《Red Ribbons (Forgotten Series #1)》Chapter Thirteen
I slowly woke up as the jeep slowed to a stop before it was shut off. I blinked with sleepiness as faint music filled my ears from the headphones. I yawned slightly before the door was practically ripped open. I let out a groan at the familiar scent of the person who had yanked the door open. I was really too tired to deal with Collin's exuberant nature.
"Gimme my sugar!" He growled it playfully before he had my seat belt off and had me in his arms, spinning me around and around. I tucked my head to his neck with another groan. The world spun around me and then suddenly stopped as Collin started rocking me back and forth.
"Collin, I'm going to be sick." I muttered it out and I could practically feel him pouting but he stopped. I felt my eyelids droop again and he shifted me slightly in his arms. I let my arm wrap around the back of his neck and I rubbed at my eyes with my other hand. I pulled out the earphones with sigh, knowing Collin would want to talk.
"Someone is tired." Collin's voice was low and I nodded. I needed more sleep, much more sleep. I rubbed at my slightly achy forehead before I wiggled slightly and Collin set me on the ground. Bits and pieces were coming back to me before a small black haired woman launched at me, wrapping her arms around my chest tightly and burying her face in my shoulder. Collin let out a surprised growl and I held up a hand, cutting off the growl before tentatively wrapping my arms around Bailey. She was scared and I didn't blame her.
"Are you doing okay?" I said the words low and she didn't look up from where she had buried her face in my shoulder but she nodded. I let out a small sigh of relief, trying to ignore the cold that was permeating my bare feet. I already knew how Bailey must have been feeling. I had been in the same position with our bodies unable to regulate our temperature properly. She would need to get in the house quickly before she got frost bite.
"Look at us, an entire pack of strays." Davin sounded overly cheerful as he closed the Jeep's door and I closed my eyes slightly. Bailey trembled against me. I knew it was the fear of punishment that made her so scared. I had been in her place numerous times. What she suffered I had as well but i knew we were in a place where she could be better.
"It's okay, Bailey." I grasped her shoulders and gently but firmly pushed her away. She looked lost, her dark brown eyes wide and glassy as she looked at me. She looked like she wanted to bury her face into my shoulder once more to try and hide from the world. I gave her a tired smile as I blinked slowly. I looked around and saw that Bennett had gotten out of the Jeep, his strong arms crossed over his wide chest. His muscles strained against his shirt and I looked away quickly, my face flushing warmly.
"Who is this new bundle of joy?" Collin sounded eager and I glanced at him, his warm brown eyes twinkling with excitement at the prospect of a new arrival. He reached over towards her and at the same time I pulled her out of his reach, a threatening snarl escaped Davin.
Both Bailey and I jumped at the sudden sound, Bailey immediately latching onto my side, her heart pounding frantically with fear and Collin looked confused. I slowly looked at Davin who's green eyes had darkened slightly, his gaze completely predatory on Bailey. She seemed to notice his focused gaze and squeaked before hiding her face in my shoulder again, her hands bunching the fabric at the back of my dress. I stared at Davin warily, Bennett hadn't acted like that when he had discovered we were mates. It was rather alarming coming from my usually subdued and calm cousin.
"Davin?" Collin sounded concerned and I glanced between the two and shushed Bailey gently, rubbing her back. I was tense and wary as I looked at Davin as he shook slightly. Collin shifted to a slightly defensive stance, ready to intercept Davin if he jumped at us. He looked several heartbeats away from shifting and it made my heart lurch unpleasantly in my chest..
"Do not touch her." His voice was low and deadly and I took a step away from him, pulling Bailey with me and he snarled again. His muscles bunched and I flinched as he leapt forward but to my surprise he was suddenly pinned on the ground. Bennett held him on the ground by a hand on the back of his neck. He looked completely at relaxed as he pinned him down. Davin snarled and Bailey shook violently and I warily watched Davin fight against the grip holding him down.
"Bailey was an Omega. I suggest you stop your oppressive and threatening growling and snarling because you only serve to scare your mate more than she already is." Bennett's words were low and even and I watched as Davin instantly stopped fighting. He didn't submit under the hold but it was if Bennett's calm words had made him see reason. Bennett let him go and stood up, his gaze flicking between me and Davin, as if assessing the threat level for me. It was if his first thought was to make sure I would be safe from harm, the ever familiar warmth of happiness filled me at the thought as well as relief. I didn't know what would have happened if he hadn't been there. Just the thought of it made me uneasy.
"I am sorry." Davin sounded a bit vulnerable as he pulled himself off of the ground and I swallowed as I looked at his remorseful green eyes. "My wolf went a bit chaotic. I did not mean anything by it." He didn't move closer but his eyes were on Bailey as he talked.
He looked pained and I swallowed hard, trying to get my heart rate under control before I nodded slightly. "Please, you need to use patience with her like you need to use with me. Mate or not, she will need time to adjust." I tightened my grip around Bailey in a small embrace before pushing her away again. I looked into her eyes before moving my hands down to grip hers gently. "Bailey, you know what Davin is to you, right?" She flicked her scared gaze from me to Davin before she gave a small nod.
"That's good. He is a very kind man. He is my cousin and he would never hurt you but I know you are very scared right now. This is all very new to you." I glanced at Davin before I looked around, my gaze landing on Amber. Her expression was severe and it looked strange on her face. I had wanted to take her to see Amber but the look on her face wasn't welcoming. "We are going to go to the hospital and get you looked over." I swallowed again before I looked towards my cousin. "Davin, please give us some time to adjust." He took one more lingering glance at Bailey before he nodded and turned away with a pained expression. I flicked my gaze to Bennett only to realize he had been staring at me the entire time.
A hot flush burned at my ears and cheeks as I felt my gaze slide from his. "I'm just going to go inside." I watched as he nodded, his gaze moving to Collin who seemed to finally notice him.
I watched as my friend stiffened with caution and expectation. "That's right, sugar. You brought me a chew toy. Run along and I'll be busy with him. We can watch a movie later." Collin smiled his signature cheeky smile but this time it looked cold and brittle on his face. I just nodded, unwilling to get between the two of them before leading Bailey away from the small crowd and towards the house. I gently tugged Bailey forward. I hated how much she shivered as we walked towards the house, she needed to get where it was warm. The walk was quick as we moved up the stairs and into the warm interior of the pack house. I followed Amber towards the infirmary. I could feel Bailey looking around warily as she clutched the back of my dress in her hand tightly.
The familiar room made me relax slightly as I took Bailey to a cot and gently pulled away from her grasp. Her dark brown eyes were wide with fear and I softly patted the cot.
"Come on. You can sit here while I get everything ready." I watched as she slowly climbed up on the cot before she reached out and grasped my hand tightly once more. She was smaller than me by a few inches but she was much thinner. Not as thin as I had been when I had first arrived but thin enough. I knew a bit about how to do a check-up. I could take her heart rate and blood pressure. I could check her lungs and do her weight. I could do the simple things and leave the numbers for Amber.
I gently removed my arm from Bailey's grasp, trying my hardest to ignore the scared whimper she let out as I moved away. The urge to protect her was intense and it put my wolf on the offensive. She was growling in the back of my mind at the thought of letting anyone hurt her. it was disconcerting for me to have her make such violent sounds. My wolf had never truly growled before and ti was alarming for me. I did my best to shake it off as I grabbed the necessary equipment and a pad of paper with a pen. It wouldn't be official but it would be enough.
Bailey took the prodding and orders better than I thought she would as I put her through the paces I was used to. She was underweight but not nearly as bad as I had been. She had a rattle in her chest that confirmed my thought that she was getting sick. Everything else was a bit low but still normal.
I let out a sigh as I finished writing down her blood pressure. I took the cuff off of her arm and gave her a small smile. "You need a bath. Do you think you could take one without help?" I watched as she nodded, her hair swaying limply around her face, her brown eyes worried. I grasped her hand and tugged on it gently, urging her to get off of the cot. As soon as her bare feet hit the floor I pulled her towards my bedroom. I needed to get her some clothes. Mine would be big on her but they would work until we got some for her.
We moved silently through the house and I pushed open my bedroom door and pulled her inside before dropping her hand. I moved to my dresser and pulled out two pairs of flannel pants, a tank top and a t-shirt. I rubbed my face with a sigh. I just wanted to sleep. I felt like every bit of energy was drained out of me since leaving Tacita. I dropped my hand and threw a smile at Bailey who was staring at the floor. She needed my help more than I needed to sleep.
"Come on. Let's get you cleaned up." I walked over to her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder, leading her towards the bathroom. I could hear voices in the house and I didn't want to deal with anyone around Bailey with how my wolf was acting. She was feeling very... unpredictable and it was upsetting for me. I wasn't used to her attitude.
Mari, where are you? Jay sounded concerned as I opened the bathroom door and pulled Bailey into it.
Getting Bailey cleaned up. There is no need to worry. I set the clothes on the counter and moved over to the tub. I turned on the water before putting the plug in and looking over my shoulder at Bailey. Her arms were wrapped around her stomach and she trembled.
Stay in there until we get shit calmed down. Jace and Victor are getting into it. His voice held a warning and I gritted my teeth slightly as my wolf snarled in the back of my head. I didn't know where the sudden aggression was coming from and I didn't like it. I wanted to cover my ears and do my best ot drown it out. I had enough of the violence for one day.
Please, keep them out of the house. I couldn't hide the slight growl that went out with the words as my wolf's chest rumbled and I winced heavily. I didn't want Jay asking me questions I didn't have answers to. I closed my eyes and softly reprimanded my wolf, reminding her how much I didn't like such things. She growled but pulled herself further from my mind, hiding her aggression.
Are you okay? Jay said it slowly and I opened my eyes, ignoring him for a moment to focus on Bailey. She needed to get cleaned and dressed.
"Let's get you into the tub." I gave a half smile at Bailey but she didn't look up. I moved over, listening to the sounds of the tub filling with water. "Come on. Out of the clothes." I gestured and slowly she started pulling off the dress. I turned away to check on the water in the tub and turned it off. I looked over my shoulder as Bailey who stood naked, her ribs stuck out slightly and I could see goosebumps covering her pale skin. I gestured her forward. She moved slowly and warily but made her way over to me. I helped her into the tub and she pulled her legs up to her chest, hiding from view.
I let out a small chuckle. "Nothing I haven't seen before, Bailey. But it's okay. I understand. The shampoo and conditioner are right here along with the body wash." I pointed out the items and she nodded slowly.
Mari, are you okay? Jay had an edge of worry to his voice and I let out a sigh as I stood up and moved over to where I placed the clothes. I grabbed the tank top and the other pair of lounge pants before pulling the sundress off.
I'm just really tired, Jay. A lot happened. I shut the connection, blocking everyone out as I slowly pulled the clothes on. I could hear Bailey moving around in the water before the sound of the shampoo bottle opening filled my ears. I gave a small smile before looking at myself in the mirror. There was a hard edge to my face that I knew came from my wolf's aggression and I didn't like it, I wanted it gone but didn't have the energy to fight with her about it. I rubbed at my forehead and ran my hand through my hair. Dark bags hung under my eyes and I rubbed at my face, breathing out slowly. I did it several times until my tense muscles relaxed. I took a step backwards and slid down the wall, closing my eyes.
"Is he-" Bailey's small voice spoke over the sounds of her moving around in the water and I gave small hum of acknowledgement. "Is he a good male?" Her voice was timid and I cracked an eye open. Her brown eyes were wide and her entire form screamed that she needed to be protected. It tugged on me and my wolf in a rather uncomfortable way.
I didn't have to ask which male she was asking about, I knew from the look in her eyes. "He's kind and sweet. He would never hurt you, Bailey, because if he did I would junk punch him so hard he would taste nuts." I heard her inhale sharply at my words before she started giggling. The sound made my wolf instantly relax and I felt a bit better, having her aggression leave us both.
"He jumped at us." Her voice was slightly shaky and I shrugged. I knew what Davin had been feeling. He had been feeling protective and slightly jealous. He had just discovered his mate and Collin, the notorious flirt, had tried to touch her.
I didn't particularly like how aggressive he had been but I understood it to an extent. "He was just surprised to meet you, Bailey. That and Collin is the world's worst flirt. He was a little jealous and possessive but I think Bennett straightened that out." The thought of how easily Bennett had pinned Davin to the ground made me shiver slightly. He was very strong. I had known that but seeing him in action made a shiver of fear or delight, I wasn't sure, run down my spine.
"Bennett is a good man. He's very kind." Her voice was soft and I nodded. I was still proud at the fact he treated the Omegas as well as he did. I wanted to see him, I wanted him to wrap me up in his embrace. I wanted to bury my face in his neck and take in his musky, masculine scent that reminded me of the forest. There was a faint pressure on the inside of my mind and I sighed, letting the mind-link open.
Mari, how is she doing? Davin sounded unsure and it felt a bit strange. He had always been confident and had an answer to everything but he didn't sound like himself. He sounded wary and uncertain, he was lacking his confidence and it didn't sit well with me.
She's okay. I ran her a bath and she's getting cleaned up. I could smell the conditioner bottle open and I closed my eyes again. The urge to sleep was great but there were emotions swirling around in me that made me feel off balance. The need to find Bennett and wrap my arms around him was nearly overwhelming. The pull between us was strong. I didn't like the separation between us and I felt almost too needy at the thought.
Tell her I'm sorry for how I acted. I didn't mean to scare her. I never wanted to scare her. He sounded pained and I nodded, despite how he couldn't see the action.
We were just discussing that. I stared at the cabinet under the sink and ran a hand through my hair. I winced at the tangles I caught on my fingers. I combed through my hair with my fingers, removing the knots as gently as I could.
What did she say? He sounded unsure and I frowned slightly at the question.
"Davin apologizes for scaring you, Bailey. He says he never wanted to scare you." I glanced at the tub and Bailey was rubbing at her arms with a washcloth. I could smell the feminine scent of the body wash. Her hair was twisted up on her head, I could see the conditioner covering the black strands.
"It's okay. I just don't know what to do. Everything is new." The ways she said it made me smile. It was an echo of what I had said two years before. I had hated new and it seemed like I wasn't the only one.
She says its okay but she doesn't know what to do. I stood up and moved towards the cabinet and opened it, taking out two towels and setting them on the toilet. I stared at myself in the mirror again. My wolf whined in the back of my head, wanting to be close to Bennett. I definitely liked her needy better than her being overly aggressive but I also didn't really like her being needy.
Okay. He didn't sound convinced and I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth, chewing on it slightly.
How's Bennett? I hadn't really wanted to ask but I felt like I needed to. I needed to know that he was okay. That everything was alright. There was an inherent need within me to make sure he was okay.
I don't honestly know. The dude has this really cold, emotionless stare that he has on. Davin said it simply and I let my lip slide out from between my teeth. I had forgotten about that. I wasn't used to someone who was that cold with others and i felt a bit embarrassed that I had forgotten it.
Could you ask him? I hated to ask him but I wanted to know.
Are you trying to get me killed? He sounded amused and I couldn't help the smile that crossed my face at his words. There were a few moments of silence before I could feel his presence. He nodded, didn't say anything though.
That's alright. Thank you, Davin. I closed off the connection and rubbed at my bare arms. I glanced at Bailey who set the washcloth on the edge of the tub. She looked at me with wide eyes and I pointed at the towels.
"Those are for you. Get dried off and then I brought you some clothes. They are a bit big but they will do for now." I patted the folded t-shirt and pants before turning to the sink, looking through the drawer for a hair brush.
"You are very kind." Her voice was soft and I shrugged slightly. I was doing what was compassionate, what was normal. I had been in her position. I had people helping me like I was helping her and I wanted to make sure she was taken care of. Someone about her screamed that she needed protection. I wondered for a brief moment if that is what the others felt when they looked at me.
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