《The Protected One》L a t e N i g h t s


I felt the bike come to a familiar halt and I open my eyes.

I felt Ben's chest vibrate in laughter.

"We're here." He says softly.

I look around and notice where we are.

The beach.

I've never been to the beach at night.

We both hop off his motorcycle and I fix my hair due to the wind getting my hair to go in every direction.

"Come on," he says reaching his hand for mine.

We walked all the way to end of shore at sat down.

Benjamin began to play with the sand so I decided to spark conversation.

"This is my first time at the beach at night." I say softly.

"Really? I'm here almost three times a week at night. When I'm not by the water fall, I'm here." He says.

"You like to be surrounded by water. I've noticed." I tell him.

"There's something about mother nature that brings me peace. I always say I go to the waterfall when I need quiet. Its amazing how the waterfall is the most quiet place I know but it screams so loud to me." He says.

"If I didn't have school and a family, I'd be here 24/7." He finishes.

"Thats actually really beautiful." I tell him.

"Thank you." He says.

"What about you Karol? What brings you peace?" He questions.

I actually had to think about that for a while.

"I'd have to say unity. It makes me happy. Or just love between people. So in one word Family." I say.

"I like that." He tells me.

"Thanks." I chuckle.

"So considering your answer, you and all your siblings are close? He asks.

I nod my head.

"Very. Sophia Alice and I couldn't be closer. Same with Xander.

"Even though we aren't as close as Soph and Xander, I still get along really well with Tomas, Marco, and Felix."

He nods his head in understanding.

"Id love to have more siblings. Its only me and my sister Brielle. She's at college and does a bunch of adult things. She's barley home though." He shrugs

"On the bright side you get everything you ask for right? I smile to him.

He laughs.

"Somewhat. There's definitely high expectations made of me though. Especially from my father." He sighs.

"Really? I'm sorry to hear that." I tell him truthfully.

"Yeah. My dad wants me to take over the shop one day and wants me to work for his company. I don't even have myself figured out yet, but I know I don't want to do yet." He expresses.


"I understand. The struggles we face as teenagers is hard. We are like at this awkward stage in life where we aren't kids anymore, but we aren't adults yet. Its as if they want us to do big adult things but "stay in a child's place" at the same time." I tell him.

He nods his head.

"I couldn't have said it any better myself." He says.

A moment of silence passes by.

I decide to break the silence.

"Thank you for bringing me out here." I say.

"Don't worry about. If I'm being honest...hanging out with you was amazing the first time. I enjoy myself when I'm with you." He tells me looking into my eyes.

My heart feels as if its going to jump out of my chest.

"Youre not so annoying yourself." I tell him.

He does a boyish laugh.

"Thanks, Karol." He flashes me his pearly whites.

"No problem. New question. When's your birthday?

"May 12th." He answered.


"Match 17th."

"Next month. Any plans? He asks.

"I really don't know. I want a nice party but not big, just my close friends and family."

He nods his head.

"You do know the more people you invite, the more gifts you get right? He gives me a grin.

I laugh.

"I know, I even considered it. But to be honest I only want one thing."

"What's that? He turns to look at me.

"A car! I beam.

He laughs at my sudden outburst.

"Wow. What kind?

I pull out my phone to show him because there are a few models I like, but don't know the name of.

They all do have one thing in common.

They are all white cars.

White cars were just so crisp, fresh and beautiful to me.

"Those are nice ones. You've got good taste in cars." Ben compliments.

"They are so sexy." I gush.

He again laughs but this time harder.

"I didn't know you were so into cars."

"I don't know if I'm into cars or I'm just excited to drive. All my brothers have cars. Only Sophia Alice and I don't."

"Ah gotcha. Doesn't seem too fair." He comments.

"That's exactly what I said! Its so unfair. If anyone needs a car its Soph and I. I mean how rude is it? To me its kind of sexist, I mean is it really a coincidence that we are the only girls and the only ones without cars? I should boycott them!" I mini rant.


"You go girl." He cheers me on.

I couldn't help but burst out in a fit of laughter.

"What? You really should! He chuckles.

"I was kidding, but maybe it's not such a bad idea." I say.

"Nah, you'll get it, eventually."

"I hope so." I say turning my attention back to the water, that was now shining due to the moons light.


I swung my legs off of Ben's bike and took off the helmet and handed it to Ben.

"Thanks for taking me out tonight. It felt good to be at the beach at this time." I told him.

"Its always my pleasure. Anytime." He says.

"I'll see you at school." I say.

"Goodnight Karol." He says.

Then he kisses me on the cheek.

Now to you guys, that's a simple plain kiss on the cheek.

To me, it was everything.

It made my hurt flutter.

My heart was beating so fast, I was sure Ben himself heard it.

He got back on his bike, and sped off.

I was still in a daze.

After a moment of just standing there, a smile spread across my face.

I turned on my heel and made my way into the house.

Quietly, I twisted the door knob which was surprisingly unlocked.

I chuckled to myself.

When in, I closed the door softly and was going to turn around when I heard.

"So she finally returns."

My heart literally skipped a beat.

I quickly turned around to be face to face with Marco, and Felix.

"Where the hell were you?! Felix asks standing up.

"I went for a walk." I answer.

"So you were walking for 2 hours? Marco asks squinting his eyes at me.

"Yes." I respond.

"Bullshit." Felix calls.

"Just drop it Felix. I'm tired and I want to go to sleep." I say trying to make my way up the stairs.

"Oh you can go to sleep later. Xander wants to see you in his office."

Oh my god.

As if reading my expression Marco nodded.

"Yes, he knows you've been out. Good luck with that."

They sit back down and turn on the TV.

I slowly made my way down the hall, and around the corner.

I raise my hand to knock, but before I can, a voice stops me.

"Come in Frankie."

I slowly push the door open to see Xander sitting at his desk, still in work clothes.

"Sit." He says pointing to a chair.

I take a seat across from Xander, waiting for him to start.

"So you decided to sneak out. At night, may I add. Do you know how dangerous that is? Especially for you." He begins .

"I know it was irresponsible. Im sorry." I take the let's say, responsible path.

"Not only was it irresponsible, Frankie, but it was stupid and dangerous. What if something happened to you? He questions.

I looked down. I didn't know how to answer to that.

"When I speak, you look at me." He says softly, but sternly.

I turn my attention back to him.

"So. You were gone for a while. What'd you do? He asks, leaning back in his chair.

"I went for a walk." I lie.

"You went for a walk. Okay. For two hours? He questions.

"I stopped at the park." I mutter.

He looks at me as if he's analyzing me.

And then he nods his head.

"Okay. So here's what's going to happen." He starts.

"Its something I've been thinking of but wasn't to sure about. Although now, I'm pretty sure about it." He says.

My heart cant help but beat faster.

What's he on about?

"You will be getting a curfew." He says.

My mouth formed an 'O' shape.

"Are you serious? Xander I don't think-

"Its not about what you think Frankie. You snuck out tonight. Do you not understand that you're not safe anymore. This is for your own good." He interrupts.

"But that's not your punishment for sneaking out. You're grounded for 3 weeks."

Now I was really upset.

"Xander my birthdays in 2 weeks! That's not fair."

"Neither was us waiting, and worrying for your safety. From here to school and back that's it. Got it? He asks.

"Xander that's not-

"Got it? He interrupts me again, staring at me as if to challenge me to say something else.

"Yes, I've got it." I say.

"Okay. Go to bed." He says.

I get up and make my way out of his office.

I can't believe this.

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