《Picture Day (Inanimate Insanity AU)》Reunited


Fan's POV:

It was dark out, pitch black in fact.

Balloon was asleep in the hospital bed next to mine and Toilet was snoring on the couch that sat against the right wall.

Me on the other hand, I was wide awake.

I couldn't sleep, too many thoughts were running through my mind.

I couldn't bear to just lie there, knowing that all of my friends were still trapped, suffering through all that torture.

I shifted in bed a bit.

I wasn't better yet, I wasn't supposed to leave.

But something was telling me that I had to go.

Maybe it was just my brain messing with me due to the damage, or maybe it was something else, but whatever it was, I silently got out of the hospital bed.

It was creaky, and almost woke Balloon up, but I was able to keep him asleep.

My head spun as I stood up, and I struggled to keep my ballance.

Once my head stopped spinning, I made my way to the door and quietly pushed it opened.

The lights were on in the long hallway.

But it all just seemed too familiar. I didnt like how much it looked like that lab I had been kept in.

It caused me to tense up.

But I took a deep breath and continued down the hall.

I kept turning back, expecting someone to be there, but every time, there was nobody.

I couldn't think straight.

My mind kept telling me that this place was trying to hurt me, that it was no different than that horrid lab.

Then, I heard footsteps.

I stopped in my tracks.

My breathing picked up.

I had to get out of there...

I needed to escape...

Without thinking, I suddenly started running.

I turned the corner and somehow knew there was someone standing there.

I shoved past the nurse, and made a break for the stairs.

She seemed confused and dazed for a moment before she realized.

She quickly got up and tried to stop me, but I slammed the door before she could reach me.

I sprinted down the stairs, almost tripping, but managed to maintain my balance.

They're trying to hurt me...

I have to get out...

I finally made it to the hospital doors, and I just barely reached the door when I was grabbed by the arms.

I screamed and kicked, and did everything in my power to get them to let go, but they had a tight grip.

They pulled me to a nearby bed and strapped me down to keep me from moving.

But I just kept trying to free myself.

It reminded me of the metal table I had been strapped to when Cobs had done the procedure.

The nurses and doctors attempted to calm me down, but it was difficult.

They had the doctors bring me to a room once I had calmed down a bit.

It wasnt the one with Balloon in it, but I suppose they needed to isolate me for a bit in case I hurt somebody


Once they had put me back into bed, they brought in the doctor who had offered to help.

I was calmer with him, he didn't feel like a threat to me.

We talked for a bit, and he asked why I had attempted to run away.

I just stayed silent at the question.

He just sighed.

"Take your time." He said with a smile, before exiting the room.

I could hear him talking outside with a nurse.

"Why did he think that was a good idea?" I heard the nurse ask.

"He's clearly traumatized by something. Something must've triggered that reaction." The doctor replied.

The doctor and the nurse continued to talk for a while, before they both parted ways.

Am I crazy?

They think I'm crazy dont they...?

I layed there silently, not knowing what to do.

So I just cried.

I wasnt sad, or angry, but I just felt the need to cry, to let the burning emotions inside spill out.

I wanted my friends to come back, I wanted them to be safe.

But I couldn't do anything about that for now.

I laid there for a while, before my eyes began to get heavy.

I fought to stay awake, I dont know why, but I didn't want to sleep just then.

But I was tired. So tired. So I just decided to let myself drift to sleep.




Lightbulb's POV:

I hugged Painty tightly.

I was so glad to have them back, but at the same time, I was scared.

I was scared that I might lose them again.

I didn'at want that.

So I held onto them. I didn't ever want to let go.

I knew I would have to eventually, but for now, I wanted to hold onto them as long as possible.

I held onto Painty as they lead me along.

I could hear twigs and leaves cruching beneath our feet, so I assumed we were in a forest.

"LIGHTS!!!" Someone suddenly exclaimed.

I jumped at the sudden yelling.

"Lights??? Where?!" Painty asked.

I'm assuming someone pointed because Painty gasped.

Suddenly I was lifted off of my feet, and heard the sounds of multiple people running.

I was confused but just sat still.

After a while, everyone slowed down, and I could hear the sound of cars.


A city!

I was set on my feet.

"We made it Lightbulb!" Paintbrush exclaimed, and I heard a couple of cheers, and some cries.

I assumed they were happy cries though, there would be no point in sad crys now.

I hugged Painty and they hugged me back.

We finally made it.

We're finally out.

And I have my best friend with me.

I couldn't have been happier in this moment.

We began walking again.

I didn't really care where, I was just glad we were free.

Now I just hope we stay free.




Cobs' POV:


All of them.

They're all gone.

All of my work, destroyed.

MePhone4 must've caused this.

His containment room was broken open when I checked.


I stomped my foot in anger, and began pacing back and forth.

There had to be some way to fix all this.

I wasn't going to let them get away this time.

I had to find a place more hidden, a place where they couldn't escape when I caught them.

But they're going to get the police arent they?

They're going to get the police before I can get ahold of them again.

I can't let that happen.

I called a couple of MePhones in, and commanded them to track the subjects down.

They nodded and departed.

They wont get away this time.

I'm going to make sure of it.





[In the morning]

Fan sat silently in his hospital bed, staring at the clean white sheets.

Last night was pretty chaotic, and he was having a hard time thinking straight.

Things were better today, but he was still anxious.

He didn't know what to think of all this, and he was afraid of what Balloon and Toilet would think.

After a while of silence, Toilet hopped in.

Fan glanced at Toilet, then looked away, trying to avoid eye contact.

"I heard about what happened last night..." Toilet mumbled, sitting on a chair next to Fan's bed.

Fan let out a small quiet noise and continued trying to avoid eye contact.

Toilet sighed.

"I know this must be hard, you've been through a lot and I guess it's easy to feel scared after what happened." Toilet spoke with a soft tone, attempting to show some simpathy.

"Im sorry..." Fan said, his voice quivering a bit.

"Don't be sorry! It's not your fault!" Toilet spoke, doing a little spin on the swivel chair he was sitting on.

Fan stared silently for a moment, rubbing his hand.

"Can we go for a walk?" He asked.

He just wanted to get some fresh air for a bit, to calm down.

"Um..." Toilet hesitated. "Let me ask the doctors!"

With that, Toilet hopped out of the room, and came back in with a doctor a bit later.

"C'mon! I'll keep an eye on em!" Toilet exclaimed, the doctor walking in next to him.

"He's still recovering. he has to stay here for a couple more days." The doctor said.

Toilet continued trying to convince the doctor.

Fan frowned and rubbed his arm.

The doctor stared for a moment.

"Ok fine. But you have to make sure you bring him back." The doctor mumbled.

Fan's sad expression changed, and he smiled a bit.

"Alrighty doc! We wont be gone for too long!" Toilet did a little hop.

He then pulled Fan to his feet.

"Let's go get Balloon!" Toilet hopped in the direction of Balloon's room.

"Balloon is coming with?" Fan asked.

"Yep!" Toilet responded.

They then walked into the room Balloon was located.

They helped him get some crutches to use, and gave him one that he could use with his missing arm.

They then went down the nearby elevator.

"So where are we gonna go?" Balloon asked.

Toilet then explained that they were going to just walk around town for a bit.

They ended up finding Nickel wandering around, and he decided to walk with them.

Then Fan saw someone familiar. In fact, he saw multiple people.

He had to look twice to make sure he was seeing them correctly.

Sure enough, he was.

He gasped and stared in shock.

It was the rest of the group.

They escaped? But how? Fan wondered.

He approached them from behind and tapped on one of their shoulders.

The person jumped and whipped around.

It was Mic.

Fan took a couple steps back, trying to take in what he was seeing.

Mic tapped soaps shoulder, causing her to turn around.

"What is it M-"

Soap stared in shock, and the rest of the group turned around to look.

Everyone was speechless for a moment before Knife's expression changed.

He stormed over to Fan and punched him across the face, causing Fan to fall to the ground.

"Knife why did you-?!" Soap walked up to Knife, who held her back with one arm

"YOU LEFT US THERE TO ROT!" He exclaimed, stomping his foot down and pointing at Fan.

Fan flinched.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't have enough ti-"

"So what if you didn't have enough time?! Why didn't you come back for us?!" Knife snapped.

"I tried but I- I needed to make a plan first-" Fan mumbled, rubbing the spot where he was punched.

Knife didn't seem convinced.

He looked like he was about to punch Fan again, but Soap held him back.

"What matters now is that we're all free ok? We just need to find help." She spoke.

Knife let out a long exhale and glared at Fan, before walking to the back of the group.

Toilet and Balloon approached as Soap helped Fan up.

"We're staying at a hospital- they can probably help you guys." Fan mumbled.

Toilet stared at the large group for a moment.

"Ya! They can help ya, follow me!" Toilet exclaimed.

They all followed.

Eventually they made it to the hospital, and everyone was checked in.

Nickel started complaining about the hospital bill, because he was still the one who would have to pay, but eventually he stopped.

Fan was filled in on everything that happened while they were gone, about how MePhone had saved them, and about how Paintbrush had returned.

Lightbulb was treated for her injuries first, due to hers being the worst, and eventually the rest of the group was taken care of as well.

At this point, the doctors had no choice but to believe them, and eventually, the police were sent out.

Everyone was finally free.

There was still one problem though.

Cobs was still out there somewhere.

They weren't completely safe yet.

Hopefully the police would be able to catch him before it's too late.

For now, they just have to stay hidden.




(Haha surprise, there was a Cobs POV this time hehehe

Hope you enjoyed this chapter hhhhh)

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