《Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRose》Chapter 16: Go outside



This chapter contains vulgar language, violent themes and slight gore. Be prepared!

In the last chapter (Chapter 14, Danger!) You could choose whether to stay inside or to go outside. If you didn't choose just yet then go back to chapter 14 and choose.

If you did pick your decision then consider all of the above not written and go on with the story!


You decided to just go outside. Staying here was bound to go wrong. The alarms clearly indicated that something bad was happening and that you had to get out of here as soon as possible. You aren't even safe here.

You slowly tried to swallow the lump in your already too dry throat as you walked over to the door. You still kept your gun pointed at the wooden portal, just because there could be a chance someone would burst in. You let out a ragged sigh as your slender fingers slowly wrapped themselves around the knob.

Twisting it slowly, you prepared yourself for what was behind that door. What kind of situation you could encounter. Once the door was open you peeked through the small slit to check whether there was a guard or any other person waiting for you.

There was none.

Well, as far as you could see. You slowly opened it more, now sticking your head around the corner. You were greeted by a sight so squalid that you immediately had to close the door to prevent you from puking. The rotten smell, however, had slipped inside unnoticed.

That is until it filled your nostrils.

You clenched your hand in front of your mouth, the other wrapped tightly around your stomach. You hoped to ease its discomfort this way. What you saw wasn't meant for your eyes, your poor virgin eyes which hadn't been touched by gore this bad.

You saw two mutilated bodies. No, you saw what was left of two mutilated bodies. Intestines, body parts and blood were lubricated everywhere, even on the walls. You now knew why nobody came in and alarmed you.

This also made you realized that this killer was still lurking around so you had to move quickly. You took one deep breath, again twisting the doorknob. You pushed your gun through the slit first, ready to shoot at anyone who wanted to surprise you.

Once you had opened the door completely you had to keep control over your own trembling knees. You didn't want to look at the disgusting sight in front of you, but there was no way around it. You quickly stepped past those human remains, murmuring a silent prayer for their souls.


You noticed the big, black doors at the end of the hallway were open and you knew this was terribly wrong. The alarms were still screeching at full volume as you now began to ran towards the open doors. Your gun still clenched tightly into your clammy hands.

You ran around the corner, into another hallway which was once again covered in human body parts. A few vaguely recognizable faces were staring at you with soulless eyes, as if trying to warn you for something.

Or maybe someone.

You had to keep yourself from crying as it had dawned upon you that these people died because of you. They tried to protect you and then were brutally murdered in a sickening way. This only fueled your determination to get out of here alive.

You kept running, careful not to slip because of the wet and sticky floor. When you came around another corner you heard quiet 'bangs' as if a shotgun was fired far from you. Shouts were heard too, but you now noticed they weren't even remotely near you, probably quite some hallways away.

The bodies which were lying on the floor became a lot less gory, and you could almost recognize them. There was another thing which caught your eye:

You saw a man sitting against the wall, someone from the FBI. His right hand was clutching a wound on his shoulder, blood nearly squirting out of it. You quickly ran over to him. The man raised his head once he heard footsteps. When he saw you his eyes widened and you recognized him.


"(Y/N)! What are you doing here?! Go back!" He yelled at you, his eyes shifting to the end of the corridor and back. You only shook your head as you kneeled down next to him, placing the gun next to you and your hands immediately going to the wound to examine it.

"What is happening Lee?!" You nearly yelled out of despair. His bloody hand grabbed yours, looking straight into your (E/C) orbs before hissing lowly:

"He's here, (Y/N). You have to go back. NOW!" You were taken aback by his angry and dark tone. He began to couch up blood, letting go of your hand before bringing his to his mouth. You could only stare at him while he was struggling for his life. You didn't want him to die because of you.

"I need to help them, Lee! It's me they want! I can stop this!" It was then you were roughly grabbed by the collar of your sleep shirt. Lee's bloody hand pulled you closer towards him, the anger in his eyes clearly shown as he hissed:


"Don't you even dare! We're assigned to keep you safe and we will until we take our last breath!" You couldn't believe your ears as he said this. He was this devoted to his work that he was willing to die for you?! That was just insane!

Suddenly you felt someone pull at your arm, and you snapped around only to face another FBI agent. He had pried you off Lee with one harsh tug, shaking you in order to get some sense back into you.

"He's done for (Y/N), but you are alive! Get back into the room now!" He tried to drag you along with him, but you wouldn't co-operate. You only stared at Lee, who gave you one of his famous its-going-to-be-okay smile. But you knew it wouldn't.

You immediately snapped back into reality as you body was roughly pushed to the ground, another body being pressed atop of yours. You realized it was the FBI agent and you raised your head only to see a hatchet dug deeply into the wall close to where you were standing before.

You were immediately pulled back to your feet once the body on top of you was gone. Your head turned into the direction of the origin of the hatchet. Much to your dismay you saw a guy standing at the end of the hallway. His eyes were covered by orange goggles, on his mouth was a mask.

You could feel his phrenetic aura flowing off of him like smoke, coming at you with high speed. You couldn't examine him further, because you were pulled roughly into another hallway with this FBI guy. You had to use all of your power in order for you not to fall as you nearly wobbled over your own feet.

It was then another hatchet flew right past you, missing the FBI guy only an inch before it collided with the wall. Both of you immediately turned as you saw the killer grabbing another hatchet. The agent had let you go, ready to jump out of the way since he knew these attack were meant for him.

What you hadn't seen was that the killer had thrown his hatchet already, aiming for the last standing blockade separating him from his prey.

You backed away a little, hoping to avoid this killer and get to safety. However when you took another step back your heel got hooked behind a body part. You stumbled backwards, desperately trying to keep yourself standing by moving to the side.

You wish you hadn't done that.

Before you could register anything, you felt a harsh knock against your neck. You immediately stood still, the whole room began to spin and somehow you couldn't feel your legs, your arms or any other body part anymore. You felt yourself crashing onto your knees first before your body collided with the ground but there was no pain.

A loud scream was heard followed by a few curses. You couldn't move your body, but you could see the blood creating a puddle around your head. You could also see the end of a wooden handle, close to your neck but you had no idea what it was.

You saw the killer coming towards you, running at high speed while throwing another one of his hatchets. You tried to scream, to move away but your body didn't obey your commands. You felt liquid flowing inside your trachea as you tried to cough but even an activity as simple as that was too difficult.

It then dawned upon you. The hatchet hadn't hit the guy behind you, it had hit your neck. That was why you didn't feel any pain or could move your body. Your arteries together with your nerves were cut. Panic started to take over as you knew you would soon be bleeding to death without any treatment.

Your eyesight constantly changed from the with blood stained hall to a white, warm light. You tried to suck in air but it proved to be impossible as your windpipe had filled itself with blood. You slowly felt yourself slipping away, your gaze still focused on the killer running towards you.

"F-F-FUCK! Slender is going to be so m-m-mad!"

Those were the last few words you heard before you had closed your eyes, drifting into a deep slumber which would never end.


Oh no! You chose wrong! Go back to chapter 14 (Danger!) and choose to stay inside!

Hope you enjoyed!

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