《Red Ribbons (Forgotten Series #1)》Chapter Sixteen
My body felt sore but I didn't mind. It felt good to be put through my paces and I had heard Jace Lawrence wasn't one to go easy and he didn't. He had certainly proved why he was an Alpha. His power was smooth but it had the edge of savageness to him that Alpha Lawrence never had. The edge of ferality to him and his wolf that made him rather impossible to predict. We walked through the trees and back to the house. Collin, Seamus, and Angie were running patrols with Victor and the wild wolf pack. Everyone else, excluding Bailey and Maricella, had come to watch me prove my worth.
"You are in peak physical shape." Amber's voice was sharp over the chatter and I simply nodded at her, acknowledging her words but not speaking. I didn't even know what to say to her otherwise. She had basically dumped my previous Alpha rather coldly and besides that interaction, I wasn't sure what the hell I could even say to the female.
"That he is. He will do good as a pack warrior. Perhaps he can help train those that wander through the territory, if they so choose." Jace's voice was low and I let my eyebrow rise in slight surprise. I hadn't been aware that Jace had allowed rogues or any other sort of shifters onto his territory to be trained. I looked around, Jay and Davin were walking through the trees as if they had not concerns about the area around them but I could tell they weren't as relaxed as they looked. No one was. They all had an edge of wariness to them that I approved of. It was okay to let your guard down but only when you knew you wouldn't be caught off guard by an attack.
"How much do you want to bet that Mari is making Luka something to eat right now?" Jay's voice filtered into my ears and I hid a grimace. I didn't want to ruin Maricella's relationships, not with her friends but it was difficult because we had not been bound together and my wolf was paranoid we would lose her again. Not to mention we didn't know who this Luka was and it made us agitated to not be there to make sure she was safe.
I had found that having a paranoid wolf and an incomplete mate bond was not a very fun combination. I struggled between claiming her fully and hiding her from everyone until the time she was ready to be claimed. I ran my hand through my sweaty hair and tugged on it slightly. My wolf was pacing restlessly in the back of my head and I hated how possessive he was getting. Maricella didn't need to be possessed, not the way my wolf wanted to possess her. It wouldn't be fair and it would terrify her.
"Collin says Luka is here and is most likely inside with the girls." Jay's voice was calm and I glanced at Davin to see his shoulders tensing. His wolf must have been battering at him just as strongly as mine. The urge to bond to what was ours was stronger in males than in females but that was not saying some women didn't get jealous. I had seen my share of jealous females attacking other unmated females for looking at their mates. It was just stronger for males because we knew we had competition and that a bond could be broken as easily as the next. It was ingrained into us to claim our mates to further our bloodlines, to extend the future for our species.
"Hopefully those two are behaving." There was a wary tone in Amber's voice and I glanced at her from the corner of my eye. She had a steely, pained look in her eyes ever since we had left Tacita but currently wariness and worry had replaced it instead. It made my wolf grow unnervingly still.
"Michael and Ezekiel don't ever leave wolf form. They wouldn't hurt anyone close to Luka. You know this." There was a soft edge of reprimand to Jace's voice and I watched as Amber stiffened from the words or the reprimand, I wasn't sure.
"They are wild. We barely know how they will behave. They follow the whims of their wolves and there is a chance they could snap." Her tone was firm as if he hadn't just reprimanded her. My wolf growled lowly in my head. He didn't like the thought of a wild near Maricella. Victor was different, he was her father but two others we both didn't know was worrisome for both my wolf and I.
"And their wolves view Maricella as part of the pack." Jace was being reasonable but I could see Amber's hesitation. A wild was highly unpredictable and truly did follow the whims of their wolves. They were buried so deep within themselves that they had not control over their wolves and just let them roam as they pleased. However if they viewed Maricella as a pack member then it negated a large portion of the danger. It still didn't mean she was completely safe as a wild animal was always unpredictable.
"But not Bailey." At her words I looked at Davin whose entire form stiffened and he walked faster, pulling ahead of Jay and the rest of us. His wolf was more than likely demanding to see to the protection of his mate. Mine was as well but I forced him back, refusing to let him dictate Maricella's friends. I would not be foolish enough to pull her away from her support system. She was better than she was before but that still didn't mean she needed to progress further.
"Maricella wouldn't let anything hurt her." Jace was gritting his teeth slightly but he didn't snap at her like I expected him to, he respected her too much or maybe he just needed her. She didn't seem too inclined on Alphas from what I had heard from her words to Alpha Lawrence. I almost winced at that. I wouldn't have wished that on anyone.
"Maricella isn't a fighter! She barely knows fighting forms or moves." Her voice was sharp and I could hear her worry. She cared for Maricella deeply, a bond had been forged between them. "All she knows is what she learned in mock attempts to play warrior." That edge carried through heavy to the last of ehr words. She was agitated and worried and that didn't make for a good combination.
"Mari's wolf knows. It's all instinct and Collin has informed me that Mari is now having troubles distinguishing between her wolf's more dominant personality and her own subservient one." Jay's tone was light and he paused slightly. "She wouldn't win by any means but she would do some damage." He shrugged slightly and we breached the trees. I could see an unfamiliar rusty looking car parked in the driveway and the urge to go to Maricella was nearly overwhelming.
I watched as Davin jumped up the stairs to the porch and I pushed forward, incapable to stopping myself from speeding up. I could faintly hear conversation in the kitchen and I could smell food. My stomach rumbled slightly and I quickly jumped up the stairs as Davin had and walked into the open door. I walked forward and could hear bones crunching between powerful jaws and I looked over to see two large black wolves. They were covered in scars, their fur only tufts in some places. They had a savage aura of power around them as they chewed on what looked to be beef bones. As if sensing my presence they looked at me at the same time before jumping to their feet, their hackles rising all the way down their back.
"Michael, Ezekiel. Stand down and enjoy your treat before kiddo takes it away." The voice was soft and calm and I watched as the wolves instantly went back to chewing on their bones, seemingly without a care in the world. I walked forward, ever watchful of the two wilds that were mangling the beef leg bones in the hallway.
"You can't tell them I would take it away, Luka. They can tell it's an empty threat." Maricella's voice was amused and I could hear the sounds of cupboards opening as I stepped into the opening for the kitchen. A slim man was sitting at the island with his back to me, his black hair was cut short to his head and he had a very gentle presence about him. I felt my eyes slide to Maricella and as if sensing my presence she looked over her shoulder. A wide, heart stopping smile crossed her face, dimples appeared on her cheeks and her eyes crinkled in the corners. She turned around fully and held out a plate. "I figured you guys would be hungry. Bailey and I made sandwiches." A BLT sat on the plate and I moved into the kitchen and around the island to take the plate from her. She gave me that heart stopping smile once more before reaching out and touching my arm. The contact burned my nerves but I could see her relax.
"Mates?" The man's voice was curious and Maricella nodded softly. He was wearing glasses and looked exhausted. To be honest he didn't look like an Alpha. Far from it in fact. His energy was soft and calm and lacked the certain Alpha power that usually came with the title. I looked around, Bailey and Davin were gone and I could faintly hear voices in the living room. Bailey was safe and in good hands.
"This is Bennett. Bennett, this is Luka. He's like my big brother." She looked between the two of us, as if wanting my approval and I set the sandwich down before reaching a hand out to the Alpha named Luka.
He shook it with a partial smile as he glanced between Maricella and I. The smile grew almost wistful before it faded into seriousness. I knew where it was going. "You hurt her an-"
"And you'll kill me?" I couldn't help the snap my tone had. I was tired of being questioned about my ability to hurt Maricella. I would never do so and both me and my wolf were tired of people assuming I would.
"No, I would never take a kill from Michael or Ezekiel." He gave a lazy gesture to the wilds who stilled in their eating to pointedly stare at me, their chest rumbling. "I, myself, wouldn't do much damage to you before you ripped me apart but when you come between a wild and its pack members... well it's not pretty." He shrugged slightly and I was almost floored at his admission of not being able to beat me. Alphas were prideful creatures. They would never truly state someone could beat them because that just opened doors for challengers. "Don't look at me like that." There was a faint edge of an Alpha tone to his voice and I shook my head slightly before looking at the sandwich Maricella made for me. I bent my head and kissed the top of hers.
"It looks good." I let the sincerity fill my tone and watched as her cheeks flushed red at the compliment before I bent my head lower and kissed her cheek. Her cheeks went nearly scarlet at the action and I turned to the sandwich and took a large bite. It was good. I hummed my approval and Maricella grabbed my wrist and tugged the sandwich towards her before she took a bite.
I quirked an eyebrow and she covered her mouth as she chewed. "You can share, right?" She looked up at me and I smirked slightly before nodding. She leaned against me, her hand still gripping my wrist. My wolf liked the contact, no matter how small it was. He settled down in my head and I could feel his love for her radiating out of every inch of him. He was smitten with our mate, even more than I was. I took another bite of the sandwich. It really was tasty.
There were sounds from the front door and Luka perked up slightly. "Is that Jace I hear?" He looked over his shoulder before turning on the stool, leaning an elbow on the island. I could feel Maricella tensing like an over-torqued spring. My wolf became suddenly protective and surged to the front of my mind as she pressed herself closer to me as if trying to hide herself.
"Luka, my boy! How have you been?" Jace's voice boomed through the house and Maricella jumped and I could hear her heart rate increase as the tension in her seemed to wind tighter. It would be the first time she would be in the same room as him since last night and she had been so tired last night that I doubted she really appropriately reacted.
"Better now that I am here." Luka sounded sincere but my gaze was on the door way. My wolf wanted us to keep an eye on Jace. He was soon to be my Alpha but my wolf and I hated how much he frightened her. Even his voice made the fear roll off of her. It was small waves but as he moved into view it grew in intensity. She shifted closer to me, trying to put herself between my frame and the island. I moved back a fraction and she took the invitation. Her back pressed tightly against my chest and I could feel her trembling as Jace walked over and hugged Luka tightly.
"It smells great in here! I hope there is enough for everyone." Jace didn't say it to anyone in particular but Maricella stiffened anyway. The scent of her fear was riling up my wolf and I set the sandwich on the plate gently, trying not to make any sudden movements. Jace moved around the island heading for the food and Maricella's grip tightened around my wrist. Her grip grew to being at the borderline of pain as her knuckles white while she trembled against his presence. She was terrified and I fought the urge to remove the source of her fear. "I see you two are getting cozy." I could feel him staring at me and I could feel Maricella's breath hitch in her chest as she stopped breathing entirely, her heart pounding frantically in her chest.
"None of your concern." I placed my hands on the island and leaned forward slightly, caging Maricella away from his view. Her heart pounded so harshly I could feel it thumping against my chest. I silently urge her to breathe before she passed out.
"She's my niece, she's always my concern." He leaned against the counter beside me and I shifted my shoulder, obstructing his view of her. The fear was rippling off her so intensely it made me want to gag. It was thick and sour and my wolf battered against my defenses, wanting to remove the threat from our mate.
"Jace, I need to talk to you." Luka sounded firm and I glanced at him. There was a frown on his face as he looked between Maricella's shaking form and her uncle.
"Not now." Jace snapped it out and I could feel him staring at me.
"Okay, pleasantry over. You need to back off." Luka's voice vibrated with an Alpha Command but it wasn't strong. It would do nothing against Jace.
"Luka, you are an Alpha but your Command is still weak." His words were harsh and I looked up at Luka who sighed, the frown deepening on his face.
"Can't say I didn't warn you, Jace." He snapped his fingers and two loud snarls came from the hallway. Before anyone could react the two scarred black wolves were in the kitchen. One leapt onto the island, driving Jace away from Maricella and I. I leaned back slightly as it scattered several plates and cups, my sandwich included. Its claws were scrambling on the smooth surface and the other one brushed roughly past my legs, driving Jace around the corner of island towards the snapping jaws of the wolf standing in front of Maricella and I. I could hear Maricella's audible inhale and I sent out a silent thanks to Mene that she was now breathing.
"Fucking really, Luka?" Jace bellowed it out as he dodged their pointed attacks. The one on the island jumped onto the dining table. Its claws dug deep into the wood and it snapped and snarled at the irritated Alpha.
"They are my Command, Jace. You are terrifying her. How do you expect them to react?" Luka shrugged, looking unconcerned for the wilds he had just set on Jace. "You do not come between a wild and their pack." He gave me a rather pointed look and I heard the message loud and clear as the second wolf rounded the table, sending Jace closer to the doorway as he fended off the wolf snarling in his face.
"Call them off before they get hurt." At Jace's words I could see a faint smirk on Luka's face. He took a large bite out of the sandwich in front of him before setting it down again.
"This is really good, kiddo. I need to get you to cook for me more often." He winked at her as Jace let out another curse as the wolves drove him from the kitchen and down the hallway. "I need to go talk to Jace and find out what the hell is going on here." He leaned over the island and kissed Maricella's forehead, ignoring me completely. He leaned back and grabbed his sandwich, winking at her as he did so. "Ezekiel, don't let him run too far." He bounded out of the room and I could feel Maricella instantly relax. I didn't and kept my body caged around hers. My wolf was a hair's width from tearing through my skin and bones if I moved an inch I knew he would do just that "Michael, stop biting so hard!" At Luka's frustrated voice I bit back a chuckle. I leaned down and breathed in her scent, letting it soothe the wolf within me. She was safe.
"Fucking Tacita." Amber's voice was a low grumble. "Mari, I want to see you in my office." Her words were soft and Maricella slowly let go of my wrist. Red marks marred my skin and I wrapped an arm around her waist, burying my face into her hair. My wolf was still restless but it was better now that the fear wasn't rolling off of her so intensely. I didn't want to let her go so easily. My wolf wasn't budging on the position I had taken.
"I'm not going to hurt her, Bennett. I just need to help her work through some things with her. If I don't she's going to have a breakdown." Her voice was firm but soft as she moved closer towards up, I felt a growl build in my chest. The vibrations rumbling through me and into Maricella, instead of pulling away like I feared she seemed to sink back into me. Her hand wrapped around my wrist again, her fingers tracing patterns into my skin. I shivered slightly at the contact, trying to ignore the goosebumps that covered my skin. "Mari, please reason with him." Amber gestured at me with a bit of frustration.
"I want him to come with me." Her voice was clear and I watched as she lifted her head to look at the doctor. The female doctor frowned. "Bennett needs to know about my diagnosis so he can better protect me from my episodes." There was something hidden in her voice that I couldn't figure out but I watched as Amber looked ready to argue but her shoulders slumped instead.
She let out a long sigh before looking at me with burning blue eyes. "If you tear apart my office in a rage, I will sedate you, remove your balls, pickle them, and display them proudly on my new desk." Something about how she was looking at me told me she wasn't joking and I nodded slowly.
"Deal." I watched as she walked out of the kitchen. Maricella wiggled out from between me and the island but held onto my wrist as we followed the blond female. I felt cold without her pressed against me and I ignored the urge to shiver at the feeling it left me. We walked down the hall, passing the office. I wondered for a brief moment if Maricella had phoned Alpha Lawrence.
"Thank you." She squeezed me wrist slightly as she gestured at the door. I wondered if the murmurings in her mind were loud enough for her to hear my train of thought. "It was nice to talk to him again. I didn't talk to him a lot while we were at Tacita." Her voice was small and I simply nodded. It made me and my wolf happy to see that we had done something to bring her joy.
We moved into the infirmary and I watched as Amber pushed open a door to a smaller room. I hated the sterile smell of the infirmary. I always had but I ignored it as Maricella pulled me towards the open door. I could see it was an office and when we stepped inside it felt a lot smaller than it looked. I felt almost cramped in the space and Maricella pulled me towards a chair before gesturing for me to sit as she moved to corner of the room. I watched as she pulled out another chair that had been hiding behind a healthy looking potted plant. She set it beside my chair before sitting in it, curling her legs up to her chest. She looked small and lost in that position and I reached over and placed a hand on her knee, trying to send her comfort.
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