《Consequences [BxB] (Edited)》Chapter 11


Drew POV

"You suck"

My little cousin said as he stuck out his tiny tongue at me ran off after I told him he couldn't have another cookie. The little kid had practically eaten up all the cookies in the house and I was not about to be told off by Uncle for giving his kids too much sugar yet again. I shook my head as I watched him run down the passage, and closed my door. I threw myself on my bed and sighed.

Goddess, I was so tired now.

The older he got, the more he looked like Jake. It was actually creepy seeing a little Jake run about. When he was born Jake came to see him and well, cried like baby over his "little brother", it was actually cute. It was the first boy in the family aside from Jake I couldn't help but wonder if he was crying due to him not being the only boy anymore, or if he was really overjoyed at finally getting one.

We spoke everyday, and he told me what was happening in our pack and all the updates. Not to mentioned that he was now mated to Henry, which I wasn't surprised at. I kind of called it. It was obvious the way they would stare at each other as if no one else was in the room. Or the way Henry became so over protective over him and wouldn't let anyone near him.

I told him about how his father drilled my ass day in and day out. He took my training to a whole new level. A level I had never seen before. He trained me the same way he trained the Alphas of his pack until I was named the toughest warrior this year since I could take all his shit without a complaint. Boy was he one heck of an Alpha, no wonder his pack was known to have all the mightiest of wolves. Way more mightier than ours will ever be.


That title didn't come easy however. I spent hours and hours training, till I felt like I was going to faint. Like I was going to break, and even then I didn't stop and didn't give up. Even blacked out a couple of times, if anything I only pushed myself harder.

It took a toll on my body in the beginning, since I was way thinner than the rest, but all that soon changed one full moon. For reasons neither my Uncle nor anyone else knew. My entire appearance and wolf dramatically changed, something no one could explain. Every trace and aspect of who I was before, vanished completely and left someone different behind.

I suddenly became taller and put on much more muscles. As the years went on. I grew taller, so much so, Jake didn't even recognize me and walked right past me one time. When he realized it was me, he was so overcome with shock, it was like someone told him Henry died.

Apparently to him, I became more handsome. My features did change a bit, my hair specifically. My uncle thought I would remain a blond wolf , since I was born with blond hair which I inherited from my mother, but when I shifted one full moon he was surprised to see a dark brown coat instead. As he suspected, when I shifted back to human form my hair color had completely changed and in place of my usual blond hair, was now a full head of chocolate brown hair just like my father's.

A True Beta.

My complexion changed as well, my unusually pale skin was now slightly tanned and lean muscles covered my body. My boyish features were all gone, now replaced with features that could only be described as manly.

As I laid on my bed utterly exhausted , my thoughts drifted to Elliot..


I wondered how he had been doing, what has he been up to all these years? Was he back at the pack yet? Did he miss me like I missed him?

I missed him so much every day. It was like I was feeling a variety of unpleasant feelings like loneliness and sadness. Feelings I hadn't felt before. My heart yearned for him, for his comforting touch and strong hold, the way he would hold me and drive away all my fears. I felt so incomplete when he was away from me, and yet I felt more than whole when he was near me, if that even made any sense.

The last I heard from Jake, was that he had completed his degree and was now a qualified doctor and would join his dad soon and be the pack's doctor as well. Since he left, we didn't speak or see each other, because he wanted us to see each other again, when I turned eighteen when we would be mated, finally.

I couldn't wait. I spent the last few years dreaming about it, dreaming about him about our lives that we would lead together. About the ultimate happiness I would feel at finally being able to be with him without anything holding us back.

Unfortunately, I also thought about him, that crazy asshole that almost killed me, but that was the old me..

I was not the same kid who would cower at the sound of his voice. I was not the same fragile little Drew that everyone had to look down on, literally. I was not someone that he could release his anger on for reasons that remained unknown to me even to this day.

I was not weak anymore.

And I would make sure he knew that. More than anything, I hated him. I hated what he did to me. I hated how he made me feel and I hated that I had to stand by his side and rule our pack. I hated that I had to stand on the same platform with someone so sadistic and blood thirsty.

But I took some comfort in the fact that I would see Elliot again, the love of my life. I knew that if I had him, everything else would be okay.

I closed my eyes and thought about his charcoal black hair and blue eyes, and slowly drifted off to sleep...

Tomorrow is going to be one heck of a birthday...

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