《The Luna》Chapter 12- Training


(This chapter will be switching from Jonathan's P.O.V. to Renee's P.O.V. enjoy!)

Jonathan's P.O.V.

Later Jared tells me that they have banished the Alpha of the pack that attacked us on his territory. I'm thankful for that. Renee seems a little happier here with the other Luna. Maybe she's needed some time to herself. She's been having nightmares almost every night. I go into her room at night to comfort her. She now sleeps in my bed because she can't stand to be alone. I've discovered that other packs are joining together to attack. They want Renee dead. I'm not letting that happen. Jared has agreed that we can stay as long as we want. Every day I sort through papers trying to figure out our others packs history is what they're weakness are if there are any. Sophia often wonders in my room keeping me company. Renee comes in as well to give me breaks and help me Relax. Diane and Renee have become the best of friends. They hang out all the time and they are always together. I wonder how they connected to easily. Must be a Luna thing.

Renee's P.O.V.

I'm on my way to the garden. Diane wants to talk to me about something. Wonder what it is. (A/NRenee'soutfitisontheRightandDiane'soutfitisontheLeft.) I round the corner bowing to some people walking towards me. I stop by the libaray to check on Jonathan who is studying. I walk outside and enter the garden. Diane is sitting on a bench relaxing and looking at the flowers. When I get close she looks up and stands to hug me.

"Hey Renee."

"Hey Diane."

We sit and she has worry on her face.

"Are you alright Diane?"

She smiles,

"I'm fine. Just think it's time I te you." She says.

"Tell me what?" I ask.

"Remember when I said you we're the only White Wolf?" She asks.

I nod and she takes a deep breath,

"I lied."

My eyes grow,

"What do you mean? Who's the other White Wolf?"

"Your looking at her."

I smile and hug her. She sighs in relief,

"I thought you would be

After that we end up talking about our wolves. How amazing it is that we both have each other to help get us through everything. Diane teaches me all the things and skills that come with being the white wolf. She explains that the White Wolf is born under the full moon. That is why when there is a full moon we are at our strongest. Being the White Wolf means that we have complete control over everything. We spend our days trying to control our authority and anger. We have a few guards come out to be our practice dummy's. I have to practice authority. My power is strong enough to kill someone if I'm angry enough. Me and Diane turn into our wolves shaking out our coats. One of the guards stands in front of me growling and snapping his teeth. I concentrate and push my authority out. The air around me becomes thick the more I push it out. His wolf backs up slightly.


*itsnotstrongenoughtogethimtosubmit.* Diane says.

I growl and push it out even more. He backs away and I release knowing that I didn't do it. Making a wolf submit is hard. Especially when its of a harder rank. Guards are harder to covence. I'm used to making rouges submit to me. Its easier because their wolves are so weak already. Diane goes next and makes him submit easily. I sigh shaking my head. Anger goes though me as I start to pace back and forth. She comes up to me and begins to say something, but I run off. I really feel like just going for a run alone. I round the corner and dart through the snow. I can't go far, but itßfar enough to clear my thoughts.

*Renee? Whereare you?* Jonathan's voice sounds panicked as it echo's in my head.

*Iwentforarun, I'monmywayback.* I say in the calmest way I can.


And then he's gone. I shift my paths and start heading back towards home. Its safer for me to go running because of my white fur. The snow is same color as me, I could hide easily. The guards welcome me back as I walk back inside. I shift and change back into my clothes that someone brought inside for me. I walk up stairs to my room and take my shoes off before going into Jonathan's room. I'm about to mind link him after not seeing him when his big arms wrap around my waist. I smile and tilt my head slightly letting him kiss my mark. I him lightly and pull away looking at him. He smiles,

"How was your day?"

"Not good." I say, "its difficult Jonathan. I don't see how you make people submit so easily."

He smiles holding my hands,

"My secret, is that I think of something that pisses me off more than anything. Then I take all that anger and apply it to what I'm doing."

I smile and hug him for the great advise.

"Think I'll try that." I say smiling into his shoulder. "Maybe I'll make you submit."

His laugher sounds through the room,

"I don't think so darling." He says.

"What ever. You'll see."

He laughs and pecks my lips before walking to him bed. He pulls of his clothes leaving only his gym shorts. I smile go myself and go back to my room pulling off ny clothes. I pull on some shorts and a tank top before going back into Jonathan's room and climbing into bed next to him. I breath in his sent and smile. Tomorrowisgoingtobedifferent.


The next morning I rush of of bed.

Jonathan is curious why I'm so happy, but I have a feeling he'll find out soon. I grab some shorts that I can easily slip out of and Jonathan's jacket before running to the practice room. Diane is already in there with the practice dummy's. My wolf is squirming with excitment. I strip off my clothes and shift into my wolf. Diane does the same and then walks up next to me. The guard shifts and starts growling. I think about the rouge that killed my baby and feel the anger starting to power my body. I growl standing taller as I go closer to him. He backs up and I growl louder and bare my teeth at him. His head sinks to the ground as he fights the submittion. I get closer and growl over his head. My teeth are close to his head now and he sinks all the way to the ground. The growling stops and know I've done it.

*Youdidit! Ohgosh! Youwannamoveup?!*

I nod back up from him. He bows his head and shifts back. A few minutes later Diane brings in the third in command. I narrow my eyes as he shifts into his wolf. He's almost the same size as me. I concentrate and do the same thing from before, only this time the feelings are increased and my authority grows making the room feel heavy. He submits faster than I expect. Diane is amazed and calls in the beta. As my anger grows so does my authority and he submits almost as fast as the thrid in command. Everyone is in shock so they call in the Alpha king. When he finally gets there there's a crowd. He smirks at me before shifting. He's much bigger than me, but I don't let that fase me.


I start shaking slightly but then calm myself knowing that I have to have confidence.

*Ready?* Jared asks circling me abs baring his teeth.


He comes at me from the right side and I dodge him before knocking him away from me. He growls and comes at me again this time knocking me onto my back. He pins me down growling in my face. I know if I don't make him submit he'll make me submit. I use my back legs and kick him off. He flies into the side of the building we've gotten close too. I growl showing my teeth. I push my authority out creating a tight space around us. He growls and whines at the same time before he starts trying to fight the submittion

*You got it Renee. Increase it.* Jonathan says inside my head.

I start thinking deeper about the rouges that killed my baby, but its not enough.

*Remember Renee? Those rouges took the only thing we wanted most.* Jonathan says.

Anger starts building up as more memories come flooding back into my head,

*Theytakewhattheywantandpretendliketheyaren'tdoinganythingelsetohurtanyone. ShowhimwhathappenswhenyoukillaLuna'schild.*

All my emotions come out at once and a shock of energy comes with it. The alpha whimmpers and submits almost instantly. Everyone in the room bows in submission. I stand up taller as I bow in return. I shift as Jonathan brings me a blanket to cover myself. I smile taking the blanket and hug him. Diane smiles and wraps her arms around me,

"You did."

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