《Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRose》Chapter 15: Stay



This chapter contains vulgar language, violent themes and slight gore. Be prepared!

In chapter 14, (Danger!) You could choose whether to Stay inside or to go outside. If you didn't choose just yet then go back to chapter 14 and choose.

If you did pick your decision then consider all of the above not written and go on with the story!


You decided to stay inside. If you even set a foot outside that door who knows what might happen? Maybe the whole corridor was already filled with poison or something like that. No, you were safe inside this room as long as that door stays closed.

You straightened your back as you faced the door, raising your arm which was holding the gun and pointing it straight at the wooden portal. You felt your whole body shaking from the adrenaline and nerves, raising your other arm to hold the gun too in order for the small device to stop trembling.

You slowly licked your lips, your ears trying to dull out the sound of the sirens and listening whether someone was coming close towards your door. You felt your breathing becoming more and more quickly as your heart slammed uncontrollably against your ribcage. '

You just hoped your heart wouldn't break it.

You only stared at this door in utter concentration, ignoring the small drips of sweat slowly rolling down the side of your face.

Then you were sure you saw the knob slowly turning. You steadied yourself even more, completely focused on the small, shiny handle. Your eyes narrowed, finger so close to the trigger that even the slightest twitch would cause the gun to fire the bullet.

You didn't hear screams, you didn't hear rushed knocking, you didn't even hear shouts or struggling. It was completely silent, except for that damned alarm. The doorknob suddenly stopped moving, causing you to squint your eyes hoping that it was only a trick your mind played on you.

But it really wasn't moving anymore.

You now clenched your lip in between your teeth, contemplating whether to just wait or to kick the door open like a badass and shoot around. Your body began to protest because of you standing in the same position for too long. You shifted your weight from your right feet to your left, hoping to easy the throbbing pain this way.

"Are you going to keep seducing me or are you finally realizing I'm standing here for minutes already?" Your whole body instantly froze in place as you heard the raspy voice from behind you speaking. You felt your heart pumping on an unhealthy fast rate, but you were too shocked to care.

You didn't had the courage to turn around, not wanting to know where that voice came from. But you needed to know. You swallowed loudly, realizing you needed oxygen to survive. A ragged breath escaped your throat as you slowly turned your head.

There he stood. The man from your nightmares, your worst fear. Leaning against the wall opposite of you casually. His glistening knife dangled in between his leathery fingers while his smirk was stretched to its limit.

Jeffrey Woods.

You gave a loud yelp as your whole body turned his way, your gun immediately focusing on the still smiling killer. He didn't even seem the slightest bit intimidated by your weapon, because he kept staring at you with those lidless orbs filled with amusement.

"Oh silly girl, what are you going to do? Shoot me with your toy?" His tone was filled with mockery, while he only kept eyeing your every movement. You felt rage filling your body as you stood face to face with the man who had destroyed your once peaceful life.


The man who had taken and probably killed your friends in n utmost brutal way. The man who had assaulted, stalked and mentally abused you for weeks. You clenched the gun tighter in your cold and clammy hands, not daring to lose this guy out of your eye.

You wanted to do nothing more than to shook this fucker through his head, but first you wanted answers. No, you needed answers when you got the chance.

"How the fuck did you get in here?" You hissed at him, trying to take control over your trembling knees and feet but it didn't work. You just hoped he couldn't see this uttering of weakness. The killer seemed to frown at you, for as far as he could frown.

"Quit the tough act, dollface. It doesn't suit you." Your icy glare shot daggers at this killer, angry at the fact that he came into your room and then had the guts to criticize your choice of words. You nearly growled at him, showing him no signs of fear as you spoke:

"I asked you a question! How the hell did you get in here?!" The killer only rolled his eyes, a few crazy like giggles escaping his deformed mouth as his eyes returned to your form.

"You're keeping this real interesting for me. I've never played a game of hide and seek on this level." That fucker! He didn't even answer your question, instead he talked nonsense around it. You gritted your teeth out of anger, clearing your throat before yelling.

"If you don't answer now I'll shoot!" You yelled at him, your voice completely taken over by anger and rage. You had no idea whether you had the guts to shoot him, whether you could ever kill someone. But your hatred for this guy was way bigger than your sense of justice.

He then again let out of few giggles, which soon turned into a loud fit of laughter. It became so intense that he grabbed his stomach with one arm, the few gasps in between his laughter indicating that he really found what you said extremely funny.

You only stared at him in confusion, not knowing whether to be angry or scared at the fact that he was laughing at you. Once his crazy fit of laughter was over he stood up straight, trying to suppress the few giggles which were left of his whim.

"You really are cute. Now let's go to the mansion before anyone interrupts us, I'm a little tired of playing this game." You raised your eyebrow in turmoil, not knowing whatever he meant. However when he pushed himself off the wall you knew it was deadly wrong.


He was trying to take you with him.


You immediately backed away, your behind hitting the door. You weren't expecting the wooden portal to be so close to you. He took very slow, menacing steps. As if he was enjoying the fear which was filling your veins. You immediately pointed your gun at him, finger so close to the trigger.


"You're such a sight for sore eyes, do you know that?" Again he took a few steps closer towards you. It was then it dawned up on you what he was going to do. He was going to take you, abuse you and then probably kill you in an most uttering manner.


You didn't hesitate for a moment, the adrenaline coursing through your body as your finger clenched itself around the trigger. You didn't even give him a warning as the bullet was fired with a loud 'BANG'. You had clenched your eyes shut, knowing you couldn't have missed him but the thought of shooting someone made you cringe.



The whole room filled itself with an eerie silence, except for the alarm still screeching loudly. You dared to open your eyes, hoping to see a dead body lying on the ground before you. But when you did look, this wasn't at all what you wanted to see.

There he stood, Jeffrey Woods, still standing in full glory. But your eyes were focused on something even more horrible. In his belly, staining his already with blood marked hoody, was a shot wound. The wound you had inflicted on him.

His movements had stopped, but his eyes traveled down to the wound causally. It looked as if he was examining, it, not really sure what to think of your brave and pitiful action.

However the thing which made you physically shrivel in fear wasn't the fact that you had shot him, no. It was the fact that he didn't even seem the slightest bit in pain. He only stood there, not giving a single sound or sign that he felt remotely uncomfortable or hurt.

His eyes then immediately met yours, filled with anger, rage and malice as he suddenly took large steps closer. He certainly didn't like it.

"You fucking piece of shit." He growled under his breath.

You yelped loudly, scared for what was coming. You immediately raised your gun again, this time aiming for his head as you fired multiple shots. The loud 'bang' of the gun made your head spin each time, your gaze blurry. You knew some of them missed, but you kept firing the gun, silently praying that this was enough for him to stop.

However you didn't hear anything. No grunts of pain, no yelps or screams. Not even footsteps.

It was then a few 'clicks' were heard as you pulled the trigger several times over and over again. But no bullets came out. It was empty and needed to be reloaded again. Your gaze shot towards the killer, the faint hint of hope in your life expected him to be lying on the ground, blood oozing from the several bullet wounds.

But when your gaze finally adjusted you saw that one thing was right. There was blood coming from several wounds on his chest... But he kept walking straight at you. Your eyes widened, not believing the miracle standing before you.

He was still coming towards you, the fire and furiosity in his eyes were doubled. You could almost feel the ground beneath your feet tearing away with every step he took, as if he was about to rip open the earth and let you fall down into its with lave filled core.

You just couldn't wrap your head around the fact that he was still standing, that he was still breathing after you had clearly hit him several times. No human alive could be standing straight after that.

But he wasn't human was he?

You didn't hesitate for a second, knowing you had to get out of here as fast as you could. Especially when weapons were of no use against this man. You could only run, hide and pray to god that you would not be found. Just like the first time.

But you had a gut feeling that this was a lot harder than before.

You turned around, nearly pulling the door out of its frame while opening. You had dropped the gun and you didn't dare to look back as you shot into the hallway. Your sight was greeted by several, ripped apart body parts, spreading over the now red colored floor.

You ran straight through the hallway, the big, black doors at the end of it were wide open. You ran as hard as you could, not even thinking about the possible fact that you could slip and fall because of the red liquid making the floor a lot more slippery.

There was no person around. The only things present in this hallway were you, the killer and all those mutilated corpses. You heard rough footsteps over screaming the loud alarm, following your every move. You knew you had to be quick.

You ran around the corner, into another hallway where bodies were spread across the floor like a mass grave. You could only avoid stepping in human goo so far, because there was no clean spot to stand on. You began to falter as you felt a soft, slimy and sticky rope entangling itself with your feet.

You faltered further in a desperate attempt to keep standing but you soon fell forward, crashing into the wet ground with a harsh smack. You tried catching yourself with your hands, but once they made contact with the ground they found it impossible to hold your body weight.

A sneering pain soared right through your arms and eventually through your whole body. You immediately tried to crawl back up, but when you had applied pressure onto one of your hands it protested heavily, resulting in an heavy pain.

You ignored it, your desire to stay alive far stronger than the pain. Once you were on your feet again you tried to make some speed, ignoring the sickening, queasy sounds the organs beneath your feet made. You didn't get far because you felt two strong arms wrap themselves around your waist.

You immediately struggled as you were pulled off of your feet and then roughly slammed against the wall. You gave a loud groan of pain, squeezing your eyes shut once your head collided with the wall. Two leathery hands placed themselves on your body, one on your head and the other on your shoulder.

Your head and body were suddenly slammed against the wall again and again with such force the air was rammed right out of your lungs.

"Don't. Fucking. Dare. To. Do. That. Again. Ever!" He now let you go, you immediately crashing onto the ground like a ragdoll. Your brain felt as if soup was made out of it, your mind was foggy just like your eyesight. You felt a combat boot pressing down onto your sore wrist, sending jolts of pain up through your whole body.

"Do you want me to beat the shit out of you more or are you finally learning to obey me?" You could only cry out in pain as his foot pressed even harder onto the painful spot.

"Well?!" He growled, gazing down unto your pitiful form with impatience. You knew what answer he wanted but you couldn't give it to him, you weren't broken just yet.

"Go to hell, you monstrous creature!" You spat at him, still cringing in pain. A foot roughly collided with your stomach, the impact being so harsh that you rolled over. Another foot mad contact with your back harshly, before he kept kicking with strength Popeye would be jealous at.

When he had stopped you were covered in blood. Not your own you'd hoped, but the blood from the bodies which were covering the floor. Saliva was struck in your windpipe and throat... At least you thought it was saliva.

The killer grabbed a fistful of your (H/C) hair, yanking your head upwards as his gruff voice spoke, his breath running past the tender skin:

"You know (Y/N), this looks slightly familiar... Ah, I remember this. One of your friends was lying in the same position as you are now. The only difference is that your intestines are still within your body." A few maniac like giggles followed his demented sentence.

Despite the pain coursing through every arteria in your body, you felt the anger welling up inside of you. Even the thought of one of your friends lying dead made your strength returning to your body. You immediately began to struggle against his steel grip, kicking your legs around in a waste of effort.

"Fuck you!" You nearly screamed, hating the fact that you were completely helpless.

"Eager, aren't we?" You began to trash around even more, but it was useless. You were never going to get out of his grip. Not now, not soon, not ever. You could only stare at the ribcage of a corpse which was once a breathing human being just like you.

"I think it is time for you to go to sleep." Tears were welling up inside your eyes, still gazing at the body before whispering a soft:

'I'm sorry.'

You truly were sorry for all these people who had died protecting you, without prevail. You felt the killer gripping your hair even tighter before your head slammed against the cold, wet floor one more time. You blacked out immediately.

It was a fact now. The last of the 6 friends living in one household was gone, vanished.

You had just been taken.


Congratu- ... Eh, you chose the right thing to do, but are you happy about it? What is going to happen next?

I hope you enjoyed and do not hesitate to leave a comment, feedback or a heart! I'll try to reply to every comment!

Again, thank you guys. You are amazing for reading this.

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