《Red Ribbons (Forgotten Series #1)》Chapter Nineteen
The classroom was dark and damp. I wasn't sure how long I had hung there for but it felt like an eternity. The wounds on my back never closed. They never ceased bleeding but there were never any new ones. Ingrid was still missing but I could still feel the cane every so often as it continually reminded me of where I was. As I hung there I wondered how on earth things had gotten as bad as they had. I couldn't even comprehend life away from the small concrete room but I was aware there was one there. Faint murmurings that felt muffled and small seemed to come from the door behind me but I could never grasp what they were saying or who was saying them.
Every time I tried to remembered all I could see and feel was anger and blood, there was nothing that told me of what had happened. I felt stuck and unable to move. I closed my eyes in defeat and that was when the first pulse hit me. It was like pure burning energy moving through my body in tune to my heart beat. I gasped and my eyes snapped open. The room around me pulsed and wavered with each energy wave that seemed to come from outside of the room and from inside of me at the same time. I gasped at each one that struck me. There was no pain with them and I felt almost comforted at their rhythmic pulsating.
The pulses were like a living entity, their entire form one giant heartbeat that shook the foundations of who I was and who I would be. I felt suddenly frightened as the walls around me pulsed violently, the solid concrete bending and waving like paper. I yanked against the chains around my wrists, the fear rolling through me insistently. I swallowed hard and gave up as the chains refused to move, refused to budge even a fraction. I held my breath as the pulsing grew faster and faster until it was like a constant hum through my body. I gasped loudly as I watched the world around me vanish into darkness. The walls tore down without a sound and the room disappeared as the ever brilliant red of my blood faded like smoke.
I floated in the dark abyss with the humming singing through my body before I was yanked forwards. I flew faster and faster, as if being pulled by an invisible tether. I felt myself swirling around and around, dizziness became all-consuming before I realized I was becoming conscious. I grew more and more dizzy and a heavy feeling descended upon me as I felt a myriad of different emotions and sensations bombard me violently.
Panic filled me, I couldn't control the emotions I was experiencing as I snapped my eyes open in the first time in I didn't know how long. Bennett sat across from me on the dark lawn, his shadowed face was sombre. Confusion wracked my brain, I had a breakdown in the hallway and now I was sitting on the lawn with my mate. The humming seemed to grow more powerful and I snapped my eyes to our hands.
His large left hand was pressed to my smaller one and a jolt of sheer panic filled me as I realized what it meant. I took in a deep rasping gasp as the pulsing stopped completely before I yanked away, scrambling to my feet and bolting. My heart pounded in my chest violently and emotions swirled around me. I couldn't focus as I bolted through the dark forest that surrounded the house. I needed to get out, needed to escape. I couldn't focus on anything but that.
I ran like demons were chasing me. My heart felt like it was pounding hard enough to escape my chest and the emotions swirling inside of me were violent and intense. I froze, leaning against a tree as I felt my chest tighten painfully. I took in short gasping breaths, feeling like I wasn't getting enough oxygen into my body as the foreign emotions bombarded me mercilessly. I slumped down, wrapping my arms around my stomach and trying to suck in the air I needed to live.
I couldn't sort through the feelings and sensations that were running through my body and it was becoming too overwhelming and I started to sob. Deep heaving sobs that made it even more difficult to breathe. I couldn't stop them even if I wanted to as I let the terrified confusion roll over me. Bennett had claimed me without my consent, without asking me to, and now everything was pressing down on me, overwhelming me to the point I couldn't breathe. The panic was just as intense as the terrified confusion and I didn't know how to gather myself together, how to sort out my emotions.
There was a whining noise and a cold nose brushed my cheek but I couldn't respond as I sobbed out the emotions that were swarming me relentlessly and without end. I couldn't get a break, couldn't gather my bearings underneath it all. The sound of cracking and shifting bonds barely registered before I was wrapped up in huge arms and cradled to an equally large chest. The person sat down in my spot with a faint grunt. I couldn't stop the sobbing as the unknown person simply held me. There were no movements of comfort, no shushing sounds, just deep, even breaths and the calm, steady pounding of a heart next to my cheek. Despite myself, the sounds the person did make were comforting but it didn't stop the chest heaving sobs.
"Hey." It was a familiar voice and I turned my head to see a blurry figure standing in front of me as I sobbed. "Okay, okay." Silence fell and the figure moved closer and rough hands cupped my face. "Maricella, you need to breathe, you are having a panic attack and we cannot explain things if you are like this." His voice was calm and soothing and I tried to take bigger breaths in but they stuttered out in sobs. "This isn't working, Kiel." There was a pause as I continued my panicky, overwhelmed sobbing. "Maricella, there is a spot of calm in you. You need to find it. Find it." There was an order to the familiar voice that my overwhelmed and panicky brain clung to. I searched until I wanted to scream, I couldn't find it. There was no center of calm in my raging mind. There was nothing in the panic I was feeling that I could count as calm.
The steady thumping of the chest I was cradled to broke through everything and I focused on the sound. Steady and calm. I found myself trying to match my frantic, pounding heart to the calm rhythm that the unknown person had. I took in deep heaving breaths, the sobbing lessening but the shuddering of my breathing remained the same.
"Okay, good." The hands left my face and I quickly wiped at my eyes, wanting to know who it was that was holding me. The tears were relentless but I could somewhat see as I turned my head and looked up. My breath caught in my throat at the savage and feral looking male that was holding me. His face was filthy as was his long black hair and he had numerous scars criss-crossing his chest and neck but the one that slashed down the left side of his face caught my attention, as did his eyes. They were green and familiar but the colour was lighter, off. The colour made them seem more... human.
"E-Eze-kiel?" The word came out stuttered as I tried to calm my heaving chest. The feral looking male gave a simple nod before he leaned down, his face close to mine. I held my breath unsure of what he was doing, his harsh looking face was shadowed and he looked deadly. He held my gaze intently before he nuzzled my forehead with his nose. The gesture was so familiar that it had an unexpected, hiccuping giggle escaping from my mouth. He pulled back, a faint smile on his mouth before I turned to look at the other person.
Luka smiled down at me. He was wearing a pair of shorts and nothing else as he sat down. "Ezekiel scented you out. Now we need to fix the problem we made." He shifted slightly, glancing at the male holding me. "Bear with me. Kiel isn't very good with words so I'm going to need so have some time to interpret the pictures he is sending me." Luka's eyes darted back and forth rapidly. I felt my breath hitch in my chest as the emotions started pushing down on my once more but I closed my eyes quickly. I focused on the sound of Ezekiel's steady heartbeat and everything faded away. The calm was addicting as my body wanted to break down into tears once more. I didn't want to deal with the explosion of emotions that rested outside of the calm.
"You are probably feeling a lot overwhelmed right now, Maricella. That is regrettable, as is this entire situation but know that it wasn't Bennett's choice to claim the bond by force. I told him he might need to." At Luka's words my eyes snapped open and anger flared hot and bright in my chest. My wolf growled low in the back of my head and he held up a hand. "You were gone for over twenty-four hours, Maricella." The words alone were enough to shock me and send tears to my eyes. Over a full day I had been locked in my own mind.
I had never been gone that long. I felt my stomach churn suddenly at that and as if Ezekiel sensed what was going to happen he shifted me as I turned and threw up. There was nothing in my stomach to throw up but Ezekiel merely rubbed my back as I retched. They were full body heaves that seized all my muscles and made me feel weak and shaky as nothing but bile escaped. Images filtered into my mind, Beta John's frozen and twisted face and the red of his blood that had leaked from his torn throat. Uncle Jace's twisted face as he screamed at me, his hand and fingers digging deeply into my flesh as he shook me hard for the actions of another.
I pressed a trembling hand to my forehead after I finished my heaving before I slumped against Ezekiel's chest. I shook violently, feeling tired and achy and weak. The large and feral male simply stroked me from the top of my head to my lower back in calm and even strokes. There was another whining sound before I slowly opened my eyes. Micheal dropped a bottle of water before Ezekiel and nosed it towards me, his dark eyes shining as he gave another small whine.
Luka reached out and picked the bottle up, opening it before he held it to my mouth. "Easy, kiddo." I took a small mouthful and swished it around before I spit it out. The acrid taste lingered in my mouth and when he offered me another sip I took it quickly, rinsing the taste away completely. He let out another sigh as I swished the water around in my mouth. "Nothing was working and we only suggested it as a last resort to bring you back. It isn't ideal, what you are going through. The emotions would have been less if you had been able to adequately prepare for the claiming." He spoke slowly and I spit the water out before I wiped at my eyes. I couldn't help the small shaking sobs that escaped.
A full day. I had been gone a full day. Everyone must have been freaking out. I thought being gone for six hours was bad enough. "The emotions you feel aren't truly yours. You have had your soul bound without your consent so everything has been thrown into chaos at the moment. This is okay."
Tears fell from my eyes and I glared at him slightly as I trembled. "H-how is th-this o-kay?" The words were stuttered by sobs and I felt a dull throbbing fill my head from the pressure of trying to keep the emotions from bombarding me.
"It's okay because you are safe and it is okay because we can deal with it." His voice was soft and the anger roared through me, my wolf was demanding vengeance for the forceful claiming. I didn't like her anger in the rolling chaos of everything else. I didn't want to deal with her but I didn't have the strength to push her away.
"Y-you don't ha-have to deal with ja-jack shit, Lu-ka!" I found it difficult to shout while still sobbing and Luka made a pained noise in his throat.
"I'm sorry. This is my fault, Maricella. I know. Find the calm spot." At his words I growled and lunged for him.
"Fuck your calm spot, Luka!" My wolf was pissed and Luka was the target. She wanted blood for the forced bonding and she wanted it immediately. Ezekiel simply held us tight to his chest, his arms unmoving and he was seemingly unconcerned with our growling or wiggling attempts to escape.
"Easy." The word was hoarse and more of a growl than anything and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I froze as I slowly turned and Ezekiel's eyes had narrowed a tiny fraction and I instantly cowered in his grip. All fight gone from me and my wolf. The amount of power he had hanging off of him was terrifying and having just his irritation on us was enough to make us want to become invisible and tiny.
"Your wolf is going to be highly upset, Maricella. As is her right. This isn't how a claiming is supposed to work. There is supposed to be love and acceptance with a claiming, yours had only fear and panic and confusion. It will bring complications and your emotions will not settle and be intense for quite some time. A week or more." He sounded pained and I couldn't take my eyes off of Ezekiel's face, even though he had looked towards Luka. There was a faint moment of time before Luka cleared his throat. "Ezekiel... I think you broke her." Luka sounded concerned and let out a small eep as Ezekiel turned his gaze back to me once more. I shrunk further into his grip, trying to melt away into nothingness. He lowered his face closer to mine before tilting his head, the motion reminiscent of his wolf. Tears filled my eyes as the fear coursed through my veins. It was hot and burning and left a bitter taste in the back of my throat.
He tilted his head the other way before a small smile crossed his face and he shifted his arms around me and pulled me even closer to his chest. He tightened his arms slightly and gave me a hug. He rocked from side to side for a few moments until the fear and tension slowly left my bones and muscles and I relaxed into him. It was oddly strange that a terrifying, deadly male hugged me to make me relax because he scared me. He nuzzled my hair gently before relaxing his grip. I was more than aware he could have broken my bones with the hug but he had restrained himself.
"Now that is an image that I never want to disappear from my head. Ezekiel hugging someone." Luka sounded amused and Ezekiel made no indication he even heard the words as he settled me back in the position I was in before. "Okay, so your emotions are going to be out of control for a while, Maricella. Luckily if you are around Bennett they will settle some. Ezekiel isn't sure. He only knows what he has experienced." Luka looked lost and filled with regret.
Micheal whined and nosed Luka's arm with his nose and Luka absently patted his head. "I just wanted you safe. We all wanted you safe. This should never have been forced on you, Maricella. A claiming is meant to be beautiful and wonderful or some shit like that and we ruined it for you. It's like mundane females and their weddings. We trashed your pretty white wedding like huge giant assholes because we were scared." Luka sniffled slightly and I looked at him in shock. "I fucked it up for you, Maricella." His voice was quiet and I felt a huge surge of guilt.
"You were just trying to help." I said it softly and he shook his head, his hand falling to Michael's head.
"Your relationship with your mate will now be strained and it's my fault." He sounded like a small child and I just wanted to wrap my arms around him. Despite everything bombarding me he just wanted to help me. A rumbling moved through me from the large chest, making me tense but the rough, rasping chuckles coming from Ezekiel's mouth were more than shocking. "Don't laugh at me, Ezekiel." There was a hint of an Alpha Command to Luka's voice but even I could tell it was half-hearted.
"Girl." The word was raspy and growled like the previous one he had said and I watched as Luka simply smiled at his guardian.
"Shut up. I am allowed to be emotional at times. We can't all be robots, Ezekiel." He childishly stuck his tongue out at his companion as he looked at him.
"Beep." The raspy chuckle returned and Luka let out a laugh at the word.
"Fuck, Kiel. You are a cheeky bastard." Micheal barked at the words, shoving his face into Luka's as he laughed. Luka did his best to push the large wolf away as he laughed. "Do you see this, Maricella? I have to deal with this every day. Such disrespect." He said it teasingly and I smiled slightly at their antics. There was an intense sense of camaraderie between him and his guardians. I felt a pang in my heart, I didn't have friendships like that.
A silence fell and I leaned my head against Ezekiel's chest, listening to his steady and strong heartbeat. It was the only thing keeping the emotions from tearing me apart and leaving me a sobbing mess. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes. I was tired and still slightly confused.
"Don't be mad at Bennett, okay? If you need to be mad at anyone. Be mad at me." Luka sounded sincere and I looked at him carefully.
"I don't know what I'm feeling right now. I'm pleasantly calm. Thank you for that, Ezekiel. Your heartbeat is very calming." I looked up at him and he gave me a small nod of acknowledgement.
"That's... weird." Luka gave me a strange look and I shrugged slightly.
"You told me to find a calm spot." I was starting to feel a bit better, the trembling had lessened slightly even though the emotions were just as intense and overwhelming as they hung right outside of my reach.
"Yah but I didn't think it would be Ezekiel." The strange look faded to a frown and I scoffed lightly.
"It's not Ezekiel. It's his heartbeat. Its even and strong. It drowns everything out." I was slightly irritated and Luka nodded, his frown disappearing before his eyes started to dart back and forth.
"Ezekiel says that bonds are complicated and can be confusing. He understands how much you dislike being confused but he says it is unavoidable. You need to be closer to Bennett. He will help transition you. Your soul is connected to his and your entire mind is in upheaval because you are connecting with another person on a very personal, intimate level. You are both going to need each other until it levels out." He stated it calmly and looked at me. I lowered my gaze, my stomach in knots. I reached up to run my hand through my hair when I saw my scar. The line I thought would be white was a dark red colour and it felt warm. I touched it with my fingers and winced as a sudden pain flared through it.
Ezekiel moved one of his arms and grasped my wrist. His hand was so large it took up nearly half of my forearm as well. He stared intently at the scar before he let my wrist go and shook his head. He showed me his palm and I bit back a gasp. He had a line similar to mine but it was a much darker red and it looked like it had black veins running from it to the rest of his hand. It looked like it was severely infected and painful.
I let out a noise of sympathy before grasping his giant hand in mine and staring at the brutal mark. "What happened?" I looked up at him. His lips pressed together in a thin line and he remained silent. I turned to Luka and he looked away.
"Happen. After." Ezekiel spoke like he wasn't used to using words. He set me down on his lap and used his other hand to grasp my hand and tap on the scar. "Mate. Reject." He thumped his chest with a closed fist and I stared at him, realization filling me. His mate rejected him after they had claimed the bond. I felt my bottom lip tremble. I couldn't help myself and threw my arms around his neck. I ignored how dirty he was and squeezed tightly. I had briefly thought on what would happen if someone was rejected after the claiming but I never thought someone would be callous enough to do it and to someone I cared for deeply.
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We are pleased to present you the second edition of the multilingual and multi-profile Valentine's Day 2019 Contest! If you are are eternal lovers, if you're in love with Love, then this writing contest is perfect for you. Join us in this fantastic Romance adventure! Participating profiles:@AmbassadorsAF @AmbassadorsCZSK @AmbassadorsES @WattVampiros @ClasicosES @AmbassadorsFR @RomanceFR @FRFantasy @AmbassadorsGR @ActionGR @AmbassadorsITA @FanfictionIT @FantasiaES @HistoricalFictionIT @TenebrisIT @AfterRomanceIT @AmbassadorsNO @AmbassadorsRo @AmbassadorsTR @RomanceES @RomanceTR @action @classicauthors @cupid @dangerouslove @Fanfic @FoodKart @lgbtq @lgbtqES @lgbtina @music @Mystery @OUATfans @Retold @sport @superhero @SuspenseLP @WattAmbChronicle @WattpadAfterDark @WattRiverdale @WattRowling @WattVampires @WPRomantik @WPAfterDark @StoriesUndiscoveredWith the support of @Romance_Ro @SafeLoveRomania @ScifiTR @PoetryTR @FanficsTR @MysteryTR @ClassicsTR @HorrorIT @ClassiciIT and @MediaDirectory who hosted the Cover Contest.Cover Designed by @YMDias
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