《The Boy Who Protected The One He Loves》1


I walk slowly up the stairs, wand drawn.

I had to do this... I had to. Not only for my family.. but also for her.

"Good evening Draco," Dumbledore says, looking at me without the surprise I expected, "What brings you here on this fine spring evening?"

"Who else is here, I heard you talking," I ask him. There couldn't be any witnesses when I... when I.. you know what I mean.

"I have been talking aloud myself. I find it extraordinary useful." He talks a bit around while I pretend to listen, what I certainly didn't. My senses were on high, still scared someone was watching us. But then, he says something aloud which gets my attention.

"Draco... you are no assasin," Dumbledore says, looking deeply into my steel grey eyes.

"How do you know who I am, I've done things that would shock you," I scowl at him. He didn't know anything about me.. about..

We go on talking and I feel myself getting nervous. Couldn't that man just shut up? Did he try to talk so much I wouldn't do what I have to do anymore or something? Because as long as she is in danger I would.

"With sending me hexed necklaces and sending me poisoned drinks that can't even reach me properly, I can't imagine that you have been really trying.." "Oh, you don't think I did? I was chosen," I yell at him. I pull my left sleeve up to reveal the horrible mark.

It stays silent for a while. "I shall make it easy for you," Dumbledore says, spreading his arms for me. I yell "Expelliarmus" and his wand flies out of his hand. "Very good, very good."

We hear a door opening not far from us. The others..


Dumbledore mumbles something, but then said loudly: "There are others. How?"

"The Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement. I've been mending it," I reply. "Let me guess. It has a sister, a twin."

"Borgin and Burkes. It formed a passage." "Ingenius," Dumbledore says, looking surprised at my revelation. "Draco, years ago I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices. Please let me help you."

"I DON'T WANT YOUR HELP," I yell at him, "Don't you understand? I have to do this, I have to kill you. Or he's gonna kill me.. and her." I was on the verge of crying my damned eyes out, realising she was in this mess all because I was so egoistic to want her, to love her.

People come up the stairs. My crazy aunt, the Carrows and the werewolf Greyback. "Well, look what we have here," my aunt remarks calmly. My hand with the wand becomes sweaty. My aunt lays her head on my shoulder, whispering at me.

"Well done Draco... she will be proud of you."

Yeah, she surely will! Me, killing Dumbledore, that will certainly make her happy!

"Good evening Bellatrix, I think introductions are in order, don't you," Dumbledore asks calmly, not scared that any moment soon he would die. "I'd love to Albus, but I'm afraid we're a little bit time-bound," my aunt replies.

Then she turns to me and whispers. "Do it."

I hesitate.

"He doesn't have the nerve, just like his father. I'll finish it my own way," the male Carrow says, drawing his wand. "NO, the Dark Lord was clear the boy has to do it. This is your moment, do it, go on Draco, NOW," Bellatrix yells at me. I feel miserable.


No, she will never forgive me, even if I do it to protect her..

"No," a voice behind us says. We all turn around to face Severus Snape. "Severus...please," Dumbledore says. Was Dumbledore.. begging?

"Avada Kedavra," Snape says emotionlessly, pointing his wand at Dumbledore. A green flash appears. Dumbledore falls slowly off the Astronomy Tower. I couldn't do anything, I was frozen. Snape had to grab my shoulder and pull me away from the scene to get any movement in me.

Bellatrix shoots the Dark Mark in the air, marking their crime.

It was done... Dumbledore is dead now and Hogwarts isn't the same safe heaven it once was.. all because of me and Snape.

All because they had them, her..

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