
I'm sorry for leaving the last chapter like that, I just didn't want a good part of the story to be in a boring chapter so I made a chapter just focusing on her injury.

The song up there is Stay by Rihanna.

Thank you for reading xx

On with the chapter... ✨


✨Emilia POV

Pain cursed through my veins as the questions kept on flooding in. That guy from earlier was ordered to leave by Axel, I didn't want him to get into trouble just because I was too curious.

Curiosity did kill the cat. I guess I can prove that right once and for all.

"What fūck happened to her," Axel said sounding furious.

"Please, it hurts!!" I cried out.

"I know, you'll have to bear with us, we're doing everything we can, sweetheart." Elijah strokes my head.

"I got a call from Diego, what happened?" Alessandro walked through the door and rushed over to me.

"Make it stop!! It hurts too much." I wriggle out of discomfort. My ribs feel like they are plunging through my organs.

"It's okay, I've got you, Bambina." Alessandro picks me up and rushes upstairs quicker than before. What are we doing speaking playing 'guess what the word means in gibberish?'

"Axel, you need to find out what's wrong!!!" Axel and the others were right behind us.

"Put her on there." I was drowning in my sweat from crying so much, my body felt like it was on fire.

"She might need to go to the hospital, Al," Axel suggests to Alessandro.

"Axel, just get on with it." Axel lifted my shirt and turned on a light and applied some pressure to my ribs making me scream.

"STOP IT, IT HURTS!!!" I could taste my salty tears running through my mouth.

Axel turned away for a moment and returned with a very long needle.

"What are you doing?!?" I screamed and tried to wriggle out of Alessandro and Elijah's hold; they were pinning me down on each side of my arm's.

"Are you putting 'that' inside of here?!?" Diego asks sounding disgusted.

Axel apologised and stuck the needle in my wrist stopping my wriggling. My vision became blurry until everything went pitch black.


I was unable to move, I tried to sit up but immediately failing. The pain was the only thing that could describe how I feel, I would rather die than feel like this. This feels worse than going to the gym.

I wanted to cry right now. I don't remember much of what happened before this other than falling down the stairs and feeling my bones collapse together.


I open my eyes fully but immediately close them when the light blinds me. God, I feel like Damon Salvatore without his ring. Repulsed by the light.

"Hey, you're awake." I see Axel cleaning some supplies.

"Hmph." I groan and try to sit up straight wincing and falling back down into my original position.

"Don't move too much." He passes me a glass of water for my dehydrated throat.

"Can you tell me what happened?" I pass him the glass back.

"You broke 2 ribs from falling and bruised a few, I guess that they were already bad before you even fell so would you mind telling me what exactly happened to get you ribs so severely injured before you fell. Or were you just clumsy like before?" He almost sounded offended.

He could never know, he already figured out that they were already injured before I fell he can never find out about Shawn.

"I told you before, I'm not stupid, first your foot and now your ribs? There seems to be a pattern here, you're not clumsy, you're just not being honest with me and you're not getting out of this one and I mean it." He says sternly frightening me.

"Not now, Axel." Alessandro walks in the room with a sad smile on his face.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me.

"Being honest, I feel like someone tore every limb off of my body and tried to put it back together and then shot me in the stomach and then went to the gym. That good enough for you?"

"So you feel like crap? I get it, I've broken my fair share of bones in my life." He passes me some paracetamol and the same glass I drank from earlier.

"I've got to talk to you later if that's okay?" Alessandro asks me. I know exactly what he's talking about and that what fears me the most.

"Umm, yeah, I guess." I shrug my shoulders and finish my water.

"How's the patient?" Diego walks in all chirpy and happy.

"She feels like crap." Alessandro puts in before I could repeat what I said earlier.

"Oh-kay-then." He pauses every syllable. He sounds so unsure and confused.

"Hey, how you doing?" Elijah walks in the room with some chocolates in a bag. Yum, yum in my tum.

"She feels like crap," Diego tells him. So are they all going to answer for me then?

"I can answer for myself," I tell them making Diego smirk.

"Where is she, can I come in, how is she doing." Luca came in a rushed to me and gave me a bone-crushing bear hug.


"She feels like crap," Elijah says for me.

I swear to God if one more person answers for me I will fart on their pillow and give them pink eye the stupid, bîtches.

"Okay then, can we take her out for some food now, I'm hungry." Of course, he is hungry, when isn't he?

"Where's Blade?" I ask them, I knew he wouldn't care if I was injured but I still wanted to see him no matter how much I hated him.

"I'm right here, did you miss me?" Of course, he would be egocentric right now. His ego is bigger than Jupiter and Uranus together.

"No, I was just hoping that you would have moved house already." I glare into his eyes.

"Nope, you're dealing with me for a long time, Love." He scruffs my hair up making it look more like a bush rather than a birds nest.

"Um, could you three get out, we need to talk to her for a few minutes, you can wait outside," Elijah asks politely.

"But what about my food, who's gonna take me?" Luca whines.

"Ask Blade to take you." Alessandro offers him.

"I'm not." Blade responds to him.

When they all went out of the room I knew exactly what was coming next. The talk. Not that kind of talk but the talk about my ribs. I already had that talk with my mum around a year ago, just before she died. She used the banana demonstration very well if I must say so myself.

"Is there something you want to tell us?" Elijah asks me.

"No, why w-would you say that?"

"Because you stuttered which means you lied to us, we don't take dishonesty lightly," Alessandro informs me.

"We just want to know what happened to your ribs before you fell, you had a bruise just after you fell, I didn't think bruised happened that quickly, and the strange thing is that it wasn't just in your ribs, in-fact, your arms, stomach, chest and legs were covered in them, so are you just clumsy or are you going to tell us who hurt you," Axel says dumbfounded, how on earth did he manage to do that. Curse his intelligence.

"No one hurt me, I'm j-just clumsy." I avoided my eye contact with any of them and turned my head to the side looking at the crisp white floor.

Alessandro walks over to me and puts his two fingers on the side of my jaw.

"Your pulse has quickened, that's another sign of lying alongside the fact that you just avoided your contact with any of us, so I'll ask again, who hurt you?" Alessandro tests me.

My eyes start watering knowing there is no way out this unless I take an a railing class and get pronounced the world's best actor, I can come up with a believable lie to persuade them into believing me.

"Look, it doesn't matter any more he's gone now and it shouldn't matter you, why do you even care?!?" I cried out in tears.

"Who." Elijah states sounding furious.

"You know exactly who, Shawn, he did this, and you know what, none of you was there when I needed you, so don't pretend that just because you're here now makes you brother's of the year because it doesn't. You weren't there and you were never there. So stop pretending!!" My tears were coming quicker and quicker and my voice started to break.

"Sshhh, it's okay, you're safe now." Elijah came round the bed and hugged me and I nodded to let the tears flow.

"That bastard, I'm gonna kill him." Alessandro stands up and runs his fingers through his hair.

"Did he, ever, touch you?" Elijah asks me. He never rapėd me, but he touched me inappropriately, so did his friends.

"No, he, he never touched me like that but he did touch me, he never rapėd me." They were beyond furious.

"You're fucking kidding me." Alessandro punches the door putting a hole in the door. I jump up straight because at this moment he was very petrifying.

"But you have to understand that he still never rapēd me, he would kiss me and touch me in places I didn't want to, he would tell his friends to, to do that too." I was being honest, if I never got away from Michael that day I don't think I could manage another day in our world. I consider myself lucky I got away.

"What were their names?" Axel asks me, Alessandro was no longer in the room, he walked out snaking the door shut.

"I, I don't think I can say, I'll get into trouble," I say worriedly, my face was probably red and puffy from crying, I was still crying but I was mostly hiccuping and choking on air.

"It's okay, we've got you now." Elijah rubbed my shoulders reassuringly. That's the last thing I heard before falling asleep.




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