《Red Ribbons (Forgotten Series #1)》Chapter Thirteen: Part Two
I wasn't sure how long we stayed like that until her stomach growled loudly, startling us both. She giggled slightly and I pushed her hands from her face as I wiped her tears for her. She was my cousin's mate, a cousin who was more like a brother. I wanted to make sure she was safe and cared for because she meant the world to him. That and the fact that the instant I had seen her I had wanted to protect her. It had been a bone deep urge for me that I had been incapable of ignoring.
"Are you hungry?" I cupped her face in my hands and she gave a small nod and I nodded in agreement. Even without my wolf I could sense Uncle Jace downstairs. I didn't want to walk down into there, not when the fear of him still lingered. My wolf was more than tense at the thought.
I let my hands drop from her face. Davin, your mate is hungry and would like something to eat. I could feel his eagerness over the link and chuckled softly. An ache entered my chest when I realized how eager I would be to help Bennett with something. I needed to see him. Bring Bennett with you. I felt his hesitation at that and I wanted to roll my eyes but refrained.
His hesitance disappeared rather quickly. Does Bailey want anything in particular? His voice was almost tentative as he asked it and I honestly wasn't sure how to respond to it.
I frowned slightly as I turned to look at Bailey, who was back to picking at the comforter. I thought back to what she had eaten previous and a smile tugged at my mouth as Bennett inadvertently provided the answer. A peanut butter and jam sandwich, cookies and a large glass of milk. Bring enough for four people. I wanted to laugh at his confusion but I didn't as I flopped backwards onto my bed.
I don't understand. He was frowning but I could hear the faint sounds of cupboards opening in the kitchen from my place on the bed. He must not have been too confused because he was making the food anyway.
You and Bennett are going to eat with us. I could feel his immediate excitement at my words and I chuckled slightly. Even my wolf was amused at his child like glee at the thought of spending more time with his mate.
"Bennett and Davin are going to eat with us. Is that okay, Bailey?" I turned my head to look at her and she glanced at me before looking back at the blanket she was trying her best to mangle with her short fingernails.
"Yes, ma'am." Her tone was timid and I wrinkled my nose at the title. I seriously didn't like being called that, it brought to mind Ingrid.
"Its Mari. I don't want to overwhelm you with new things all at once. Just let me know if you are tired or uncomfortable." I looked back at the ceiling with a sigh. Everything felt different. My felt different. There was something in me that had changed or snapped loose. It was strange and a bit alarming for me.
"I wish I was a strong as you." Bailey's voice was soft and I scoffed lightly before looking at her.
"You are." I watched as she met my gaze with an incredulous look on her pixie like face.
"No. Your wolf challenged your Alpha." She said it with disbelief, as if unwilling to believe that someone could have done that and to be honest, two years ago I would have felt the same way.
"Yes but he scared me and was acting like kind of a dick." I gave slight chuckle at the choking squeak she let out at my words. My face went a slight red, I wasn't really used to calling him names but he did deserve it. "Uncle Jace expects people to call him names or insult him and if he ever deserved to be called a name, it would be today. He was cruel and unkind." I frowned at the thought of my uncle and pushed it away as a knock sounded on the door. I could smell Bennett and both I and my wolf perked up at the scent. Without waiting for an answer the door opened and Davin walked in with a plate of sandwiches and cookies. I watched as Bailey's face lit up at the sight, her stomach growling once more.
She had eaten it before, that is why I asked for it. She didn't need to have the Mantra's pulling her in two. Not for her first meal with us. I went up onto my elbows and watched as Bennett walked through the door before closing it behind him. He had a pitcher of milk in his hand and four cups stacked in his other. His blue eyes burned into mine and I felt a flush cross my face as I sat up completely before sliding off the bed and sitting on the floor. I reached up and grabbed Bailey's foot, tugging on it gently.
After a few moments she slid off the bed to sit beside me. She tucked close to me and I reached over and took a sandwich from the plate Davin had set on the floor. He and Bennett sat down across from us and I tore the sandwich in half, handing the other half to Bailey. My wolf was slightly on edge but she wasn't afraid for Bailey's safety, just wary of how Bailey would react. I gave a small smile as she took the half of the sandwich from me. I took a bite out of my half and glanced at Bennett who was looking at me intently. My wolf urged me to move closer to him but I refrained to stay next to Bailey.
"I'm happy that you are protecting her, Mari." Davin's voice was soft and I felt Bailey stiffen slightly.
I shook the sudden urge to growl off as I smiled at Davin. I needed to stop reacting so strongly to Bailey's every movement. It was odd and disconcerting. "She's family." I shrugged slightly before snagging two cookies and handing one to Bailey. Without thinking I broke the other cookie in half, gesturing for Bennett to take it. He took it with a small nod that caused my face to flare red. I realized what I had done when I could sense Davin's hurt through the pack bond.
I had always shared my food with him first and I had hurt him with my action. I wanted to take it back but from the corner of my eyes I watched as Bailey broke her cookie in half. With a small moment of hesitation she held it out for Davin and there was a slight pause before he took it. I could see the happiness radiating off of him even as Bailey buried her bright red face into my arm in embarrassment.
"Thank you, Bailey." He said it softly and Bailey pressed closer to me and I gave a slightly amused smile before taking another bite of my sandwich. I watched Bennett through half closed eyes as he poured the milk into the cups. He was a fine male and I was just reminded of how strong he was as his muscles ripple across his shoulders and down his arms.
"I remember this meal. I gave it to you the day you fainted in the laundry room, didn't I?" Bennett's voice was soft and gentle as he handed out the cups and I glanced at Davin warily as he stiffened slightly.
Bailey pulled her face away from my arm with a nod. "Yes but you brought me oatmeal cookies instead of these." Her tone showed her nervous energy but she trusted Bennett and I resisted the urge to smile at him.
"You're right and it was mixed berry jam instead of strawberry. This is still good though." He took a bite of his sandwich and I followed suit. I took the cup he had set in front of me before taking a long drink. I closed my eyes completely. It felt nice to just be near Bennett. I liked how his tone was gentle with Bailey as if he knew not to act aggressive or violent in front of her.
"Yes, it is. Thank you for bringing it up here. You didn't have too." Bailey was growing bolder as she stopped tucking close to my body. She was still close but she had put some space between us. I felt proud of her. Baby steps were still progress no matter how small a distance they seemed to cover.
"I wanted to see Maricella and I am currently on supervised visitation." There was an edge of amusement, as if he were just playing along with what the others had said to do to humor them. As if he knew that they wouldn't be able to stop him from being with me if he truly wanted to be by my side. I bit back a smile at the thought. My mate was a very strong shifter and my wolf approved of him greatly as did I.
"Hey man, as you can clearly see Mari currently has me on supervised visitation as well. Don't take it personally." Davin said as if defending himself against the accusation and I cracked my eyes open and took another bite of my sandwich, finishing the half off. I wiped my fingers on my pants and grabbed the cup before dunking the chocolate chip cookie into it.
"I didn't aggressively jump at Maricella when I discovered she was my mate. You did." Bennett said it evenly, his face impassive but I could see the upwards twitch of his mouth. It wasn't significant but I could still see it. The memory of what he had done when he first found me made me want to melt into a warm, gooey puddle on the floor as my cheeks heated up considerately. Bennett's eyes flicked over to me for a brief moment as if he had sensed what I had been thinking about. It only served to make my face glow redder.
"He didn't mean too." Bailey's words were quick and I watched as her face went bright red again and Davin's smile grew with pride as he glanced at his mate.
"Yah, Bennett, I didn't mean too." He said it tauntingly and I rolled my eyes before finishing off the cookie and the milk, setting the empty cup on the floor.
"You're blushing, Davin. I'd say your little mate already has you wrapped around her finger." Bennett's tone was mocking and I fought against a smile as Bailey stiffened with indignation. It seemed like they were getting along quite well.
"I do not." She sat straighter and I chuckled. It was the truth. I was learning I could trust Bennett to tell the truth, blunt or not he would always speak the truth.
"Bailey, if you told him to yodel on the roof, he would probably ask you in what pitch. He's fallen head over heels for you... Well, I'd say Bennett gave him a bit of help in that department." It took a second before my words registered and Bailey burst out laughing. She clapped her hands over her mouth in surprise. Her eyes were wide and I couldn't help but laugh softly at the look on her face as Davin pointed at me.
"Low blow, Mari. That's just mean." He frowned at me, a small pout on his lips but I just shook my head slightly, a smile planted firmly on my face as I shrugged.
"I've never seen someone eat dirt that quickly." I smirked at him and Davin clutched at his chest as if in pain.
"Bailey, help me. I'm dying here!" He looked at her imploring for help and I watched as she bit her lip slightly, her cheeks turning pinker by the second.
"Well, it was funny." Her head was down but I could tell her gaze was on Davin as he gave a choked sound, looking pained.
"Oh you wound me deep!" He gave a dramatic groan that had Bailey giggling, her head coming up and her eyes shining as she watched him. "Oh the pain! It is just too much." He flopped back onto the floor and I watched as Bailey shifted closer to him, as if trying to look at his face.
"I didn't mean it. Its just that Bennett is very strong and you didn't stand a chance." At her words I burst into peals of laughter as Davin lifted his head gave his mate a disbelieving stare. She had been slowly moving closer and I watched as she reached out and touched his hand before brushing her hair behind her ear shyly. "It's okay. I still like you." Her smile was nearly dazzling and I watched as Davin slowly sat up as she settled beside him, looking at him as if he were her entire world. He probably was for her, I knew I felt that way about Bennett.
Without warning I had a large arm wrapped around my waist and I was pulled onto an equally large lap, my back against Bennett's chest as he buried his face into my neck. He didn't loosen his grip from around me as if he was afraid I would run. I relaxed into him, unable to help myself. His presence was comforting and relaxing. I felt safe and protected, enveloped by him.
I watched as Bailey let Davin hold her hand and I felt the sight tug on my heart strings. Davin was the perfect mate for her. "Could I show you around? You don't have to if you don't want to." He looked at her with such hope that it made my chest ache.
I watched as Bailey glanced at me, her form uneasy with the suggestion. Not uneasy with Davin but not wanting to let go of what she felt was familiar and safe. "He won't let anything happen to you, Bailey. He knows better." I flicked my gaze to Davin's. My wolf suddenly surged forward for a moment, looking through my eyes and I watched as he nodded slightly in shock. I had never been so aggressive but my wolf had an insatiable need to make sure Bailey was safe and protected at all times. I didn't like the change in myself. I wasn't an aggressive person but she immediately calmed down as Bennett nuzzled my neck softly, taking my scent in.
Bailey grabbed the plate of sandwiches and cookies and took a deep breath in. "Can you show me the kitchen?" She hugged the plate close to her chest and Davin nodded before he picked up the cups and the now empty pitcher.
"Yes, I can. Stay close to me. I promise nothing will harm you when I am around." He gave her such a truthful look that I was surprised at it before he slowly led her out the door, leaving me with Bennett.
"You know, they couldn't keep me away from you if I really wanted you in my arms." His hot breath brushed the sensitive skin of my neck, sending goosebumps erupting across my flesh.
"I know." It was the truth. He was a highly trained warrior and he was strong. One of the strongest warriors I had ever seen. Once again my wolf was pleased at the choice of mate. She sent me images of strong pups and a feeling of pride and I shook her away, a deep flush burning my ears and cheeks. The only way to have children with Bennett was sex and I was still very much innocent in regards to that. I knew what it meant but the thought made me squirm uncomfortably.
"Your friend, Collin, is a handful." He sounded amused but there was an edge to it. I knew Collin would react violently to my mate, not out of jealousy but a need to protect me. Collin was more protective over me than a mother bear.
"How many times did you let him hit you?" I phrased it carefully and he let out a small grunt of annoyance as he pulled away from my neck, his arm tightening on my waist slightly. Bennett wouldn't be caught unwary, he would have to physically allow another person to hit him.
"Twice before I pinned him." He buried his face into my hair and I was surprised at his response. I had expected a violent fight.
"You didn't hit him back?" My question was quiet and he wrapped her other arm around me, letting his hand rest on my thigh. I shivered at the feeling of its heat sinking through my clothes and into my skin. It felt like fire was licking at my nerves.
"I didn't think you would appreciate it." The response rumbled through his chest and I resisted the urge to groan at the feeling it caused. Just being in his presence made every fibre of my being attuned to his presence. I could feel the pull to be near him, our bond demanding our closeness for the sake of the future generation. Having him touch me made my nerves tingle pleasantly and fire to race through my veins.
"Thank you." It sounded breathless and I cleared my throat. I was slightly afraid about how much he meant to me but at the same time I was elated. It was confusing and I felt the strange, uncontrollable aggression slowly leave my body at his presence and as a result I felt shyer, more timid.
"He said his piece, as did Jay and a man named, Seamus. Although an Angie told him off and slapped the back of his head for, and I quote, 'acting like a stern father even though you haven't pumped me full of any pups. If I don't have babies. You can't pseudo parent Mari.' She's an interesting woman." He said it slowly and I could hear the amusement that laced his words and I felt a silent chuckle rumble through my back from his chest. Angie would say something that crass but then again the conversation I had with Bailey had been equally crass. My wolf whined at me, as if trying to get me to understand something. "Are you alright, sweet one?" Bennett spoke it into my ear and I frowned, trying to figure out what my wolf had wanted to tell me.
She kept sending me images of standing up to Ingrid, the images moving slower and slower, as she replayed them for me. I closed my eyes trying hard to understand what she was trying to say. Everyone in the Oblitus pack relied on their wolf's instincts and intuition. We trained to be as close to one with our wolf as we could without going wild. She froze the image on the moment when I stood up to Ingrid before she sent me imagine of things breaking. I rubbed at my forehead as it throbbed. I couldn't quite grasp what she was saying.
"Maricella." Bennett sounded concerned and I shook my head. He needed to be quiet in order for me to focus. I wasn't nearly as good at interpreting my wolf's messages as the others. It was usually instinctual, growing up with a wolf made it easy but I had gotten her just before being given to Ingrid. She had been forced into the back of my mind, subservient to everyone. I hadn't bonded or grew with her as others had. I had to learn things that should have come naturally to me.
"Hush, Bennett. She's trying to tell me something." I closed my eyes tighter, trying to shut everything out and listen to my wolf who was growing restless at our inability to properly communicate. She threw the images at me but focused on a specific memory from the classroom. Being let down from the chains. I winced at the memory but she played the moment of being let down over and over again, the relief of being let down swamping me before she combined the two memories. The memory playing out to the moment the strap made contact with my hand as I grabbed it, she switched it to the other memory, the freeing release of chains. She played it a few more times but she slowly replaced me in the chains with a wolf, with herself.
That was it.
"Oh." I understood what she was telling me and it wasn't entirely good.
"What is it?" Bennett sounded worried but I simply smiled. It had taken me a minute or five but I had figured out the message.
"When I stood up to Ingrid, I allowed my wolf to break free of what the Mantras had done to her. That is why I am suddenly feeling so strange." I shifted on his lap, looking at his face. His blue eyes were guarded as he looked at me but I could feel his confusion. "My wolf no longer has to fear her so she is able to be a bit more pushy with me. That is why she forced me to shift, that is why she is acting more aggressive. She is influencing me. Unintentionally, of course, but I have a more submissive presence and she is now a bit more aggressive than me." I watched as he frowned slightly.
"That can cause some issues." He loosened his grip on me slightly and I understood what he was saying. Having a shifter who could not control their wolf was not a good thing. I knew my wolf would not intentionally push me away but if I wasn't careful her personality traits would alter my own, my shy and timid personality being replaced with her brash and aggressive one.
"I know. We have training for dealing with our wolves. Although I doubt Jay has seen something like this before." It was the truth, Jay taught all of us but I knew he had very little to do with Omegas and our wolves. My personality was subdued but my wolf, now unleashed by my actions, was more aggressive and she would start pushing or testing the limits of my control over her. It actually sounded tedious and I wasn't looking forward to it.
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" I don't know, cheers to everyone having a good lifestyle afterwards " I say.
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