《Cat Kisses Are Better~ //ERASERMIC//》Chap. 34


Toshinori staggered back. He wasn't phased by the hit, he was just surprised.

didn't know scrawny rats like could fight."

"Leave us alone. Shota is mine, I don't care what the two of you had." Hizashi steadied himself for what would come next.

"Hizashi stop, You'll hurt yourself." Shota begged, he tucked on Hizashi's arm. "Toshinori, you need to leave. You are not welcomed here."

"Who is it, Old Man?" Hitoshi came up behind Shota, trying to get a good look at who was at the door, but Hizashi wouldn't let him.

"Go to your room, Toshi." Hizashi said in a harsh tone.

"Um, okay.." Toshi went into his room, he knew better than to cross Hizashi when he's in a mood.

They argued, all of them. Shouting and cursing, It was a horrible scene, but then it got violent...

Toshinori took Hizashi by the throat. Pinning him up against the now-closed door. Shota felt his stomach twist. He tried to remove the brute's grasp on his lover's neck but he wouldn't budge. Claws burrowed into Toshinori's forearm, Hizashi scratched and sliced trying to get air, Toshinori was choking him.

"All i have to do is get rid of you then Shota will be all mine." Toshinori grunted.

Shota looked at his now blue-faced partner, the panic started to rise in his stomach. "Toshinori stop! You're killing him!" Shota did the only thing he could in this situation.

Shota kicked him as hard as he could where the sun doesn't shine (...idk)

Toshinori dropped like a dead fly. Hizashi took a deep gasp of sweet air.

"I want you to take your good for nothing ass and leave us alone! You're a bastard. Go back to your whores and if I see you anywhere near my family i'll call the police on you for sexual harrassment. Get off my property." Shota had snapped. He wanted his family to be safe, hopefully this would be enough.

Shota left Toshinori, groaning and whining, in his door step while he took Hizashi inside. Shota made sure that the door was locked.


He sat Hizashi on the couch, he was clutching at his neck, holding it like there was a wound.

"Are you okay? Zashi?" Shota smoothed the hair out of Hizashi's face.

Hizashi squeaked... thats all he could do.

"Toshi! Quick!" Shota yelled. He could feel the warm curtain of tears cover his eyes,

Hitoshi ran out of his room. "What's wrong, Pops?!"

"Get an ambulance. Quick!"

Hitoshi fumbled into the kitchen and used the home phone.

"Hizashi i'm so fucking sorry, this was all my fault. You got hurt because of me, I-" as the tears poured, Hizashi pressed his forehead against Shota's, wiping the tears away with the thumbs. "No its not okay! That prick strangled you! All because of me... Hizashi.. what if you're hurt bad? What if-" Hizashi placed a finger over Shota's lips, signaling him to be quiet.

Shota paced the waiting room, praying that Hizashi would be okay.

"Dad, calm down..." Hitoshi mumbled.

"'calm down'? Your father is in there, he's probably in pain... but you want me to be calm?" Shota grumbled.

"He's tough, he'll pull through.."

"Hitoshi you don't understand-"

"I apparently don't understand anything do I Dad?" Hitosh stood up. "I try so hard, but enlighten me Father, what do i not understand?"

"Shota Yamada? He's awake now." The doctor interrupted the feuding family (Family Feud... heh)

The room stunk with memories... memoried he wished he could forget..

"Zashi." Shota practically ran to the side of the bed.

The blond looked so weak laying there.

"Oh thank God you're okay.." He grabbed Hizashi's hand, even his grip was weak.

"Sho..." He whispered gravelly. He looked in pain when he said that.

"I'm here. Toshi is here too." Toshi stood beside Shota.

"Tosh-" He was interrupted by a horrible cough

"Stop talking you idiot. You're pushing it..." Aizawa spoke softly. He sat on the side of the bed once the blond had made room for him.

Hizashi held Shota's cheek, his trembling fingers rubbed the scar under his eye. "I'll be.. fine." He struggled to even whisper.


The doctor had came into the room rather quietly and scared the daylights out of Shota when he had cleared his throat. "Mr. Yamada's vocal pipes have been severally damaged... it will take time and plenty of it before they are close to what they used to be. It would be best if he doesnt talk until his next appointment, which will be in about... well i can only say two weeks from now." He spoke softly. "It will be hard for him to swallow anything as well, hot liquids or hot foods are in this catergory. Warm foods and liquids are fine, we dont want to scold his throat and end up making the healing process even longer." He placed the clipboard on Hizshi's bed. "He'll have to stay here for the rest of the week so we can get him on medicine and such, but i shall leave you to your family." He looked over at Hizashi. Who just nodded gently.

It has been almost a month after that terrible experience, Hizashi could speak, but not much before he would have to drink almost a half a bottle of water so he wouldn't cough his lungs out. "I'm sorry you're like this Zashi... I can never forgive myself for how stupid i was... and i won't stop saying sorry no matter how many times you say its okay. I was an idiot." he gave a pitiful laugh "Guess you can say i was thinking with my dick more than my head."

"Dad- That's gross." Hitoshi muttered, he left the kitchen and wished he didnt have to heard what Shota had said.

"Sho." Hizashi said in his now gravelly voice. "Just shut up. I'm still hurt over it but," He sighed. "this you saying sorry everyday is getting really annoying." He tried to laugh but he just started to cough, he opened his water bottle and almost sucked it down.

"But i mean it." Shota protested but Hizashi put his finger over Shota's lip,

"Shut up."

Aizawa let out a aggrivated groan.

Later in the night, everyone was asleep... except for Shota. His arms wrapped around Hizashi's slim waist, who was happily snoring away. What would he be if Hizashi never forgave him? Where would he be?

He shuttered at the thought, he didnt want to imagine a life without Hizashi and he thought he would have to. Never seeing the blond he grew so fond of holding ever again, only getting to see his son on a certain amount of days. That sounded like a life that would put him in an early grave. But he was lucky that Hizashi didnt care about his mistake anymore. He buried his head against Hizashi's back and drifted to sleep.

He was happy.

He had a family that still loved him even for what he had done. He knew he didnt deserve the idiot but he was glad that Hizashi stuck around with his wild choices. He would make it up to him, everyday, every year. He would stay by Hizashi's side forever amd tell him he only loved him and he would never love anyone else,

He was happy. Very happy.

//This is the last chapter. Now before you yell at me saying i didnt close the story right. i honestly dont care now. This book is old. And the main reason im ending it now is due to a lot of "Colourful" comments i get. Im glad that this book is popular, never thought it would happen, but a lot of comments are about my language and misspells and call me a dick but i dont care. This book is basically to show how my writing has grown. Other comments are about ships that i dont ship anymore really. like i dont ship EraserMight anymore but back then i used too and thats how i wanted to write my book. But call me names and such, at this point im just used to anything but at least this... whatever you want to to call this is over now and a burden is lifted from my shoulder. So let the hate come, ill accept everything//

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