《The Protected One》B r o k e n T r u s t


Today morning was an average Thursday.

Despite the fact that it was still dark outside, It was normal.

Although it wasn't unusual for it to be dark outside I just felt as if the weather was setting the mood for today, and I didn't like it.

Not one bit.

I was already dressed of course.

I wasn't a morning person at all, but once I'm up, I can't go back to sleep.

A blessing, and a curse.

I finished shoving the last of my books into my backpack and made my way to the kitchen.

Everyone was seated except for Dylan obviously,which was no surprise.

"Good morning y'all." I said to them, to which I got a few responses back.

I took a seat next to Tomas and Marco, and began putting waffles on my plate.

"Sleep well? Xander asks.

"Yep" I said popping the p.

"Hey Marco can you do me a favor? Sophia Alice speaks up.

Marco groans.

"I want to change my shoes. Can you get my flats they're under my bed please." She says.

"Fine. But you owe me." He tells her.

She just nods her head.

"So on Saturday my workplace needs a few volunteers to help out. Everyone is expected to attend." Xander speaks up.

Him and Tomas share a look.

"Ooh how should I dress? Sophia Alice smiled.

"Classy, professionally. This is a very important thing for me and the company. I also want to introduce you to two people there."

Now it's Sophia Alice's and I turn to share a look.

I have a feeling we both know what this is for.

"Today after school Felix and Marco will be taking you two shopping for the proper attire needed," Tomas smiled at us.

Sophia Alice and I yayed while Felix scoffed.

"Omg I can't believe I have to go dress shopping with you two girls. Someone gag me." He rolls his eyes.

"Oh man up! I tell him.

"I am manly. I just don't have the time to be watching you two try on dresses. Lord know that'll take years." He says.

"Quite frankly, Felix, you have no choice. You know better than to complain about orders I give you." Xander tells him.

He just nods his head.

"Hey Marco, you won't believe what we have to do." Felix turns his attention towards the staircase.

Marco doesn't answer cause he's too business staring at-

Oh no.

The bear made out of flowers that Christopher got Sophia Alice.

"Soph." He calls out.

She turns her attention towards him and her eyes go wide.

"What the hell is this?! He fumes.


"Tell me this is not what I think it is." He interrupts her.

She looks around nervously as all eyes are on her.

Awh my poor baby.

Marco scoffed loudly.

"My own sister. Out of everyone you chose Chris." He laughs without a trace of humor.

"Any fucking body and you chose Chris. My best friend." He repeats.

"And you two have been keeping it from me. For how long?


Sophia doesn't answer.

"It's okay Soph, you've kept quiet for long enough, you can stop now." He begins to mock her.

"Screw you Marco I don't have to answer to you." She says.

"Of course not. But you have to answer to Dylan. Thomas. And of course Xander." He smiles at Xander,

Who has a confused look on his face.

"What's going on here? " He asks slowly.

"Sophia Alice here-"

"Marco shut up! She interrupts

"-Decided it would be a bright idea to-

"Marco shut the hell up! Sophia Alice jumps out of her seat.

"Date Christopher behind my back." He finishes.

Xanders eyes shot to Sophia Alice.

"Is this true? He asks.


"Sophia Alice! He firmly interrupts her.

"Is.this.true? He asks again slowly.

She just nods her head.

Everyone knows there is no point in lying to Xander. At all.

"Okay. I'll deal with you after school." Xander calmly but sternly says.

Sophia Alice quietly takes a seat again and Marco angrily sits back down.

"I can't believe this." He lowly says.

"¿Sabes que? Confié en ti. Realmente lo hice. pero no te preocupes nunca volveré a cometer ese error." He says to her harshly. (You know what? I trusted you. I really did. But don't worry, I won't ever make that mistake again.)

"Whatever." She mutters.

"You must be stupid enough to think you could have actually gotten away with that shit, Sophia." Felix tells her.

"I don't need your two cents Felix." She tells him.

"You may not need it but I'm sure as hell going to give it you. Like seriously what do you think this is? A joke? We strictly say no dating and what do you do? Just that." He scolds her.

"Give me your phone." Xander ours his hand out.

"But Xander this isn't fair." She whines.

"Sophia Alice just give him your phone." Tomas buts in.

"I need my phone! She defends again.

"Sophia Alice don't play that shit with me, give me your damn phone! Xander raises his voice.

Sophia Alice takes a glance around the table.

Marco and Felix are glaring at her angrily.

Tomas is just staring at her.

Xander is obviously ticked off.

"Fine," she hands Xander the phone and walks off.

"I can't believe her." Marco scoffs again.

"Me either." Felix comments.

"I hope you punish her well," Marco says to Xander as he walks off.

Xander shakes his head in disappointment.

"What am I going to do with you guys? Xander says barley above a whisper.


The ride to school was obviously one of the most awkward rides ever.

Nobody was talking to each other as we normally would have done.

Dylan pulls into the school and as soon as the car stops Sophia Alice rushes out.

"If I see you go anywhere near Chris at all I swear-"

"Relax Marco. I'm not a dog you have to keep on a leash." She rolls her eyes.

"Apparently you are, Sophia Alice. Cause you can't be trusted to follow simple instructions." Felix adds his not needed two cents.


"Shut up." I tell him.

"Oh does little baby Frankie want in on the action? Felix asks in a baby voice.

"Screw you." I say.

"And what the hell is Aruba staring at? Felix asks.

I look in direction he's looking in to see Ben looking right at me.

He looked so good.

He had on a green hoodie with jeans and sneakers.

He gave me a small smile and continued on his way.

I too, peeled my eyes away from him and looked into the drivers mirror to see Dylan staring dead at me.

I ignore his gaze and get out the car anyway.

The boys go their seperate ways and Sophia Alice and I go our own way.

"I'm sorry babe." I tell her.

She forces a smile on her face.

"I'll be okay." She says lowly.


I walk to my locker to see Claude there waiting for me.

I smile at the fact that he is already smiling brightly at me.

"I know I look good today but damn." I say.

He chuckles.

"Don't flatter yourself to much." He says.

I began putting in my combination and grab my books for the morning.

Claude patiently waited for me.

I close my locker and we began walking.

"Hey Claude can I ask you a question?

"Shoot." He says.

"Did you ever tell Xander anything private that I've done or told you? I ask.

He sighs.

"Frankie my job is to protect you. Not to get you killed," he chuckles.

I let out a small laugh.

"You're my best friend. That's a whole different loyalty to you that I will forever stand by no matter what." He tells me.

"Thanks." I smile.

"Hey Marisol, Dave." We greet the 'Sharpay and Ryan' of our school, but in a good way.

They always planned all the events in the school and they were always the best.

"Frankie, Claude hey! Dave greets and Marisol just flashes her pearly whites which compliment her dark skin.


I happily get out the tension filled car.

I honestly couldn't handle the looks that everyone was giving Sophia Alice.

We all walk into the house and Sophia Alice dashes up the stairs.

"Come back here." A voice booms.


I continue up the stairs but stop when Xander says,

"Both of you."

I can't help but the look of confusion come onto my face.

Anyways, we both turn around and make our way to the living room.

"Have a seat." Xander says.

Amongst sitting down I noticed we were both face to face now with the 3 eldest of the family.

Xander, Dylan, and Tomas.

Which means this won't be good.

At all.

"So as you know, you've both recently been punished." He states.

"You two broke some important rules. Sophia Alice you had a boyfriend. Frayhani you snuck out. Am I missing any more? He asks.

We both shake our heads no.

"Okay. So with that being said, you two will be getting curfews, and body guards." He says.

My mouth drops open.

"Are you serious?! I nearly scream.

"Watch your tone Frankie." He warns.

"Xander, with all due respect, don't you think body guards a little much? Sophia Alice speaks up.

"No I don't. I feel like body guards are the perfect solution to the problem." He answers confidently.

"Xander. You can't. You're taking our last inch of privacy away." I tell him.

He just looks at me so I take it as a sign to keep going.

"Being with body guards will only take away that last bit of normal that we have in our lives. First the mafia, and now body guards following us around? How are we suppose to live our lives normally? I ask.

"You feel like your lives aren't normal? Tomas asks.

"Not really. Besides the obvious, going to school and hanging with friends is the only thing that's normal with us. With body guards following us around, what is going to be normal? I say.

"We can't trust you two to be without body body guards though." Dylan says softly.

"If we get body guards then Felix and Marco should be with one too." Sophia Alice adds.

"You guys are constantly punishing us for doing the same thing that Felix and Marco did years ago. That's not fair. Xander you know for a fact that Felix hooks up with at least 2 girls a week and you do nothing about it. You find out I have a boyfriend and you want to punish me harshly and Frankie when she's already been punished? Sophia Alice speaks.

"Felix has been dealt with." Xander puts in.

"Clearly not well enough because I've seen him with his phone and car keys 24/7."

"Sophia Alice, leave that to me. If I say that things are going to be dealt with, then things are going to be dealt with." He scolds her.

She didn't say anything back.

"Girls listen. You two have broken important rules. We have that covered and established, it's a fact. But you guys also have to realize we aren't doing this soley to punish you guys. It's also to protect you guys. Frankie, I can't always depend on Claude to put his life on the line. I thought the idea was good at first, but if it ever came down to the fact that Claude loses his life, it's going to be on me. I don't want me or you to go through the pain of losing Claude. I need someone who is bigger, stronger, older and can be around." Xander explains.

I look down.

Xander was right about the Claude part.

He sighs.

"Okay, how about this, you guys are still getting a curfew. But I will put getting the body guards on hold. For now." He proposed.

We nod our heads.

"You two are dismissed." He says.

We both get up to leave but stop when Dylan speaks.

"Don't make us regret this decision."

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