual.

Then I opened the door slowly ... Nothing? Good. But when the door fully opened, here it is! My nightmare. The four of my brother sitting at the dining table having a chat with my mum and dad.

All of them gave me a smile but I wasn't confident enough to look at them into the eye and smile. So I kept my head down. Frozen as I couldn't figure out when I'm supposed to say or do. Neither did I wanted them to say anything to me anyway.

"Hey, sweety," Robbie said suddenly making be scare.

I saw dad giving him a death glare, then he looked at me angrily. "Go to your room Aana and don't come down untill I tell you to," dad said harshly.

"Baby, please.." mom said ever so sweetly.

I gave them a small nod and a mild 'yes'. Our house wasn't the biggest house ever. Our living room and kitchen were attached. And upstairs were of four rooms. One for mom and dad, one for me and the other two were always locked. I believe those two rooms belonged to my brothers when they used to live here.


I made my way towards the stairs slowly. Still shocked at their sudden meet up. I hadn't seen them in the past few months and now suddenly seeing them in my house was way to surprising for me.

"SPEED UP!" dad yelled making me flinch wildly.

"Hey! Don't yell at her," Robbie said. I wanted to see his face and reaction but my feet were rooted at the wooden stairs.

Finally I managed to look back to see the view where my family was there.

"She's my daughter, I'll do whatever I want to with her. You don't fucking tell me what to do." dad yelled again.

"Robbie let it go," Venky said calmly.

"THE FUCK YOU STILL HERE?" Dad yelled again at me.

I whimpered at his deep yell. "I'm sorry," I said and ran up to my room.

Embarrassed. Embarrassment was what I was feeling when he yelled at me in frontof those boys, those strangers less brothers. Why did he have to tell at me?

I sat on my bed and threw my bag pack on the ground and silently cried.

Why? Why does my life have to suck? Why?


It'd been an hour and I haven't been out of my room. I was hungry and bored too. Also I'd calmed down and stopped crying. I heard two knocks on my door I got up to open it. It was mom.

"Hey," she said softly. I gave her a small smile and allowed her to come in.

We both sat on my average sized bed. Just in our own thoughts for a while. My mom was one of the sweetest lady and likewise, my dad was the rudest. That was what our neighbor's kids describe my father.

"Did they leave?" I asked finally.


She sighed and nodded

"Why were they here anyways?"

Mummy took a deep breath "they, they want to come back.."

I frowned and asked, "meaning?" This had to be a joke.

"They said they want to come back into our lives. They wanted to come back and live in this house with us."

"And?" I asked curiously and cautiously.

"And?" She repeated confused. I was being skeptical, yes. I didn't want this to happen.

"I hope you both didn't say yes to them, now did you?" I asked scared if the answer is a yes.

She shook her head "of course not,"

"Good, I would like my life to be as it is for now," I took a sigh of relief. Ahhh I hate them.

"Really?" She asked.

I shrugged "they are bad people after all"

She opened her mouth to say something but stopped. Why did she look hurt? Ohh ... Maybe because they are her kids/sons *eye roll*

"Anyways," she patted my head. "C'mon down, eat something,"

I smiled and nodded. When I got down, dad was on the same stop as I saw him last time. He looked at me and buried his face in his hands. It was getting awkward. I wasn't mad at him but I wasn't gonna start talking to him first. He yelled at me and I deserved an apology, or at least I wanted him to initiate the conversation.

The three of us sat on out little dining table. We started eating our food. Still no conversation.

"Listen," dad started finally, "I'm sorry for shouting on you.. I-I was angry on them and I took it out on you. Forgive me,"

I looked at him and gave him Small smile, "it's okay," I wasn't a person to hold a grudge. At least not for the people I love.

He gave a smile back.


Tania (mum)

David (Dad)

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