《Riser Phenex》2. Rating Game


1. Reached Low-Ultimate Class Devil (But I sealed it to make it look like I was High-Class).

2. Made some magic formulas and enchantments in case I need a trump card.

All the other things were just normal, just that my family started to accept the new me and my sister started to grow closer and closer to me.

"Yosh... I'm sitting on a chair waiting for the rating game to start." I look towards everyone as if asking if they were ready. They all nod.

"I will give the authority to control everyone to Ravel just like the real Riser would do."

I look towards Ravel "Ravel, I give you the authority to control everyone as a strategist."

"Hai!" She replies with a smile and a small blush.

"The game will start in 3....2....1...Start." Grayfia said and the game had started.

The game went just as the anime had predicted and in the end the one one left was Issei and Rias and I was left with Yubelluna.

Issei continued to attact me, while I continued to dodge him.

I then kick him in the gut to slow him down and the whisper in his ears "Don't worry I won't marry Rias." As I say this he looked at me with surprise, but before he could say anything I knocked him out by hitting his neck.

"Rias, 1 Pawn Eliminated. Winner of the rating game. Riser Phenex." We could hear the crowd cheering.

"As the winner of the rating game I would like to cancel the engagement." I shout while Rias and the other nobles looked surprised.

I move towards her and keep my hand on her shoulder and smile "You can marry whoever you like. It's your choice." I say as I get out of the stadium and was now at home.

I then headed straight to my room.

After some time my mother and father came rushing towards my room.

"What's the meaning of this Riser?" My father asked with slight anger.

"What happened?" My mother asked.

"Well there is a lot I wanna talk about. Take a seat." I point towards the chair.

Ravel also rushed into the room asking why I cancelled the engagement.

"You too go sit." I said pointing towards the chair.

I then start to make up lies. "Why do you think I acted like a douche bag for all these years?" I asked them while there was no answer.

"So that Rias would start to hate me and would some day challenge me for a Rating Game and I would lose. Do you know how many problems her peerage has, her queen is a fallen but she doesn't use her powers why because of her past, her rook had senjutsu powers and she doesn't use it because of her past. Her knight will go berserk and kill anyone who has a holy Excalibur sword, why because of his past, her pawn just died because of a rogue fallen angel, sometimes I feel she let him die on purpose so she would be able to add him to her peerage and would give him her virginity so that no one would complain, because he is the Red Dragon Emperor, she also has a bishop who is a healer, she has never been to battle. If she is not even able to take care of the people in her peerage what would she do to our people, someday I would become a Lord, she will only keep depending on others more and more. So I decided to cancel the engagement." I said with a huge sigh.


Both my mother and father looked shocked at what I just said but then they accepted it.

Suddenly, a white magic circle appeared outside the room.

"Come in." I said looking towards the door.

"Huh? Who are you talking about?" Ravel asked.

The door opened and we could see Grayfia standing there.

"I know what you are here for I'll come with you." I said. "Mom, Dad I'll be back in some time.

"Will you be able to take care of it son?" My father looked at me.

"You know already how good I take care of things." I said with a smirk.

And then we left to meet the almighty Lucifer.

The door opened and I could see him. I tried to analyse him and saw teh huge amount of Demonic energy he holds. It was scary.

"You may enter." He said.

I then enter the room and sat in front of him.

He was surprised that I had changed so much.

"So tell me... Why did you cancel the engagement?" He asked me.

"Do you want me to be going? You won't have a problem with that?" I asked him.

"Yeah." After he said that my face changed. It was not much but he could see it. It was the face of disgust.

I sigh before I start "You are a very good brother, no the best brother. Everyone likes to spoil their siblings even I do it but I try to be a good brother not the best one so that Ravel would not depend me for everything. Rias depends on you for everything the evil pieces she has were all gotten from you. But she never sorted out their past so that they could move forward in life. Then comes the fallen in the region of Kyon Town, a rogue fallen killed her pawn. I sometimes feel like she left her to die so that she could use him here, but it might be possible that it was just a fluke. The other thing I know is that the Bishop was going to be force removed her twilight healing by a fallen angel. She knew about this but she ignored it and left. It's good that her pawn was a good guy and went to save her. I have reached Low-Ultimate class now, what do you think were to happen if she already knew about this. She would give up. She has the power of destruction. She has more potential than me to reach ultimate or even Satan Class, but what did she do? Depend on you for everything. In the 10 days I gave her there was not much training she gave to her peerage except her pawn making that perverted magic. I was gonna kill him then and there even if were to anger you, but I couldn't. He was Rias' last hope. That's it!"

They both looked surprised at what he just told them about. But it was true.


"Is there anything I could do for you?" He asked me.

"Actually there is. Please give me authorities in the Kuoh town. To kill Rogue fallen and Devils. I would also like you to give me authority to expell students in the Kuoh academy but with valid reason, like perverts, anyone who does wrong. ANYONE." I highlighted the word anyone.

"That's it?" He asked me with a surprised face.

"Well I was planning to take Rias' peerage to be mine but then Rias' would become sad. So no." I said as I left while leaving them with a confused and shocked face.

I am currently standing in front of my peerage

"I give you all freedom." I said shocking them.

"Yes, if you need freedom from me just raise your hands and I will extract the pieces from you, I will not hold a grudge against you since it's my choice to do this." They stood there for some time and then one by one, one after the other they started to leave.

"I'll stay." Said Ravel.

"I'll stay too." Said Yubelluna.

"I told you I won't force you to st..." She interrupted me saying "I am staying here, from the day you saved me I decided to give myself to you because I fell in love with you."

Me and Ravel were shocked but then composed ourselves. "Alright."

I currently had all the pieces in my hand.

"Nii-nii, why did you extract my piece too?" Ravel asked.

"Yeah, why did you extract mine too?" She asked me looking at me confused.

"Wait and see. Just go out of this room for a bit." I say.

They then left.

I then remove my seal and suddenly I feel like the weights on my body were removed. My pieces mutated.

My queen piece mutated twice. My bishop piece mutated thrice which was amazing, Knight was mutated twice, while the rooks were half the way to mutate twice. While my pawns were mutated twice.

"Come in Both of you." I ask them.

When they enter the room they looked at the pieces and were shocked to see that my pieces were mutated and they could also see me who was very strong.

"Brother, what did you do?" Ravel asked as I just look at both of them with a smile.

"I, Riser, would like to reincarnate Yubelluna as my bishop and Ravel as my second Bishop."

They both looked at me with a happy expression while I returned the same.

"Hello, it's me Grayfia, all you preparations for moving to the human realm have been completed." She said looking at me.

"Are you guys ready Ravel, Yubelluna?"

"Hai!", "Yes, My Lord." They both said

"Yosh... Let's go to the human realm." I said with excitement.

The teleportation circle took us to a huge mansion.

"Alright, choose your rooms." I said as I started looking for a room myself.

"The school will start today after 3 hours." Grayfia said.

"Okay, we'll be there before it starts." I said as I started unpacking my stuff.

After some time we were done with the unpacking and got ready for school.

Right now I was entering the gates of Kuoh Academy.

Sona was standing there wating for me.

"Hey, we're new students here. We would like our Timetable please." I asked her.

"Don't act like you don't know me. I'm going to be in the same class as you. Follow me to the student council." She said as we started to walk towards the direction of the Student Council.

"Here this is your timetable." She gave us our Timetables.

"Alright. By the was I have authority over expulsion of students, so perverts will be expelled." I said with an emotionless face.

"What?" She asked me.

"Lucifer gave me the authority to expell wrong doers, male or female."

"So let's go to the class then. Before that could you take me to the place where announcements take place?"

"Sure." She said.

We were currently in the announcement chamber and I turned on the mic.

"What are you doing Riser?" She asked me with a surprised face.

I use a voice changer. "Hello, This is the President of the Underground Student Council, we have the authority to expell wrongdoers, student or teacher. Especially perverts. If anyone has a complain, write them and put them in the box kept in front of the Student Council. Don't be scared, strong cannot bully the weak." I say as I stop the mic.

I could hear people talking to each other.

"Why did you do thta?" Sona asked me.

"Why, ofcourse people need to know who they have to be scared of." I said as I chuckle.

"Alright, it's time to go to class."

"All the perverts be ready, this is gonna be hell of a show. Hahaha...."

We then meet our homeroom teacher, and introduce ourselves.

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