
The song is by Joji again and it's called Rain On Me. It's a peaceful song to listen to. A lot of the songs that I put up there have nothing to do with the story or chapter, there are just recommendations.

Thank you for reading 💋💋

On with the chapter...


✨Emilia POV

I felt arms shaking me awake and I immediately jolted up in my seat banging my head against the car window.

I hadn't been asleep long because it was around ten-ish when I fell asleep and now it was around half past.

We had pulled up outside of the huge, black, metal gate that had a keypad and a speaker on the side.

"Hello, I am here to speak to Alessandro Russo, I have a meeting with him." She leaned out of the window to get closer to the speaker.

"Okay thank you, just wait for the gates to open." The speaker was muffled and croaky.

Mia drove through the gates as they slowly opened and pulled up outside the front door. There was a fountain that sat in the middle of the circular driveway.

The house looked amazing, it was a mansion that was around three stories high and it had a Victorian style to it.

It was built with sand-coloured bricks and it had a balcony right above the front door.

A gigantic field circled all around the mansion with trees scattered across the land which was all enclosed by a great black gate.

It looked beautiful. It wasn't modern looking but it was astronomical, there was a Victorian style to the house because sandy and chalky bricks were all gaged and crumbly. Two pillars stood at each side of the door holding the weight of the balcony above.

And Ms Saintclaire said this was a house? I don't think so, this was a fûcking huge mansion. I didn't like the idea that it was so isolated from the world, it was as though someone built this in the middle of the woods.

We both knocked on the double doors and let me tell you, they were rock solid, it is the purpose of the door but my knuckles turned red from knocking just a few times.

When the door finally opened, and woman around my height, a little chubby and had a maid outfit on greeted us with an ecstatic smile striking over her face.

"Miss. Russo, Ms Saintclaire, please come in." She gestured for us to walk through the doors to be welcomed by an enormous hallway that had stairs like the ones on the titanic.

The stairs led to two different sides of the house and from the hallway, I could see straight up to the roof on the third floor which had greatly designed patterns on.


The woman led us through to the kitchen which was hidden by the stairs. To get into the kitchen you had to go down two steps which very stepped.

The kitchen had black, expensive looking tiled floors with a black island in the middle of the kitchen with a huge stove that was enclosed by sides. The kitchen didn't go with how I expected it to look in my mind.

It was more modern form as I expected it to have more of an old fashioned interior. Believe it or not, there were only two other rooms on the ground floor. Which I presumed was the living room and dining room.

"Would you like some tea and biscuits?" The lady with a strong Italian accent asked us. What a British thing to do, offer someone tea when you go into a house.

"No thank you, would you Emilia?" I shake my head no and smile at the lady.

"Please, take a seat, Mr will be back soon." I took a seat at the kitchen island as did Mia.

I was still waiting for my guardian to come home but it had been an hour already and I was starting to become impatient. Yes, I should be great full that he was taking me in but I don't want to be here waiting for him to come home, I was tired and I wanted to sleep.

"AXEL, I TOLD YOU TO SORT IT OUT WHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?" A voice echoed through the entrance.

I flinched at the deep voice that sounded so much like Shawn's voice. Like the way he used to shout at me when I spilt a drink or did something wrong.

"Fine, we'll talk about this when you get home." A very tall man entered the kitchen with a scowl on his face with another man who looked like he had just gotten into trouble. He was wearing a very expensive-looking suit that must have cost £500 just for the blazer. Talk about being boujee.

As soon as guy number one laid his eyes on me, his expression didn't change he just walked over and sat on the opposite side of the island whilst the other guy went straight to the kettle to make tea.

How I do hate being British sometimes.

"Okay so I have to leave now Emilia, here is my contact number in case you need me for any emergencies, you can also contact me for any further updates on Shawn's upcoming trials." She hands me a business card and I mumble a thank you and accept the card and put it in my pocket. Ha, I was still in my pyjamas, the woman didn't give me time to change.


"Thank you." The man I presume is Alessandro shakes her hand and guides her to the door.

He comes waltzing back into the kitchen and sits down again.

A cup of tea is placed in front of me and I smile at the man who has piercing green eyes.

"Hello, my name is Alessandro and I am sure that you are aware that you will be staying with due to your predicament with your stepdad."

I nod yes and continue to play with my fingers that are in my lap.

"That would be a yes, not a nod." I nod again not realising my mistake. His scowl darkens his mood completely and I quickly say a quick 'yes'.

"I'm Elijah, the second eldest." He reaches his hand out to shake mine. I turn my head away to break eye contact and hesitate to shake it. I shake it and he smiles showing his perfect teeth.

"Wait, there was more than one brother," I whisper to myself. I was very shy around these men, I just really don't like meeting new people, especially men.

This is one of the things that Shane ruined for me, I want my old self back to the way it was, where I had faith that men weren't total dîcks but now, I take one glance at a man and I am shivering in a corner.

I slowly sip on the scorching hot tea, wincing when I would swallow it too quick.

"As I was saying, you will be staying here with us due to your stepdad being placed under police custody, and I will give you a day to settle in, you know, put your things away and maybe get some rest, you look tired." He takes a large gulp of his tea and intertwines his fingers together.

"Later on today when you have had some rest, I will go over the ground rules of the house but I don't want to say too much because you need your rest first." He places his now empty cup in the sink whilst I'm over here taking tiny sips because I keep burning my tongue.

"Elijah, if you could, take her up to her room and help her settle in." He walks back up the steps and begins to hike up the stairs.

"This way." Elijah leads us up one of the stairways and down a few very spacious corridors before he opens the door to my room.

Is this Narnia? I have never seen anything more beautiful. It was mostly pink and blue, this bedroom alone was like the perimeter of my house.

There was a gigantic bed that looked like it could be on display at a museum. It had a sheer curtain around the bed and some butterflies were hanging all over the ceiling. This may sound like a childish bedroom but when you go from having a tiny room with no space to a room that is the size of a flat then you are bound to be shocked.

"You can stop drooling now." I was still stood at the doorway of my room. He had pulled my suitcases in and laid them down on the black carpet that didn't go extremely well with the bedroom.

"Sorry." I finally walk in and let me tell you, you feel like you just walked through wonderland.

"I'll let you settle in, have a nap or put your things away, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." He pats the side of my head before he leaves me in my room.

I nod at him before he closes the door gently. I take my time to admire the work that has been put into this room.

A lot of the furniture was white but the walls were light pink with a few blue items. It is like bubblegum.

Don't be so childish.

After putting away my few clothes that I had into the set of 3 shelved drawers that were placed next to my bed, I laid down on my bed just thinking about today's weird events.

I go from having a stepdad, to have him being placed in prison, to then staying up all night at the police station, to meeting a model like a social worker, being told I have a brother (not mentioning the facts that it was plural) to then finally finding out that they were very rich and rude?

Wow, what a day it has been for me.

I pull the suitcase out from under the bed to find my charger to charge my phone in the socket next to my bed. I climb into the bed feeling immediate comfort and relaxation.

It was only around 1 PM but I was very tired from staying up all night. I needed some kind of energy source but I don't want to sleep through the day.

I will rest my eyes. I won't sleep.

I will rest my eyes. I won't sleep.

My mind betrayed my eyes because I began to feel very droopy and Exhausted so that I couldn't move.

I just let the darkness drown me.



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