《Billionaire's Baby ✓》Chapter Seven


Within two days Srishti was injected with the medication after which her eggs were retrieved and Sahil's sperm was taken to the lab. They were asked to wait for minimum five days until the embryos were formed.

Five days later they were called and the embryos were planted inside Srishti's uterus after which she was asked to rest. Because the chances of getting pregnant are minimum they would plant two - three embryos and Srishti was informed about the same.

After everything was done, Srishti and Sahil were asked to wait for two weeks and then the pregnancy test would be done by them. Amidst all this, Sahil appeared to be least bothered and it was somewhere weird for her because it was him who wanted a child, not her. But she chucked it off because when did he seem interested.

Sahil left for his work after that and Srishti informed him that she'll be visiting her 'Hope'.

Once she got there, as she had expected all the kids screamed in excitement at her return. She hugged them all and had a nice chat with them while Zevah just stared at them with a smile.

This orphanage was solely Srishti's responsibility but now that she had to be at Malhotra mansion, Zevah had promised her that she will be taking care of them until she returns.

"Zevah," Srishti called as she walked towards her, smiling. They hugged each other before Zevah took her in a room to know about the progress.

"What is happening?" Zevah asked looking at her face which didn't show any kind of distress. She just looked kinda nervous.

"We are going for the IVF treatment." She announced nervously and Zevah's eyes widened.

"So you aren't going to ─" Zevah left the sentence incomplete and waited for her to complete it but Srishti just nodded a no. Zevah grinned widely and jumped upon her, startling her.

"That's such a wonderful news. But how did he agree because as far as I know, he's never taken a step back for anyone." She asked with a confused face while Srishti frowned as well.


"You know him?" Srishti asked back and Zevah rolled her eyes at her innocent question. She surely was unaware of the world.

"Srishti, he's 'The Sahil Malhotra'; the Billionaire; the owner of Malhotra company and the favourite gossip material for the media." Zevah sighed and Srishti had her mouth hung open. Was he that famous?

"Why didn't you tell me before? What if the media comes to know about this contract? What about me? This orphanage? Everything will be exposed." She panicked and Zevah gave her a helpless look.

"This is why I was angry in the first place. You are too naive for this world and talk to him about this. Okay?" Srishti just nodded with a worried look on her face.


Sahil was sitting on his chair relaxed and a smirk lingered on his lips as he recalled his conversation with the doctor before they were going to plant the embryos into he uterus.

He walked inside the doctor's cabin like he owned it and sat on the chair.

"Do you need something Mr. Malhotra? The embryos are ready and it'll be quick." The doctor informed but he was least interested.

"Now you tell me honestly what are the chances that she will get pregnant through this treatment? Can you write it on a stamp paper?" He raised his eyebrow while the doctor fumbled.

"We can't do that sir because we cannot guarantee that she will get pregnant." He said truthfully and Sahil stared at him coldly.

"First things first, if she does get pregnant that's good for both of us, but if she doesn't─" He trailed off looking at the doctor who now was nervous.

"I will make sure that your career and this hospital ends. And this is my guarantee." He said in a low voice while his cold eyes stayed on the doctor who started sweating.

"Sir, please you can't do this. What do you want then?" The doctor pleaded to the devil who just sat with a smirk.


"Either you give me a 100% guarantee that this treatment will be successful or don't plant the whatever you were going to in her." He gave him the choice and the doctor looked at him shocked.

He didn't want them to place the embryos in her uterus? Then why did he pay us?

"But then how ─okay we won't plant the embryos." He changed his statement looking at his face which held a warning.

What followed was the doctors pretending to plant the embryos in her and asking her to rest. She was also informed that they'll do the pregnancy test after two weeks just as per the procedure.

Now two weeks he could wait right? Of course.

Had they given him the guarantee that she will get pregnant then he wouldn't have done this but he could not just invest his money into something and get no result out of it. He wasn't a businessman to incur losses.

He agreed for what she demanded and now after two weeks when the results will be positive, she will have to agree for what he will demand.

Because that's how you play!


After Srishti got back to the mansion she couldn't concentrate on anything. She had to talk to Sahil and even though the doctor had asked her not to take stress she couldn't help it.

She tried to read books or tried to understand the features of the new phone but nothing worked. She wanted answers and only he could give her them.

At ten thirty when he came, she reminded herself to not jump on him the first instant and demand answers. She would wait until he freshened up and had his dinner.

When after fifteen minutes she could no longer keep her patience, she marched out of her room and landed infront of his. She knocked once, twice, thrice but got no answer.

Frustrated she pushed the door open and entered inside to find the room empty. She frowned and looked around but he was nowhere. Just then she heard a click and Sahil walked out of the bathroom wearing only his trousers.

She gasped loudly looking at his naked chest which was still dripping with water. She had no idea for how long she stood there gawking at his chest and his abs.

Sahil smirked seeing her gaping at him shamelessly and he could clearly see his effect on her.

"You need something?" Finally he asked when she didn't come out of her trance.

Srishti turned around embarrassed as hell. She thought of running out that instant but controlled herself and composing herself faced him.

"I want to ask you something." She tried hard not to look at his upper body and looking at his smirk she wanted to just smack him. He just gestured her to go ahead.

"You are a Billionaire?" She asked dumbly and he raised his eyebrows as if amused.

"So?" She found his response rude but ignoring it she continued.

"So what if the media comes to know about it? About me and the contract between us? I don't want to be in the limelight Mr. Malhotra." She said sternly and he continued staring at her.

Suddenly he stepped ahead in her direction making her heart drum against her chest. She couldn't move an inch from her place even if she wanted to run.

He came dangerously close to her such that she could feel the heat radiating off of his upper body. She shivered involuntarily and looked up at him.

"I have already taken care of that. This news won't be going out." He whispered and she should have felt the relief instead she could feel her body heating up.

She gulped looking into his eyes which felt like digging into her soul. She had to run because she couldn't afford to get trapped into this devil's plan.

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