《The New Alpha》Chapter 14
I wake up, my mom yelling at me that I need to go to school. She doesn't know what happened yesterday and if she did she would have made me stay in my room forever.
I put on a pair of leggings and a T-shirt. I really pray whoever it was yesterday stays quiet about my predicament. I hope my parents and Karen have told enough people the truth about what happened between me, Logan and Scar that no one at school will mention anything.
I throw up my grey silvery strands, running my hands through the silky texture. I sigh staring into the mirror at my grey sleepy eyes and pale skin. Last night I was so sleepy I don't even remember falling asleep. I turn and look at my bed, my phone tangled into the sheets.
I gasp at the sight and a flashback from the night before replays through my head.
"I know what you are"
The voice and words ring like an alarm in my ears. I know that voice...but it can't be. Fear pumps my heart to dangerous speeds at realisation and I run over to my phone and scroll through the recent calls. I almost don't believe the name on my screen. But who else could it be. It's her. It's Scar. Scar was the wolf who saw me. She's the person who called me last night and confirmed she knows I'm a black wolf. The prophecy. She's the only one, besides her Grandmother, that knows what that means. I don't even know what it means. What is she going to do with her information? Is she going to tell people? At the thought my heart lurches and my breathing falters.
I'm almost knocked off my feet at this revelation. I have to see her now. I need to know if she hates me so much that she'll ruin my life. I grab my bag and walk out of the house, no one saying anything about it as I pass my whole family. I hope this won't take long, I still need to get to school.
The morning air is cold, it cools off my flaming body. I'm angry at her. I'm angry that she is so furious over something I had no control over. I'm angry she knows about me. She had to have either followed me or found me. Now she's dangling me from a string because she knows my secret.
A fog sets across the grassy ground, every time I take a step towards Scars house the fog lifts and forms around my steps. I'm going to go see Scars Father first, I'm hoping he can tell me about how she's feeling towards me therefore seeing if she'll tell my secret.
I stare determinedly two houses over, her house in sight. I hear someone calling out my name and I almost don't want to stop, the fire inside me fuming. "Eve! Eve!" They call over and over but I keep moving, my steps hard against the ground "Everly stop!" He yells and finally I do and turn to him
He runs over to me and I stare at him "what Logan? What do you want? I thought you weren't supposed to talk, or even be near me" I say loudly
I only notice now a lot of people are running around and most staring at me and Logan "it's Scar" he says ignoring me, his brown eyes worried and frightened. His dirty blonde hair is rugged and messy, skin under this eyes dark. His skin in general looks paler than it usually does, his outfit is throw together and ummatching.
My eyebrows pull together and I frown a little "What about her?" I ask
"She's gone, she's disappeared!" He says running his hand through his hair and pulling roughly
My eyes widen...I don't know if this is good or bad "hold on Logan, what do you mean she's gone?" I ask holding his hands down from pulling at his roots
"She's gone, I went to go check on her at her grandmothers house but Ava said she left a note saying she was leaving for a few days to run a errands! What does that even mean?" He says
"I don't know maybe she really is running errands" I tell him but he shakes his head
"No trust me, she's gone and I don't know why or where she's going!" He yells "I'm her fucking mate! And she left me because she pissed about something I had no control over" he growls-join the club
Why would she leave? She just found her mate and found out the biggest secret of my life. It would be more effective to tell the pack. Why would she leave?
"I've got to go, I have to go find her" he says in a hurry
"Listen maybe you should call her or ask her dad" I tell him
"I did, I did! But her father says he doesn't know where she is and she won't pick up her phone" he looks around frantically
"Hold on, when did you find this out?" I ask
He shakes his head and try's to take a breath "Not five minutes ago, I ran right here to tell you...when was the last time you spoke to her?"
Her words from last night echo in my head and I shutter "last night"
His eyes widen and he gasps "she spoke to you? What did she say? Did she tell you where she was going? Did she tell you she forgave you?" He asks all in a rush, his hands on my upper arms, shaking me
"No Logan she said-" I cut myself off before I speak. I have to come up with a lie, I hate to do it but then he'll know too "all she said was goodbye and then she hung up" I tell him, making sure to look him dead in his worried brown eyes
"Fuck!" He yells "where should I go? Where should I look?"
I hold on to his arms "Logan just calm down...." I too try to think about where she would go
Why would she up and leave?
"I fucking can't!" He says angrily and throws my arms off of him
I frown and my heart sinks a little "Loga-"
"What's going on?" A voice booms across the area and makes me shiver
Both me and Logan turn to him, for a second I forget what's going on as I take him in. He's wearing a pair of dark jeans hanging low on his hips. He's pulling a shirt over his head as he makes large steps over to us. Eventually he pulls the black material over his god like sculptured chest and my stare falters.
His eyes are dark as he stares between me and Logan. I see Peter and Lena walk out of his house, both of them looking confused as they follow Maddox.
"What's going on" he repeats as he stands a foot away from us, his eyes zeroed in on Logan, eyebrows furrowed.
Logan doesn't back down from his state like most "it's Scar, she's gone....our old alpha would have never let one of his wolves go missing" he growls, eyes shifting up at his alpha
Maddox's eyes widen and I gasp deeply. I can't believe he just said that. Maddox's breathing becomes dangerously deep and heavy "It will do you good to never speak to me like that again" his voice is deeper than anything I've heard, it echoed throughout my body and I take a step away "if you do....you won't like what happens" he growls
"Than tell me where my mate is" Logan snips
"Logan stop" I say quietly, seeing Maddox fume with anger with each word Logan says. They stare at each other, neither backing down, their stares becoming so intense.
Peter runs up to us and inches his hands in between Logan and Maddox, pushing them apart "hey now, lets cool down" he says calmly
Logan backs off from the stare off, not being able to stare into the eyes of his pure blood alpha for too long. "Scar isn't gone, I would have heard from my guards. No one leaves or comes into this pack without me knowing" Maddox says, his tone still rough as he stares down Logan
I feel Lena come up next to me and she wraps her arms around mine "are you alright?" She whispers, eyes calm but worried
"Yeah, yeah" I nod and smile, she returns the gesture and holds me to her
"Then we must search for her" Logan says, now in a frantic tone. No longer angry but scared.
Maddox says nothing and Peter turns to him "Maddox" he persists
He looks over to me, almost like he wants to know what I think. I know I shouldn't care about where Scar is, she hates me and maybe she's just trying to stay away from me. No matter how bad I want all of this to disappear I have to speak to her again. I nod to him and he looks me over a moment, debating, but bows his head. His action surprising me.
He sighs "Of course, we can take some of the Warriors off border control to search the forest and territory" Maddox's says, head held high
Logan's brown eyes widen and nods his head once "thank you" he says and Maddox turns to Peter
"Send word to the rest of the wolves" he says and Peter nods
He looks over at us and smiles at Lena, she waves and he nods and turns to the forest. "I'm going to go with him....I need to search for her" Logan's says and follows after
After a moment two wolves pop out behind the forest trees, Logan and Peter, and they slip further in. Maddox turns to me "are you alright?" He asks and I nod "I swear if that little twerp said one more thing to me, and on top of that he was touching you" he says angrily and looks over my arms "I would have ripped the fucking-"
"Calm down Maddox, you'll scare the poor girl" Lena says pulling me closer to her
I almost tell her I'm fine, that he doesn't scare me...much. Maddox's eyes open "sorry" he says quietly
"So you have any idea why she would leave?" He asks me and I shake my head
"No, honestly. She hates me right now...she wouldn't have told me anything" I tell them and he nods, looking away and thinking hard
I stare across his face, remembering the way the moon light spread across his features the night he kissed me. My heart instantly skips a beat at the memory of his lips against mine, the feeling of his hand on my waist, I smile and quickly look away. I want so badly to ask him about it. To ask what it meant to him.
"She might have left because everyone's figuring out she lied about the whole thing with you and Logan" Lena says walking closer to Maddox
Maddox balls his first at the mention of it. I never thought of that. Maybe it has nothing to do with her knowing what I am. I don't know why it would. It doesn't effect her and probably is nothing. But now that everyone is starting to think she lied about me 'stealing' and 'seducing' Logan maybe she's so embarrassed thats why she wants to leave. I sigh at the thought of this, it giving me a sense of peace.
"That could be it" I nod and so does Maddox
He speaks up "we'll search for her, we have to find her somewhere...no matter how much I-" Lena raises an eyebrow at him and scolds him. He frowns but doesn't finish his sentence. I laugh lightly.
"Maddox are you going to look for her?" Lena asks and instantly his eyes move to me. I'm instantly frown at the thought of him leaving me. I want to be near him.
"I-I..." He doesn't finish but he looks over to Lena for help
Lena runs a hand through her voluminous light brown hair, the natural blonde highlights seeping through in the dim sunlight. I look up to see grey clouds covering the sky, the wind blows past and it seems to bring in darker clouds. "I'm sure they got it covered" she waves off, trying to hide her smile "Why don't the three of us go over to your house Maddox, we'll wait till Peter gets back. And if he says they need your help you'll go" she suggest and we both nod, my heart lurches but I settle with showing a wide smile
I follow after Lena and I feel Maddox close behind me. His hand only lightly skims my lower back, leading me to his house. I look up at him and he stares down at me "I came to see you yesterday...your Mother said you were asleep and had been all afternoon-" I try to hid my blush and pure joy about hearing that he came to see me "are you well?" He asks
I almost don't hear his last sentence, my eyes are sucked into his, the golden black holes that trap me against my will. Golden orbs that I could look at for hours, the deepness and beauty of them frighten and fascinate me. I shake my head and look away "no I'm fine, I just had a rough day" I tell him
We are both silent for a moment as we walk through the yard. The fog from earlier now only a thin layer across the green grass. Droplets of water fall on my skin and I look up at the swirling dark clouds "we should hurry" his hand now stays firm on my back and his steps quicker
We step into the house right as it starts to rain harder "so Lena" I say as she takes off her coat and lays it across the sofa "you and Peter are still staying here?" I ask and she smiles squeamishly
"Yes, hopefully for not much longer. The plumbers said it should be fixed in a day or two" she says rolling her eyes
"Well that's good" I smile and we walk over to the couch and sit down
The pitter patter of rain washing over the roof echoes around the room "you know you're welcomed here for as long as you need" Maddox says sitting next to me
Lena smiles and nods "I know, I know" she laughs "anyways Everly did you and Scarlet ever make up- even a little?" She asks
I sigh and shake my head "far from it" I remember her eyes, the wild wolfs eyes that looked down at me with hate. My heart breaks thinking back on sleepovers, shopping dates, and classes me and Scar had. Gossip and secrets we would tell each other. The tears we've shared, from the way my parents treat and treated me, to when her Mother died. I quickly shake away the pain and thoughts, knowing it's possible I'll never get that back.
"Eve if I've ever learned anything about friendship I know something like this can't come between the two of you forever. I mean seriously it's over a boy. A boy that loves Scar, whatever impulse he had when he saw you has nothing to do with how he feels about Scar. I just hope she can see that soon." Lena says with a soft smile
I'm surprised by her words and strangely very comforted by them. Maybe she's right. Maybe if I talk to Scar we can work this out. It's obvious Logan loves her and I hope I can get her to forget what happened on his birthday. "Maybe you should call her?" Maddox suggests and I nod
"I'll have to go get my phone, I left it in my room" I tell the both of them
I look outside to see the rain still coming down "I'll walk you over" Maddox says and I turn to him with a grateful smile
We stand and Lena waves to us, I tell her we'll be back soon and she says she'll make breakfast, I guess I'm not going to school today after all. When we get to the door Maddox turns down the hallways and a second later comes out with a black umbrella. We step outside, without a word, and stand under the small porch. He opens the umbrella and turns to me "come closer" he instructs and I do
I move under the umbrella and suddenly it feels like the smallest place in the world. He pulls my body against his chest and for a moment we just stand there. I gently lay my head down on his shirt and hear the soft beats of his heart. I inhale his sweet yet manly scent that mixes with the fresh smell of the rain falling down. His arm wraps around my waist and keeps me close. His warmth spreads through me in the bitter wind of the storm.
"Ready?" He asks, his tone deep and husky
I feel his lips linger on the top of my head as he breaths in. I shiver and look out into the rain "yeah" I say breathlessly and pull my arms across my body
We both step out into the rain and, under the protection of the umbrella, stay dry. Our feet splash puddles into the already drenched grass and dirt. We hurry one house over and soon are under my pouch. He takes the umbrella and closes it, shaking it off and turning to me.
Neither of us say anything as he slowly steps nearer to me. I try to keep my breathing calm and eyes fixated on him but both are difficult with his intimidating stare. The loud sound of rain surrounds us and it's hard to think with him being so close to me. He leans into me and wraps his arms around my body. I'm starstuck as I look into his eyes, they melt like golden lava, pure adoration seeping from him. My lips hang open as my stormy eyes travel down his beautiful face. The stubble on his jaw is short and my hand reaches out to touch his cheek.
I see his eyes flutter closed as my fingertips run down his cheek, the mist from the rain blows past us and dampens our skin.
His eyes flicker down to my lips and then back up to my eyes "Everly....what have you done to me" his voice sounds so pure and soft, a sound I have never heard from him
I'm at a lose for words and I have to choke up my next sentence "I....I don't know" I tell him
His large hand moves to the back of my neck and even with the calluses it's the softest touch I have ever felt "I have to kiss you...you're making this very hard for me" his voice is strains and he pulls back slightly
But I quickly fill the space, our whole body touching as if we split apart the world would end "I don't mean to" I tell him, mainly because I'm not sure what he's talking about. Does he really feel the same way about me as I do him? Does he want to kiss me as badly as I want to kiss him? What about all the stuff before?
"I know" he whispers taking both my cheeks into his hands and slowly leading his lips to mine
My heart pounds and it's all I hear, the sound of the rain washed out by the constant thumps. His lip skims mine and instantly I feel calmer. My heart rate slowly and I melt into him. Our lips move in a perfect and magical sync. The taste of rain coats both our mouths and its an addicting taste. His whole body surrounds me and I feel suffocated, but strangely I love it. I reach up slowly and run my finger through his lush dark hair on the nape of his neck, the feeling like silk through my fingers. His lips moves quicker against mine as I do this.
His thumb moves down to my waist and skims the exposed skin on my hip. My whole body hums with fire and I lean deeper into him. His tongue slides across my lower lip and I hungrily allow his entrance.
His finger are soft as he skims my hip and moves across my back. Maddox pulls away, leaving me breathless, his breaths are heavy and deep and he holds me so tight.
"I can't do this much longer" he says looking down, dark eyes leaving mine "I need to talk to you...soon" my heart jumps and I back away from him, the pain of rejection seeping through my once happy and humming self
He takes in my face and quickly shakes his head "no, I'm sorry Everly....fuck I never say the right thing" he curses to himself "it's nothing bad, I promise" he says and stares deeply into my eyes
I look at him for a moment needing to know if he's telling the truth. His eyes beg me to understand, I obey and nod "ok...." I trail off "let me go get my phone" I tell him and he nods, taking his hand off my cheek and kissing my forehead
I walk to the door in a daze. What does he want to talk to me about? Could he want to be a real couple? Im turning eighteen soon, what if I find my mate and it's not him...it would crush me to hurt him like that. I'm up the stairs and in my bedroom in a second but not before five more questions pop into my head as I do so.
My bedroom door is closed but I don't think anything of it, I listen for a moment trying to figure out where the rest of my family is. I don't hear one of Victoria's usual loud annoying phone calls. She must be out with friends. I think my parents were planning on running together today. I listen out for there voices and hear them laughing and talking in there bedroom, getting ready to go for their run.
I shake my head and open my door, wanting nothing more than to get back out there to Maddox...and find Scar. Looking up I grab my phone off my desk and shove it in my pocket. The next second I look and and almost fall off my feet I'm so scared.
Found her
"Scar? What are you doing?" I ask, breathless, seeing her again
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The Immortal Spear
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Crafter's Passion (AKA Gleaners' Guild)
2038, California. Stan is doing his mandatory "volunteer" service years on a collective farm when he encounters Thousand Tales, a game that offers immortality to the super-rich. He can't afford to have his brain uploaded like those elite customers, but maybe he can turn a profit out of the game instead of just playing it. Not as a legendary swordsman or a brilliant wizard, but as a dealer in the junk no one else seems to want. If he plays his cards right, he can draw the attention of both the farm's supervisor and the game's ruling, meddling AI. Should he, though? LitRPG. Part of the world of "Thousand Tales", a novel series on Amazon, though no knowledge of it is expected. This story is around 12K words long. I'd appreciate feedback to help write a much longer version! Updates every few days. Cover art from game-icons.net, by Lorc, CC-BY. Update! This story was originally called "Gleaners' Guild". It came out on Amazon under the name "Crafter's Passion" and has many reviews there, thanks in part to the support of RR readers like you. Thanks! It even has a sequel, "Crafter's Heart".
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The Dreamside Road
Five years after the world fell into chaos, a treasure of artifacts is up for grabs. The relics of the Dreamside Road offer a power that could help rebuild or annihilate what remains. Orson Gregory is an adventurer for hire, but hunts this treasure for answers, not glory. Enoa Cloud’s late aunt helped hide the Dreamside Road, but following in her aunt’s supernatural tradition offers her as much peril as power. Together, Orson and Enoa battle a magic-obsessed militia, clash with a host of rivals, and face constant adventure on their journey to find the Dreamside Road. *Updates Monday and Friday The Dreamside Road is now on TopWebFiction! Vote so people know this exists. _____________________________________ NOTE: The Progression tag applies specifically to Enoa. Also, fair warning, that element doesn't enter the story until she begins her studies. Content: Main characters range in age from teenagers to people in their thirties and older, but it will not contain gratuitous violence or explicit sexual content. It also won’t shy away from implication, anything to make this story and its world feel more real. Characters will freely allude to potentially triggering topics, including living with a disability, facing terminal illness, coping with trauma, surviving societal destabilization, and the consequences of bigotry. At its most intense, the Dreamside Road is a hard PG-13. Worldbuilding: This is not a story with a lot of early exposition scenes, conveniently explaining ‘magic systems’ and political dynamics. Readers will learn, progressively, as the characters do. This story/world has a ‘magic system’, or rather, a set of systems, but the effort to quantify and understand the truth of the setting plays a role in the backstory, as well as in some character motivations. In that same vein, not every character has a firm grasp on the nature of their world, and not every piece of dialog from every character should be taken as entirely truthful Worldbuilding. Also, this isn't the softest Sci-fi. There are at least some basic explanations given for various elements, but Royal Road does not give me a spectrum to choose from. Given the choice between hard and soft, let's just say The Dreamside Road won't be cited in any college Physics papers. Setting and Theme: The Dreamside Road walks the line between fantasy and science fiction and deals with finding one’s place in a changing world. Many of the characters in this story are United States natives and the story begins in the United States, my homeland. However, knowledge or interest in this country is not necessary to understand the story, especially as it progresses. Also, as this is a novel that deals with societal collapse and while that damage may be widespread, in story, I don’t want to overstep and critique the culture of others’ unless I have particular knowledge in a given area. Ultimately, the Dreamside Road is American in the same way Harry Potter is English, fantasies that do not have a full secondary world, but with enough original elements to fully diverge the setting from our the real world.
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Re-Ordaining of the Chosen
Alea cheerfully hummed as she descended the steps, brimming in upbeat while her colleague, Quarren Leos, shot her a look of skepticism. “So… were you right about him?” he asked doubtfully. She came to a stop for a moment, her humming falling silent before she shook her head, waving her medium length light-blonde hair from side to side. “I was wrong about him.” Quarren raised an eyebrow in confusion at the convoluted response.“But you seem quite happy?” he asked again. “Because I am. But I was wrong about him. He was… so much more than I ever expected.” Alea looked at the sky overhead with a smile. “That boy… no, that man, is amazing. I firmly believe he will come to stand on top of any adversary he faces. He is destined. He is Chosen.” Quarren snorted as he stepped past, shaking his head. “Okay. Each to their own beliefs but you’re sounding like a nutjob. That skinny twig? Everyone calls him a cripple, you know,” he shook his head.“Rumours are always false, Leos,” Alea answered with a disapproving shake of her head. “You wouldn’t know. He is so, so much more.” “I saw him with my own two eyes. I didn’t see anything redeeming,” Quarren rebutted. “Well…” Alea chuckled. “You haven’t seen what I’ve seen.” In the year 917 of the Imperial Calendar, the Great War had just ended between dozens of nations. Farrien welcomed home millions of troops and warriors with the Archdukes of Aerianne and Kanaria leading them at the forefront. Since the founding of Farrien, the Aerianne and Kanarian Archduchies have been pillars upholding the Kingdom from enemies. It was common belief that they possessed special blood blessed by the Goddess Stecia, who gifted the lineage to the first King of Farrien when he first founded the country. All were ecstatic when the current generation of the two Archduchy's, after the war, agreed to let their children wed. The excitement was short-lived however when the Aerianne Princess proved to be a dragoness among men but the Kanarian Prince was worse than even mediocre. The Prince disappeared and the wedding was shortly forgotten as society lived on. Until one day the Young Heir of Kanaria returned to Farrien a changed man, bringing demise with him. Follow the story of the Chosen ordained by the Goddess of Time as he returns to the past to right his wrongs and set things back straight again! Many thanks to xSTAYc for the cover design and various co-creative elements in the conscription phase! :p
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But I never wanted to be involved
My friend loves light novels, games, anime. All I wanted was for some peace and quiet. But he just had to drag me along didn't he. For once, the idiot was summoned as the hero, here's the problem he pulled me. Then I ended up in the same world just no clue where the idiot friend of mine is gone to.
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ʜɪꜱ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ ~ᴍɪᴅᴀꜱ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ~
The island Y/N calls home is being taken over. Everyday citizens are taken as hostages, points of interest are being destroyed, and it's all because of Shadow. A faction known for destruction. Although Y/N hasn't been a hostage for long, she's immediately given a role as an assassin. Her first day on the job and her target is Midas, the leader of Ghost, a faction of spies of which are against Shadow. Y/N finds herself befriending the agents of Ghost after her first mission plays out wrong. But, mysteries lie within the leader, and she will learn them...or at least she thinks she will.
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