《The Protected One》b a n k a c c o u n t


You know that feeling when you're counting down the minutes, and it seems like time actually went back a couple minutes?

Yeah, that was my current situation.

It was 3rd hour and in a 45 seconds, the bell would ring for lunch.

And I'm starving!

All I could think about was food. Thinking about what I was going to end up choosing at lunch.

But deep down, I knew it was always going to be corn dogs.

I might have to chill on the corn dogs though.

Call me Carlos from Big Time Rush.

I chuckled out loud at the thought. Man I missed that show.

Mrs.Weibury was going on about the Roman Empire, and I've studied this topic at least 3 times already.

I looked around me, and everyone was either sleeping, or fighting to keep their eyes open.

Mrs.Weibury taught real slow.

"Can Anyone tell me what type of relationship Julius Caesar had with The Romans? She asks.


She looks around before her eyes stop on me.

"Frayhani." She says with a smile on her face.

I open my mouth to answer when the bell rings.

A smile makes its way to my face.

"Sorry Mrs.Weibury, but I think I hear the corn dogs calling my name," I say while picking up my books.

She just shakes her head, but I can see the smirk on her face that she's trying to hide.

With that, I head out the classroom and make a B-line for the lunch room.

When I opened the door, there seemed to be no more than 12 people in the lunch line.

I smile in satisfaction, and join the others in the lunch line.

By the time I grabbed my lunch, Marco, Chris, Sophia Alice and Felix are at the lunch table.

I was surprised Felix was there and not making out with some random.

I place my food down and sit next to Sophia Alice and Felix.

"Hello siblings." I greet them.

"Hi." Marco greeted.

"Hey, love." From Felix.

I chuckled at that one.

I look over to Sophia Alice and her and Chris are in deep conversation, totally ignoring my presence.


I shake my head.

"I said hello." I repeat louder.

Sophia Alice finally turns to look at me.

"Sorry Frankie. Hey, how are you." She says and immediately starts talking to Chris again.

I scoff and shake my head.

"Don't worry Frankiestien, they've been like this since we got in here." Marco states.

"Anyway, my bank account is about fucked." Felix starts.

"Why," I ask taking a bite of my food.

"I crashed the car." He says.

Marco shoots Felix an angry glare.

"Dude you crashed our car?

"That's what I just said , yeah." Felix says.

"I'm not paying a dime for that."

"I know, hence me saying my bank account is fucked." Felix says.

I chuckle.

"So how much is the damage? I ask.

Felix sighs and rubs his hands down his face.

"God I don't want to even think about how much it'll cost by a local mecanic." He says.

"Why don't you take it down to Aruba's? Chris asks.

Ben's dads shop.

Felix scoffs loudly.

"I'd rather gag myself with a spoon than go to the Aruba's."

"You still haven't made up with Ben? Chris asks.

My heart skips a beat at the mention of Benjamin's name.

"There is no making up." Marco simply says.

"Seriously? You guys were best friends." I say.

"Things change Frankiestien." Felix says.

"What changed? I asked.

Felix and Marco share a look between them.

"It doesn't concern you." He states.

"It might not but I still want to know. You guys just like iced him out." I say.

"We didn't ice him out, Frankie." Felix says.

"It sure seems like you did." I say slickly.

"What's your sudden interest with him anyway? Marco asks staring at me in suspecting way.

All the eyes shoot to me, and I look down.

"Nothing, it's just like what am I suppose to think? I shrug.

"You should mind your business that's what you're suppose to do." Felix says.

"Fine." I say.

"So how are we suppose to go home? Sophia Alice asks.


"Dylan's coming to get us." Felix answers.


I closed my locker shut and put on my backpack.

I walked to the end of the hallways where the exit was and walked outside.

I looked around and spotted Dylan's car and got inside.

I was the last one inside so thankfully I didn't get cramped in the middle.

The car backed out and we start driving home.

We all lightly conversed and before I knew it we were already home.

Everyone left out of the car, and piled into the house.

"Are Xander and Tomas home? I ask.

"They're working." Dylan simply says before climbing up the stairs.

"Well okay." I say.

I open the fridge to explore the options.

I chose to eat the warmup meals that we had in the freezer.

I opened up a package and put if in the microwave for 3 minutes.

I sat down on the counter and pulled out my phone while a waited.

I checked snap chat, sending my streaks and watched a few stories before the microwave dinged open.

I grabbed my food and sat down on a chair, grabbed a spoon and began to eat.

"Fatass." Said a voice.


"Manwhore." I shot back.

He chuckled and shook his head.

"Good one Frankiestien."

I just shrug.

I finish eating my meal, and make my way upstairs to do some homework.

I uploaded a selfie to my Instagram with the caption save me.

I continued back to my homework.

And let me tell you, that is exhausting!

I've been here for about 2 hours now trying to do chemistry.

I hate Chem!

Just as I was about to close my books for good I got a notification .

Benji27: still need someone to save you? 😂

Falmi: yes please! 😩

Benji27: look outside your window, Karol.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

I got up and made my way to the window.

And sure enough, standing there, down to the flesh, was Benjamin Aruba.

I couldn't help the goofy smile that made its way to my face, and the giddy feeling in my stomach.

I opened the window, and right in front of me was Benjamin's million dollar smile.

His dimple on one cheek, and his ocean eyes.

"Ben! What are you doing here?

"Well. You need saving." He simply shrugs.

"I was being sarcastic." I laughed.

"So you don't want to hang out with me?

"Of course I do." I smile.

"Then come down." He says.

"My brothers are going to realize I'm missing." I tell him.

"Just let them know you're going to bed." He says flashing his teeth.

My legs almost gave out right then and there. His smile made me so weak in the knees.

"Fine. Wait here." I laugh.

He nods his head.

I opened my door and poked my head out.

"Hey guys!" I called.

"Yeah? I heard Tomas and Dylan call out.

"I'm not feeling so well. I'm going to bed early."

"Okay. Sleep well Frankie. I love you." Tomas's accent evident in his words.

"I love you too." I say and shut the door.

I made my way to the window and gave Ben a thumbs up.

I carefully place one leg out of the window.

This isn't my first rodeo.

I proceed to put my other leg out and gave myself a big push onto the pole and slid down the rest of the way.

Pros of having a pole next to your room.

I landed on the grass softly and looked at Ben.

"Something tells me that wasnt your first time." He laughs.

"Nope! I say as we head out to the front, but crawling as we past the living room window.

And again I found myself face to face with Ben's motorcycle.

And the familiar feeling of the rush you get when you first get on.

the familiar feeling of the wind rushing all last you.

The familiar feeling of safety, when my arms are wrapped around Ben's waist.

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