《Red Ribbons (Forgotten Series #1)》Chapter Two
A harsh slap to my cheek yanked me out of the darkness of sleep. I immediately got up, looking down at the floor, knowing better than to look up or touch my burning cheek. "Ungrateful child! Shirking your duties and sleeping in the Alpha's office. I should beat you for this." Ingrid's voice was a sharp, whispered screech and I rolled my shoulder forward, clasping my hands in front of me.
The door to the office opened and the familiar footsteps of Alpha Lawrence sounded out, much to my relief. "Ingrid, leave her alone." There was a heavy warning to his tone that dared her to retaliate or to do anything more to me. "You do not get to punish anyone. You need to do your job and mind yourself." His voice was cold and sharp as he spoke to her, clipped tones that spoke of his agitation with her. I never knew where it came from, never knew what caused it. My memories were too fuzzy to focus on and I didn't want to. Ingrid would take me back to the room and I couldn't do that again. I shuddered underneath the thoughts it brought.
I could practically feel Ingrid shaking with anger. She believed I needed to be punished for my supposedly impudent behaviour. "Yes, sir." She gritted the words out and I looked at the bottom of her dress. It was the same colour of mine but it was in much better shape. I received the hand me downs from the Omegas, it was all Ingrid would give me. I cherished each one I received though. They were my possessions and I took great pains in making sure they were respectable looking despite their ragged state.
The sound of a chair creaking had me glancing towards the Alpha's desk. He settled into his chair, his sharp gaze on Ingrid. "Did you move her quarters?" He asked the question coldly and I lowered my gaze as he turned his head, as if moving to look at me.
"Yes, sir." Ingrid was grinding her teeth together and I wanted to wince. I would be punished severely for her anger. I always was.
I glanced over at him from the corner of my eyes and he was shuffling papers on his desk, seemingly ignoring us both."Section two was only partly cleaned, Ingrid. I want you to finish it before you go to bed." It was an order. I could hear it clearly and I slowly glanced at Ingrid to see that her hands were shaking hard.
She clenched them into fists and I could feel her outrage, her blatant hate she had for me and the order. "I cannot possibly clean two sections today." She said it quickly and I lifted my head slightly.
"I was more than three quarters done before the... incident. I only had linens to do, ma'am." I quickly lowered my head once more as she turned to me. All that anger was immediately directed at me and I could feel it like a heavy push against me, a hot brand against my skin that threatened to burn me to ash.
"I did not give you permission to speak, Omega." She hissed it out low and on heated tones. I lowered my head further. Even with the other Omegas I was lower than them. Ingrid made sure to remind me of it again and again.
"What did I just say, Ingrid? Leave. Her. Alone." Each word was said with a heavy shove of growling dominance that had her bowing underneath each one. "Take her nicely to her new quarters." His voice softened slightly, the dominance lessening but the order no less apparently.
Ingrid grabbed my wrist and tugged me towards the door. Her grip was painfully tight but I said nothing about it because I knew if I did the punishment would be worse. She pulled open the door and took a step. "Ease up your grip, Ingrid. I said nicely." That sharp icy edge of warning was back to his voice and Ingrid released my wrist quickly.
"I do not believe in punishing Omegas but you are testing my patience for that. You do not get to take your anger out on her. If you have an issue with my orders. You take it up with me." Each word was said slowly and seemed to be covered with crackling and frigid ice, to the point that I could see a small tremor in Ingrid's form. She feared him like I was supposed to but could not. "Do you have an issue with my order?" The question was baiting Ingrid, daring her to say yes, daring her to do something, anything against her Alpha.
"No, sir." She gave him a quick curtsy before leaving the room quickly. It was as if she expected him to call her out on the lie and chase her through the house. Her boots thumped against the wood floor quickly, showing her rapid movements away from the office.
I turned and gave Alpha Lawrence as deep curtsy. As much as I feared being alone with Ingrid and her anger, I appreciated him protecting me, reminding her of her place. "Thank you, sir." I stood up straight, relieved that the trembling from before had disappeared and happy that I could feel a bit safer with him around, could stand a fraction taller.
His brown eyes looked at me, they swirled with numerous emotions and he swallowed. "If she... If she hurts you. I want you to tell me, okay?" He stared at me, his eyes almost sad and I wanted to ask him what was wrong. To ask him why he looked at me like that but I couldn't find it in me, I couldn't find the courage to do anything as my eyes lowered. "You deserve more than that, you truly do. I am right here for you." There was a faint edge of a plea to his voice and I gave a small nod and another deep curtsy, keeping my eyes on the desk he sat behind.
I shoved at the memories that always surged so close when he was around. "Yes, sir, and thank you, sir." I gave him one more curtsy before lifting my skirt slightly and rushing after the angry Omega, leaving those hazy memories behind.
She hadn't made it far before I fell into step behind her. Her anger rolled off of her in waves and I knew she wanted to say something as her boots thumped ominously against the wooden floorboards. I knew the other Omegas would be scurrying around, quickly trying to do their tasks before her wrath would be brought down on them. She wanted to say something horrid and cruel but I knew the icy and threatening words Alpha Lawrence had said probably kept her mouth firmly closed.
We moved to the very back of the section and she pointed to a small door before turning around, slamming her shoulder against mine as she moved past. I stumbled backwards from the force of it but ignored the pain the action brought and slowly moved forward and pushed open the small door. It was a little bigger than my previous quarters and as I looked around the room I noticed that Ingrid had taken all the furniture out of the room. Even the mattress was bare on the floor. I let out a small sigh. She had taken the bed frame and I would have to go to her to ask for it back. The thought brought on a chest tightening sense of anxiousness and I immediately shook the thought away. The mattress would be fine for now, at least she had left me that.
I moved to a small pile of linens and pulled out a sheet before slowly making the bed. The ache in my chest wasn't easy to ignore but I knew with time I would be able to better ignore it or even grow used to it. I grabbed the thin blanket and spread it over top of the mattress before looking out the small, dingy window. The sun was setting and despite the sleep I had on the couch, I was still tired, a bone deep aching exhaustion that clung to my form and attempted to drag me down towards unconsciousness.
My clothes lay in a heap by the door and I slowly made my way over to them. I picked them up and brought them back to the mattress, folding each dress carefully before moving onto my night gowns. The pure white fabric had stared to turn slightly grey with age and the thickness had been worn down to barely anything. I folded two of them but left the third one out before moving to my undergarments. Once they were folded, I tucked them into a pillow case and laid it at the head of my bed carefully. Ingrid have even removed my luxury of a pillow. I stood up and slowly undid the buttons on the front of my gown before letting the fabric pool on the floor at my feet.
I sat down on the bed and carefully and gently took the knots out of my brown curls with my fingers before picking up my discarded dress and folding it. I looked at my pale and thin arms, the blue veins were visible underneath my skin and I absently traced them with the tips of my fingers. It was like dark lightning against a white sky, an inverse of nature and reality. I let my hand drop and stood up before picking up the night gown. The door to my quarters burst open and I looked over my shoulder in slightly surprise..
"Omega! I can't find my-" A younger man looked at me with wide blue eyes and I blinked before lowering my gaze and carefully pulling on my night gown.
I let the thin fabric settle before facing him. "What is it, sir? What do you need help finding?" I clasped my hands in front of me and the silence felt intrusive before he let out a small cough. I resisted the urge to look up at him, I could do so with Alpha Lawrence but I did not know this pack member and I did not wish to be punished feeling as I did.
"Where is the other Omega? The one who used to stay here." His voice was slightly straggled and I clasped my hands in front of me before glancing up at him briefly. His blue eyes were wide and his face was slightly pink, from the exertion of running or from catching me changing, I wasn't sure.
"She was assigned to a different section, sir. I am the Omega for this section now. What is it you are looking for? I could help you find it, if it pleases you." I curtsied at him. I was not ashamed or embarrassed that he had seen me naked. We were shifters, nudity meant very little to us. Despite the fact I had not shifted in years. My wolf was still there but Omegas were rarely allowed to shift. Our wolves were subservient and rarely came out, to down trodden and beaten to show even the tips of their noses..
"It would have pleased me for you to leave the night gown off-" A straggled cough cut him off and when I glanced up again his face was bright red. "Please don't tell Alpha Lawrence you heard me say because he would literally rips my junk off." He winced at the words and his face flushed a bit more, turning a touch darker. "Seriously please don't tell him I said that." He almost stuttered a second as he swallowed and looked around at everything but me.
"You don't have much in here." The words were blunt and I blinked, feeling a touch of shame. I never felt conscientious about how my room was before but how he said it made me want to flush red and hunch over with shame. "Do they really make you stay like this?" He was staring at me, I could feel his gaze like a warm touch to my skin that made me want to move away. It made me uncomfortable.
"I just changed sections, sir. My room was just moved." I didn't want him questioning why. I didn't want him looking like that anymore. I was starting to feel more and more uncomfortable, like a piece of me was recoiling from him. it wasn't me but ti was something inside of me that was sending half broken signals to my brain for me to stay away from him
"Still. Not even a bed?" He sounded agitated at the thought, as if he couldn't believe was not given that luxury. I knew it was my punishment but he did not seem to believe it was just or fair. "I'm going to ask Alpha Lawrence, that doesn't seem right." An immediate alarm sounded in my head and my heart lurched in my chest at the words. Something inside of me screamed at me that Alpha Lawrence wasn't to know.
"Its okay! I'm fine. I am alright, sir." I swallowed thickly, realizing I had allowed my voice to rise at a pack member. I flinched, expecting a hit that didn't come. After a tense moment of silence I slowly forced myself to move out of the flinched and tense position. "What can I get you sir?" He was staring at me again and that uncomfortable feeling was once again there. I didn't want him to remain there and make it continue.
He shifted on his feet, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "I feel like a real jack ass but I don't know where that other Omega put my blankets. I came here to ask her where they were." He was wincing, I could hear it in his voice. "I really don't want to bother you with it and looking at your room... I mean I feel like a complete and total ass for bitching about blankets when you don't even have a proper bed." I was taught not to ignore a pack member but him focusing on my room made me anxious that he would go to Alpha Lawrence.
"I shall go check in the laundry room, sir." I wanted him to focus on anything but the state of my room. The less he thought about it the less he would think about going to Alpha Lawrence. He couldn't go to Alpha Lawrence. That voice inside of my head was screaming the warning at me over and over and over again.
"You really don't have to. I can go find another set and maybe like a spare bed for you?" He gestured to my mattress and I couldn't help how I stiffened at that.
"Please, sir. It is my job to take care of this section. Do not worry about me, let me worry about you." I needed him to stop questioning things, it hurt my head and made me feel panicky. The mantras were running rapidly through my head over and over again. "What room is it you are staying in? I need to know to bring you back your blankets once I have found them." I gave him a low curtsy and he fell silent and I allowed myself to glance up at him. He looked puzzled.
"Why did they change your section?" He looked so confused about it and I gritted my teeth as my eyes wanted to burn at the reminder of the rejection that still had its mark deep inside of my hollow chest. "What's your name?" He asked it softly and I hoped that if I appeased his curiosity that he would leave me to do my job.
"I am called Mary Mary at times, sir, Omega at others. Please, I need to know where your room is so I can better serve you." I bowed my head and waited patiently, hoping he would tell me the information I needed to do my job.
I wanted this strange encounter to be over. "Mary Mary... that's cute. Really cute." He scuffed his foot against the floor. The gesture was strange for me because it spoke of bashfulness or nervousness. "If you are really intent on the blankets, I'm on the first floor, room fourteen. If you can't find them, don't worry. I'll make due for the night." He cracked his knuckles slightly, once again scuffing his foot against the floor.
I gave him a small nod. "It is no issue for me, sir. I will try my best to find them." I gave him another curtsy before I slowly moved passed him and into the hall, unable to help how I hunched my shoulders forward as his gaze followed me.
"Wow... You are really beautiful." The words were said low, as if he hadn't wanted to me to hear them and I felt a shudder run through me at them. I knew I would never be touched because of my station but the fact someone thought of me as beautiful made my chest feel warm with contentment, even though his glances made me uncomfortable. I tried not to let him see the blush as I moved away. I rarely received compliments, in fact outside of Alpha Lawrence I could count on one hand the times that I had received a compliment.
I slowly made my way to the servant's stairs and took the creaky wood down to the laundry room. I went to section four's machines and opened the dryer. Thankfully some blankets were in there. I pulled them out and folded them precisely. Each room needed a comforter, a sheet, and a spare blanket. I put each blanket in an appropriate stack before going to the spare linen cupboard and pulling out the rest of the linens I needed. I filled out the rest of the stacks before putting them all away except one. I picked it up and want back to the servant's stairs.
I walked up the stairs, ignoring how cold the wood was on my bare feet as I pushed open the door to the first floor. I looked at the numbers on the door before reaching room fourteen. I balanced the blankets on one arm before gently knocking. The door opened slowly and I held out the blankets for the young male.
"Your blankets, sir." I looked down at the floor, before glancing up to see a slightly surprised look on his face.
"Shit, that was fast. You did that in no time at all." He sounded impressed and I resisted the urge to shrug. It was an impolite gesture that usually ended in a slap. I didn't want him to hit me so I kept everything held tightly inside, unwilling to let myself be improper for even a moment.
"It is an inconvenience to you to not have your linens, sir. I do not wish to fail in my duties as an Omega." I didn't wish to be banished. I liked the pack and I didn't want to be away from Alpha Lawrence. I held the blankets out further and he took them quickly and with a small cough of what sounded like embarrassment.
"I don't mind being inconvenienced. Its just I expected you to take longer than five minutes. The other Omega who worked here, the cranky one, she always took forever to get shit done. This is nice, so don't think I'm complaining." He was rambling and I wasn't sure how to deal with it. I had more than enough long conversations for the day.
I had also more than enough interaction with him. That feeling was still there, swirling around in my chest as if it had no true place to do. it felt so strange. "I apologize, sir, for any inconvenience brought upon you by us Omegas. Is there anything else, sir?" I stared at his bare legs, her had changed out of his jeans. Sparse black hair covered them and I could see him shifting his weight from one leg to the next. Another action that confused me. Why was it that people who spoke to me had such nervous gestures? Other than Ingrid and Alpha Lawrence that is. Ingrid was always one to slap and Alpha Lawrence would offer a kind smile, there was nothing nervous about their actions.
"No. You can go. Thank you. For the blankets I mean and for listening to me ramble like an idiot. I'm sorry. I'm really tired." He sounded apologetic and I wanted to tell him it was alright but all I could do was curtsy once more before moving towards the servant's stairs. "Thank you again, Mary Mary. If I find a spare bed I'll bring it right to you" His voice echoed through the empty hall and I lowered my head, slowly picking up my pace. He seemed like a nice man, he was kind and I hoped he found a mate just a kind as he was. Perhaps if he had a mate he would no longer make me feel as uncomfortable as he did.
I entered the servant's stairs as I slowly made my way up to the second floor and then moved slowly towards my bedroom."Mary Mary, what are you still doing up?" Alpha Lawrence's voice sounded behind me and I turned around quickly, clasping my hands in front of me. "And what are you doing wearing that around the house?" I looked up at him and he looked almost horrified at my attire. Another rolling wave of shame coated me as I faintly picked at the worn fabric of the nightgown.
"A pack member did not receive his blankets back from laundry. He requested I get them for him. I had already changed into my nightgown and it was just a short walk. I did not see the harm in retrieving them for him, regardless of my attire." I looked at my bare feet. I didn't have shoes, none of the Omegas did, except Ingrid. She wore boots that thumped against the floors as she walked. Everyone knew where she was when she cleaned. It made it easier to avoid her.
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