《Protected by BTS》Chapter 8: Blackmail


"Jungkook?!" Jimin and Taehyung yelled at the same time. The boys were preoccupied with the unconscious Jungkook on the floor. His arm was bright red from the burn you inflicted on him and a slight bump was found on the site of the teapot impact. No one was watching you and you took your second chance in escaping and bolted out of the room. You ran down the stairs and headed to the elevator again as Jimin, Taehyung, and Seokjin stumbled to trail behind you.

"Kyoung MiSun! Wait!" A voice shouted and you became frightened that they already know who you are. The elevator doors took too long to open and you knew they would make it to you first.

So you gave up waiting. You ran down the adjacent hall, hoping that one of these doors could help you in some way. There were a couple doors in the hallway and you had no time to gamble when you saw the 3 boys about 10 feet behind you.

You threw open the last door of the hallway which was double doors — you figured it would have some sort of lock to buy you time, and it did. Throwing the door open and stepping inside, you quickly close and lock the door.

A couple of loud thuds were heard outside of the door as the boys came into contact with the hard surface. They were fairly close in stopping you.

"Aigo," Taehyung rubbed his forehead and the two other boys groaned in annoyance. Your heart started to steady and you felt better that you had separated yourself from them.

"Well, at least she can't leave." Seokjin said before heading back out, "Taehyung, come help me with Jungkook. Jimin, you call the others and tell them what happened."

You were in yet another giant room but this time it was more of a study/ producing room. There were plants and bookshelves on the walls of the room with a large desk and computer in the middle. It was like a study room you would find in an old mansion. The large floor to floor window on the back reminded you of just how high up you were. You sat on the big chair of the desk scoping through the computer.


A simple passcode was needed. That was nothing you couldn't hack into. After about 2 minutes you had bypassed it; however, more security measures were needed. It enabled a biometric fire wall, which would be a lot more difficult for you to get through.

You had to think.

I could open his computer in about 5 minutes but what would I do then? I can't exactly call the police. Father strictly specified I couldn't go to them.

Another emergency alarm? No.

The only way out is through those doors.

Blackmail? Hey! There's an idea.

You quickly got to work and eventually got through. The files on his computer were also encrypted but yet another obstacle you could easily overcome. Scanning through, you looked for files with the heaviest encryptions and cracked them one by one.

You emailed it to yourself and multiple other email accounts you just now made. You had to give yourself insurance so they wouldn't kill you when you walked out the door.

You didn't realize how fast time had flown by. It was already half an hour and you weren't even close to scanning through all heavily encoded firewalls.

Then a polite knock was heard from the hallway. It stopped you in your tracks momentarily but you continued and decided to finish where you were. You had started to wonder why they hadn't tried to break down the door of the office.

It wouldn't be an easy feat but it was definitely not impossible either.

You had finished sending all the emails to your multiple new email accounts and then turned off the computer. You stood up and stood in front of the door.

The knocking continued.

"MiSun-ah. Oh! I mean Kyoung MiSun." Namjoon said softly from the other side. You gulped at the new formality.

"Please come out. I promise we won't hurt you. This is seriously a whole big misunderstanding. So if you would let me-"


"Stop. I don't care what you have to say. When I open the door, you guys are going to let me walk out of here. You aren't going to touch me. I downloaded all of your encrypted files and emailed them to myself! You can't-"

"You did what?" Namjoon said in astonishment and chuckled to himself.

"You heard me. And I'll make all of those files go public and if you don't-"

He cut you off once again, "Listen, Misun. I don't care about those stupid files right now. Well, I do, but that's not the important thing here."

You wondered what he would be talking about.

"Misun I know you're looking for me."

That's stopped all of your thoughts. "I'm looking for Kim Namjoon, not whoever you are."

"I'm RM, the guy with the tattoo you followed. My real name is Kim Namjoon. Please open the door so we can talk about this. Everything will make sense, I swear it."

You weren't going to fall for the act.

"I don't believe you. You're going to make me open this door and kill me or something!" You started drifting to crazier and crazier thoughts.

"What?! No! Kyoung MiSun please trust me! I'm Kim Namjoon, I just want to help."

Trust. Help. Those were the words that your father said. That's what Kim Namjoon will do. You didn't know if you could trust his words and Namjoon from the other side of the door could tell.

"Misun. In my desk, there's a drawer on the bottom right. Look inside it. There will be proof enough in there." He said in a much calmer tone of voice.

You hesitatingly walked over and opened the drawer. There were multiple random items in there. You didn't understand what type of proof he could have that would make you believe him or trust him.

None of the items really looked important as you scanned over the different files and papers. One dusty, old picture frame caught your eye. It was flipped upside down and looked as if it hadn't been touched in years. You flipped it up to see the picture and your heart skipped a beat.

The guy outside was right, this was enough proof.

It was a group picture. The familiar man in the middle right was holding a little girl in his arms. You identified the man and the tattoo to belong to your father. That little girl in the picture must be you.

Begrudgingly, you unlocked the door and opened it. You saw 6 men, including Namjoon staring at you and the picture in your hand.

"Kim Namjoon?" You looked to the man with the tattoo. He nodded. "RM? He nodded. "My real name is Kim Namjoon, but people who aren't my family call me RM. No one but my family know my real name."

"Family? Is that what my father is to you." You asked softly.

He nodded. "Yes."

You blinked tears away, not wanting to cry in front of these strangers. "Well Kim Namjoon, p-pleasehelp me find my father."

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