《My Brothers Best Friend》Chapter 24 // Perfect


Annabelle's POV:

After the awkward meal we all got in the cars and drove to the hotel. Even though we had just kissed it wasn't awkward between us. "Can I hold your hand?" Matt said out of the darkness. It had gotten late after we had eaten and was around 8:30 now. I nodded and he reached his hand over trying to find my hand and he brushed his hand over my thigh making my body tingle and then held my hand. We sat there like this for a while. His hands were large in comparison to mine and they were warm and soft. He began rubbing circles on the back of my hand with his thumb which I found soothing. Half an hour later and we were there.

It was big and brightly lit and the inside was beautiful. It was a 10 minute walk from the beach but I'm sure the scenery would be beautiful. When we walked in Matt went to the counter and gave both his first and last name and was handed over 4 room keys. We walked up to the lift and got inside. "So what's the sleeping arrangements" Tara said, I let out a sigh I think she had asked the question that was burning on everyone's tongue. "Well it's you and your date in the room", Matt confidently said, wait what?! I hadn't been told of this because if I had I would not have come. We walked to out rooms that were next to each other: 31,32,33,34. Matt was carrying both our bags as we walked into the room. Their was a TV, a bathroom and a large bed and small sofa against the wall. He placed our bags on the bed and walked into the bathroom. "This is really nice" I shouted to him.


He came out smiling and nodded. He looked at me sitting on the bed and said, "I'll sleep on the sofa if you want". I felt myself blush a little, he knew what I was thinking but I automatically felt bad, it was his birthday after all. I shook my head, "no it's fine". I felt awkward saying I'd sleep in the same bed as him but I knew I trusted myself to do nothing and the others were next door if anything happened. He walked over to the glass doors and looked outside and let out a sigh. He turned and said, "I'm going to take a shower", with a quick smile at me he walked into the bathroom. I had the option to stay and watch the TV but I didn't want to think of Matt naked so I left. I closed the door softly behind me and walked to the end of the corridor. The revolving doors had a great view of the sea so I decided to go outside. I walked to the tree line and stared at the washing waves, they were beautiful, "Annabelle?".

I turned to see Carter sitting on some rails and was looking at me. I smiled at him as he stood up, "why are you out here?" he asked me with a raised eyebrow, I couldn't help but notice that his raised eyebrow creased his whole face giving him a sweet look. I smiled and said, "I didn't want to stay in the room with a naked Matt". His eyes widened at my response and realised I'd given him the wrong impressions, "no, no..I-That's, I mean he was showering and I didn't want to stay". A cheeky grin had grown on his face and it made me blush. I looked at the floor and he stepped closer, "you guys are obviously something though so I wouldn't think it mattered that much to you" he looked at me with his soft brown eyes. "We're seriously not together" I said quietly feeling my cheeks flush more, he looked at me still and I explained "we just kissed by accident and that's it". He tilted his head and seemed to be replaying the words, "Gwen said you guys suited" and he laughed a little still watching me. I creased my nose and shook my head, "definitely not my type" I said. He crossed his arms on his muscular torso and said "what is your type?", I creased my nose again wondering and then looked at his face and responded sarcastically, "wouldn't you like to know". He laughed which made goose bumps rise on my body and then he said, "I better be getting back". I nodded because I probably did to so we walked to the lift together.


We got out of the lift and walked down the corridor I was in 31 he was in 33 and before we went in he called me, "Annabelle.." I looked over at him and with a sweet smile he said, "when you crinkle your nose its cute" and then he left. I stood there for a moment, why didn't he say this 5 minutes ago? Why was I standing there with a smile on my face? I felt like I should have said something to him, about his perfect brown eyes, his perfect torso, his perfect face, his perfect lips, his perfect person but I hadn't. I took a quick breath in at that moment. Did I like him? No. I couldn't, I wouldn't, I shouldn't it was probably the tiredness talking, yeah that was it and with that I entered the room.



Sorry this wasn't a very interesting chapter it was more of a filler. 

Comment if you're still team Matt or Carter or if you've changed and keep voting on my chapter lovelies!!

TaTa for now


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