《Her Racing Heart (Part 1)》7.


Meera strolled out from the hotel wiping her tears. She doesn't know why she cried in front of him. It's out of her control.

Priya was sitting on her bike, and Meera sat behind her before she could notice her face.

"Hey why you're late?" she asked.

"Nothing, just go," Meera replied and she doesn't know what to say because her mind was clouded with the thoughts of Vikranth.

"What happened tell me?" She asked me sensing there's something wrong.

"I forget where I kept my phone so I searched everywhere to find that," Meera tried to make her believe that.

"Ok see how easy it is trying to say the answer if someone asks you a question," Priya said annoyingly and started driving.

The streets were less crowded with vehicles and Meera heard crackers sound as tomorrow is Diwali. She's silent for the entire ride and gazed at the passing buildings and shops but most of them were closed and Meera tried her best level to clear what just happened today.

When they reached Meera's home, she got down.

"Happy Diwali, if you have time come to my home tomorrow," Priya invited.

Meera smiled and wished the same to her.

"Bye," Priya said and left.

Meera went to her home with a lot of confusion in her mind. She doesn't know why these things are happening in her life and why she met these persons who she never wanted to meet.

Meera closed the door behind and threw herself on the bed. I am an idiot why I even cried in front of him and I am ashamed of myself for doing this, she thought and looked around,

silence and darkness were the only companions for her in this house.

She took her phone and noticed the time is 11.00 pm. She got up slowly and removed her saree, looking at the scar in her stomach, Meera touched it with her fingers. An unknown feeling that made her cry and she cried without a control.


After finishing the party Vikranth drove the car to his house. The gate was opened by his security, He entered his house and switched on the lights. It was big and well-furnished but to him, it is the loneliest place in the entire world.

When he went into his room, he took off his suit and threw that in his bed, rolling up his sleeves he loosened his shirt buttons.

He laid in his bed, today's events making him crazy, he didn't understand what his dad is planning about his marriage, he said that Vikranth will marry Swathi without his permission. Everything has gone beyond his control and Vikranth doesn't want to make any conflict with his dad at the party that's why he kept mum but he has to talk about this to him.

When he remembered Meera's face, he immediately called Arjun,

"Hey did you know the manager's phone number of that hotel," Vikranth asked.

"yes, I will message you but why you're asking," Arjun asked.

"It just to ask something," he replied.

"Okay," he said and Vikranth ended the call. Within a minute he got the number. He immediately dialed the number and heard a male voice.

"Hello I am Vikranth speaking," he started.

"Oh, sir what's the matter?" He asked he knows him because he talked with him before leaving the hotel.

"I want details about your employee, her name is Meera, I want her address and phone number," he tried to sound normal but he has that excited tone in his voice.

"Okay sir I will send it to you," he said.

"It's nothing big, I know her already that's asking?" he said to avoid any rumors.

After five minutes he got the details, seeing the message he got a grin on his face.

He laid back and thought about Meera, her teary face. He hates that than anything in this world. Her tears made him realize how cruel he was at that time. Seeing that again it reminds him of the past that he wanted to forget.


"Can I call you," he asked looking at the phone. "But not now I don't want to do everything in one day."

The next day he woke up when he heard the crackers sound. He looked at his phone and noticed the time is 7.00 he quickly got to do his chores.

He wore a grey shirt and black pants. He went downstairs and prepared himself a cup of coffee as his maid was on leave for a week.

After taking his car keys and phone he went out. He drove the car to his dad's house. He doesn't want to go there but there's no other way than this.

After twenty minutes of driving, Vikranth reached there, the security opened the gate. He walked inside today it's a little crowded, many of his dad's friends and followers came home to wish him and dress and lunch was provided for them.

"How are you Vikranth?" My dad's friend asked him, he's sitting on the couch and waiting for his dad.

"I am fine uncle," I told with a smile and went to see his dad.

He was putting on his shirt when he entered his room.


He turned and looked at his son, "Vikranth you're here," he smiled in surprise because it been six months since he came here. He took a package from his cupboard,

"I bought these clothes for you," he handed to Vikranth.

He bought that in his hands and I didn't protest, "I am going down put these clothes and come", he said.

"Dad wait I want to talk with you," he proceeded to tell the reason for his presence.

He looked at him questioningly, "Dad why did you say that I will marry Swathi in that party, I am not ready for the marriage and especially I am not going to marry her."

"Why? Are you having any girl in your mind to marry," he asked.

"It's not like that dad, I don't want to get married now."

"You're already 30 Vikranth when you're planning to get married and I know what is good for you," he said in an ordering tone.

'Dad you can't make decisions in my life."

It's not the time to argue with me Vikranth put those clothes and have breakfast with me, he said and left the room.

Vikranth wore the clothes halfheartedly, it's a navy blue shirt and a pair of white pants. He rolled up his sleeves and looked himself in the mirror, my dad has some good dressing sense, he thought and the outfit was perfect and fit on him.

Vikranth went down and had breakfast with his dad, then Arjun also came to his house. He bought some crackers and asked him to blow that. Then unenthusiastically he did and his dad was happy to see that.

Then Arjun and Vikranth decided to leave, my dad asked him to visit often and he agreed. Arjun went in his car and Vikranth drove his car to his house.

Going to his room, he continued doing his work, he gone through some documents and send the pending emails, after doing all his work I noticed the time is 4.00 pm in the evening. He doesn't know why but a part of his mind was constantly thinking about Meera. Shall I go and see her, he thought and decided to go.

He headed to that address given by that manager.

He got down and went near the gate. He's still hesitant but his desire to see her overtook that.

He opened the gate and went inside.

Suddenly Meera came out of the house, she looked at him in a shock.

Vikranth stared her, she was looking gorgeous in her saree, his eyes scanned her from head to toe. God why I am losing my mind in front of this girl, he thought.

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