《Consequences [BxB] (Edited)》Chapter 12


Henry ☝🏻️


Drew POV

I could hardly contain my excitement as the car drove pass the pack's borderlines. I could feel my wolf inside squirm around and fidget with joy as we drove deeper and deeper into the woods. To the land we called home. He was probably as excited to be back as I was.

Even more so, was the intense excitement I felt at seeing Elliot after so long. I tried to call him earlier before I left, but he wouldn't pick up and I assumed he was busy or something so I hadn't called him again after that.

My uncle pulled up at my house and I got out, taking in the fresh air that surrounded me. I inhaled deeply at the familiar scent around me. The scents I had grown up with as a boy. I looked around and a small smile crept across my face.

Everything was still the same, even after three years.

It still had the same tannin-brown mountains that surrounded our pack land, making it look like serene valley. Not that I expected it to be gone or anything, but it was comforting to the see the familiar sight. To know that some things still remained the same even when everything around it was changing.

I walked toward my house, listening to the sounds of the crispy grass beneath my shoes. I walked with a smile on my face until I reached my front door. Before I could open it, it was yanked open by my dad who stood there in the door way with his eyes wide open in shock. I scratched the back of my head with a sheepish grin on my face.

"Hey Dad" I said and chuckled slightly.

"My goodness, you're even more handsome than your photos. " He answered as he grabbed me into a tight hug and squeezed the life out of me. I took in his scent and closed my eyes as I wrapped my arms around him.

I missed him so much..

He pulled away and held me by the shoulders as he inspected me from head to toe, turning me from left to right. Smiling with pride as he looked at me who was now his height and almost as muscular as he was.


"You're so much taller now, and look at your hair your mom would have been so happy to see you -"

"Dad.. breathe" I laughed and shook my head, if I didn't stop him, he probably would went on rambling incoherent and incomprehensible things.

"Sure.. you must hungry.. come inside"

"Yup.. kid sure eats more than you used to" My Uncle said as he followed us into the house, when my father heard that he stopped in his tracks and turned around.

"No way.. more than me.. never" He laughed and walked into the kitchen. I just shook my head as I followed them into the house remembering how my Uncle threatened to hide away all his food if I didn't stop eating it all.

I sat at the kitchen table watching as they went on about all the messed up things they did in their childhood, when I caught two familiar scents coming our way. A small smile spread across my face as I rose from my seat and told my Dad I'd be right back. I opened the front door and saw Jake and Henry eating each other's faces on my front lawn. I laughed making my appearance known and took a step forward.

"You know, you should get a room for that" I said and watched as they both turned their heads towards me and smiled, well Jake practically had his mouth open.

"Drewy!" he screamed and ran towards me, crashing his body into mine as we collided and fell on the floor.

"I thought you were coming tonight! When did you arrive?" he said as he sat on me, straddling me and yup I was way taller than him now.

"Minutes ago..actually" I said as I tried to get him off me.

"Babe.. get off him" Henry said as he laughed and walked towards me, and to my surprise Jake got off me instantly. Henry held out a hand for me and helped me up, while I dusted myself off.

He pulled me into a hug, no where near as tight as Jakes. I smiled and pulled away, not wanting to make it weird.


"Wow.. look at you.. " he said as he looked at from head to toe making me feel a bit self conscious. I suppose I was not used to people actually looking at me and liking what they saw.I turned away out of embarrassment and looked at Jake.

Suddenly I got a bit of a scent coming off Jake. It was a bit different to his normal scent, but still smelt so sweet. I knew it was not his mated scent even thought it smelt like the two of them combined. However this scent smelt like something entirely different. I narrowed my eyes and tilted my head as I took in his scent and tried to figure out what it was. I had been obsessed lately with figuring out different scents since I could pick it up from a mile away. My Uncle found it very interesting that I could smell things from so far away. He giggled at what I was doing, seeming to be debating in his head on whether to tell me or not.

"He smelt it babe.. you might as well tell him" Henry said as he smiled lovingly at Jake while he shook his head and let out a small chuckle. I watched as Jake slowly made his way towards me and leaned in toward my ear.

"I'm pregnant"

He pulled away, and I looked at him with wide eyes, and looked down to his tummy which still looked pretty flat to me and then back up to his face with even wider eyes.

"Wow. You're not kidding. How long? " I asked as I tried to wrap my mind around it still in shock as I looked at him with wide eyes.

Jake was going to be a father!

"About a month, we haven't told anyone about it yet, I don't know how you smelt it though." He said as he rubbed his tummy slightly before looking at Henry with a smile.

He was giving off these old dad vibes and he wasn't even that big yet!

Henry wrapped his arms around him from behind and Jake leaned into him with a contented sigh that almost sounded like a purr though I'd never tell him that. He'd probably snap my neck on the spot.

They were so cute together...

"I still can't believe you changed so much, wait till the doc sees you" he said as he laughed against Jakes's shoulder.

I tried my best to hide my smile as when I heard Henry mentioning him, although it was excruciatingly difficult with the heat I felt rise to my cheeks.

I just wanted to see him already..

" Is he here ?"

"He arrived yesterday but he hasn't come out of his house since and he won't let anyone in either" Jake said as he shrugged and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

I furrowed my eyebrows at what they were saying, that wasn't like Elliot. He was usually a happy go lucky person. His house was always open for whoever wanted to see him. He would never shut people out. He always welcomed them with open arms.

I wondered what happened?

"Maybe I should go see him?" I asked with hope in my voice.

"Absolutely not young man!"

I jumped and turned around to find my Uncle standing in the doorway with his hands on his hips looking not at all pleased despite my father's chuckles and laughter at the smaller mam who tried his utmost best to come across as a bad ass person. When in reality everyone knew he was a softie!

"You're becoming a true Beta tonight! Get your ass in here and get ready!" He said. I sighed and followed him inside.

I just had to wait a couple more hours. I mean I waited three years, what was a mere couple of hours?

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