《The Protected One》B i r t h d a y B e h a v i o r


"Wakey wakey biatch! A voice called.

I only groaned in response.

"I said wakey wakey biatch!" The voice called again, but louder.

Again I didn't answer.

I was so tired.

I thought the voice went away, so I snuggled into my pillow some.

Finally, peace and quiet.

Or so I thought.

Until I heard "One time for the birthday bitch" followed by a loud "aye"

I opened my eyes to see Sophia Alice twerking to Birthday Bitch.

"Fuck it up if it's your birthday bih! She continued and twerked to the beat.

I couldn't help the loud laugh that errupted from my mouth.

She does this EVERY year.

I loved it every single year though, it was sort of like our thing.

I jumped to feet and joined her.

After all it was my 17th birthday.

"I did not need to see this first thing in the morning." A voice said behind us.

We both stopped what we were doing and turned around to face Marco.

"Oh come on this is just basic birthday behavior." I told him.

"Even though I'm grounded."

"As you should be." He commented.

I rolled my eyes.

"Who cares I'm 17! I beam.

"That you are. Happy birthday sis," he says opening his arms for a hug, which I gladly take.

"Thanks Marco. I love you."

"I love you more." He tells me.

We pull away and he claps his hands together.

"You guys breakfast is going to be cold so I suggest you get downstairs now."

"Fine. We're coming." I say with my hands resting on my brothers shoulders.

"Wait for me! Sophia Alice calls.

I stop in my tracks while Marco just continues on ahead.


"Wait let me change quickly." I say.

I change into more casual wear, and glance at Sophia Alice for approval, and she gives me a nod.

We walk down the stairs hand in hand, and as if he disappeared into thin air, Marco was nowhere to be found.

We walked into the kitchen and then I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard


Xander, Felix, Dylan, Tomas and Marco were all behind the kitchen counter with a cookie cake in front of them and 17 in balloon numbers.

"Oh gosh, you guys! I gush.

"You can finally shut up about your birthday all day," Felix is first to hug me.

"If this is your way of saying happy birthday Felix, then thank you." I say hugging him back.

"You're welcome." He says.

"Happy birthday little one." Dylan says in my ear.

"Thanks Dyl." I tell him.

Tomas basically suffocates me in his hug.

"You're 17! He says.

"I know! I beam back to him.

"These are the best years of your life, enjoy them." He informs me.

"I will, trust me! I gasp for air.


He finally let's go and squeezes my cheeks.

Finally the last one to hug me was Xander.

"Happy birthday Frankiestien."

"Thank you so much Xander."

I say to him knowing that this all came together because of Xander.

He gave everyone the go to let me have some type of celebration even though I'm grounded.

"No problem kiddo." He says pulling away.

"Okay, now its time for you to blow your birthday candles out." Sophia says placing the last candle on my cake.

I get closer to the cake and watch as Sophia Alice starts to light each and everyone of them.

"Alrighty on the count of three." She begins.




They begin to sing Happy birthday to me.

At this moment I couldn't help but think about my current situation right now.

My life has taken a huge turn in the past couple of weeks.

A HUGE one.

Despite the differences, these people in this very room are the most important people in my life period.

We aren't all related, but blood couldn't make any difference.

The sound of cheers bought me out of my thoughts as my siblings clapped.

"Make a wish! Tomas said.

I pretended to think.

I already knew what I wanted.

I then blew out the candles on my 17th birthday cake.

Once again cheers erupted around me.

"Now its time for presents! Sophia Alice clapped her hands cheerfully.

I pulled a chair and sat down.

"I'm ready for them." I smiled brightly.

"Here open mine first." Sophia Alice shoves a big pink bag in my face.

"Okay," I laugh while grabbing the bag.

I reach in to pull out a shoe box.

My eyes almost come out of its sockets.

"You got me red bottoms?! I basically scream.

"That's not all! She matches my level of excitement.

I reach into the bag and its filled with a care basket.

It has lotions, perfumes, candy, makeup and more.

"Oh my gosh! I beam.

I get up and basically tackle her in a hug.

"I love you so much! I tell her.

"I love you more!

We pull away and I see the boys all staring at me with a certain look in their eyes.

"What what's wrong? I question.

Xander goes to open his mouth but is cut off by the doorbell.

"You can get it." He smirks.

A confused expression makes its way to my face.

Something's wrong.

I still continue to the door anyway.

I open it to come face to face with

Sean, one of Xanders friends, who I haven't seen in forever actually.

"Sean! I beam.

"What are you doing here? I ask.

"I have a delivery for Frankie Almarack?" He smiles.

"That's me." I answer sarcastically.

He smiles and hands me something.

"Enjoy." He simply says before leaving.

I look down in my hand.


Car keys.

I look again and my legs nearly give out.

I can't react properly so I do the first thing that comes to mind.


I run back in the house.

"You guys got me a car?! I beam.

They just smile and nod their heads.

I can't help the scream that comes out again.

I run straight into the first persons arms I am closest too.

It just happened to be Dylan.

"Thank you guys so so much." I almost cry.

"Although it is your birthday Frankie, I hope you share your car with Sophia Alice." Xander says.

"Of course. Its as much mine as yours," I turn around to tell her.

"But just a tad bit more mine." I say.

They all laugh.

"Let's go see the car! Sophia Alice gushes.

We all head outside and another scream comes from a mouth.

But its Sophia Alice's.

"Its so cute! She gushes.

"I know I'm so excited!

We begin opening doors and checking out the car.

To say the least.

I'm absolutely in love.

I get out the car and once again jump up and down in excitement.

"Thank you guys so much. I love you! I say again.

"Group hug! Sophia Alice calls.

We all laugh but still come together to hug.

Mr.Bleu, our delivery guy, coming into the drive way takes us away from each other.

"Sorry to interrupt but I have a package for Frankie? The man asks.

I slowly raise my eyebrow. A package?

Xander nods as a signal to get the package.

He goes back in his truck and pulls out a few things and hands them to me.

"Thank you." I tell him once he walks off back into his truck.

He hands me the gifts and I can't help but be surprised.

"Who sent you that? Marco asks.

I pick up the tag that's on the box of flowers.

Hope your 17th birthday is as special as you are, Karol.

It immediately clicked who it was.

"Its from Sierra. I lie.

"Oh that's sweet of her." Felix says.

I debated on asking the next question, but I kind of had to.

"Do you guys mind if I go see her? I really want to thank her."

The boys all exchange looks between them.

Then they all look to Xander.

"Fine. Only because its your birthday. Be back quickly though, it suppose to rain." He says.

"Thank you. I'll make it quick." I say.

I turn to Sophia Alice.

"Do you want to ride along? I ask.

"That's fine. You go." She says smiling at me.

I give her a small smile and out the presents neatly in the back.

I get into the driver's seat into the ignition, and the car roars to life.

Wow. This is something I could get used to.

I swiftly pull out of the driveway and wave back to my siblings as they watch me with amused expressions.

Now of I'm being honest, I don't know how to get to Ben's house.

Although I do know how to get to his dad's shop and I hope he's working there.

I really hope he's there.

I make my way towards Mr.Aruba's shop and within 7 minutes I'm there.

I park my car in the parking lot and walk up to the front of the shop.

The bell rings as I open door.

I smile as a familiar face comes into view.

"Mr.Aruba, hey! I greet.

He stops what he's doing and a big smile makes its way to his face.

"Frankie. I havent seen you in the longest. How you doing? He asks.

"I'm good, I'm good. You? I ask.

"Just taking it day by day." He says.

"Gotcha. Is Ben around? I ask politely.

"He's right in the garage. You can go through the back."

I give him a small smile and mutter a thank you.

I make my way to the back, and I see Ben working on a car.

I knock on the door to grab Ben's attention.

"Frankie, hey! He smiles putting the tool he was working with down and then proceeds to wipe his hand.

"Happy birthday! He opens his arms for me.

We embrace each other and a small blush makes its way to my face.

We pull away and I smile at him.

"I got your present. I love it so much, but you shouldn't have spent so much money on me." I tell him.

He playfully scoffs at me.

"Karol it was nothing. Don't worry to much about the price, it was my pleasure." He says.

"Seriously though, thank you so much." I tell him.

"Like I said. It was my pleasure." He tells me looking into my eyes.

We stand there for a moment just looking at each other.

When finally he speaks.

"Hey so if you're not busy, do you want to maybe go out and get something to eat?

"I'm not busy. I'd love to get something to eat."

"It's still breakfast time if you'd want to get IHOP? He asks.

A smile makes its way to my face, yet again.

"I'd love to." I tell him.

"Great let me just change and then we can go." He says.

I nod and leave out to wait for him up front.

My heart is beating so fast, and butterflies are flying all over.

I'm going to have breakfast with Ben!

"Are you ready? He asks.

I nod my head.

"Okay then, let's go." He smiles.

I return the smile.

The next 2 hours were filled with pancakes, french toast, apple juice, and a whole lot of feelings.

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