《Billionaire's Baby ✓》Chapter Eight


Srishti found herself quite bothered because of the way Sahil Malhotra was behaving. He was appearing more appealing to her and the attraction she felt towards him, only physically though, was worrisome.

Not that it was only because she felt so but the reason was also something else. He was frequently half naked whenever at the mansion. He would come close to her and without even touching her, he would leave her hot and bothered.

She knew she was physically attracted to Sahil Malhotra but she blamed it on the hormones. He was attractive, handsome, every girl's dream but he was rude, insensitive and a jerk.

And she just prayed and hoped that at the end the results would be positive because if not then she will have to comply with his rules.


Zevah stepped out of the orphanage when an expensive car stopped infront of her. She frowned and narrowed her eyes to see who it was.

The door opened and a man stepped out fixing his blazer. The shades on his face screamed attitude and she waited for him to either walk in the opposite direction or towards her.

Finally he turned towards her and she immediately recognised him.

Aditya Singhania.

He was Sahil Malhotra's best friend and also a famous and successful businessman. He was often seen in pictures with Sahil Malhotra.

But right now she hated anyone related to Sahil Malhotra for what he had done to her best friend. She was sure she could not talk to him without a snide remark.

"Excuse me?" She heard him call her just when she turned to leave. Huffing in annoyance she faced him and gave him a glare.

"Woah! That look can kill me." He chuckled on his own line while she gave him a weird look. What is he?

"By the way, I'm Aditya." He smiled and forwarded his hand for a handshake. Zevah looked at his hand and then at him but made no movement to take his hand.

"Okay you don't want to shake hands, fair enough. I just came here to give something to the kids." He smiled looking behind at the orphanage but Zevah came in between and blocked his view.

"We don't accept donations. We don't need anything from you so please leave." She snarled, glaring at him hard. But seems like it didn't affect him because he was looking rather amused.


"Who said I was giving donation? And is this your orphanage? Because as far as I know, this is Srishti's orphanage and I'm her brother in law." He grinned whereas Zevah's glare turned into a scowl.

"For you to form a relationship with her, first there needs to be relation between my friend and your friend, which clearly is missing. So stop trying to get in using that tactic." She retorted and Aditya enjoyed her fiery attitude. It amused as well as entertained him seeing such a personality after so long because he's used to see Sahil's expressionless face and his cold responses.

But here was a new character infront of him and he surely enjoyed her angry face which supposedly made her look like an angry kitten. Her eyes sharpened, nostrils flared and mouth pressed in a thin line.

In that moment Aditya knew that he was going to visit this orphanage a lot.


A week passed and Srishti got no signs of pregnancy ; no morning sickness, no cravings, nothing. She was worried and there was no denying to it.

She would hardly see Sahil these days and that kinda made her relieved. He had not even once asked about how she was feeling these days, not that she cared but she was his responsibility now.

It was seven in the evening when she saw Aditya walking in the mansion. She smiled at him and he grinned back happily.

"Hello, Srishti. How are you?" He asked as he sat on the couch before her.


One word and he chuckled looking at her pout. Aditya was so sure these two best friends were polar opposite. One was fiery and ready to pounce on her opponent with her claws itching to scratch while the other was too innocent and naive to even hurt a soul. He actually wondered how weird yet beautiful was this best friends relationship because his also was no less.

"Let's go out for some adventure before that boring person arrives and bores you even more." He suggested and she readily agreed because truth be told she was dying to get out of this mansion.

They got out of there and only after ten minutes did Sahil's car arrive at the mansion.

He entered inside and his eyes went to the couch where she always sits but on finding it empty today his eyes went to her room. He was early today so maybe she was inside her room. Dismissing those thoughts he left for his room.


An hour later when he arrived in the living room but she was still not there. Her door was also shut but then, he realised that he was thinking too much. He didn't care where she was or how she was because she was his responsibility only when she would be pregnant with his child.

And right now, she definitely was not pregnant.


Srishti was surprised when Aditya brought her to 'Hope'. She couldn't thank him enough but he just brushed it off with a smile.

So when she stepped inside with Aditya beside her, Zevah was irritated to say the least. She was happy that Srishti had come to meet everyone but what was the need to bring that idiot along.

Little did she know that it was him who brought her along.

"You! What are you doing here? I warned you not to come here still you don't have any shame right? Just get out right now!" Zevah blasted on Aditya and Srishti's eyes widened.

She held Zevah's hand and took her in a corner. Zevah was still glaring at Aditya but then Srishti made her look at her.

"Zevah what are you doing? Why are you talking to him like that?" Srishti hissed but Zevah had enough seeing her best friend siding with that idiot.

"You are asking me this? He is that monster's friend and you are siding with him? Why did you even bring him along?" She asked in a pissed off tone.

"Firstly even if he is Mr. Malhotra's friend you cannot judge him like that and secondly I didn't bring him here but he did." Srishti explained and Zevah was surprised with that piece of information.

She glanced at Aditya who was already smirking at her. She scowled back at him because he was mocking her. Whatever it was she does not like this man.

Srishti saw this exchange between the two and sighed shaking her head. She had no idea what was going between these two and she didn't even want to come in between so she simply decided to leave and meet her kids.

"Srishti," Zevah cribbed and stomped her foot watching her leave and immediately followed her inside. Aditya smiled to himself and trailed behind her.

Inside the kids jumped with happiness seeing Srishti and surrounded her from everywhere. It was definitely a sight to watch for Aditya because he could see how much the kids loved, respected and adored her.

"Srishti, why did you leave? Please come back to stay with us." One of them pleaded and the others joined and she could feel her heart aching at these innocent requests.

"Srishti, are you angry at us? Did we upset you? We promise we won't irritate you or do any kind of mischief." Those innocent pleading eyes were making it difficult for her to control her tears but then Zevah came to her rescue.

"Okay everyone what did I tell you when Srishti was gone?" Zevah asked gaining their attention whereas Aditya just stood as a silent spectator.

"That she has some very important work and will be back very soon." One of them replied and Zevah smiled.

"Exactly. And see even if she has work she still comes to visit us, doesn't she?" Everyone nodded while Srishti smiled at them.

"We love you, Srishti." They said in a chorus smiling at her and then with a force hugged her. She stumbled back but chuckled and hugged them back.

Zevah smiled folding her hands and staring at them but unaware someone was doing the same.

Aditya couldn't decipher what to feel after he witnessed such a scene. He felt overwhelmed seeing the children's love for Srishti, Zevah understanding Srishti's unspoken turmoil and coming to her rescue. All of this was something which he had only heard but never seen. But today seeing it and that content smile on everyone's face was exhilarating.

He couldn't understand why he could not take his eyes off of Zevah's smiling face or just turn back and leave because it seemed like his feet were stuck.

"Srishti, who is he?" A kid asked and that is when the focus was on Aditya and for the first time he felt nervous seeing so many eyes on him.

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