《Cat Kisses Are Better~ //ERASERMIC//》Chap. 33


Shota knew he smelled like smoke and beer but he figured if he kept his distance from Hizashi he wouldn't get caught.

He opened the door to see Hitoshi eating some kind of noodles, Hizashi wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Hey Tosh, where's Hizashi?" Shota closed the door and took off his shoes leaving them next to the door. Hitoshi pointed to their bedroom.

"He's waiting for you, he wants to talk." Hitoshi went back to his noodles.

Shota cursed in his mind.

"Alright thanks..."

Shota walked into the bedroom and there was Hizashi, sitting on the bed.

"You lied." Hizashi mumbled

"I beg your pardon?"

"You lied! You were no where near the college were you? Don't even think about coming up with another lie, I called them and they said you never went inside or that you left your bag there!" He stood up and got in Shota's face, and then he smelled the toxic smell.

"You were..." Hizashi went quiet and Shota could hear his heart crack. "Do you want to end your life! You know that can kill you!" Hizashi was on the edge of tears. Shota felt everything slowed down, he knew what was going to happen.

Hizashi slammed his fist into Shota's face. Shota staggered back, holding his cheek. Hizashi looked at him and then his fist.

"Sho... I'm sorry I didn't mean too." He put his arms to his side

"No.. I really deserved that... so what's the consequences?" He sighed.

"Sleep on the couch until you get rid of the smell... but Shota, why..? You know you shouldn't be smoking, your lungs are still bad. This stuff is bad."

"Yeah.. I know but... I should just tell you the truth." He sighed and sat on the bed. "Once I'm done telling you your free to hate me, punch me, hell you could even kick me out and we can spilt..." he saw Hizashi wince at the last part. Hizashi sat next to him and held his hand.


"Tell me, please Shota..."

"Alright.." he rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. "How do I say this.. I've been sleeping with someone else... well had I'm not anymore, when ever you made me mad I'd go to his place and well we'd drink and it would always lead up to us having sex... but I'm not doing that again I realized that I have people who mean more than a quick fuck every now and again.. I'm sorry Hizashi.." Shota looked into his green eyes, they were flooding with mixed emotions, anger, sadness, and little flicks of happy.

"Shota..." Shota winced at his name, Hizashi grabbed his arm and pulled him into a hug. "Shota I really am mad but, I wished you would have realized this before you did it the second time. If you keep this up you'll be grounded like Toshi." Hizashi laughed a little

"Yeah..." he held Hizashi tighter "Hey, don't you have your radio show tonight?"

"Oh yeah! They finally got it authorized so now it's a actual station, tonight is just the beginning, my sweet!" He smiled that goofy grin.

"What are you calling it?" Shota smiled lightly

"Hands Up! Radio." He said proudly.

"Sounds stupid." Shota joked

"You're supposed to support me! You have to be my number one listener!" Hizashi whined.

Shota laughed a little "Such a baby." He patted Hizashi's cheeks and let go of the hug.

"You're so mean!" He poutted

"I know.." Shota smirked.

"Daaaaaad! Someone's at the doooooor." Hitoshi yelled. Hizashi looked at Shota, but Shota shook his head. Hizashi went out of the bedroom and to the front door, he looked out the door peep hole (to be honest i have no clue what those things are actually called so i'm going to call them peep holes.) The figure was tall and he had blond hair in some strange style.


"Shota, I think this is for you." Hizashi let out a small growl as he called for his love. Shota came out of the bedroom with a dumbfounded face, he had his eyebrow cocked and was looking at Hizashi.

"Who is it?" Shota asked through the door, he didn't want to look through the hole, he pretty much figured it out by how Hizashi called for him, Toshinori was on the other side of the door, waiting for Shota to answer so he could do who knows what.

"Toshinori spoke softly, Hizashi had steam coming out of his ears. Shota backed away, pulling Hizashi with him.

"Listen Hizashi-"

"No you listen Shota! I can't love you if you're with someone else, either you permanently stop this or..." Hizashi stopped to take a deep breath. "Or we're done.. do you not realize that this shit hurts me! I want you to stop this! I can't handle this anymore!" Hizashi broke from Shota's grasp and marched to the front door, he swung it open. Toshinori stood there confused, He looked down at Hizashi.

"Toshinori clearly didnt get the picture that Hizashi was Shota's.

"Yeah, he's here, but he's my husband." Hizashi threw his fist into the side of Toshinori's face, he felt the burn, but he didn't care. He was proving that Shota was his and his only

((sorry that near the end it changed, the beginning i wrote on my phone then the rest, where every new dialogue was a new paragraph, was written on my laptop, but i still managed to get out a new chapter, also i think from now on thats how the chapters will look because im going to use the laptop for wattpad and such and if i w]have to write on my pone but that might be rare idk yet))

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