《Her Racing Heart (Part 1)》6.


While Vikranth entering the hotel, his phone started to ring and he noticed it was Arjun.

"Vikranth where are you?" he shouted since Vikranth is late to arrive but he had a lot of work to look after than this stupid party, yeah that's what he thinks about this sudden party arranged by his dad.

"Hey, why are you shouting I already here," Vikranth said annoyingly and entered the hall. He looked for Arjun but his eyes were stuck to see the person standing in front him, Meera.

Vikranth took his phone from his ear and sliding that into his pocket he intently looked at her. He was all dressed up in a suit and somewhat looking handsome to her eyes. She turned and looked at him, from her costume Vikranth identified that she's working here, so she's here for all this time and I can't find this, he thought and went near her.

No, don't look him that way Meera, she warned her racing hearts.

Vikranth walked towards her and his gesture greatly terrified Meera flashing all those moments that she has shared with him. His eyes carried intimidating scrutiny.

Seeing that, all she felt was to run away from here, so badly but she couldn't. She had a feeling like she's standing in the loneliest place in the world where she doesn't have anyone to rely on.

But Vikranth is again surprised to see her. It's felt like the time for him to redeem his mistakes that he has done three years back. Then would he ever leave this chance? No! Completely No.

Meera immediately looked down to avoid him. Vikranth know in Meera's life he's not a kind of person to smile and say greetings to each other when they meet. He gave her the biggest pain that no one can bear but yet he can't help than yearning to see her smile.


In a disappointment he turned to Arjun, he didn't know anything about Meera and what happened between them. Only them and god know about that stupid act they have committed which is disgusting to say.

Arjun told about the arrangements and Meera walked away leaving Vikranth perplexed in emotions. He can't take her eyes off her.

"Hey, Vikranth are you listening to what I am saying?" Arjun asked.

"Yeah, yeah. I know you will perfectly arrange everything Arjun. So just do your work," he replied looking at Meera.

"Ok come with me," he said and Vikranth followed him. This party is for the hundredth year of their textile industry and also his dad got elected as a minister in the recent election, it is not the first time he got elected it's the third time but still he will arrange these kinds of the party to cheer his followers.

During their discussion Vikranth saw his dad entering the hall, he smiled when he saw Vikranth, and then turned to find Meera standing at the reception, his face suddenly changed. Meera saw him like seeing a ghost. Vikranth doesn't know what is happening.

But he faked a smile and came near Vikranth.

"Did you finalized the orders?" He asked and hugged Vikranth.

"Hmm," Vikranth just nodded and forged a smile.

Then he went to invite the guests who started coming. Vikranth followed his dad, smiled and welcomed everyone.

Whatever he tries he can't keep his eyes away from Meera once in a while he looked at her. Meera, on the other hand, was standing at the door side and smiling with much difficulty.

God, please make to escape from this place, she prayed as each second she's feeling like standing in hell. Seeing both Vikranth and his dad is a big shock to her.


She looked at Vikranth he was talking with his guests. When he looked at her, she turned her gaze to the other side.

"Good evening to everyone," Vikranth's dad started to speak and everyone's turned their attention to him.

"It's very nice to be here and the textile industry that my grandfather founded has now reached the 100th year. I am so happy and Vikranth has done a great job in maintaining everything. In this great day I am very glad to inform that Vikranth is going to marry my friend's daughter Swathi," he said and everyone started clapping.

Meera watched Vikranth, smiling from ear to ear, and she also noticed that a girl was standing next to him is Swathi.

Some people offered their hand to congratulate him and seeing all these things Meera thought she was big fool standing here, then again Meera's patience doesn't let her move an inch. There are only twenty minutes left for 9.00 then she will get out of this place as fast as she could.

Then the guests started to move to the dining hall and Meera came out, Priya said that she will wait for Meera in the parking lot when she went to get her bag. When she's coming out, someone grabbed her hand from behind and Meera was shaken to see Vikranth.

He looked around and walked dragging her with him.

She doesn't know what he's doing and why he's here.

"Wait!! what do you want?? Leave my hand," she wiggled and he not even heard her words and stopped when they reached a secluded place.

He gazed Meera and her heart started throbbing fast sensing their closeness.

"Why you're acting like you don't remember me? I am not a someone who you can forget that easily in your life Meera," he said in a threatening voice.

"Yeah I remember you what am I supposed to do, can't you understand that I hate to see you," she replied glaring him.

"Oh, I don't want to disturb you, just answer this question and go," he told.

Meera knotted her eyes questioningly.

"Are you doing well, I can feel that you're not doing good? Tell me only the truth," he asked her.

Her eyes welled with tears and she didn't expect this question from him. She looked at him, for this single time she wants to say the truth. And her heart strangely pushing her to say this to the person who created her pain.

"Yeah, I am not happy in my life. No one could be if they have gone through everything that I went so don't worry I am not going to blame you," she said and took her hand from his grip. She walked away wiping her uncontrollable tears.

So you're not as happy as I guessed, you think that I am happy Meera, No!! I am not I am also not happy in these past three years. You say that you're not going to blame me but I know I am the reason for all these things and I will make sure to correct them and I know it's too late but I am going to make sure that you're happy. I will definitely do that, he thought and looked at the direction where she was gone.

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