《SINNER - Klaus Mikaelson》SIXTEEN


When Adeline woke up the next morning, she was sleeping soundly on Klaus's chest, snuggled up against his body under the sheets. She lifted her head up to look at the hybrid, the golden morning sun was lighting up his face as he slept, he almost looked like he was glowing. Adeline sighed and rubbed the pad of her thumb across her bottom lip, a small smile forming as she remembered every kiss, every touch—she was reliving everything in her head.

"Something on your mind love?" Klaus smirked, his morning voice was raspy and deeper than it usually was. Adeline blushed, realizing she had been caught staring. "No need to be embarrassed—I think we are passed all that."

Adeline shook her head and smiled—she knew he was right. After what they did last night, there was no reason to be shy about anything. Klaus had seen all of her, touched all of her—he had all of her.

Klaus leaned up and kissed her lips intending to go further until there was a knock at the bedroom door and Elijah let himself in.

"Oh—I'm sorry." He acted surprised but a smile spread across his lips.

"What is it Elijah?" Klaus asked.

"I need you to join me downstairs." Elijah said and walked out shutting the door behind him. The pair stood up off the bed and Adeline reached down, sliding her panties back on—she searched for her shirt and realized it was ripped.

"My bad." Klaus smirked and tossed her the black t shirt he was wearing the night before. She pulled the top over her head, it was oversized on her small frame, going down to the middle of her thigh.

She followed behind Klaus downstairs and then she saw them. Her friends were all there—all of them. Bonnie, Caroline, Damon, Elena, Stefan, Jeremy, Matt and even Alaric. They were smiling at her, waiting at the bottom of the stairs—until they saw the messy hair and the familiar t shirt, they knew was not hers. Adeline's smiled faded as quickly as her friends when she made the realization of how this looked.

"This is not what it looks like." She defended, but she knew it was exactly what it looked like. She swallowed hard as her friends stared at her with shocked expressions.

"Oh boy." Kol laughed under his breath, he was going to enjoy watching this unfold.

"I think it's exactly what it looks like." Elena spat. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, she couldn't believe her friend since birth could be with him—not after all he has done.

"Well—I'm just confused what you lot are doing in my house anyhow." Klaus smirked. He didn't care about anyone's feelings being hurt, he didn't care Elena was upset or Stefan. He found it amusing, that he had something they couldn't—he had her. Maybe it was toxic that he enjoyed the chaos, but it was Klaus, that's who he was.


"It's Addy's birthday." Caroline pointed out. "We were here to surprise her."

"But I guess we are the ones getting surprised." Elena snarked.

Klaus turned to Adeline who was choking down the urge to cry. He was upset she didn't tell him about her birthday but honestly—with everything that was going on she had forgotten herself.

"You didn't tell me it was your birthday." Klaus complained.

"She's not required to tell you her life story after a one-night stand." Elena scoffed.

"Elena—" Stefan whispered, trying to keep her calm. He didn't want her to keep this going because he knew where it would lead—to the truth. The truth was it wasn't a one-night stand, and he knew that. He saw this coming for a while. He was surprised she hadn't picked up on it after the lengths Klaus went to protect Adeline.

Damon had put the pieces together just by looking at the expression on Adeline's face.

"Stefan's right Elena, let's just let this one go." Damon urged, he was trying to protect both Adeline and Elena because this was headed for disaster.

Klaus wasn't on the same page with them though, he always found Elena obnoxious. She always acted better then everyone around her, shaming them for every little fault and mistake. He despised the girl and could careless how she felt.

"But you're sadly mistaken sweetheart." Klaus smirked. "There is no one night stand going on here."

"Klaus." Adeline warned, eyeing down the original who was clearly not above blowing everything up right here, right now.

He tossed his hands up in defeat, laughing under his breath because he knew he had already started a war.

"What is he talking about?" Elena snapped.

"We should go—like right now." Damon pleaded trying to pull Elena away, but she wouldn't budge.

"No, I want to hear it." She yelled.

Adeline hated that this was happening in front of an audience but there was no way out of this now. Elena was eyeing her down and she was not about to lie, not here.

"Klaus and I—" Adeline was trying to think of the right words to say, she didn't know what they were, but she knew it wasn't just sex. There were feelings involved, deep, unchangeable feelings. "I can't explain it. I don't know how but it isn't just a one night stand." She admitted.

"How could you?" Elena spat, stepping towards her friend. "He killed Jenna! He tried to kill me." Adeline didn't have a chance to say anything before Elena reached up and slapped her across the face. Addy put her hand on her stinging cheek and the anger boiled inside her.

"Elena!" Bonnie yelled out, upset by her actions. Bonnie didn't agree with Adeline's choice in men, but she always knew you can't help who you fall for. Her and Jeremy were a prime example of that.

Klaus stepped forward with clenched fists, he was ready throw Elena across the room for laying a hand on her, but Adeline acted first. She slapped Elena back and pushed her backwards with—with her extra strength she was blown back a few feet and landed flat on her back.


"She's spectacular, isn't she?" Klaus smirked while whispering to Kol. He was amused.

"Why is everything about you Elena?" Adeline shouted; tears were forming in her eyes. "Everything is always about Elena Gilbert! How about when you fell for Stefan, huh? Could you help that? And then when you found out he was a vampire and still stayed with him, even though it put all our lives in danger, how about that Elena?"

"It's not the same!" Elena shouted.

"Its not the same? Its not the same!?" Adeline screamed. "It is the same! You are a hypocrite. Everything that has happened to all of us was because of you! I am a vampire because.of.you!"

"Addy—" Elena's voice softened towards her friend. She could tell she had hurt her.

"Get out!" Adeline ordered pointing to the door. "Get out or I swear I will throw you out."

Elena stayed put staring at her friends as tears fell from both of there eyes. Adeline was tired of the hypocritical attitude from Elena, she was tired of hiding how she felt to spare her feelings. She knew how she felt for Klaus wasn't right or normal, but she couldn't help it. Elena of all people should have been able to understand that.

"I said go!" she yelled, and Elena turned quickly running out the door with Damon following closely behind.

Bonnie walked towards her upset friend, looking at her with sympathetic eyes. She wanted to be the first one to console her, to make her feel like it was okay and that somebody understood.

The witch wrapped her arms around her friend and Adeline did the same. "It's okay— we don't get to choose who we fall for." Bonnie whispered in her ear. Adeline cried harder onto her friends' shoulder, that was all she had been wanting to hear. She wanted to know that someone understood.

When Bonnie pulled away, Caroline was there to follow with a hug, same with Jeremy, Alaric and Matt. They didn't have to agree with her choice, they just had to love her anyway – and they did.

Bonnie eyed down Klaus with a warning glare as she walked out the door and the others followed. The only one that remained apart from the original siblings, was Stefan.

"You know how I feel about it." Stefan huffed.

"I know." She admitted. He didn't like it one bit, he had made that very clear.

Stefan walked up and wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tightly to his chest. "I just want you to be happy—and I want what's best for you." He whispered into her hair.

Klaus was observing with a clenched jaw and angry eyes. He didn't like anyone else touching her—especially not Stefan because he wasn't a fool, he could see he felt something more for her than just a simple friendship.

"Alright well—call us later." Stefan halfheartedly smiled. "We still need to celebrate your birthday."

"Okay, I will." She smiled and he left through the doors.

Adeline felt a weight lifted off her chest knowing that she had nothing to hide anymore. Sure-- things were going to be messy and complicated for awhile but she didn't have to lie. She hated lying.

"Well, that was quite a way to start the day." Kol scoffed and Elijah looked over at him with a death stare, silently telling him to shut up.

"Happy Birthday Adeline." Elijah smiled.

"Yeah, Happy Birthday." Rebekah added. "Sorry it had to start off so shitty."

"That's okay—but thank you." Adeline smiled.

"We must throw a party to celebrate it." Elijah blurted. "We will do it here. Tonight."

Klaus eye'd down his brother. It wasn't that he didn't want to celebrate Adeline, it was more that he didn't want to have to share her with anyone and a party meant lots of people.

"Really?" Adeline questioned. "You don't have to do that."

"Nonsense. It's no problem." Elijah insisted.

"Plus, it's been a tad boring around here, a party would be fun." Kol agreed.

"It's settled then." Elijah smiled.

Klaus didn't say a word, he just headed up the stairs and slammed the door behind him. Adeline looked at Elijah with a confused expression but the original just shrugged. She followed after him—she wanted to see what was wrong now.

"Klaus—" she called, walking into the bedroom. "What's wrong?"

He was standing by the window again, staring outside. He didn't even bother to look at her when she walked in.

"A party?" he questioned.

"What's wrong with a party?" she was confused.

"Nothing." He snapped. She walked towards him, wrapping her arms around his waist, and hugging him from behind.

"Did you want me all to yourself?" she whispered into his neck.

He didn't answer her with words, only with action. He pushed her onto the bed and slammed his lips against hers with force. This wasn't the same Klaus that she had last night, he was aggressive and demanding. He reached down to her underwear and ripped them down without a second thought. He lined kisses up her leg and teased her with his tongue.

Before she knew it, he was on top of her, deeper inside her then before. It was painful but it felt good at the same time. She grunted with each motion he made until he was finished. He collapsed next to her on the bed and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I guess I could handle a party." He smirked and they both laughed.



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