《Alpha Grayson》Chapter 10


I walked up the stairs to Ayanna's bedroom to see her getting swallowed up in her blankets. I walk up to her bed and lean down, moving her hair out of her face. I stay in that position and stare at her for a while.

I can't believe how blessed I am. After all these years I never thought I'd ever have a mate.

I didn't deserve her and she definitely deserved more than me. She was perfect and I'm a monster. She doesn't know what I've done or who I am.

She doesn't know about all the people I've killed, all the packs I've wiped clean, how many men I've tortured or how many one night stands I've had.

I'm not proud of it and I would do anything to take it all back.

I've loved Ayanna since the first time I laid eyes on her and I would wait forever for her to love me back.

I lean down and give her a feather soft kiss on her forehead.

She begins to stir and I sit up right. I watch her eyes begin to flutter open and see her beautiful, sleepy hazel eyes looking up at me.

I watch as her cheeks begin to change colour to a flushed pink that made her look so freaking innocent. God I just wanted to kiss her already.

"Morning hun." I say smiling down at her.

"Morning" she says

We stare at each other, my head slightly above hers from the crouched down position that I'm in. I lean in closer until I can feel her light breaths across my face, as soon as my lips are about to make contact with hers...her phone rings.

I'm going to kill whoever that person is.

I quickly move away from Grayson and shuffle to the other side of my bed to my bedside table where my phone is currently charging.

"Hello?" I say answering without looking at the caller ID, still in a trance about what me and Grayson almost did.

"Hey sweetie, it's mum. Me and dad have both been called out to work in California, we should be back in 2 weeks, 3 tops. I know that we've recently just moved and I'm sorry hunny but it was a last minute emergency...


I tuned her out. Both my parents work at manager levels for an international hotel chain. It's good for me because it means that I don't have my parents breathing down my neck 24/7 but bad because we always end up moving due to transfers within hotels.

...hunny I'm so sorry for all of this. Luke is staying with Grandma in California but I figured you'd want to stay because of your new school and all. I need to - "

"Mum it's fine." I say cutting her off, "I'll see you in a few weeks ok, love you." I say quickly cutting the phone off and turning around to a smiling Grayson.

"What are you smirking about?" I say whilst getting of the bed and walking towards my bathroom. I grab my toothbrush and start brushing.

"I overheard the conversation with you mum." He says coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

Overheard or eavesdropped?" I ask after spitting out the toothpaste into the sink.

"Same thing. Point is I'm not going to let you stay here by yourself so you're coming with me." He says whilst resting his head in between my neck and shoulders.

Putting the toothbrush back I look up in the mirror above the sink at out reflection. I have a feeling that he would take me kicking and screaming even if I say no, so not wanting to argue I turn around and agree.

"Sure, when do we leave?"


A few hours later we arrive at the pack house that Grayson told me about yesterday.

I don't think I've ever seen anything like it - just driving up the driveway took ages.

Grayson steps out of his side of the car and comes around and opens the door on my side for me. I see a few men in black suits coming out of the mansion and getting the bags from the trunk of the car.

I feel Grayson place his hand on my back gently guiding me up to the entrance.

Once inside Grayson says something about stupid beta and being right back.

I'm so stunned by the beauty of the place that I don't even notice Tori appearing from the kitchen


"Hey Ayanna, what are you doing here?" Tori mumbles.

I turn around and see her with her arms full of junk food and a bunch of sweets in her mouth. I roll my eyes at her and laugh.

"I came with Grayson, turns out my parents had to go away for a while."

She looks at me as if I have two heads and coughs on the food in her mouth.

"You came with Alpha!" She yells, quickly noticing her mistake she says "No, ermm...What I meant was you..." She says opening and closing her mouth like a goldfish.

"She knows Tori." I hear Grayson say coming up behind me.

"Actually what are you doing here?" I ask Tori emphasising the you part.

"Oh I live here. Turns out I'm a werewolf too." She says smiling nervously looking from me to Grayson and back at me again.

"Ok got to go." She says running up the stairs with her arms still full of food.

Laughing I turn around and hug Grayson around his torso, I feel his arms wrap around me too and I inhale his manliness before looking up at him.

"She's my beta Daniels mate." He says looking back down at me.

I nod at this new found information and smile up at him.

"I've got Alpha duties that I need to take care of, will you be alright hanging out with Tori for a few hours? I can stay if you want me to." He says stroking my hair.

"No you should go, I'll see you in a bit." I say hugging him one more time.

Grayson went to his office which he said was on the third floor incase I needed anything and I was on a hunt to find Tori.

I had to ask a few of Grayson's pack members where her room was and I kept making wrong turns but I eventually found it about an hour later.

We spent most of the day just talking and chilling in her bedroom.

When it was time for dinner we went down to a huge dinning hall, full of people laughing and engaging in conversation, it was big enough to seat at least 200 people.

Tori walked up to the biggest table in the middle of the room where I saw Daniel - Grayson's beta, but no sign of Grayson himself.

I scrunched up my nose as Tori bent down to give Daniel a kiss. They both laughed at my facial expression.

Sitting down I watch as one of the servers puts down a plate of potatoes and stake in front of me. I thank him and start digging in.

"So I heard that you're going to be staying with us for a while little sis." Daniel says knowingly while chuckling.

"First of all I'm not little. Second of all since when did I become your 'little sis'?" I ask using air quotation marks whilst saying the last bit.

"Oh come on you're just so freaking adorable." He says while reaching over in an attempt to pinch my cheeks.

I huff slightly and see Tori trying to hold in her laughter from her seat next to Daniel. The key word there being trying.

"I wonder where he is." Tori says after taking deep breaths to calm down.

"Who?" I ask grabbing my glass of water.

"You know the guy with the face." She says getting back to her food.

"Oh does he have a mouth and a nose too?" I ask with sarcasm.

"Good one sis." Daniel says giving me a high five.

"Come on dude you know, Alpha." She says.

As if by magic the dinning hall doors swing open with a strong force and I see a shirtless Grayson, breathing heavily with rage in his eyes as if he's just been at war.

He searches the now dead silent dinning hall with piercing black eyes until they finally land on me.

I can't help but gulp as he takes long, confident strides towards me.

Quickly standing up I'm met face to chest with him, I look up at him with questioning eyes, he grabs my waist, puts his hand over my cheek.

Then he kissed me.

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