《Cat Kisses Are Better~ //ERASERMIC//》Chap. 3


His hair was in a ponytail... beautiful... it was black as his eyes... dreamy... He had a baby face, it looked fresh, showered before he got here "um.. are you Hizashi Yamada?" Hizashi was in a daze staring into the beaut in front of him, "y-yea, you must be S-Shota.." He managed to peep out "Are you okay, you look like your sick" Shota said, a slight bit of concern in his voice "Yea... I'm perfectly fine, please come inside" Shota stepped inside and Hizashi caught a glimpse, damn... he's got a nice ass... Hizashi chuckled to himself, the door clicked shut "Would you like a tour?" Hizashi asked cheerfully, the apartment wasn't too spacious, but perfect for 2 people. "Sure" Shota's voice was crisp... relaxing for Hizashi's ears "Alrighy" The blonde said happily as he showed Shota around "And here is your soon-to-be room, feel free to go and look around for yourself" and of course he did, Hizashi couldn't figure out what he liked more, his voice or his lovely ass... He snapped out of his trance to see Shota waving at his face "hellloo," Shota asked. "Earth to Hizashi" god he was beautiful "W-what do you need?" His cheek burned with blush "I noticed the water heater, it's pretty small, how long is there hot water?" Shota looked at him curiously "oh 2 hours, but say if both of us were taking showers...in our separate bathrooms, of course... only 1 of us would get hot water while the other would get blasted with Arctic water" Hizashi, trying to pass off the first part threw up finger guns and a wide smile. Shota smiled a little....

Shota looked into his vibrant eyes... they're so...green "Alright, huge question are there loud neighbors?" Depending on the answer, Shota would move in right away. Hizashi seemed like he needed a good friend, or at least company, and plus he seemed to be nice. "Huh, oh... not really occasionally there'll be a party 2 rooms down and sometimes you could hear the music from the kitchen but that's it really" Hizashi smilied and threw up the finger guns again, he's such a nerd "would it be fine if I stay here, for tonight, I think I might have an answer" Hizashi's eye grew more vibrant "y-yea! That's fine" Shota saw Hizashi's cheeks turn pinker than a girl's room does he like me or something? "Alright" Shota smiled softly, it was an odd feeling, he rarely smiled, in fact he didn't have a reason to smile sometimes,


Hizashi recommended that they sit down and get to know each other better so the two of them sat on the small couch...

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