《Alpha Grayson》Chapter 4


I wake up the next morning to the sound of someone's fist banging against my door. I groan and roll over, away from the sound disrupting my sleep. However, unfortunately for me the knocking doesn't stop.

"Breakfast is ready!" Luke yells through my now, seemingly too thin door.

I hear him leaving, his light footsteps running through the hallway away from my bedroom and down the stairs. I chuckle slightly at my brother's goofiness. I stretch and sit up on my bed and sure enough I can smell the wonderful sensation of bacon in the air.

I jump off from the bed and slide my feet into my cute, pug slippers. I grab some comfortable shorts on the way and hurriedly put them on, struggling to get them over my large 3D slippers. Once i finally have them on, I run out my room and gallop down the stairs.

I look around the open plan kitchen and living room to find my mum putting away delicate china from a box labelled fragile, Luke watching Arthur on the large flat screen television and my papa cooking the food. Oh my God, food!

"Good-Morning family!" I say joyfully, whilst going over to give my dad a kiss on his cheek and secretly grabbing a piece of bacon from the cooked pile.

"Morning sweetie." They both reply in unison. Luke nods his head slightly and waves his hand in my direction. Was that supposed to be a greeting? Where did he even learn that from?

"Alright, ready everyone?" My dad asks while putting the cooked goods in the middle of the dining table. We all sit down for breakfast and start digging in.

I decide that this is the perfect time to spill the details about the dinner invite for tonight.

"So..." I say dramatically dragging out the 'o' pronunciation.

"I bumped into one of our neighbours last night whilst out on my run and he invited us over for dinner this evening." I hurriedly say, after which I shove two pieces of bacon into my mouth.


Now, technically he invited me for dinner but I wasn't about to go and have dinner with a complete stranger, he could be a murderer for all I know! Besides if he wanted to have dinner with me, and only me, then he should have been more specific. I think to myself whilst aimlessly chewing on my food.

"Did he, now." My mum replies putting a strong emphasis on the 'he' and giving me one of her smug mum looks.

"Yes he did and no mother, don't even go there." I say back, rolling my eyes and chuckling lightly at my mums response.

"I'm sure it will be a good thing if we go and get to know the neighbours." My dad interjects, smiling at me with Luke nodding enthusiastically next to him.

"So it's settled then. Dinner at the neighbour's house it is." I say, sarcasm clearly rolling out from my tongue. I smile at my family before tucking into the wonderful creation of bacon.

I sit on my bed and think about the dinner tonight, I decide that I'm going to dress comfortable yet presentable for it. I open my new closet and look through the clothes that I actually had time to put away last night. I find a pair of dark wash long, tight ripped jeans. That will work, I think to myself. Ok now for the top. I immediately grab a black, silk, slightly oversized, blouse that I purchased a few weeks ago.

I also grab a black lace bralette, which would peep through my slightly open blouse; and I also take out the matching thongs. Sure enough no one would have a full view of my matching lingerie set but it gave me an extra boost of confidence, so why not wear it anyways?

I go into my bathroom and quickly shower. After that, I step out back into my bedroom, dripping water all over the floor. I ignore it and quickly towel dry my hair to a point where it's not dripping all over the place and I also apply some makeup once this is done.


I don't normally wear makeup on a regular, day to day basis however when I did I went all out - I wear a fair amount but not too dramatic either.

After a few minutes I'm done with my makeup and my hair is completely dry. I quickly straighten my naturally wavy hair and tie it up in a high, sleek ponytail. I wear my outfit and quickly rummage through a box in the middle of my bedroom in a desperate attempt to find my heels.

"Come on Ayanna, time to go!" I hear my mum yell up the stairs. I keep looking through the box, throwing shoes all over the place in the process. I finally find my pair of black strappy, heeled sandals and my matching clutch. I put the shoes on and put all of my necessities in my bag. I run towards the door, checking my full reflection before leaving.

I look pretty good, if I do say so myself. I open my bedroom door, turn around to look at the mess that I made and sigh at the thought of cleaning it all up later.

I close my door and rush down the stairs and out the door.

We all head out of the house and towards the mansion opposite. It was a decent, short walk, with my parents making most of the conversation along the way.

Once we arrive, it feels like we have just stepped into a dramatic, modern-day film. We make a sudden stop by the entrance of the house, in complete awe of the wide, stone porch leading up to the massive, black, oak door. Who even needs a place this big? I think to myself.

Nevertheless, being the brave person that I am, I step forward and hesitantly press the doorbell in front of me. I wait for a moment, fully aware of my sudden increased heart rate and unexpected sweaty palms. Less than ten seconds later, the door opens and he's standing there in all his might and glory.

He looks amazing. With black jeans and a button up, expensive looking, grey shirt that showed all his bulging muscles. I couldn't help but stare at him. What's wrong with me? Why do I want him so bad? I've never been into any of the guys I've ever known but with him it feels different. I feel like I want to get to know him - No, I feel like I need to get to know him. Like i need him.

Once I snap back to reality, I realise that someone's staring at me. I look directly into his eyes and he's looking at me too and I mean really looking.

His eyes begin to travel down my body and I swear I can feel a pleasurable heat wherever his eyes lure. He looks back directly into my eyes and his eyes turn into the same shade of black that they did yesterday, with the golden rims of his eyes shining through as well.

Me being the person that I am blush intensely and look down at the ground awkwardly, uncomfortably, moving from side to side on the heels of my feet.

He clears his throat and from the side of my eyes I see him divert his attention to my family behind me. Oh my God. They've been there this whole time.

"Welcome." he starts, "I'm guessing that you're the family that just moved in, please, come on in." He finishes, stepping aside and gesturing us inside the mansion.

Taking deep breaths I reposition my posture, hold my head up high and confidently walk into the building with my family right behind me.

This will be over before I know it, I think to myself.

Boy was I wrong.

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