《Riser Phenex》1. Did I Get Kidnapped?


*yawn* I wake up and start looking around.

"Wait, this is not my house! Where am I? Was I kidnapped?" I started to look around.

"No, if I was kidnapped why would I be lying on a bed, and what's wrong with this room. It's so big." I open the door in front of me and see that there is a huge bathroom. "Woah the size of this bathroom is equal to the size of my room I had."

I then look around and see a mirror. When I see the reflection on it, a chill went up in my body.

"This appearance, it's of Riser Phenex." I was about to shout but my mind suddenly had memories enter into it. These were the memories of Riser Phenex.

A drop of tear fell form my eyes. "Riser hated himself for being like this and wanted to change but couldn't." I thought with a sad expression.

I then look into the mirror. "Yosh! I'll make sure that people respect you and me Riser." I said ai I looked towards my reflection which was not really mine and was Riser's.

"Brother! Wake up" shouted Ravel who was standing at the door of my room.

She then entered it and realised that I was in the bathroom. She came towards the door of the bathroom and said "Brother don't forget today is the day we go meet Rias for talking about your engagement."

"Okay, I'll be right there." I said. At this she was shocked and surprised at the same time. The guy, Riser Phenex who was full of pride was now respecting her. She had a blush on her face since she thought that the brother from her childhood was back who she loved. She then left the room.

"Let's start with changing the appearance, I can't just take Riser's appearance since I'm not really Riser." I thought and changed physical appearance.

"Alright, this looks decent for now. I can change my features if I want to." I then take a bath and change into clothes.

"I want to present myself as an educated and self respected man. So I'll have to walk and do things like royalty do." I thought as I was about to enter the room.

The door opened and a *gasp* could he heard since everyone in the room was surprised to see Riser's new look.

I then went to sing on one of the chair beside Ravel.

"Let's start eating." My father said. As I silently took my fork and spook and started to eat the food.

"How does it taste?" My father asked looking towards me.

"It's very good." I replied as I continued to eat. "It's actually really good."

My big brother dropped his spoon. "Excuse me." He said while picking up his spoon.

"I know it's pretty bad... Wait..." He then realised what I said "Yeah, it's very good." He said looking surprised.

"What happened to you all of a sudden, why a sudden change in you appearance and attitude." My mother asked looking toward me.


*Smirk* "If you think this is sudden then you're wrong. I was always like this. Did you think a smart person like me would suddenly ture into some kind of douche for no reason at all, then you are are wrong." After this comment everyone became tight lipped.

Everyone had already left the dining room except Ravel.

"So, what do I start off with? Should I take a look at the library or should I practice some martial arts?" I was lost in thought.

"Brother let's play chess." Asked Ravel with and eager expression on her face.

"Oh!" I was snapped out of my thought. Look towards her and said "Sure" I looked towards her with a smile. She had a small blush on her face.

She brought a chess board we started playing. I thought for a while and used my magic to increase my thinking speed. I could feel it everything, I can sense it, I could react and everything in mere mili seconds, I could see millions of possibilities and also choose the best possibility from them.

We won the game very easily. Very, I mean very easily. I felt like I could take on Sona Sitri easily.

"Wow, brother I didn't know that you were this good at Chess. I bet you can take on Sona easily." She looked at me with a happy expression.

"No, I don't wanna play with her. If I win I would be forced to marry her, though I wanna play with her, I wanna see how good she really is." I said looking towards the sky in the balcony.

"*Sigh* I didn't want to show you all this side of me this early." I said as I walked out of the room and went to the Library. There I studied about everything possible sine one book only took me 10 seconds to 1 minute.

"Nii, it's time to go." Ravel said standing in front of the door of the library.

"Okay, let's go." I said as I walked out of the library.

Suddenly a magic circle appeared. It was of Phenex family. Rais knew about this and was getting a little angry. I, Riser Phenex popped out of it. She was surprised to see my new transformation.

I came and sat at the couch in front of me with an emotionless but noble face.

"We'll play a Rating Game and try winner decided if they want marry the other or not. I'll give you 10 days" I'm said looking towards her.

"A-ah" she shuddered. "O-okay." She said looking towards me.

I then summon my Peerage so that Ravel could meet Rias.

"Nice to meet you Rias." Said Ravel.

"Nice..." Before she could complete her pawn fell on her knees and started to cry.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked her.

"He wants to have a harem." She said with a face of disappointed.

I went towards Issei, while the others took their stance. I grabbed Issei's chin and looked into his eyes. "Rather than than being a pervert and having a harem, you should give your love to the person who tried to give you their virginity or I would guess you are just a dense bastard." I said.


Suddenly, a white magic circle appeared and Grayfia appeared and was about to say "We knew that this would hap.."

before she could complete she looked at the situation. "What's going on here?" She asked us.

"I took care of the situation, Rating Game after 10 days. The winner decided if they wanna marry the other or not." I said as I walked towards my peerage. "You guys should start training for the rating game." I whispered to Ravel. She looked surprised but then composed herself and left.

I then left the ORC leaving everyone silent.

I started to move towards the direction of the main building.

"Who's that guy?", "He looks cute.", "I want to kiss him.", I could hear and sense the girls lust after me while I could feel and hear blood lust from other males "Great another Kiba.", "Asshole."

I was standing in front of the student council. I open the door and see Tsunami and Sona playing Chess.

"Who are you? Do you need something asked Sona as she was about to stop playing.

"You should not get your game off of chess or you could be caught off gaurd. You can continue your game." I said as I went and stood beside Tsubaki and watching their game.

"Checkmate." Said Sona.

"*Yawn* that was a good game.* They were about to get off the game board when I said "Move your horse back towards the left and you will be able to hold the check mate off for a while." I said looking towards Tsubaki.

She then did as i said and it happened just as he predicted. The I whispered to her what to d o and what will she do. Everything predicting her and telling Tsubaki what to place where.

"Checkmate on you now Sona!" She said as she was happy.

"NO, wa.." she was about to shout when I interrupter her "It's not done yet." I looked at Sona as if saying you can win with just 1 move.

She then looks towards each and every piece. "Nothing can be done here. I've lost." She said disappointed.

"Think...think...if a piece can be moved forward it can be moved backwards, a king can teleport...." I said as she suddenly realised and she played the trick and turned back the tides.

"I win now." Said Sona.

"Yeah, there is nothing left to do now, Right?" Tsubaki said looking towards me.

"Yeah." She's covered you from all the sides." I said.

"I didn't think there was anyone this smart at playing chess." Sona looked towards me with admiration.

"No, no, I'm the worst douche bag back in hell." I said as I chuckled.

"What do you mean?" Tsubaki asked.

"I'm Riser Phenex." I said while they looked shocked.

Sona realised that there was more to me than could be seen.

"I would like to challenge you for a chess match." Sona asked me.

"She's challenging me even after knowing that I would win and also knows that if I win she would have to marry me?"

"*Chuckle* let's see how this goes." I exclaimed.

"Checkmate." I said looking towards her while she had a shocked expression.

"Woah, I didn't think I would lose that quickly." She said looking shocked.

"Well the th..." I knew what she was about to say, so I said "See ya later then." After saying that I just teleported back home.

"Are you okay Sona?" Asked Tsubaki.

"Just a little surprised." She said.

"What are you surprised about, him being Riser, or you losing or your challenge with your family?" She asked Sona.

"All of them actually." She said with a smile.

"*Sigh* I was planning to lose, but I couldn't let go of my pride to win. Don't know why. I guess it was the triad of the previous Riser."

I then go to look for my peerage and they were in the training ground. All of them were practicing.

What I decided to do was try my magic spells and increase my out put along with body training like doing pushups while making a sphere of magic that was very heavy and I kept it on my back so that it woul increase the weight.

I continue this until it was evening and then we went to eat food.

I was sitting on my bed thinking about all that had happened today and analysing everything that happened.

"Well, I don't think Sona would come asking me to marry her since she knows that I am a douche bag. Not like I care, but I think she's cute." I thought to myself when suddenly Ravel barged into my room with her night dress.

"Goodnight, Brother." She said looking towards me.

"Come here Ravel." I ask her as she comes near me.

"Do you like me?" I ask her giving her a very sincere smile.

"Y-Yes." She says while she blushes a lot.

"I'm asking as a male and not as a brother." She looked surprised and blushed but at the end she said "Yes, nii-san, I love you."

After she said that she looked at me as if asking if I did too. To her surprise, I kiss her on her lips. "Is that a good enough answer?" I asked her as she looked as red as a tomato.

"C..Ca..n I slee..p here?" She asked while blushing.

"I gave her a very sincere sime as if telling her "Okay". She then hope on my bed and we sleep together. I mean only sleep not anything else. "It's not like invent is prohibited for Devils and they can also have harems. I don't really wanna be a pervert like Issei, but I'll try my best that I could keep teh ones who like me happy."

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