《Red Ribbons (Forgotten Series #1)》Epilogue
Four Months Later
I sat in the summer sun on the porch, a book in my lap as I read the words carefully. It was an adventure romance novel. The heroine, Avaline, was cast aside from her lord lover, Antoine, and as a result she became bitter and ran away. Only to be captured by pirates who she then defeated and stole their ship. It was exciting and I was having a hard time fighting the urge to flip to the back to see if she got together with the pirate captain in the end. He was a true. True he was a terrible asshole in the beginning but Avaline kicked his ass seven ways to Sunday and stole his ship in return to his dickish behaviour.
I chuckled lightly at the remembrance of how she threw him beaten and bruised onto a deserted island with his first mate as she waved at him with the hat she stolen from his head during their sword fight.
Any man worth his salt knows better than to treat a lady as such, you cad. Now you are left without a ship and the lady for your boorish behaviour. If you ever get off of this island, Ryder. Be sure to get some lessons from a true gentleman and you might get the ship back.
What about the she-devil who stole it?
That, my dear Ryder, is one lady no man can have.
I smiled and shook my head, turning back to the book. Currently, Antoine was trying to win her back after seeing her at a ball, not knowing that she and Ryder were going to rob the party goers at the stroke of midnight. Her life was filled with adventure and romance and I almost envied her. Almost because Ryder was no Bennett. The thought of him filled my chest with happiness and love. Four months we had been together and despite some set-backs and blow ups I was beyond happy with him by my side.
It had taken a month before my emotions had settled enough for me to feel remotely normal and I had been thankful for it. I wasn't sure if I could handle more bipolar moments like I had been experiencing during the first month of our bonding. I was quick to anger, quick to cry, I became oppressively happy at the drop of a hat and the only time I felt remotely stable was when Bennett wrapped me in his arms and rubbed my back. The world faded away and it made me realize that the claiming didn't affect him as it did me. I knew it would have bred a bit of resentment but the guilt he had over it was enough to make me push it away.
I wasn't sure how long he would hold onto his guilt for but even now could see a flash of it in his brilliantly blue eyes and it always made me wince. He didn't need to be guilty, not about the claiming. I had forgiven Luka, my wolf too. After we had gotten control over our emotions we realized everyone had just tried to help and that the situation was just a consequence to that.
I frowned and tucked my bookmark into the book, knowing I was too distracted to continue reading. Bennett was running patrols and Alpha Linton was coming for a visit. It had been nearly half a year since I had last seen him and the visit had me more than excited. Bennett, on the other hand, not so much. I knew he was jealous of me being around other unmated males he didn't know but I also knew how hard he tried to push his possessive nature away so I could be with my friends. So when he got tired and snappy with them or became a touch possessive with me, I let him. I would lean towards him, touch him, let him and his wolf know that despite everything surrounding me, that I was his and he was mine. We had made a vow that we would take on this life together and I would remind him of that ever single chance I got. I was invested in us just as much as he was, if not even more so.
I set the book in my lap and looked towards the trees, enjoying the small breeze that blew across the sweat on the back of my neck. The days were almost oppressively warm and I found myself spending more and more time outside. My pale skin had acquired a slight tan from the constant exposure to the sunlight and my hair had lightened, the rays bleaching it just a fraction. Bennett was very fond of pressing his face into my hair and inhaling before telling me the strands smell of honey and sunshine. I let out a content sigh and relaxed further into the rocking chair Bennett had placed on the porch for me. I didn't ask him why he had done so but I appreciated the gesture. It had quickly become my favourite place to relax.
"Davin says Alpha Linton just pulled onto the road." Bailey's voice was sweet and soft. I tapped my lap with a smile and she giggled before climbing into the chair with me, throwing her legs over mine. I leaned my head against her shoulder, the smile still firmly on my face. Bailey had progressed quicker than anyone had thought she would and I knew it had to do with Davin. Even I had progressed much quicker with Bennett around, much slower than Bailey but it was a start. It seemed having a mate made the process much more streamline.
Amber had started writing a medical thesis for the shifter medical community about mental and emotional trauma and how to most effectively treat it. Shifters, much like the mundanes, didn't really have the facilities or programs in place to deal with serious mental or emotional trauma and in most cases, didn't have the knowledge to. We healed so easy physically that we almost tended to forget that our mind was a completely different matter and I was pretty sure nearly all of the shifters that ever existed had some sort of mental issue at one point or another.
Despite that, Amber still needed more people to test her theories on. She needed control groups and variables to figure out a good baseline. She was currently using my first two years as a control baseline because after bonding with Bennett my progress increased, slowly but it was still an increase. However she wasn't sure if the mate bond was helping or if it was just based on a person by person basis.
"You know you are my best friend right?" Bailey said it softly and I hummed in acknowledgement. "I'm serious, Mari." She was glaring at me and I couldn't help the smirk that tugged at my mouth.
"I know, Bailey. You are my best friend too. Now why are you bringing it up?" I opened my eyes to look at her and she gave me a sweet smile before throwing her arm around my shoulder and kissing my cheek.
"No reason. I just wanted to remind you." She giggled as I rolled my eyes. Her hand slipped down and snatched the book from my lap. "Ooooh. She-Devil, is it as hot as the cover suggests?" She looked at me innocently and I snatched the book from her before lightly tapping her on the head with it.
"It's just as hot as the cover makes it out to be. Ryder and Avaline are a serious power couple, I'll have you know." I lifted my chin, her attempts to embarrass me failing miserably. There was nothing wrong with reading romance novels. Bailey tilted her head giving me a look that was far too innocent.
"I know. I've read it and in the end she gets knocked up and they take down the Southern Trading Company before heading to stop slavery in Africa." At her words my mouth dropped open in shock. She spoiled the ending.
"Bailey! You-you've ruined it!" I stared at her and she simple laughed loudly before bolting off of the chair. I followed her, ready to beat her over the head with the book she just ruined. Never in a million years would I have thought she would spoil a book ending for me. That was just cruel. I wasn't fast enough and she was already in the house. That was something else we had learned in the four short months she had been at the house. Bailey was incredibly fast. I sat down on the porch stairs, silently fuming as I clutched the book in my hand. I had really enjoyed it too.
I stared at the cover. It had a handsome dark haired man holding a nearly half naked fiery red haired woman on some rocks by the ocean. I stared at it darkly. It was ruined.
"Hey, what did that book ever do to you, Mari?" At the booming voice I snapped my head up, my foul mood forgotten as I took in the red haired man I called Uncle Bruce.
"Uncle Bruce!" I jumped to my feet and laughed as I ran towards him. He picked me up and spun me around. His hazel eyes twinkled as he set me down, holding onto my shoulders gently.
"Six months it much too long. Remind me to come back out sooner next time." He gave me a crooked grin that I returned with a smile of my own, even as he ruffled my hair.
"Its okay, uncle. You are an Alpha, you are allowed to be busy." I reached up and smoothed my hair down and tucked it behind my ears.
"Should never been too busy for friends and family. So where is that snake in the grass, Jace?" He winked at me and I gestured to the tree line. Uncle Bruce's gaze zeroed in on my hand before he grabbed my wrist and looked at my palm with bulging eyes. "Who do I have to castrate?" His roared it out but I simply laughed and shook my head at his dramatically playful words.
"I found my mate. It is only natural that we claim the bond." I watched as he pointed from my hand to my face almost in accusation.
"And where was I during this? Why was I not given a courtesy call to tell me that my favourite girl in the whole world had found her mate and got claimed?" Despite the angry face he had on, his eyes were twinkling and I couldn't help but smile at him. He chuckled and hugged me tightly. "I'm happy for you, Mari. Who is the lucky guy? Does he have a title? Power? Respect? We all know how much you wanted to be Queen of the Shifters." He winked at me and I laughed loudly at his words. Queen of the Shifters indeed.
"He's a pack warrior. Bennett Aldridge." I looked up at the burly man and he narrowed his eyes in suspicion before looking over his shoulder.
"Lace, I want you to find out all there is to know on this... Bennett Aldridge." He said it slowly, his face pinched as if he tasted something sour. I lightly slapped his shoulder before looking around him. A small and rather delicate looking female with empty black eyes was the only person he could have been talking to. She was wearing a black tank top and black cargo pants with combat boots. Her entire form showed a still wariness.
"Don't do that. He's just being crazy and over-protective." I smiled at her, despite how her entire aura wanted to make me shiver. She was powerful, I knew she was just from looking at her but nothing hung off of her. She was as normal as me and Bailey and it didn't sit right with me. She was hiding something and it put me and my wolf on edge.
"Lace isn't much of a talker. I found her about five months ago. Had gotten herself in a tight spot with some bad people so I helped her out." He sounded proud and I blinked before nodding. That would explain some of why she was with him.
"I owe him my life." Her voice was soft and even. I looked at her but her eyes were still empty. I felt mine go wide as she suddenly stared at me. It was as if I were looking into death itself. She stared at me intently before she moved so quickly I jumped in alarm. She stood by my side but slightly behind, as if guarding me.
"Lace, don't do this right now." Bruce groaned as if exasperated.
"I must protect your weakest side. That was a part of our agreement." Her tone was still soft but I could clearly hear the hard steel that ran through it. The softness seemed to be just how her voice sounded, the hardness seemed to be more natural to her attitude.
"But Maricella?" He gestured to me and I looked over my shoulder at the woman who seemed to be a few inches taller than me. My eyes were drawn from her face to the side of her neck where a thick scar slashed down the side of it to her shoulder. I felt my eyes widen as I took it in.
"She is your weakest side." At her voice I yanked my eyes away from the scar only to realize that she was covered in them. There were thick ugly scars on her arms but in between them were swirling patterns of raised skin. A faint glimmer of beauty behind what appeared to be cruelty.
"Really? That little detai-"
"Major detail, Alpha."
"Why are you so irritating, Lace?" He groaned it out and I looked at him, tearing my eyes from Lace's scars. He was pinching his nose in irritation.
"I'm starting the facts, Alpha." The more I listened to her voice the more it made me aware that she was hiding something. It felt like Ezekiel in wolf form after I had seen him in human form. As if her power was muted somehow.
"The fact you find the truth irritating is completely irrelevant to the situation at hand." At her words I nearly choked. Uncle Bruce never took disrespect well. He didn't seem angry at her words just irritated. "While you remain here, I shall be by your weakest side. When we leave I shall return to your previously discussed weakest side. This is how the agreement works." I frowned in confusion and he rubbed his temples.
"I should have left you to the wolves. You give me a headache." He gritted the words out and rubbed at his temples once more before pinching the bridge of his nose, exhaling loudly.
"Perhaps but you have created this mess and now we must deal with it as it is." Lace's voice never wavered, never rose, never lowered. It was almost eerie how monotone it seemed to be.
"Maricella, this is Lace. Lace, this is Maricella. Ignore her disrespectful tone. I can't get her to stop because if I tried she would annihilate me." He sounded serious and I stared at him in shock. "I've seen her take down bigger males than me, Mari. She's small but don't underestimate her." I looked between her and Uncle Bruce and she tilted her head.
"I've killed people for less, Alpha. You are safe with me, little wolf." With that she went back to staring forwards. I shivered but nodded. As much as she made me wary I was pretty sure she was telling the truth.
"Sorry about that, Mari. Lace does what she wants." He let out a sigh before wrapping me in a hug once more.
"It's okay. I'm sure she will join in on the endless fun we have." I rolled my eyes at the words and Uncle Bruce laughed.
"Such dry humor. I'm going to find Jace." He kissed my temple before striding off, leaving me with the strange female whose name matched her appearance but not her attitude.
"You hide your power, don't you?" I turned around and looked at her. She narrowed her eyes at me as if studying me. I felt cold under her gaze.
"Yes." The word came out clipped and cold and I swallowed before nodding. I felt a bit better knowing what it was that she was hiding. It relaxed my wolf as well, only a fraction though. We weren't exactly comfortable being around a wolf as powerful as her, even as muted as her power was.
"That's a good strategy." I looked at her and her narrowed gaze went slightly amused. At least that is what I believed it was, her mouth twitched slightly but her eyes remained empty.
"It is." It was strange how soft and melodic her voice was but how hard it was at the same time. Like silk over a knife's edge. Soft but underneath it all was cold, sharp metal.
"How many people fall for it?" I shifted on my feet and she crossed her arms over her chest. My eyes were once again drawn to the strange swirling scars on her arms. They were a stark contrast to the thicker scars. I wondered what she had gone through to get them before I shoved the thought away. It did me no good to wish to learnt eh suffering of other while still trying to deal with my own. I knew I would only compare them and minimize my own.
"All of them. Alpha included." She tilted her head again and I was reminded of the wolves. I took a subtle inhale through my nose. There was a faint scent of wild to her but nothing extreme enough to remove her entire scent.
"Okay. I won't say anything." I watched as her eyes widened slightly. I would have thought surprise but the rest of her face didn't move so i couldn't accurately gauge what she was feeling.
"Why, little wolf?" There was a darker undertone to her voice and I shrugged slightly.
"It's not my place to say anything about you, Lace. Your business is yours." I clasped my hands behind my back and rocked back and forth on my bare feet. She made me feel a bit off balance. I didn't entirely know how to act around her.
"You are a smart one. How easier this world would be if everyone lived like you." At her words I simply smiled before moving back to the house.
I picked up my book and sat down again. "I'm sorry you are stuck babysitting me." I set the book on my lap as I watched her.
She moved up the stairs, the boots clunking on the wooden boards. "It is my duty." She jumped onto the porch railing gracefully, leaning against one of the columns and sitting down on the thin wood. I was faintly impressed. I knew if I tried that I would end up with a mouthful of dirt or a face full of porch floor.
"You can do whatever you want. There is food in the kitchen, books in living room. We have cable and movies as well. Just make yourself at home." I looked out towards Bruce's fancy SUV. I never understood his fascination for newer and bigger vehicles. Older ones worked just fine. Our jeeps were old but they ran perfect on most days.
"I will not let you leave my sight." There was an edge of finality to her voice and I nodded.
"Okay. Fair warning. I am boring." I raised the book, giving it a small shake and she said nothing in return. A thick silence fell and I glanced over at her. "What are the scars? The swirling ones?" I couldn't help myself, wolves were curious creatures by nature and I wasn't an exception.
"Proof that I am still alive." Her tone made it seem like the end of the discussion and I didn't want to pry more. I looked over to the trees and sighed. Bennett still had another hour of patrolling to complete before he could come back. "Little wolf, there is an evil in this world. Humans and shifters that prey on the weak, like you. Do not trust anyone or you will end up like me." Her words were cold and I shivered as I looked at her. Her expression was harsh and I nodded. "I like pain, little wolf. I do not care for my own life. Do not become like me. Keep that innocent and naive spark in your eyes. Do not let anyone snuff it out." It was like her words were a warning and I swallowed before nodding again. She was a strange shifter, a very strange shifter, but I liked that she trusted me enough to tell me what she had.
"Okay, Lace." I pursed my lips at her name. "Did you know the name Lace is an Irish name meaning Warrior?" I had been helping Angie pick baby names. She and Seamus found out three months ago that she was pregnant and she was ecstatic. The entire pack was excited at the news. It would be the first birth in our pack's history. It wasn't a very long history but it was still significant for us.
"I did not." She said it curtly and I looked at her carefully.
"It suits you." I looked her over. The delicate nature of the name suited her appearance but the meaning of it suited her attitude. "You are a capable warrior, I'm sure."
"You do not have any idea, little wolf, of what I am capable of." Another warning from the strange shifter Uncle Bruce had saved.
"I don't plan on finding out. I don't do violence or blood." I shrugged and she let out a cold chuckle.
"Good. Stay in your bubble of protection." She sounded pleased and I stared at her, bravely meeting her cold gaze even though i wanted ntohing to do but hunch under it.
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