《The Puppy Project》1| I masturbated more than once by the way.
A/N: To all the #rrcardishes, you'll probably notice the changes that weren't there before, starting from the first chapter up until chapter 21.
I've managed to edit some parts of the book and added new scenes, deleting some of it that my sixteen year old self thought was cool. The other remaining half are to be edited, hopefully soon since my head is fried💕
P.S. Are you an #RR or #FTR?🤔
✅EDITED: 2/4/21
"Neo! Where the hell did you hide it?!" I screeched, looking at the vacant space where my suppose to be weakness positions.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" His masculine voice screeched back.
You're probably wondering why the hell I am screeching at my evil twin brother at six am in the morning.
Well you see, I woke up feeling excited and happy to eat breakfast with my wonderful pack of maltesers only to find out that it went missing, literally.
So here I was, currently standing on a chair in the kitchen trying to find my freaking maltesers in the upper cabinets that was knowingly hidden from me by my stupid twin brother.
"You know what I'm talking about! You stupid Nemo fish!" I exclaimed as I curse him in every word that I know.
"Can you both please shut the fuck up?!it's like 6 in the morning!" My sixteen year old sister shouted as I heard stomping from the upper floor.
"No! You shut up! Your voice is so annoying!" I heard Neo screamed back, childishly.
I heard thuddering footsteps before I was greeted by my brother's 6'0 frame and my younger sister's 5'5 frame entering the kitchen.
"What did you say about my voice?!" My sister shouted as her icy blue eyes shot daggers at our brother.
I rolled my eyes, completely used to their bickering.
"I said your voice is annoying Peggy." My brother repeated again with a teasing tone.
At those words, My sister lunged at my brother who stepped back and accidently crashed his body on the chair that I was currently standing on.
The chair started to wobble and guess what? I started falling.
I let out a small shriek as I fell to the floor along with my brother who happen to lose his balance and it just so happened, that my sister slipped on a banana peel, I dont even know where that came from, and fell first face on the floor.
"Why are you all shouting at six am in the morning?" A feminine voice said followed by a."What the hell happened here?" I look up to see my mother in her silky robe.
It must be a funny sight to see. I was laying on my back with my brother's legs on my stomach. My sister was laying face first with a banana peel stuck on her feet.
"The blue tiles was so fascinating that we decided to take a swim mom."My sister replied sarcastically.
She let out a groan as she pushed herself on a sitting position. I pushed my brothers feet and stood up letting a small hiss at the pain in my back.
Mom rolled her eyes completely used to Peggy's sarcastic answers,"How did I end up with such clumsy children?" She mumble as she shook her head.
"It was Neo's fault mum." I said glaring at him.
"What? No It wasn't! It was Peggy's fault." Neo defended, stretching his long limbs.
"No way! It was that stupid banana peel." Peggy said defensively before throwing the peel on the garbage can near the sink.
"Who ate the banana then?" I asked confusedly, looking at them.
"It was me."
We all turned to our left to see, Jack, my step-father standing there with an amused look on his face.
"Honey, How many times do I have to tell you? Never forget to throw the banana peel once you're done eating it." Mom said, clearly scolding Jack for his careless behavoir.
Jack has weird obsessions with banana.
"I would've throwed it out if you didn't distract me sweetie." He pointed out with a smirk.
Mom's face turned fifty shades of red in a span of one second.
Neo let out a gag,"Oh my potato sack! I can smell the sexual events that happened." He said before rushing out of the kitchen.
"My fucking virgin ears." My sister mumble before slightly limping out of the kitchen. I wasn't sure if mom heard it but if she did, she chose to ignore.
"Ugh. It's too early for this." I said before stomping my way to the room.
Very mature Zoe.
"You all better not go back to sleep pumpkins! School starts at seven thirty!" Mom shouted before I heard the sound of pans banging.
Jack and my mother got married when I was fifteen. I don't call him dad since I wasn't comfortable enough with him although Neo and Peggy already calls him that.
I sigh, all I wanted for breakfast was the heavenly smell and taste of my skittles but what happened? It was hidden from me by my evil twin.
I took a thirty minute shower, changing into a pair of ripped jeans and shirt with a pair of comfy shoes.
I kept my make-up to a minimal, applying a small coat of mascara and flavored chapsticks on my lips before heading back to the kitchen.
Neo wore his favorite black skinny jeans with a random band-shirt while Peggy wore a summer dress with a pair of white sneakers.
"For the millionth time today, Where did you hide my maltesers Neo?" I asked, throwing him glares as I took a seat next to him.
My twin didn't seem faze by it, turning to me with an innocent look."I don't know." But we all could tell it was a lie.
I didn't want to do this and I have nothing against with it but desperate measures calls.
"I'll post the picture of you playing barbie dolls last year." I threatened, tipping my chin up.
He was actually only caught red-handed since we were all baby sitting our cousin, Jazmine.
Peggy was giving her a bath when I found him playing with her dolls on the floor, trying to humping them against one another.
My brother paled, a scowl settling on his lips."Ugh Fine! It's in the living room under the couch, evil little sister." He slumped in his seat.
Peggy let out a snicker, earning a glare from my childish twin.
"We're twins Neo, we're both born at the same time." I said flatly giving him a pointed look.
"According to mom, I came out first and you followed two minutes later which makes me older by two minutes." He explained, puffing his chest up.
Not even bothering to reply, I made my way to the living room. Kneeling down the couch and retrieved my maltesers.
At the sight of the familiar red plastic and chocolate covered balls imprinted on it, a sense of relief entered through me. My mouth instantly craved for a taste before I procedeed to rip it open and popped one on my mouth.
My eyes rolling back in total pleasure at the sweet covered chocolate balls that invaded in my taste buds.
(A/N: I'm eating one while writing this😍)
Ugh, the foodgasm is so intense.
Hugging my treasure to my chest, I turned to Neo with a glare."You touch my babies again and I will castrate you, personally."
Neo smirked."I don't think my fan base would appreciate you for doing that twinnie. They wouldn't have something to play with anymore."
I fake gagged, completely used to his sexual remarks."They weren't even big enough to considered as balls in the first place nemo fish." I smiled sweetly.
Peggy snorted, turning to him."Do you want some ice?" Peggy ask, laughter evident in her eyes.
"Ice for what?" Neo dumbly ask, earning a howl of laughter from us.
"For that burn idiot!" She gave me a high-five, teaming up against the dumb ass.
He glared at the both of us."How about I burn you for real Pegasus?" At the mention of her full name, Peggy turned into a complete criminal.
She started smacking him and pulling at the back of his hair, all the while I completely laugh to myself, enjoying the fact that I was the middle child.
My mom came up behind the two of them, pinching Neo's ear and ruffling Peggy's hair that earned a loud groan from her.
"Neo stop trying to feed your ego and Peggy, learn to have some goddamn patience." Moms scolded before turning to me, my laughter ceasing."Zoe, you're technically supposed to be the mediator between them."
I merely gave my mother a cheeky smile. The rest of breakfast consist of my family talking, enjoying the infamous banana pancake recipe of my mother.
Neo has his own car, gifted by Jack and guess what I got? A fucking bike.
Favoritism is the real deal these days.
I called shotgun first, all of us piling into the car. Peggy started to ramble in excitement about meeting her new hot spanish teacher and how sophomore self up would 'totally' bang him if he gave her a chance.
Peggy was at the prime of her puberty where her hormones are basically composed of 'horny' and is completely obsess with those britney spears songs.
Funny how I went through that phase and now I'm seeing my little sister go through reminds me of the good old times.
We were greeted by the familiar sight of our school and parked in our usual area before started heading out.
Peggy went on the other building since freshman and sophomores were separated from us, seniors and juniors. Something about the principal not wanting to exposed the youngsters to the wildness of the two remaining years.
Neo gave me fist bump in goodbye, going to the other side of where my locker was. I was greeted by the familiar dyed pink hair of my bestfriend, Eliki Madden casually leaning against my locker.
"Is that you ginger? It is you! Oh! How I missed you dearly. The months we've been seperated have left me miserable." Eliki dramatically posed, bringing a hand up to her forehead.
People would refer me that most of the times. I wasn't gifted with the proportional body shape and was rather in the chubby side with thick thighs, my natural red hair that I got from my mom and hazel-almost grey eyes that my twin brother and I share.
I stood proudly at the height of 5'6 and my pale skin that easily turns red against the sun is something that I still struggle with.
Neo had his ginger hair dyed black making it harder for people to distinguish us as twins.
Peggy was the typical one and took off from him. Long wavy blonde hair that she loves to boast about and icy blue eyes that makes her feature seem like an ice princess from adventure time.
"I missed you too," I pulled her in a short hug."How was vacation? Any hot guys?" Twisting my locker code and started to place my stuff inside.
I haven't seen Eliki in the last few weeks of summer since her family went on a last minute vacation to London.
She let out a squeal of excitement,"Oh my god! It was amazing and there were so many hot guys, like literally many many many hot guys, and their accent! Oh my punks! It was heavenly! I masturbated more than once by the way." Eliki rambled, making hand gestures.
Eliki has literally no filter.
My cheeks turned red at horrified expressions of some students that seemed to overhear our conversation.
"Eliki," I hissed."There's this thing called too much information and lower down your voice." I face palmed, grabbing unto her arm.
Eliki bursted out laughing,"Y-you're f-face." She giggled, poking my warm cheeks.
"I thought we'd be passed the horny stage by now Eli," I grumbled, letting her pull to our first class, homeroom.
Eliki rolled her eyes."Its the time to use our energy and hump like rabbits Z."
I merely sighed, not even gonna reply to that one. We both decided to sit on the third row, some students already conversing among themselves.
That all quickly died down when a new teacher walked in, looking around mid twenties. The shade of his tousled hair of reminded of a steaming cup of coffee and his blue eyes had the female students in complete awe.
Eliki leaned in discreetly."Its official! Homeroom is now my favorite subject." She whispered, waggling her brows.
I quickly elbowed her side, earning a stifle of laughter from her that had me biting my lip in amusement.
"Good morning class! You can call me Mr. John." The slight aussie accent that he had earned a few sighs from the female.
We all voiced out our own greetings, rolling my eyes at the girls who fluttered their eyelash at him and hurriedly fixed their clothes.
"I'm gonna be your new homeroom teacher this senior year." He paused, glancing around for any violent reactions.
"If you have any complains or report about me then please do not hesitate to approach me or the principal." He said his blue eyes scanning the room.
"The only complaint I have is that ring around your finger sir." Eliki muttered under her breath to which I glared at her.
"Moving on," He continued once more, glancing at his notebook briefly."Our lesson will be mainly focused on a project which I'll be discussing with you tomorrow."
We all slumped in our seats, knowing that it was the baby project that we all had beed dreading about since last year.
"Today, I want you to get to know your partners and I," He grinned, waving a paper."Already have the list of your partners here. No objections will be accepted."
A few students let out a mumble of protest and I could already feel my nerves settling at the thought of my partner.
"I'm gonna start calling up into pairs. I'll repeat it twice and again, refrain yourself from complaining." He said, sitting down on his seat.
When he started to call up the paired names, I could feel myself fidget and my leg bounce in unease.
"Eliki Madden and Sam Sanders."
Eliki pouted at me, turning to look around the room and waving a hand to what seems to be her partner.
"Zoe Smith and . . Tyrone Adler."
At the mention of my partner, the female students let out a gasp while I blinked slowly, trying to comprehend if I heard it right.
"I repeat, Zoe Smith and Tyrone Adler."
At the mention of his name the second time around, I found myself standing up so suddenly the the chair squeaked loudly.
"Oh hell no!" I exclaimed, shaking my head profusely. Mr. John raised a brow, the students looking at me with absolute jealousy.
Tyrone Adler is none other than the cold bad boy of Lockhart high, funny how his last name basically represents a rock. He isn't the typical bad boy who's ego is as big as russia. He wasn't a player either, nor is he interested in the female fans that he had since freshman year.
It'll be a lie if I say he wasn't ugly since Tyrone Adler was the epitome of sex appeal with his messy black hair and gorgoeus shade of honey eyes.
The lad was known as former basketball player and is one of the students that gets away with having tattoos and lip ring.
How do I know these kind of things?
One word and five letters: Eliki.
"I believed I mentioned to refrain yourself from complaining Miss Smith." Mr. John said, but I was too fueled up to be even embarrassed.
"Are you sure that Tyrone Adler is my partner?" He nodded without a second."You must be mistaken! I didn't even know that he attends this class and clearly he isn't here!" I pointed to a random chair at the back, for sure will be his permanent seat if he attends.
Luck wasn't on my side today because as those words escaped my mouth, the door opened and there stood Tyrone Adler in his glory.
I gulped and it wasn't because of being intimidated by his sudden presence but damn, the grey shirt sure hugged those muscles nicely.
Focus Zoe.
Mr. John turned to him, a smile on his face that made me want to scream at him."I presume you are Tyrone Adler?" He asks.
Tyrone gave him a nod, his expression blank before making his way to the chair that I just pointed not long ago.
"Your partner will be Zoe Smith for the project that you'll be working on Mr. Adler." Mr. John said to him, my cheeks turning a dark red when he returned his gaze to me.
"Well, he's clearly here Miss Smith. Late but present so I suggest you sit your little ass down and suck it up because you're stuck with him for the rest of the year." He gave me a toothy grin, in which I had no choice but return with a tight smile.
I sat back in my chair, the chatter coming back up as I mumbled curse words under my breath. Already planning his gruesome death that I intend on doing after school.
"I got here some questionnaire that you'll be asking with your partners. If left blank, then automatically fail. Your seating arrangement will also be next to them." He said, before passing the papers to the students up front.
It took me atleast ten seconds to refrain myself from punching my teacher. This is fucking amazing.
I don't just get paired up with infamous bad boy but I have to sit next to him for the whole year.
You better watch out Tyrone Adler.
Eliki gave me a 'spill me the details later' look before moving to her new assigned seat.
Getting a hold of the questionnaires, I made my towards the back to see Tyrone Adler already staring at me.
I squared my shoulders before plastering a bright smile. Placing my bag next to his chair, I took my seat and turned to him.
"Hiii." I greeted, nervously dragging the 'i' at the end.
The only reply that I got was his favorite blank stare.
"I'm Zoe Smith, your partner for the rest of the year." I introduced, still earning silence in reply.
Choosing to ignore his blatant rudeness, I turned to stare at the paper."What's you favorite color?" I read out loud, my eyes not moving from it.
When I received no answer, my patience snapped and I looked up to glare into his face.
"Okay listen here you Mr. Im-gonna-give-her-a-blank-look-instead-of-answering," I snapped."As much as you don't like me being paired up with you. You need to suck it up cause you are stuck with me." I said.
His expression remained the same but if it weren't for the obvious twitch and his brown orbs swimming in it almost made me believe he didn't hear me.
"Ugh! Here's your questionnaire." I grumbled."You're gonna answer on your own and the same goes for me." I demanded before turning my back to him and answering the questions angrily.
The whole time, we didn't bother getting acquainted like some of the students were doing. I was throwing him accusing looks to which he chose to ignore.
When the bell rang, Tyrone was already up from his seat and out of the door faster than I can say 'yolo'.
I scowled at him, feeling an arm looped around mine. Eliki looked at me worriedly, seeming to notice my expression.
"Talk about it later, what's your next class?" I asked, hitching my bag up.
"I have mathematics." Eliki grumbled. "Speaking of, I have to go now or else Mr. Pooh will kill me. I'll see you later!"
I let out an annoyed sigh, angrily walking out of the homeroom classroom at the sight of Mr. John's amused expression.
- In Serial80 Chapters
The Tower Must Fall - Combat Gardener
If you're interested in a conceptual, ground-up rewrite leave a comment and tell me what you loved about it. I've got a pretty good idea of what everyone hated so there's no need for expounding on that. Gardener? A support class? This can't be! What was all my hard work for? Forget this world. Forget the System. Even if I'm a lowly support class, I'll take on the Tower and take them all down! Since the System appeared one hundred years ago, humanity has been divided into three: combat classes, intellectual classes, and support classes. Assigned at the moment of high school graduation, one's class determines their future. Rowan wanted the most out of life. A combat class, an intellectual class, either would be fine. When he is instead assigned a support class, Gardener, he notices the System is completely rigged against support classes. Refusing to give up on his dream of realizing his future by his own terms, Rowan challenges the Tower, the seat of the System and home of the Hero-King, in hopes of bringing the entire System to its knees. Season One complete. Permanent Hiatus, Pending Rewrite. Important notes: -LitRPG fantasy -Rowan is not perfect. He's got flaws, emotions, and personal issues to work through. If you want a perfect, overpowered MC who makes the right decision every time, this is NOT the work for you. -This story opens with a negative situation and an emotional growth arc for the main character. Please don't review until chapter 30 because the arc is not complete until that chapter. (Chapters are short, that's an average RR book's chapter 10) -No harem, no rape, no isekai, no romance -Questions? Please ask!
8 186 - In Serial11 Chapters
Select World
Leon is exausted and depressed with life. He recently found something to care about and it is taken from him. With seemingly nothing else left, he decides to kill himself. Seconds away from death, he is given a second chance in a world of his choosing. He finds a group of misfits and starts out on an adventure, but things are not as they seem. This is my first writing so please critique me. I plan to post a new chapter or two every week. All tags and content warnings are subject to change as I progress through my story. I will put the official cover on as soon as it is completed. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy my story.
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Jane, a mysterious British tourist with Ninja like skills, teams up with US Boarder Patrol Agent Brad Scott to find the ten year old sister of a sixteen year old Mexican girl who was forced to come to the US or be killed.
8 105 - In Serial8 Chapters
El's Revenge
“Revenge is not for the dead- we, as the living, take revenge to relieve the burden we feel,” I whispered into the air. “Salvation for the people who suffered because of you,” I watched as the city burned in the flames. “Salvation for the people like me, who believed in the proclaimed heroes when in reality they were the devils.” I smiled faintly as the ‘holy land’ of those ‘saints’ was destroyed. I heard rustling sounds as Charlotte came to stand next to me, grabbing my hand. “El, are we the bad guys?” If I was still the same as I was before, I might’ve broken down and started crying. Now, it was different. “A villain is just another victim. They cry and mourn, it’s just that no one heard, leading them into madness. It’s one of the reasons why we know the most, but care the least.” I took a deep breath. “We may be the bad guys in other peoples’ eyes, but in my story, we’re the heroes.” Charlotte took in my words for a while and pondered, before nodding in agreement. “As children, we loved the heroes, as adults we understand the villains.” I looked at her and bonked her on the head, earning an angry glare from her. “Hey! You’re barely an adult yourself you know,” she grumbled. I laughed and ruffled her hair, before countering her. “At least I’m not 12. You can’t even be considered a teenager at that age.” After that, we silently watched the flames ravage the land, before leaving.
8 116 - In Serial21 Chapters
Innocent Vampire Gals
This is fan fiction. A Beverly Hills 90210/Buffy: the Vampire Slayer crossover."Bad Girl" Valerie Malone is killed by a blackmailing Spike the Vampire. She comes back as a vampire herself, who is suspected in the vampire killing of Kelly Taylor. She then becomes a woman on the run.
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Parallels (MCYT IRL-Ghosthunters-AU)
This takes place during the time Ranboo is staying with Tubbo in the UK)Everything was normal, I mean, normal for the life of a streamer. Until you mess with the supernatural, and that's exactly what Ranboo did. After the 'Me and the tree demon' stream, everything the Tubbo household knows is flipped on its head. Now every night is a fight against the dead and the demons. Even Tubbo has changed, being possessed by the 'Tree Demon' and achieving the powers of the Tree Demon itself. Welcome to the world of the Supernatural, it's ghost hunting time. ---Ranboo said goodbye to chat as he ended his stream for the day, Tubbo waiting on the couch behind him. "You done?"Ranboo sat back on the couch joining Tubbo, "Yep.""Awesome, wanna go for a walk?" Tubbo asked out of the blue."What?" Ranboo looked at him confused."I said; Wanna go on a walk?" Tubbo repeated."Umm, why? I thought-""I just feel like it." Tubbo interrupted and started towards the front door."Okay." Ranboo agreed, confused, and followed.Why does he just now wanna go on a walk? He fought me earlier so we didn't have to go on a walk. Why now?TW: POSSESSION, DEATH, GORE, PANIC ATTACKS
8 117