《Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRose》Chapter 8: Still unsafe



This chapter contains vulgar language, be prepared!

Also I'd like to thank the lovely people who gave this story a heart. Already over 50! I couldn't be more grateful.

Anyway onward with the story.


It has been 6 days since you were stuck inside this shithole. You could only watch TV and browse some on the internet. Only a few sites were available and you weren't allowed to log into any site whatsoever. Whenever you needed to use the bathroom, you were supposed to knock on the door twice. On the other end stood two guards who were supposed to take you to the bathroom and back.

You could open the door from the inside but no one could open the door from the outside unless they had a card. Also there was a big, red button on the wall right next to the TV. It was the panic button. However you had no idea when to push it.

If the killer wanted to get into this room he had to kill every single guard on the way, pushing the button won't make anyone magically come back to life and save you, right?

You huffed as you walked over to your closet. You had just returned from a shower and was in desperate need for some sleep. By doing nothing your body became lazier with every minute and it made you really tired somehow.

You opened the closet and pulled out some undergarments. Your mother had packed further for you when you had received those disturbing messages. However of course she only packed your 'good' undergarments. The nice lacy ones which she had bought for you saying that it was for 'once you get a boyfriend'. You didn't mind them though, they were really pretty but sometimes you needed the old hipsters too.

You searched for a sleep shirt, but you could not find one. Of course not, the only one you had packed was in the laundry. You sighed as you pulled out a very old, blue t-shirt, one which was a bit tight and reached just above your bellybutton.

You shrugged it off. I wasn't like you had to impress anyone here.

You quickly scurried over to your old but somehow comfy bed and then slipped under the covers, grabbing your laptop from the small side table as you opened it. You decided to roam some sites in order for you to find a nice game to play or a funny video to watch.

However it was then you realized that you hadn't checked your email in a awhile. Even though you weren't really allowed to write emails to persons without supervision they didn't say anything about checking your email. You took a quick glance at the still closed door, it's not like they would suddenly burst inside without knocking right?

You quickly surfed to the site, entering your email address and your password. The small pulsing circle made you aware that it was still loading, probably because your mailbox was now spammed with concerned emails from your classmates.

Once your inbox was loaded properly you saw that you had 19 unread emails, most indeed of your classmates. You smiled to yourself as you opened the first one. You saw that it was from Kim, a girl which had several classes together with you.

"Dear (y/n),how are you? You have been missing for quite some days but I still wanted to give you your homework! So from the book 'history of humans' you need to read page 103 to 125. Make sure to skip page 118!"


Your smile grew even bigger as you saw what effort she had done to keep you up with the homework, nearly sending you emails every day even though you didn't respond to her.

You clicked the 'next' button, seeing that it was just some advertisement for a new hair product. You regretted the day you gave your data to this woman at that puny shop. You deleted the email, automatically popping back to the email received from your classmate before you clicked 'next' again.

It was then you felt your carefree aura disappearing as a flood of confusion mixed with fear washed over you. It was an email from again an unknown address. Was it just some advertisement again? You got those a lot, telling you that someone from your contact list had won an iPod by just clicking on a site. They would be so stupid to say that for example Sandy won the iPod six times and when you asked her she said she knew of nothing.

However the email read something entirely different:

"Would. You. Look. At. That. You think you can hide from me, dollface? You honestly believe that some pathetic excuse for a human organization can protect you? If that's the case then hide! Hide like your friends did. It didn't end well for them did it? You think I won't find you? That's just cute. Be prepared, (Y/N) for I will make you cry and scream louder than the disappearances of your friends did."

Your breath was stuck in your trachea, desperately clawing at the smooth muscles to get out. But you couldn't let it out. You couldn't breathe. This was just too much! How did he know? Are your parents safe? You balded your fists and bit your lip roughly while still staring at the screen.

Why is this all happening to you?

You decided to be brave, to do something you were warned NOT to do. But you wanted answers, answers only he could give you. You would deal with the consequences later, but right now you wanted to know why. You quickly clicked on the 'reply' button and then typed:

"Why are you doing this? What do you want from me?"

You then hit the 'send' button and waited, letting out ragged breaths while your focus was still on the screen. You didn't dare to blink, afraid that you might miss something important. You felt cold sweat forming on your forehead, but your gaze was still locked on that damned laptop.

A small beep was heard and your eyes widened when you saw that you got an email. It was again from that unknown address. You now didn't care anymore whether the guards outside your door would hear you. They would find out eventually.

"Why? What I want from you? Oh darling, isn't that even a little obvious? I just want to take you out for some nice ice cream. Do you think you are funny or are you really just that fucking stupid? I want to make you beg and cry. See your pathetic human body at my feet, cherishing the fear and insanity which is slowly taking over your mind. I want you to suffer. Is that good enough for you, sweetcheeks? Or do you want me to give you an more explicit and detailed description on what I am going to do to you?"

You felt sick to your stomach as you read this. Is this what is happening to your friends? Is this your fate? To be tortured by this psychopath until death it the only thing easing the pain? You read this message over and over again until the words began to dance through your mind.


You were extremely scared, but you didn't want to run away again. You didn't want to call the FBI again and have them take away your laptop.

Even though you knew it was the best thing to do.

You hated, hated, hated this guy with everything you had! You wanted to send him an email where you would tell him of how fucked up he was, how he had no life and how he should die a horrible death. But instead you decided to fuel his frustration of you hiding from him.

"Fuck you. You won't find me, I'm safe here. If you take one step inside the place where I stay then you'll be shot through that messed up head of yours. So go ahead and try!"

The anger in which you were typing on the keyboard nearly made the letters pop out of their frame but you couldn't care less.

You wanted to show him that you weren't scared at all, that you didn't need the FBI to clean up your shit. You read your email over one single time before hitting the 'send' button, nearly proud of what you just did.

It didn't take long for the bastard to reply, and you clicked onto the email. Your head still raised in the air as if you had won this game. You wanted to see his angered face as he had read your message. This email was probably full of vulgar words and curses towards you.

You could not be more wrong:

"You think you are a real fucking genius, don't you? I'd say let them fire every bullet they have at me, as for you I just want to say how good that tight blue top looks on you, dollface. Those matching bra and panties don't look bad either, but I'd rather see you without them. You're a real tease, you know that? And now you're telling me to fuck you? That's testing my patience, sweetcheeks."

All the euphoria felt just a few seconds ago immediately shot back into the black hole it came from, replacing itself with fear. You shot up, searching around for anyone or anything out of the ordinary. He couldn't have seen that, he cannot know what you are wearing right now!

Can he?

No, impossible! However... It couldn't be a wild guess either, how would he know? Your head shot from left to right and back as you looked around the small room. There was no one. Another beep was heard, alerting you that you had yet another message.

You didn't dare to take a look at your screen, afraid that it might cause a heart attack. Goosebumps were raising on your skin. You swallowed slowly, walking over to the laptop and peeking at the screen. Your hand hovered over the keyboard before you found the courage to touch 'next'.

"Not so tough now, are you? But I can make it even worse for you, I can see you-"


It was then you stopped this insanity by slamming your laptop shut. You didn't want to read those messages, you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of you being scared, of you being defeated. You gripped your head, shaking it roughly to clear your mind from all the fear and thoughts.

You now had to do what you were told. You didn't listen, you never listened! Look what happened to you! He got you right where he wanted you to be, if you didn't look you would never know these things and you didn't even get an answer.

No, making you suffer is not the right answer.

You grabbed your laptop, with one hard tug all the wires were disconnected, leaving only the small (f/C) device in your arms as you rushed over to the door. You knocked a few times. It were loud, rushed knocks and you kept knocking until the door was opened with one hard tug, revealing two FBI agents in high alert.

They roughly brushed past you, guns ready and searched around the room. Once they saw that everything was normal and that there was no one expect for you there, they relaxed.

"What is wrong?" One of them asked, quickly hurrying over to you as he saw your shocked face. You only reached out your laptop towards him trying to form words.

"I-I- I received emails." Those words were enough for both men to know that it was bad. One of them quickly grabbed the laptop, nodding to the other before exciting the room. The other now stood right in front of you, placing both hands on your shoulders and shaking you lightly to get you back to earth.

"Tell me what happened."

You were surprised that the FBI agent wasn't mad at all when you told him your story. He only listened, writing a few things down before he told you to continue. He eased your fears by telling you again of how there was no way that he could be here and that he probably found a way to get access into your webcam. Thus explaining how he could've known what you were wearing.

But you still felt unsafe.

He then told you to get some rest, before leaving you all alone in the dark room. You listened to what he said and slipped under the covers. However there was no way that you could fall asleep after what just happened.

It was too much to handle.

You found it hard to believe that he could get access to your webcam. You remembered what that one FBI agent had said at the meeting. The creatures aren't normal and have abilities humans don't. What if he could come inside without even passing those guards? What if he has the ability to walk through walls?

It sounded extremely stupid, but anything was now possible.

After a while of thinking an turning, you finally found a comfortable spot and position to sleep in. You slowly drifted off, constantly being pulled back into the real world when another thought flew through your head. However this occurred less and less and soon you felt yourself drifting into a more pleasant reality.

That is until you felt something at your feet.


Oh no, what is going to happen?!

This also means that it will take me more time to update, but I will still try to have the chapters published in between the 3 and 6 days.

Hope you enjoyed and don't hesitate to leave a comment or feedback!

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