
Okay so I published this book just a day ago and it has a lot of reads, thank you if you have read, it means a lot me if you have read it.

I wasn't expecting this to get so many reads from just one day of it being published but it has.

The song up above is by Tove Lo and it's called True Disaster.

On with the chapter...


✨Emilia POV

My eyes slowly flutter awake to see I am surrounded by complete darkness. Was I asleep for that long?

I pull the charger out of my phone and check the time, it 9:30 at night.


I was asleep for nine hours? They didn't even wake me up, thanks to my two brothers I won't be able to sleep now.

I can't exactly go exploring around the house either, I will get into so much trouble if I do. But I have been awake five minutes and I am already bored.


I hated it when people shout, especially men. I hate men, they are so disrespectful to women it angers me, they treat women like shît and they are also perverted and pretty much have anger issues.

It is not as if the neighbours can hear, there are none, Stupid.

The voice continues to boom downstairs sending me into a frightened state.

I pull the covers over my head and pull my knees up to my chest wrapping my arms around them.


Well, you're not doing a great job of that yourself you twat. The hypocrisy.

The mystery guy must be pretty dumb, probably a set 8 kid in high school. Or he probably wasted all of his time hanging around with the wannabe bad boys.

The voices quieten down and I unravel my arms and pull my covers from my head and play some games on my phone.

I hear many pairs of footsteps ascending the steps sending vibration waves causing an earthquake across the second floor.


They get closer and closer to my new room and my first instinct is to put my phone under my pillow and pull the covers over my head again.

The loud footsteps came to a halt when I heard the slow creak of the door open agonisingly slowly.

Now it's time to get scared, I squeezed my eyes shut tighter and clutched in the sheet to ease my mind back to relaxation.

Did it work, no?

The closer they got, I got more frightened. Who were these people and why were they in my room. Was it Shawn and his work friends getting their revenge on me.

I could feel multiple people looking over my scared body that was scared under the covers.

"Do you think she's sleeping?"

Who was this, I have never heard this voice before, it must be one of Shawn's friends taking me away. They wanted to hurt me and kill me.

They never like me, Shawn always told them terrible and untrue things about me. Like I was a whore when in reality I was still a virgin. He should pick up a dictionary and learn the meaning before he calling me it. He says I am rude to people in public, he calls me a murderer.

Calling me a murderer hurts more than any other insult could ever. Blame the death of my mother on me is wrong in so many levels. It makes me feel worthless and selfish. It makes me feel like people thought I hated my mum when she was the only thing I loved.

His friends used to... touch me. Touch me in places that I didn't want them to.

Just thinking of them grossed me out. The way they would touch my chest and stroke my hair made me feel sick to my stomach. Sometimes they would touch my bum, not my jay, but it was still horrible for grown men to touch me like that.

Shawn ruined my trust in men.

I felt like I was going to die. They were going to kidnap me and then kick me until I spewed my stomach out. They were going to choke me until my lungs were beating against my chest. They were going to rag me around until every bone, vertebrae and organ was turned into nothing.


I didn't want to make a sound, I was too scared to, I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up straight with fright.

"Yes, you dipshît." I heard a smack of something on the skin and it made me shudder even more.

"C'mon, leave her."

Elijah? I think that was Elijah. But still, who were the other men creeping in on me whilst I sleep? Was he friends with Shawn's friends? No, this means they could get to me even quicker. They could replace Shawn and do the same things that he used to do to me.

I heard the footsteps slowly fade and the creaky door was shut slowly behind them.

I open the covers and take a big puff of air, being stuck under there for so long, and not to mention the hyperventilating made me sweat out gallons.

I pull my phone back out from under my pillow and open candy crush. There was no way I was sleeping now, so it was might as well just waste my time on a game I sucked at. I could read, but I had already finished the books I have, not to mention that I have read them more than once as well.

Turning the torch on, I take a long gaze at my surrounding letting my eyes adjust to the light. There was a cabinet of book that looked antique and old. It was slim and was made of brown oak wood with fancy designs carved into the sides.

I crawl out of bed and tiptoe over to the cabinet making sure not to make the floorboards creak.

It didn't matter anyway, my stomach's growls overtook the creaking anyways.

This cabinet was filled to the brim with amazing-ness. There was a lot of classic books in here, from Shakespeare to Brontë and Austen. There were some more modern books in there as well, like the Divergent series and Hunger Games. I have been meaning to read Divergent but I always had way too many books checked out from the library. I left those books at the house. I have no idea how they will get them back but it sucks to be them.

I pull out the first book of the divergent series and hop back into the comfort of my bed.

The bed was way bigger than my last one, I think this was a queen-sized bed or something because this could fit like 4 people in it.


I was reading for a few hours before I got a little tired again so I hummed some of Tove Lo's songs while making shapes with my finger in the now pitch-black room.

I always loved nighttime.

It gave me a chance to hide away from the world in the darkness of my room. I found comfort in knowing I wasn't going to be seen by anyone.

Just being invisible and unnoticeable from any other person made me feel calm, and also at night I could think about any thought I dismissed through the day. All the thoughts I had on the people that I saw. Like the horrible teachers. I wouldn't think bad about them in school because I always thought they could see what I was thinking, but at home, I could call them every word under the sun.

Today was a very active day which made me even more tired, not forgetting about the striking shock of pain that would shoot up my ribs every time I made a sudden movement. My ankle still killed me and my bruises on my arms and legs just made them throb. Like numbing cream kinda.

When my thoughts stopped running wild, I closed my eyes and took in today's unfortunate events yet again.



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