《Cat Kisses Are Better~ //ERASERMIC//》Chap. 4


"So what are your hobbies, interests and such?" Shota asked Hizashi "um.. singing I guess, I mean I don't know" Hizashi shrugged as he goes to the kitchen. "Wanna drink?" Hizashi brings out some whiskey and 2 beers, he didn't know what Shota liked so he just winged it "Sure" Shota smiled oh gosh...his smile... Hizashi blushed as he setted the drinks on the table "I don't have any clean cups right now, so you could drink from the bottle if you wanted to" Shota grabbed the whiskey and gulped a good amount damn he can handle his alcohol too... huh... Hizashi cracked open a beer

They made small talk while they got heavily drunk, they couldn't stop it seemed to calm them and bring them together almost "Wanna Play Truth or d-dare...?" Hizashi slurred "truth or dare.." Shota whisper, "Dare..."


Shota climbed into Hizashi's lap and smashed his lips against Hizashi's. The blonde turned red as he kissed back. The two sat there passionately kissing, taking in each other's alcohol covered lips. Hizashi's hands stumbled as he went to undo Shota's ponytail. The soft, jet black hair washed over his hands. Gorgeous Hizashi's brain went wild with thoughts. Hizashi cupped his hands on Shota, bringing him closer in to the kiss. A small groan came from Shota, he was red on the face as well, but it was mainly from the whiskey. Shota took his hands and rubbed Hizashi's chest, making Hizashi growl inside the kiss. Shota tugged on his shirt signaling that the raven haired man wanted it off, Hizashi pulled off the Kiss shirt and pinned Shota onto the small couch, God damn... this... this is great Hizashi nibbled on Shota's neck, Hizashi could feel his member growing, making the used to be baggy pants turn tight, shit... it's too late now, heh. Hizashi smiled as he pulled Shota's black t-shirt off, revealing a solid 6-pack and a nice fuzzy chest. Blush crept onto the both of their faces, Hizashi went back to work nibbling until he found a sweet spot, Shota moaned.


Shota grapped Hizashi's slim face and pressed his lips onto his, this is enough... he sat up placing Hizashi on his lap. He was much thinner compared to Shota "I'm too tired to do this," Shota pecked Hizashi's forehead "I'm going to bed" He scooted Hizashi off his lap and walked to his soon-to-be room, leaving his shirt on the floor...

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